I finally got to meet Lehigh Valley Independent's Jonathan Geeting yesterday. Believe it or not, we got along great in person. He's so young!
Geeting and I were Alan Jennings' guests on WDIY (FM 88.1)'s "Lehigh Valley Discourse" to discuss bottom-feeding bloggers. We were joined by State Rep. Joe Brennan, who has actually grown another three feet since the last time I saw him, and that was just a few weeks ago.
Both Jennings and the station manager (a very nice retired English physicist with a beard and everything) looked a little upset. Unbeknown to me, they had been peppered by emails and phone calls complaining about me. I apparently caused more controversy than anyone who had ever darkened their doorway, without even knowing it. The station actually lost an underwriter, simply for having me as a guest.
"Could have been worse, Bern, it could have been two," quipped Joe Brennan.
Jennings and I have different views on many issues. Once, I even portrayed him in a pimp outfit, a point he mentioned a few times. But he refused to be pressured. The same goes for WDIY, even though I had just called this struggling public radio station a foo foo haven.
Now I'm going to have to buy a beret. Or a monocle.
All this happened before the show even started. Who knows how many underwriters have jumped ship now that the show has aired.
You haven't made it until someone bails because your POV hurts their feelings. Good for you, Kick'em again tomorrow.
BTW, tell Joe Brennan I live in Trexlertown, not Emmaus. We don't have much in Sidewalks either!
Since you are a defender of the famed anti-semite Ron Angle, many are unhappy with your appearance.
Trust me Bernie, no offense, but nobody heard this show.
Scott Armstrong
Well, I heard bits & pieces...
Their audience might have tripled last night if the people who post here listened!
You know what, that sponsor has bloviated impression of his/her personal importance.
Someone far smarter than we will figure out who the sponsor is.
What time is the show on?
You did not make that sponsor leave.
That was a very stupid move on his part. No one business is that important.
"The station actually lost an underwriter, simply for having me as a guest."
If someone left in this economy simply because you were a guest, then the average IQ of WDIY just dramatically increased. Im sure the station will have 200 resumes from more qualified people.
"What time is the show on?"
It's over now. it was on last night.
Permission to post from the other day.
I question the quality of the caregivers and am working up an essay on the dark side of these group homes.
10:05 AM
You are correct about this home. Don't care how long they've been in business--40 years or 40 days. Their agency name is misleading and personnel using the term "milk and cookies" is hardly professional.
9:26 -
An underwriter is not an employee, in this context.
I listened to the program and I'm wondering why you are supporting Corbett; especially in light of his recent comments about unemployed Americans (his constituents included) being lazy, and that the jobs are out there. Every one of us, I'm sure you, as well, knows at least one person who has been unemployed for quite a while. The people that I know are diligent in their job search, not lazy; and some are parents trying to keep their households from crumbling amidst the debt and creditors' calls. Corbett displayed his insensitive and impulsive side, shooting comments from the hip. Obviously he believes what he said, or he would have retracted his comments. Certainly doesn't speak well for his integrity.
Mary Ellen,
Thanks for the comment. I certainly don't think Corbett did himself any favors with that insensitive remark about the unemployed, and I agree with you rdismay at his insensitivity.
But I won't be judging him on the basis of one remark. He is the first AG to actually do something about the dirty and deceptive campaign practices of Tom Severson, something that Morganelli winked at for years.
He is also the first AG to really try to address all the courruption that runs rampant in the land of midnight payraises.
Onorato plaes by comparison, and based on what Morganelli reports, I do not consider the Dem nominee a man of his word.
Corbett's inarticulate reference was to the 99-week (and soon to be longer) period for collecting unemployment benefits. That's when the safety net has become a hammock.
Historically, when the tough decision has been made to no longer extend the benefits, the unemployment rate magically, dramatically improves. Extended unemployment benefits also spur a large black market for labor. Many work under the table and collect at the same time. It's illegal, but ignored like speed limits by most.
Regarding WDIY, it's not free speech they must worry about. It's the paid kind, i.e. the underwritten kind, that can be most difficult to protect in our capitalistic system. And that's as it should be.
Wear your notoriety like a "Banned in Boston," badge. It'll likely make you and the offending program more cool to those several loyal listeners.
In the French elections in 2007 the Socialist candidate Segolene Royal made the statement ( in French) that she couldn’t believe French citizens would ever take advantage of France’s welfare state. Even her supporters thought this statement made her appear hopelessly naïve. She lost credibility. Conversely; Tom Corbett was just stating the obvious truth. How refreshing from a politician.
Scott Armstrong
corbett's use of his AG office table as a campaign station at a county fair recently voids his corruption attacking reputation. he's been using the office of the AG for the past 6 months to run for gov. that's a shame. he should resign if he cared one bit about good gov't. but he won't.
Anon 7:53, That's a very valid point. I can't say my mind is completely made up in either the Guv' or Senate race yet.
Scott, It may be refreshing to you, but it's also a slap across the face of many voters. It's pretty naive to call the unemplyed "lazy" when there's only one job for every five unemployed people. I think if Corbett had to do it over, he would not have made that statement.
I do like what he's done in this County concerning deceptive campaign practices and believe Bousgate was long overdue.
Is it a slap in the face to speak the truth that a percentage of the population will exploit the best of intentions of any government program?
Would Corbett wish he had never spoken so plainly while running for public office? Of course, it is much safer to simply flatter the populous. That is what we have come to expect from our politicians. Is that a trait we should admire/support or endorse with our vote?
