Yesterday, I hand-delivered this formal request under Pennsylvania's Right to Know Law, addressed to the City's lawyers:
Pursuant to Pennsylvania's Right-to-Know Law, I am requesting the following:
1) Police blotter for 2/4/07.
2) Bethlehem Incident Report 07006707, including copies of any and all pictures;
3) Cell Phone records of Mayor John Callahan on 2/4/07.
4) Cell Phone records of the Police Commissioner on 2/4/07.
5) All damage reports for the police cruiser involved in an accident with Dino Cantelmi on 2/4/07.
6) All claims made for damages by the City as a result of the Cantelmi accident on 2/4/07, including damages for injuries suffered by Police Officer Craig Kennedy.
If you are unable to comply with this request without redacting information like social security numbers or home addresses, feel free to do so. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Mayor Callahan has until next Wednesday to answer this request. If he refuses, my request is deemed denied. I can appeal that to the state's Office of Open Records (OOR), which then has thirty days to make a final determination.
In previous determinations, the OOR has ordered the production of Jim Thorpe police reports, redacted state police incident reports, as well as itemized cell phone records.
I expect Callahan to comply, but if he refuses, I'll simply go to the next level, where nobody is on Bethlehem's payroll.
How much is Charlie paying you for this story?
While I suspect this may not be the only dirt to shovel on Callahan, it has been very interesting to read the progression of this story the past day. If this pans out one must ask, are there pulitizers for bloggers??
To veer, if Dent and allies can make this election more a comparison of character than issues, it does help Dent. He will not have to defend too tightly the GOP since 2004, but can instead appeal more loosely to both the "moderate" Dem/Reps of his personal base, as well as to the more conservative GOP base and "tea party" elements, each in their respective venues. All the while keeping the focus on character issues.
I am a little surprised though (especially considering Hirko and Karoly) that the police would knowingly participate in something like this. That part of the story doesn't make sense and makes me suspicious that there is a part we don't know. Also, the fact that the "mainstream" press isn't reporting .... I guess we'll have to keep following LVR to find out.
You go girl. When you kick over the insider Bethlehem nest you will see the termites run.
There are more secrets in the Christmas City than some would ever imagine.
Don't even start on the Parking Authority Director accident a few years back.
More and more will come out. The Longdem legacy is going down the tubes. Hopefully Republicans County wide can take advantage of this in 10 and in next years elections.
The R's have great chances at some big elections in Lehigh and Northampton counties.
This is the tip of the corruption iceberg.
Wondering... why did this info fall into your hands? Did your informant try to give this tip to the two local papers anytime since this incident occurred?
again, bad stuff, but you haven't yet established anything other than a speculative link to callahan. until then, it's not really callahan's cover up is it
I agree with you. Did either of the papers receive this information but political powers or pressures kept them from printing? These guys have no problem pouring ink at supposed scandals elsewhere, but when it comes to a potentially large scandal involving the Mayor...they are silent.
In addition to damage reports,
don't you want "explanations" as to how injuries to both an officer and a cruiser occurred? Aren't those explanations at the core of possible city hall deception?
Is there a mayoral Republican candidate in the wings?
Corbett's office should be called.
Who was the police chief in 2007?
Maybe the "next level" is not on Callahan's payroll but it is under a D-Governor.
An outgoing D governor for whom no one will fall on their sword. Career people have to answer to the next (probably R) guy.
Today, we might expect the press to miss this, due simply to quantity and quality of editorial staff.
However, this happened at a time when both papers still had resources and had not yet gutted their newsrooms, so the political pressure angle is more than plausible.
A friend who worked with him relates that standing against this kind thing is why Frank Keegan was shown the door.
Bernie, you've done a hell of a job on this, great work.
Anon 625am you're right, the connection isn't established yet - but wouldn't you agree that these questions need to be answered to see if there is a connection?
The Banker
Ah, seems the blogger has gotten his orders from the Dent campaign.
