Where? The Kiva Building, Northampton Community College, 3835 Green Pond Road
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Time? 8 AM (Are they our of their minds?) to 12:30 PM.
Northampton County Executive John Stoffa really likes this workshop, which gives you the nuts and bolts on running for the municipal offices coming up next year. I understand he flunked ... twice, but got elected anyway. In fact, he broke just about every damn rule out there. He promised a tax increase, planted a few signs here and there and went to the movies on primary night. Some say he sold his soul to the Devil, but Ron Angle denies it.
What do ordinary mortals learn?
✓ How to Start, organize, and manage a campaign
✓ How to Do the legal paperwork,
✓ How to Work with a committee
✓ How to Work with the press
✓ What techniques have worked successfully for others
✓ A whole lot more.
You'll get tagged $45. But you get a workbook to take home as well as their 2011 Calendar Girls. I've got Miss April above, who is posing with some of Ron Angle' sheep. When she was asked whether Angle hit on her, she replied, "Naaaaaaaaaa."
You can get additional, and more factual, information and and an application form at the League website. Or you can call Ken Mohr at 610-282-1921.
No, you actually hit it on the head. John Stoffa sold his soul to Ron Angle and Angle got him elected.
I mean when both newspapers are in the bag for you. No one prints your record as a manager and you promise everything to the County unions, was John Stoffa really that unique.
Sorry Bernie, you and the revisionists love to spin the "honest Abe", fairytale but insiders are well aware of the Stoffa success formula.
hear they are having a session on how to avoid fat, alcoholic, disbarred, scum sucking on the take bloggers
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