Scott Armstrong
So Scott, folks should have listened to Pres. Carter's facts about life, taxes and energy. As opposed to Reagan's fairytale of, "It's Morning in America". by deregulating everything, encouraging massive spending while simultaneously cutting taxes. The current economic meltdown had its birth pangs in Reagan's' "Pee down your leg" economics.
I agree with you Scott, we should only elect politicians who tell us the truth no matter how adult the truth is.
The Bishop
Carter spoke the truth about the miserable existence Americans could expect to continue under his governance, and wondered why everybody was in a malaise.
The current meltdown traces squarely to those who stimulated the housing market to accommodate those who could no sooner pay a mortgage than fly to the moon.
If you build it they will come. We've built a 99-plus-week Goliath that disincentivizes work for the lazy and, for the criminally industrious, spurs a large black market for labor in lieu of real, documented employment.
Long before 99 weeks without work, one should realize their world has turned and it's time to pull in their horns and lower standards. It may be time to sell the house, rent an apartment, take a pedestrian job like title searching. Then, vent your frustration through blogging or some other activity.
Most Americans aren't heartless. But no able-bodied person is owed two years of government assistance - let alone that we haven't the money to pay for it.
Corbett speaks the truth. Most unemployed, as long as they are collecting benefits, are LAZY!! Knowing and being involved with unemployed people will confirm this. While they would LIKE a nice paying so called good job, until they find one, they will do NOTHING!! Most find that the Government benefit pays better than working at Giant, Walmart, a restaurant, warehouse etc... I personally know many of these people and thats what they always say. When the benefit runs out, then they scramble and guess what... they do in fact find a decent job!! +1 for Scott Armstrong's observations here.
Not so long ago didn’t NPR and the other major networks treat us to all kinds of stories on how wonderful people found it to be unemployed? Of course they did. According to the liberal media those who were unemployed were reconnecting with family, taking trips, fixing up the house… They were in no apparent hurry to re-enter the work force, why should they was the point of the stories. The government could take care of them with unemployment benefits, sure they had to get by with less but the financial sacrifice was more than compensated by the increased quality of life.
Now we are to be aghast that a conservative candidate for governor would label those who exploit the largesse of the taxpayers as “lazy”?
Scott Armstrong
I will never vote for Courbet. By the way, when do I get my new kitchen?
Allentown Democrat Voter
Bernie sorry I missed the show but knowing you I am sure it was entertaining and informative. I do agree with you with the facts of Corbett using the AG office to rid the state's political scene of some of the graft and dirty deeds that have been going on for far too long.
And true Corbett stuck his foot in his mouth with some of his comments about unemployment but it has a slight ring of the truth,Having talked to several folks on unemployment,they are making more money from their unemployment than if they were to go back to work and at least they were being honest with me. And as far as WDIY loosing an underwriter,they should have hired me as their Development Director and they would be in better shape.
Note to you,I am sorry I missed you and Alan Jennings and you do need to go out and get that beret.The equal opportunity offender with the Black beret I can see you now!
Ah the famous Ms. Weiss. who are you today?
Let me tell you a little about the famous Ms. Weiss. She made sure that two very poor Vietnamese girls had the funds to continue their education. She helped lots of people in her time, perhaps bc she came up hard herself. She's a good woman who has made mistakes, but has also done many good works. I know I have sinned as much or more than her, but have done nowhere near the amount of good she has done for people in need.
She also signs her name to what she posts here, which is incredible brave. You, on the other hand, are an anonymous coward.
Does it make you feel big and manly to kick around a petite woman? And like a true coward, you can't even sign your names to your attacks against this defenseless woman.
Crawl back under your rock.
How did she lose her job again?
What a tough guy you are! Can't even identify yourself when disparaging a poor defenceless woman who struggles to keep a roof over her head. You are a coward.
Relatively new to the blogosphere, I made it a point to tune in for what turned out to be a candid exchange between Bernie, Jon, Joe and Alan. My interest was in learning more about the motivations and methods of folks like Bernie and Jon, who are adding new dimensions to both the flow of information and the dialogue that's so crucial to our democracy. I wasn't disappointed. In fact, it was great to hear the actual voices behind the words. At any rate, if you missed it, you may want to contact WDIY about the possibility of a re-broadcast. P.S. I accidentally posted the above on another topic. Part of the fun of being a neophyte.
"Morganelli reports, I do not consider the Dem nominee a man of his word"
the same morganelli who used severson? you're taking HIS word on Onorato's integrity?
irony much?
Thanks for your kind words. The check is in the mail.
He is the same dude who used Severson and who went after Angle, and I am cautious.
Regarding Corbett's remarks: Cato Institute recently cited an OEDC study that said it was well known that people on unemployment compensation turn down jobs (www.cato-at-liberty.org/2010/01/29/can-unemployment-benefits-create-jobs/). What the writer left out was the context. According to the study (www.oecd.org/els/employment/outlook), people often refuse lower skilled positions in order to use the time to find more suitable, longer-term placement. In an economy with a worker-job ratio of 5:1, the positions they turn down will be filled by more appropriate workers, which in both cases helps productivity. Certainly, some displaced workers can subside on unemployment comp, but the payments don't meet the needs of anyone with a higher standard of living (mortgage, cars, children in college).
Want to see some lazy bums of this type? Visit the CareerLink center in Allentown. If you stop by on the right day, you can talk to the hundreds of members of the Lehigh Valley Professionals support group about how their cheating the system. BTW, during the recession of the early 1980s, the CareerLink center was occupied by the Private Industry Council, a federal program that provided paid training and subsidized job placement. After the recession, PIC was eliminated. In the current political climate, it is highly unlikely anything of this scope would be proposed.
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