I've changed my mind, thanks to an Express Times report. Towne has invited Poker Face, an Allentown-based rock band labeled xenophobic and anti-Semitic, to his July 30 "Freedom Concert," even though he agrees they tend to "go overboard."
D'you think??
Poker Face's lead singer, Paul Topete, happily tells an interviewer his band's music is used in "white Christian identity militia training videos." And he knows the source of all our troubles, too.
Satanic Jews.
"It is these satanic Jews, and the Rosicrucian Goyim henchmen that need to be erased from our planet. They are the cancer that is destroying humanity," Topete says in one of those "overboard" comments.
You might find this hard to believe, but the ADL doesn't much care for Poker Face, especially after Topete posted this "overboard" comment:
"Very interesting where facts about the White Brotherhood pop up. The elite of the elite satanists are the white brotherhood. Made up of Sabbatean Jews at the top and Rosicrucian goys at the bottom. Anywhere from a 60/40 split to a more realistic 80/20 split with the Sabbateans in the drivers seat."
Congressman Dent, in a news release, calls on John Callahan to "immediately join us in telling organizations interested in sponsoring debates that neither he nor I will agree to participate in any debate involving Jake Towne.”
Dent's also troubled by other Towne statements claiming America’s actions in foreign affairs precipitated the September 11th attacks and blog articles decrying America's imperialistic ambitions. One such post encourages readers to think about that viewpoint before saying they support the troops.
“Jake Towne is not a conservative and he is not in the mainstream of political beliefs either in our local communities or in American politics,” Dent stated. “I’m calling on John Callahan to put aside politics regarding Mr. Towne and do the decent thing – don’t give credence or a public platform to someone enmeshed in ideas of anger, violence, anarchy and bigotry,” concluded Congressman Dent.
Congressman Dent was joined by Lehigh County Republican Committee Chairman Wayne Woodman who said that “any group that offers a forum to Mr. Towne in light of his association with this group is offering legitimacy to Mr. Towne’s deplorable ideas. I applaud Congressman Dent’s decision not to share a stage with Mr. Towne.”
All this kinda' makes me wonder what really happened to Jake Towne when he fell off that bike in China two years ago. He went from having no interest in politics to suddenly leaving his job in Shanghai and returning here to run for Congress. What the hell happened in that Chinese hospital?
I think I'll rent The Manchurian Candidate.
Towne is completely insane.
Nice bullshit excuse by Dent. What a crock of crap. If this were the real issue, Dent could call him on it at a debate.
Lets not play the anti-Semite card or Angles name will have to be mentioned.
I'd rather see a debate with all the candidates. All things loathsome and vile can be brought out in the debate and campaign.
Doing it this way is troublesome. Do you really think Callahan will buy into it? And when he doesn't will it hurt him? I don't think so. Charlie has the most to lose in this IMHO.
Regardless on where you stand on Towne, if he has enough valid signatures he should be in the debate.
Wow. Dent is really scared. Grasping any shred to exclude his Tea Party constituents. Mark this moment.
BTW, Towne's views on "American imperialism" are exactly in line with other Republican favorites like Ron Paul.
To 11:45. Yeah, right a bullshit excuse.
Anti-semitism not a real issue? I guess not anti-semites.
"Wow. Dent is really scared. Grasping any shred to exclude his Tea Party constituents. Mark this moment."
It's idiots like Towne that give the Tea Party a bad name.
They should not give him a platform if they don't want to look ridiculous.
Earlier today, I would have argued Dent should include Towne, if he gets on the ballot. In fact, I did in a comment tio my previous blog. No more. What kills me is that Towne minimizes outrageous anti-Semiticism as "overboard" statements. No, they are more than "overboard." They are hateful, and when the matter is brought to Towne's attention, he still continues with this hate group.
This is not playing the anti-Semite card to anyone who has read some of that filth. This transcends the politics. This is not grasping "any shred." This is basic human decency.
Wayne, going down this road, we have to draw a line. If Hitler had enough votes to get on the ballot, would you encourage Dent to still debate him?
Here's what you need to know about Jake Towne -- he's a nut and an anti-semite.
See. No debate necessary.
So any Northampton County Council member that voted for Ron Angle to be President of County Council is an anti-semite?
OK, glad that is clear.
Dent supports enough death to make a Nazi blush. He supports unrestricted abortion, even the late term kind where the fetust is partially delivered, then stabbed in the base of the skull in order to have its brains sucked out. Charlie goes farther and supports grisly experimentation on the remains of the abortion industry's work product. Charlie's also big on war, war, war. He's supported steadily increased funding for both Bush boondoggles and loves the bombing of innocents, including children in the undeclared Pakistan drone war.
