The bastard has already skunked me. While I was distracted by this beautiful sight at City Hall, Nerl was telling you that Bethlehem's ZHB has granted a controversial expansion at Elias Farmers Market.
Show off.
Although newspapers are a little worried by Patch, this experiment might actually be good for them. After all, Patch creates interest in their product - the news. How can that do anything but help?
the mc and et should be worried patch is providing more and better local coverage
I agree, with the 6:48 AM comment. Bethlehem has needed it's own news outlet for a very long time. While The Bethlehem Press is very good it is not a daily paper.
Boy this is a great job for Daryl.
Best Wishes to Him. He was a hard worker and loyal employee for the Call and they treated him badly.
Internet publishing is the future of newsgathering and now Daryl will be in the lead. Good for him.
Patch will catch on.
Folks will start their day after of course reading LVR and immediately go to Patch. When we think of the Call, we remember the new owner coming to town and using four-letter words in his staff discussions. A tell-tale sign, indeed.
AOL now includes local edition Patch on people's home pages.
Finally a worthy online news outlet with "trained/educated" journalists writing. (No offense to Bernie!!, lawyers are simply not journalists.)Daryl was always and is a fair and balanced reporter that knows the local beat. Congrats Daryl. Looking forward to the Patch site and making it my homepage instead of the MC.
No offense taken. Daryl, Tom Coombe and Randy Kraft are all excellent, and have an opportunity to do what they love and enrich the rest of us. They also have a bit more freedom. I love what I see.
Any news on Easton? There's little local coverage there either. Before the MC went boobs up on local coverage, they were regularly scooping the ET on Easton stories. Now the ET has lessened what little coverage it used to provide. Their motto should be "All The News That Somebody Else Tells Us About."
Bring Patch to Easton!
No one comes to this blog for News. Propaganda for O'Hare mancrushes yes, unbiased fact derived News, no.
Anon 6:02 PM, there already is a patch in Easton. You can be forgiven for not knowing about it though. So far, it's pretty lame. ET remains the best local news source so far...
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