The new span is a pedestrian and light vehicle bridge. Plans are to turn the bridge over to the City of Allentown. It will be open to pedestrians and will be available under the City’s control for use by their parks maintenance vehicles.
The type and design of the new bridge, weathering steel truss with wood deck was chosen for its compatibility with a park setting, its low maintenance characteristics, and its cost effectiveness. The entire project came in at $280,000.
WHO: Don Cunningham, Lehigh County Executive, Lehigh County and City of Allentown Officials
WHAT: Kline’s Bridge Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
WHEN: Thursday, September 4, at 2:00 pm
WHERE: Kline’s Bridge, Lehigh Parkway, Allentown, Pennsylvania
i grew up in the WW2 housing development which sits atop the south side of the park. the fact that people can no longer drive through the park, from 15th st. to 24th, diminishes the park and essentially creates two parks, one of each side of the bridge. this is the second park in which the elderly have lost the privilege of a traditional pleasant allentown drive, trexler park being the other. today, it was announced donnie cunningham hasn't even got the price right yet for the linden street bridge. he's truly a rendell trained faker!
lehigh valley ramblings
please explain to us dunces.
what is light vehicle as it pertains to the kline's bridge reopening.
You're asking a fellow dunce. A "light vehicle" is a car.
Press Release Second Paragraph:
And just how does Allentown expect to control vehicular traffic over this new bridge? If it is slated to be open to park maintenance vehicles, how is city going to stop other vehicles from using it too? With an understaffed, overworked city police force, who is going to enforce this ridiculous rule? Good Luck!
Dear Bernie,
So you mean cars will be able to use the new bridge and exit at
24 St? If so, why is Mr. Molovinsky upset?
Anon 8:28, 8:37, 8:38,
I just called LC and have been informed that this bridge is not intended for cars. Golf carts can traverse the bridge, but not a car.
As far as whether cars will be able to traverse the bridge and defy rules, I think the new bridge might be too narrow for that. I don't know that for a fact, and will stop by this weekend to look for myself.
Bernie -
I was in the Parkway last week and saw the new bridge as it sat in the nearby parking lot. A small vehicle might be able to squeeze through it, but it would be a tight fit.
That said, I agree with MM's comments about the bridge being closed to vehicles and its effect on the park. The new bridge should have been able to accomodate vehicle traffic.
I realize that this would have raised the price, but why spend $280,000 on a pedestrian bridge when the old bridge was still safe and being used for pedestrian traffic? This was an unnecessary mistake.
While many runners and bicyclists (I use the park for both as well) might cite the decreased vehicle traffic and reduced speed of vehicles as a plus, the fact is that having the bridge closed to vehicles makes the Parkway less accessible to large segments of the public.
Dear Bernie,
This bridge reminds me of a size-16
lady buying a size-8 dress and no matter what...gosh darn certain... it's gonna be a fit! Mark my words ! Someone is gonna get stuck on that bridge.
I'm off to print the lottery tickets right now and set up a booth for Saturday. See Ya There.
Bernie - Went to look at bridge after all this exciting discussion. Easily a motorcycle and small (Smart) car could cross.
New Parkway bridge is waste of money
August 30, 2008
I read with interest the Aug. 23 article on the replacement of Kline's Bridge with a pedestrian bridge in Lehigh Parkway. As a resident who regularly walks in the park, my question is, why?
Built in 1904, the old bridge was a single-span steel bridge that crossed the Little Lehigh Creek. It was of Pratt through-truss design. It was historic and beautiful. While the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation deemed it unsafe for automobile traffic around 2000 or so, it continued to work well as a pedestrian bridge.
With all of the bridges that need to be repaired or replaced in Pennsylvania, why waste taxpayer funds, roughly $290,000, on this ugly ''modern'' pedestrian bridge?
Sharon Ward
Is this the bridge that people like to throw themselves off?
Another Cunningham boondoggle?
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