But a special Sieg Heil goes out to the P-burg area family upset at ShopRite for refusing to inscribe their three year-old's name on his birthday cake.
The name? Adolf Hitler. He used his ovens to bake Jews, not birthday cakes.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
It's difficult to write a comment and keep it civil when you are filled with so many disparaging feelings. It is also difficult for me to hate someone, as I try to practice christian virtues and find some good in everyone. Be that as it may, Without a blink of my eye I can name two people I truly hate. They would be Osama Bin Laden and Adolph Hitler. Their track record of killing, torture, and total sociopathic behavior leaves no room for me to find any redemption. How two parents can stigmatize their child for life with such a degenerate name is beyond me. That child will suffer becuase of it for the rest of his life. I say kudos to Shoprite for refusing to print it. And I say shame on Wegmans for agreeing to perform the dirty deed. Personally, I would rather lose my job then be forced to embellish a birthday cake with a name associated with so much suffering.
I just wish, especially at this holy season of the year, people would make a concerted effort to do the right thing....and the civil liberties union be damned.
And, even removing religion from the picture, I would hope that all non-believers would still possess human integrity and dignity that would help place them on the path of human rights and reverence for all people.
The Express story revealed that mom and dad are unable to work and are collecting SS disability.
The Nazis would've confiscated the kid and shot the non-contributing parents for being a drag on the Motherland.
It's the same with kids wearing Che Guevara shirts as in-your-face fashion. The urge to be different in order to be noticed often trumps thoughtful, historical consideration of murderous symbols.
Shoprite has rights too. Good for them for exercising those rights. Any racists who are offended have my permission to shop elsewhere.
Words fail me at times like these. Where to start? How can this happen today in a supposed age of enlightenment? Hatred never gives up andit serves to prove that evil still exists and is on the loose. God have mercy on these children and their misguided parents.
" Anonymous said...
The Express story revealed that mom and dad are unable to work and are collecting SS disability." I think they are unable to do anything.
Food for thought as Barack's youth brigades chant and goose-step into the future. Personality cults are chilling.
Really? You just compared our current president-elect with the one of the most horrific men of the 20th century? (Stalin was still worse by a long shot.)
I've seen ignorance here before, but come on now.
Timothy, Nobody compared Obama to anyone. Someone pointed out that some of Obama's supporters are fanatics, and that's actually true.
There is a healthy discussion going over at the Express-Times Blog http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/ today/index.ssf/2008/12/
holland_township_family_angry.html There up to 127 postings!
Then refer to them as the democrat's foot brigade. They just as blindly followed Sam Bennett as they did Obama. There was ignorance behind that comment.
This is pathetic. Obviously the man and woman who named the kids are psychologically damamged, nuts. Sadly there are no requirements to be a parent. I won't blow off the bigoted Racist remarks of annon 1:24 and O'Hare.
That was a dirsect slam at those who supported Obama. This notion of 'Personality Cult' and mindless followers similar to(insert your own evil dictator or idiot) is the result of the subtle hate speak coming from the Kings of Hate at Fox.
You know O'Hare there is one person who WAEB threw off the air for his anti-Semetic and bigoted remarks, you think the guy is a great leader, Angle. Bullshit, he is a racist bigot like yourself.
You follow your boy Stoffa around like a mindless fanatic. That is a guy who will be remembered as the worst Executive, with the worst Cabinet in the history of the County.
Heal thyself, O'Hare. Do you need love so bad that you have let your blog become just another right-wing smear machine.
My half black grandson will be astonished to learn that I'm a racist. Who's have thunk it?!
The truth is that you are one sick idiot. You take every post, no matter what it is about, and try to turn it into a slam against Stoffa or Angle or both. In the process, you make all criticism of Stoffa look ridiculous, just like you.
As far as Ron's anti-Semitic and racist slurs are concerned, there was simply no excuse for what happened, and I said so at the time. I made that very clear to Ron, as did a very large number of other people.
But he is no bigot or anti-Semite. I've known him long enough to know those charges are untrue.
