First, she's a veteran. Most people, even those who run for council and get elected, have no idea what county government does. There's a two-year learning curve for most people who serve in this part-time position. With Ron Heckman stepping down, her knowledge and experience is very beneficial, not just to newer members, but to the public she serves.
Second, she's bipartisan. When Peg Ferraro served on Northampton County Council, she liked to say she was a Republican until the election was over. After that, she did what she thought was in the best interests of the people she served, even if that meant ruffling a few feathers here and there. Vargo Heffner has embraced this thinking. As President of County Council, she named Republicans to chair different committees and even voted to elect Republican John Goffredo as Vice President. We could use more, not less, of that attitude.
Third, she's independent. She's unwilling to be pressured into voting a certain way, whether it is for a voluntary employee health center or a new county building. While I disagree with her position on these matters, I think it's very important to have Council members who can think for themselves.
Fourth, she stands up for the working class. Over the Executive's objection, she insisted on a pay study for county employees that reveals most of them are stuck for years in the middle of their pay scales. She supported a responsible contractor ordinance that ensures people working in trades are paid what they are worth and are safe.
Fifth, she has weathered a barrage of personal and mean-spirited attacks during her seven years in office, most of which are based on her simple refusal to rubber stamp what the Exec wants. In fact, I half-expected her to simply bow out because it has had to have taken a personal toll. At all levels of government, Executive overreach has been a problem. She has made sure that the legislative branch has remained a separate and co-equal branch of government.
Is she flawed? Yes. There are times when she can get petty or make snide remarks and can be obstructionist at times. But we need people like her in office now more than ever.
From Lori Vargo Heffner's Campaign, Northampton County, PA (February 12, 2025): Northampton County Council President Lori Vargo Heffner will seek re-election to Northampton County Council as an At-Large member.
“I’m announcing that I will be seeking a third term to continue my service to all residents and fight for Northampton County’s working families,” said Vargo Heffner. “In addition to 7 years of no tax increases, including one tax cut, I have worked to ensure that core county services are available and accessible to all residents.”
“During my tenure I have worked across party lines to maintain quality core services, complete the P3 bridge project, and enhance good governance practices. I have led efforts to create an independent pay study for our workforce and an independent study of operations at Gracedale. I have worked with judicial services to support their service delivery needs and identify ways to collaborate on the statewide mental health population crisis in our prisons. I believe the essence of good government is to be an independent voice and work to ensure a high quality of life for all residents.”
“I have proven my experience, commitment and integrity during my seven years on Northampton County Council, and I would be honored to continue working to improve the quality of life of all of our residents,” adds Vargo Heffner.
As a member of County Council Vargo Heffner has served in a variety of leadership positions, including her current role as President, a position she has held for four years. Vargo Heffner also served two years as Vice President and Chair of the Human Services, Finance, Governance, and Election Integrity committees. She serves as the Northampton County Council liaison to the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation and Discover Lehigh Valley. She also serves on the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP) Board as the Region 6 Representative, a position she has held for 3 years, as well as a member of CCAP’s Human Services and Court and Corrections committees. In addition, she currently serves as the President of the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women.
Her accomplishments on County Council include the creation of term limits for all elected county officials, a Responsible Contracting Ordinance which ensured that County residents earn a living wage for work done in Northampton County, distribution of ARPA funds to small businesses during the COVID pandemic, and support for all farmland preservation and environmental resolutions.
A nearly 30-year resident of Northampton County, and 23-year resident of Lower Saucon Township, Vargo Heffner is a psychotherapist employed by St. Luke’s University Health Network. She earned a Bachelors degree Psychology from Moravian College, Masters degree in Counseling from Kutztown University and Masters degree in Adult and Organizational Development from Temple University. She serves on the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation and Discover Lehigh Valley Boards and is a member of Assumption BVM Catholic Church where she serves as a lector and on the Liturgy Board.
Blogger's Note: Democrats Nadeem Qayyum (husband of Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana, Jason Boulette (Wind Gap Borough) David Holland (a nurse practitioner) and Theresa Fedem (Hellertown Borough Council) have also announced that they are seeking the Democratic nomination. There may be more.