If this is true, can the entire police department be brought up on charges?
Wayne, I first heard about this quite some time ago, maybe this time last year. It did not set right in the craws of some police officers. But I only got the documentation I needed on Tuesday.
Anon 6:25, I call it a Callahan cover up bc his police officers stonewlled me Tuesday and someone kept this away from the press three years ago, but there is no direct link. That's the reason for the right-to-know request. If he stonewalls on that, I think it's hard to run from the claim that he is linked.
Anonymous said...
An outgoing D governor for whom no one will fall on their sword. Career people have to answer to the next (probably R) guy.
8:32 AM
Hope so.
If this is true, and at this moment we don't know, how will the city police dept. be able to convict anyone of a crime? What defense attorney won't use this case to question the validity of an officer's accusations against his/her client? "How long have you been on the force, Officer XYZ? So, you were here in 2007 when a fellow officer was injured and an accident record kept hidden and you said nothing?"
It is absolutely pathetic that none of the local media are looking into this.
Ironically, the Morning Call is so in the tank for Callahan that they ran a series of pictures of him on their website looking all concerned at a press conference about the LAtin Kings gangs getting busted.
Because he's the "law and order" candidate don't you know?
I am a little surprised though (especially considering Hirko and Karoly) that the police would knowingly participate in something like this. That part of the story doesn't make sense and makes me suspicious that there is a part we don't know. Also, the fact that the "mainstream" press isn't reporting .... I guess we'll have to keep following LVR to find out.
2:02 AM
This comment is very good.
Woodward and Bernstein,
You have not established one fact that links the Mayor personally to the incident. Secondly, you have not established that a cover-up even occurred. That's why newspapers would never publish this crap. You asked for documents. If they prove your case, then print your story. Otherwise, your gross speculations are not worth anything. Do you thing your readers are stupid?
The local media chases a lot of stories and rumors but won't print without verification. They are responsible.
"The local media chases a lot of stories and rumors but won't print without verification."
Right, "stories and rumors"... a police incident report, a cop that was injured, the Mayor's brother-in-law, who's on the Parking Authority, misplaced damaged police cruiser...
Angle goes to court for a meaningless hearing in a T-shirt and the Morning Call writes almost 350 words about it (Dressed for Success, Ron Angle Back in Court, The Morning Call, June 18, 2010).
Believe me, it isnt 'verification' that buried this story.
Anonymous said...
The local media chases a lot of stories and rumors but won't print without verification. They are responsible.
2:25 PM
Please don't make us laugh.
"The local media chases a lot of stories and rumors but won't print without verification. They are responsible."
1. Guy goes the wrong way up a one way and,
2. Hits a police car, injuring the police officer inside and,
3. Rolls his vehicle.
Yeah, that would never make the police blotter of the local newspapers or the Channel 69 news. Those folks never look for pictures of crashes and stuff.
You're being dumb out loud.
The implication of this and your previous post are that a public official explicitly used his position to help a family member with an incident involving the police. I don't know if Callahan was involved in this or not, and it appears that you do not know at this point as well. Maybe he did and maybe not.
But ... not that it is correct, but you act like this is something that does not happen on a regular basis and that the police do not give their friends and family a pass on their own. How many people have FOP stickers on their car or a FOP card in their wallet? How many times do you think that off duty police officers get in trouble for their misconduct? how about the lawyers who work within the system? Or Judges for that matter?
Yes it does happen on a rare occasion, but, seriously, current and former law enforcement skirt the law all of the time.
While it is your right to pursue this, your motives seem suspect at best. If it was Charlie Dent on the other side of this, would you be willing to go to the mat on this issue? Sadly, I think we all know the answer to that is "No."
Anon 5:24,
A cop went to the hospital here, a police car was damaged, and the incident report was apparently buried away! That isnt like an officer letting his FOP buddy off for going 5.5 miles over the speed limit.