I've heard accusations about what somebody who knows somebody who's linked to somebody who might be associated with somebody who said Jake Towne said something.
But I've actually seen what Charlie Dent does with his position. He uses it to promote a progressive herd-thinning at every turn. Bernie, is your "offspring" out of harm's way yet? Has Charlie granted any special favors to avoid death in his wars? Was Charlie at the Whitehall funeral yesterday? Or did he celebrate the kid's death as the manifestation of the policy he so loves?
Towne's wacky. Dent's just plain evil.
glad you finally found a legitimate excuse.
not that you woulddn't have invented one...
"If Hitler had enough votes to get on the ballot, would you encourage Dent to still debate him?"
that's exactly what the first amendment is all about.
Dent is running scared. He now looks stupid saying Towne should not be in the debates because of his association with this band. He was already saying Towne should not be in the debates before this thing with the band came out. He just now found a reason to "justify" Towne not being in the debate.
Also, Anti-antisemitism is not the issue in the campaign. Towne is not anti-semitic.
Wow, straight to the Hitler analogy! Isn't there some rule that the 1st one to bring up Hitler loses?
Again, I say let it come out in the campaign along with the views on the war, etc. I truly believe that in the long run the anti-war, xenophobic rock, youth vote (and some older folk too) is just as much, if not more, of a draw from Democratic voters than Dents IMHO.
And it's a band, not a racist preacher he sat under for 20 years... Oh, sorry, that doesn't disqualify candidates either.
Wow. Lot of bigots writing in. Hope you bastards enjoy Towne's Concert for Racism and Bigotry.
Did you see this?
President Clinton Coming To The Lehigh Valley Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan is getting a boost in his campaign for Congress from a former president.
Is Jake Towne condoning Hatred? It could be argued. But I say Dent should allow him in the debate and attack Towne's "Manifesto". I think Dent is making a tactical mistake by banning Towne. Towne gets the publicity of being excluded without having to defend his radical positions. It is a win/win for Towne. That appeals to all those who feel disenfranchised by the two major parties
Towne owns his own words, Dent should wrap them around his neck like an anchor and let Towne drown from them.
"Drown Towne." I like that!
Whoa. I can only say two things about Jake Towne.
1.) He's a comedian.
2.) Don't expect to see him performing in the Catskills anytime soon.
The Morning Call says that Callahan wants to debate Towne. Go ahead. If Dent is smart, he'll be outside protesting with the ADL.
"Wow, straight to the Hitler analogy! Isn't there some rule that the 1st one to bring up Hitler loses?"
Something like that. It's called Godwin's Law. The longer an Internet discussion, the more likely someone will invoke Nazis or Hitler.
But in this case, which deals with anti-Semitism, I think the argument is appropriate. How far do we go in tolerating unpopular, and even offensive points of view? Under the First Amendment, Poker Face has every right to say all kinds of horrible things. Towne is entitled to give his tacit approval by letting that band perform at one of his concerts. But doesn't Dent have First Amendment rights, too? Doesn't he have the right to say I won't share a stand with someone who sanctions hate?
"If Dent is smart, he'll be outside protesting with the ADL."
So will I. Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton all have an active and informed Jewish population, and Towne's willingness to use an anti-Semitic band must make them think twice about him. Dent and Callahan should refuse to give Towne any credibility, especially since his knowingly using this group.
"t is a win/win for Towne. That appeals to all those who feel disenfranchised by the two major parties"
I don't think so. I believe that most third parties would condemn this hatred, too. Maybe I'm wrong.
It seems that the whole purpose of a debate is to publicly discuss ideas and issues. This means anyone who can qualify for the ballot -- and Jake Towne has done so -- ought to be included. How can either of the other candidates confront Jake Towne about the issues they are raising more or less "behind his back" if he is not allowed to be present?
Regarding Bernie's hypothetical question: Of course Hitler should be included in any public debate, precisely so that the other candidates can confront his ideas. People these days are so darn "delicate."
"Ewwww, I can't speak publicly in the presence of such a bad person."
What happened to people who know what they believe and where they stand getting up on their hind legs and clearly stating their positions, without whining about the presence of some less correct individual????
The problem with this answer is that it legitimizes anti-Semitism and other kinds of hate. It makes it "respectable."
Aside from hating Jews, Poker Face's music just plain SUCKS!
Problem with the whole antisemitism and Hitler analogy is that Hitler spewed the hate, Towne is letting a band play at his gig. Just a wee bit o' difference there. I understand the sensitivity, but sometimes it appears to be rather selective in it's application.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Obama has raised anti-semitism to official foreign policy. Hating Jews is cool now, thanks to president. Towne and Obama don't hold dissimilar views here. But since the Hymietown days of Jesse Jackson, we've learned that blacks get a pass on their hatred. Obama is never called on his.
