"Because AVS will be unable to proceed through federal certification in a timely fashion, enabling the machines to be ready for the Primary Election in April 2008, the Commonwealth must decertify the use of the AVS electronic voting system in Pennsylvania."
Among the problems - a possible bait and switch. At a February 13 meeting of the citizens' task force, voting rights activist Dr. Alan Brau repeated warnings first made at BlackBox voting. Instead of shipping the hardware that was actually certified, AVS is accused of substituting a cheaper internal hardware system, manufactured in China. AVS has denied this, but refuses to allow further testing, even for its updated software.
This decision gives three Pennsylvania counties about three months to find an implement a replacement in time for the federal presidential and congressional elections. Unlike last November's municipal elections, Northampton County will be unable to use Ol' Faithful, the county's 267 lever voting machines.
Northampton County has set aside $2 million from its recently adopted budget to purchase new voting machines. According to Lackawanna County officials, it makes little sense to spend $700,000 to lease voting machines and have nothing to show for it. On January 15, all three counties will examine different systems.