Call me naive, but I dont think this kind of stuff happens all the time. If it does, maybe it is time to change that. Public officials like Callahan shouldnt be allowed to 'skirt the law' because it 'happens on a regular basis.'
Thanks for telling me I have a right to pursue this. If you've visitd this blog before, you must know that I'm pretty big on transparent and accountable government, and that's the real reason for my interest. Also, I believe the public has a right to know when an officer is injured, instead of seeing the story swept under a rug.
5:24 has it right
how many readers know someone who got off with a warning?
the part that is hard to accept is the pretense that you are after the truth as opposed to what will suit your agenda-when you were trashing Sam Bennett didn't you suggest that you wouldn't be so harsh, as a Democrat after all, if the party was supporting sopmeone like Callahan? In case anyone bought that bridge back then it's time to check your warranty
On the topic of right to know. I stopped by the prison today and got the name of the attorney you used to try to sneak into the prison. I also have a copy of your blog where you layout the ethics violation very clearly.
I am sure the Bar Assosiation will be please to see the ethics violations that occured that day.
Thanks for the detailed report. I am sure you lawyer friend will be hearing from the Bar in due time.
I am sure you can advise him how to handle ethics violations.
"how many readers know someone who got off with a warning?"
I can say that I have never gotten off with a warning when I was driving after drinking, ran into a cop car while going the wrong way on a one way street at 1 AM and sending the cop to the hospital. Actually, i got a stiffer penalty for a few unpaid parking tickets.
"If you've visitd this blog before, you must know that I'm pretty big on transparent and accountable government, and that's the real reason for my interest."
You are big on transparent and accountable govt, but not on your actions or those of your friends.
Hypocracy at its finest.
Anon 5:49... Hahaha. Are the Callahan blogoons actually reverting to pathetic threats against O'Hare? Wow, there must be more to the Callahan cover-up than has been made public.
Cantelmi pled guilty to careless driving and driving the wrong way on a one-way street
=not a cover-up
-perhaps the case for dui wasn't there
also you say the female companion claimed the officer was traveling at a high speed-perhaps there were other reasons for not making a big thing about this accident
this intersection has a very short stretch upon which a car could drive wrong way on shimersville before meeting hellertown road. did this occur at a time when that intersection was undergoing change in prep for the widening of 412?
Anon 6:03, These seem to be great questions for a full investigation into the incident. If they are true, then the Mayor will have no problem providing all of the information Bernie has requested.
If the PD did cover it up like you say, then I suppose there will be some tough questions for the current Sheriff.
It never fails. When your poor attempts to defend Callahan get shot down, your not-so-veiled threats against O'Hare are laughed at, and your bogus attempts to divert the conversation are futile, then you revert to foul language.
You're doing a good job Bernie. Your journalistic questions are fair and appropriate. All Dino has to do is
host a press conference at noon at City Hall and provide authentic documentation for accident.
Anonymous said...
On the topic of right to know. I stopped by the prison today and got the name of the attorney you used to try to sneak into the prison. I also have a copy of your blog where you layout the ethics violation very clearly.
I am sure the Bar Assosiation will be please to see the ethics violations that occured that day.
Thanks for the detailed report. I am sure you lawyer friend will be hearing from the Bar in due time.
I am sure you can advise him how to handle ethics violations.
5:49 PM
Dear Annonymous,
In the world of Blogoshpere,
nothing and no one is really annonymous. All it takes is a talented computer wiz or a court order.
Who was the attorney?
Joe Kelly.
Joe Kelly took you into the prison under false pretenses? I find that incredibly hard to believe. Joe is an attorney of impeccable credentials and ethics.
Why would Joe Kelly even be at the prison? He is the full time city solicitor.
Also, does Callahan have a city cell phone? His private cell phone would be exempt from a Right To Know Request.
I apologize for some confusion here. I thought the question asked me to ID the Att'y to whom I handed the Right-to-Know request.
"does Callahan have a city cell phone?"
We'll find out.
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