Wayne, the real problem here is that Towne actually believes the hate. I know he says publicly that he doesnt agree with some of their lyrics...But, that is an intentionally vague disavowal. Talk with him in depth, you will see.
This transcends the politics. This is not grasping "any shred." This is basic human decency.
It's a shred when you pin a band's activities to the candidate even when the worst remark the candidate made is actually objecting to the content. Only in the paid shill world of Charlie Dent does this make sense as an escape tactic.
I have seen and heard Jake Towne in action. I have seen him ask Dent questions in an open forum. Before I even knew ho he was I was impressed with his lack of contct with reality. Charlie Dent was respectful and explained things as best as Towne would understand.
Jake Towne has no place running for public office at this level, and now his principles and idealogy prove that he is beyond any viability as a candidate at any level.
Not so casual observer said...
"I have seen and heard Jake Towne in action."
That's the point, most of us haven't and a debate would give us that opportunity. He can be made to look out of touch with reality there, if that's his nature.
I have chatted with him once, while signing his petition -- and I have been signing 3rd party petitions for over twenty years, no matter what the political persuasion, because I find the current system biased to the two entrenched parties. I normally do not sign petitions as an endorsement of the candidate himself.
And I do not work for either campaign and have not yet decided who I will vote for in November.
Just felt I had to put out those disclaimers... ;-)
"That's the point, most of us haven't . . ."
Um, actually yes you have. Just now, refusing to condemn and actually recruiting anti-semites to appear at a campaign event.
Exactly how much more would you need to see?
I am not trying to be sarcastic. I actually would like to know when you disqualify a candidate for serious consideration of giving them your vote?
Another non Issue from the Dent campaign. The keep throwing poop at the wall but nothing seems to stick this year
Wow you are really in the tank.
Will I see you Wednesday at the Dems meeting?
Yeah. What's avoiding giving a platform to an anti-semite got to do anything?
Right, Don? Hey, will I see you at the cross-burning?
Your Pal,
Joey Himmler
Judging by their responses here the Callahan supporters are clearly scared and desperate. The straw they are gasping for now is Jake Towne. Apparently they are hoping his inclusion in the race will pull their chestnuts out of the fire. Good luck with that plan. Those who want Jake in the debate should be careful what they wish for. With this news and other items those who would associate themselves with Jake have placed their own credibility on the line.
Scott Armstrong
BO used to post issues from both sides, but his contempt for Callahan (not that I'm a fan) shows by not posting his comments on why he would want to debate him, as was posted in the dying rag, Morning Call. I respect bloggers that posts both sides of an issue and lets his readers comment afterward. BO, for some reason you stopped doing it. This is a great controversial story and you missed the mark.
By the way, who is Dent afraid of debating, Jake Towne or Poker Face? I would have called Jake Towne on the carpet, in front of a debate audience. Dent has the experience and I'm surprised he doesn't use it.
You got to love the selective application of the "semitic" card or the "racial" card in politics.
This is really the issue. In a free society you face hatred head on, you don't use it as an excuse to score political points. Are both Callahan and Dent using this issue to their advantage, Hell yes. Is Ohare "shocked, simply shocked", but of course. Like Not so casual observer their "outrage" is selective.
Ron Angle, their buddy has shown himself to be an anti-smite and a racial bigot in the past. He was thrown off council committees for it, he was fired from a radio show for it. Major organizations condemned him.
Yet, he is the President of Northampton County Council as voted by his Republican peers, the man who handpicked and promoted and got elected John Stoffa. He is defended at every turn by Bernie Ohare.
Selective application of the "Hitler" game. Hell, yeah.
Stop the Bullshit and debate.
I'll be honest and admit that I really didn't understand your quotes from Topete....I had to google and wiki "rosicrucian goyim"...I still don't completely understand, but gather he's blaming Jews and Masons?? (someone feel free to explain these quotes).
In the politics of today, its fair game, and Towne should disassociate...after all, it would be like Callahan having some racist rapper, or Dent some racist country singer do a fundraiser (do you sense the stereotyping here???).
That said, Dent is turning away a gift on a golden platter from Towne that could be used against him in a debate. Like some earlier posters, I think Dent hurts himself. He can't put Towne on the spot to try to make this an issue if he's not debating him, and imagine if Callahan goes ahead and its just a Callahan-Towne debate? Free press for Towne, and Dent looks like the kid who took his marbles and went home. Advantage Callahan.