Ja, ja, aber wir brauchen grosse Ofen, immer mit dem kleinen Ofen....acck
tschuss und guten abend
schließen Sie Ihren Mund
Machen Sie mich!
there is no german word for joke
Yay German troll! Even more annoying than you're English versions!
"Than you are English versions"
nothing more need be said
I'm anon 1:24 and I stand by my remarks. Those who know me would laugh lustily at the suggestion that I bear any bias against any my sisters and brothers.
I've seen goose-stepping and anthem writing and building re-naming for a person who's yet to take office. The fanaticism is eerily familiar and just as frightening.
Anon 1:24, I am a Dem. I voted for Obama. I agree with you. Some Obamaphiles are fanatics.
there is no german word for joke
Dann was bedeutet Witz? stmme Schleppangel! Ja, die Deutche wort for "Joke"! Ja das ist!
Don't show your bigotry for a race by calling the entire German race a political party!
I have no patience for bigoted pathetic idiots of any race, color or creed!
The above stated by an Armenian, ancestor of those who survived the first racial genocide!
In Deutschland, ve have vays to make you laugh. Ve have more humor than the entire world! Ve have even measured the efficiency of humor.
How many electricians does it take to change a light bulb? One.
Herr O'Hare
Touche, Bernie, touche. Cell Phones have destroyed my grammar.
Here's another great german joke.
A man walks into a bar. He is an alcoholic whose drinking problem is destroying his family.
NLVLogic said "The above stated by an Armenian, ancestor of those who survived the first racial genocide" "". Jews, 7 million. Armenians, at least 11 million. But if you ask the Campbell family, this never happened. I just feel sorry for their kids, I really do.
Once again O'Hare cites his pretend grandson. As predicted, ignores the bigotry and defends the bigots. Angle just says bigoted things but he is no bigot. Hitler was just a misunderstood artist, its true if O'Hare says it is.
O'Hare the great judge of character.
There I go, with a post decrying anti-Semitism and countering the suggestion I am bigoted with nasty little facts while you spew your hate as effectively as Adolf.
"Once again O'Hare cites his pretend grandson. As predicted, ignores the bigotry and defends the bigots. Angle just says bigoted things but he is no bigot. Hitler was just a misunderstood artist, its true if O'Hare says it is.
O'Hare the great judge of character."
dude, stop mixing your meds.
ancestor of those who survived the first racial genocide!
fumbled that one, should say. . . whose ancestors survived ...
I'm not that old
Jews, 7 million. Armenians, at least 11 million. But if you ask the Campbell family, this never happened. I just feel sorry for their kids, I really do.
Good point!
PS. I think the Armenian numbers are a bit high, at least according to the ANS I didn't think we had 11 million of us, but what do I know!
Perhaps I overstated the number as well, But it still was a huge number, more than the Jews in WWII, plus all the others who died just from starvation and exposure. It could happen again, especially when some claim it did not happen in the first place. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
They could have named the kids after Ron "Hitler" Angle. Which is worse?
What's worse is an anonymous personal attack by some hack, trying to equate an effective local official with a monster.
We do know that Angle is anti-semetic.
No, "we" don't know that at all. What "we" do know is that Angle made some insensitive remarks on a talk radio show, where it is very EZ to say something incredibly stupid. I know as a former radio talk show host.
What "we" also know is that Angle compounded his error by refusing to apologize immediately for his insensitive remarks. What "we" also know is that Angle paid a very high price for that transgression, being publicly humiliated in Courtroom 1, asked to resign and stripped of his committee memberships.
I happen to know Angle. I happen to know he is neither anti-Semitic nor racist. He's a gruff guy who occasionally talks out his ass, that's all. I talk out my ass, too. I'm sure you do, too. I have been around him in all kinds of settings with all kinds of people. He does have a bias and it's against phonies who try to pretend they are enlightened when they are in reality far more bigoted than he could ever be.
In the very first comment, an anon talks about practicing "christian virtues." Is he anti-Semitic? Why not? When Angle says something like that, and he does, the eyes roll from the very people who say the same thing themselves.
So let's knock off the crap. You want to slam him for his insensitive remarks? Fine. Though it's ancient history, he deserves it. Calling him an anti-Semite is ridiculous and comparing him to Hitler is outrageous.
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