While most of us are caravaning over to Bethlehem for its over-commercialized and gaudy
Musikfest, something magical is happening here in Nazareth. I stumbled out of my apartment today to see Main Street decorated by Martin guitarists. Some of are playing, others singing. Walking up the street, I see Moravian sugar cake selling for a buck. Samples of wine from Franklin Hill are also being offered. The two little restaurants on Main Street have extra tables in the street, and customers can eat good, inexpensive food while listening to the music.
Chairs are kept reserved for musicians to just sit down in impromptu sessions. No schedule. No tickets. Totally cool.
The celebration, which honors
Martin Guitar's 175th anniversary, continues until 9 PM.
OK, so I have one hour to get there for Moravian Sugar Cake. God, I miss that stuff. Groman's used to make the best until they closed down. Come to think of it, I miss everything about Groman's. Sniffle.
Go right to the Moravian church in the circle and voila! I'm stepping out and will save you a piece.
Schubert's Bakery in Nazareth sells it every day. Groman's made a mean bear claw.
Dood old German food. Here , here. If you ain't Dutch, you aint much. Bethlem, bath and Nazarath..don;t forget your pakagazz!
It was a very cool event. Big turnout.
This was one of the nicest little festivals I've ever attended. Obviously, the emphasis was on Martin guitars, but a few other instruments began sneaking their way in throughout the day. I loved the Elvis impersonator.
Kate's on Main Street and the new Bistro both had some great food at reasonable prices, and there was also BBQ ribs, pulled pork, hot dogs, ice cream and, of course, MORAVIAN SUGAR CAKE. Nazareth's PIE SHOP was selling some of its fabulous cuisine as well.
There were $18,000 guitars on display, and people were allowed to strum on them and get to see for themselves how a really good guitar feels. At the end of the celebration, a guitar was given away.
By 10 PM, the streetcleaners were busily sweeping the streets. By this morning, there was little evidence that a festival had occurred.
I've never been to musicfest. In large part they never have any big acts I care for.
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