I'll let the links you've had about Towne's foreign policy stances alone. They are basically Ron Paul re-works (for which there is some following, though none concentrated in one geographic region).
Dent should stop this "I'm not going to stoop to his level" stance. It will hurt him more than it will help him. Just keep going back to these Poker Face quotes....heck, even Obama knew how to play this game by hanging Bush around McCain's neck in his ads/junk mail. Its the technique called "guilt by association."
I said on a post a few days ago in regards to Callahan, but appropriate now toward Towne: if Dent and allies can make this election more a comparison of character than issues, it does help Dent. He will not have to defend too tightly the GOP since 2004, but can instead appeal more loosely to both the "moderate" Dem/Reps of his personal base, as well as to the more conservative GOP base and "tea party" elements, each in their respective venues. All the while keeping the focus on character issues.
Callahan supporters,
Keep up the argument that Jake should be included in the debate and that any opinion opposing his inclusion in invalid. You are demonstrating your crass political nature for all to see. It is shameful.
I like the headline, “Callahan supporters want Towne in debate”.
Scott Armstrong
I am a Democrat but first I am a Jew. My family, like many others, suffered horribly during the Holocaust. I could understand Jake Towne nit being aware of Poker Face, as I never heard of this band, even though it is from Allentown. What I cannot understand is that he knows all about them, is willing to allow them to perfomr, and still expects to be treated as a credible candidate.
I am also very disappointed that John Callahan is willing to share a podium wih Towne, after what has been revealed.
Bernie is failing to tell you that Dent and Callahan made comments regarding the debate before this issue with the band was brought up. Dent was against Towne being in the debate earlier in the week. Now Dent has furthered his stance with band thing.
Anonymous 3:39 PM said...
"That's the point, most of us haven't . . ."
"Um, actually yes you have. Just now, refusing to condemn and actually recruiting anti-semites to appear at a campaign event.
Exactly how much more would you need to see?
I am not trying to be sarcastic. I actually would like to know when you disqualify a candidate for serious consideration of giving them your vote?"
Because I'm all for out-of-touch antisemitic fools (if that's the case) being exposed in a public forum instead of this guilt by association crap.
As for me making my decision closer to November and not reacting to a story that's a day old... Charlie Dent still has to win me over and it's always interesting to see what a candidate will do while attempting to "be all things for all people".
If this is an real issue to stay away from a debate on principle then why has Dent's campaign stopped short of saying Towne's participation would be a deal-breaker? Because this talk about debates has "trial balloon" written all over it, they want to see public opinion first. And wanting to get a reaction from Callahan...
Wayne, I can't speak for what TMC reported, but I believe he did make Towne's appearance a deal-breaker. Here are the first two sentences of his news release.
"Congressman Dent’s stand against including Jake Towne is now firm. Further, Congressman Dent is now demanding that John Callahan join him in this stand."
Wayne, today's Morning Call headline reads: Dent Cites Controversial Band in Refusing to Debate Towne
The article says: Republican Congressman Charlie Dent said Saturday he will not take part in any debates that include third party candidate Jake Towne, and he called on Democratic challenger John Callahan to join him in the decision.
I can't blame you for missing the article. The first article about debates was on A-1 above the fold and featured prominently on the Call's website.
However, this article which shows that there may be some valid reason for excluding Towne from appearing at the debates is only on Page A-6 and has yet to turn up on the Call's website.
Not to worry, though. The Call makes sure to let everyone know that Bill Clinton is coming in to prop up John Callahan.
BTW, for my two cents I think you're wrong about Jake Towne's curious associations needing to be exposed in a public debate.
They have just been exposed by the two major papers from the area.
Are you saying we need to debate whether or not it is wrong to be an Anti-Semite?
(No. Of course you're not, but you get my point.)
Jake confirms Dent's refusal to debate him on his website.
For what it's worth...
He also denies being antisemitic.
Dent's doing the right thing. Anything to avoid an embarrassing attack from the right flank. Callahan doesn't need any favors. And Charlie won't fare well against Towne.
Well. That's a positive first step.
Just checked out his web page. Among other things, he calls Dent "arrogant" for speaking out against hate.
Sure he says that about Dent. Because him and Callahan are joined at the hip right now.
What a great debate we would get with just those two jackwagons.
Callahan: You're an anti-semite.
Towne: No I'm not.
Let Towne debate Angle on the relevance of anti-semitism in modern American politics.
Didn't Angle apologize for his comments?
Has Towne apologized for his complete lack of judgment in extending an invitation to this group?
No. In fact, he says they're not even such bad guys. They just go a "little overboard."
When does one candidate get to DEMAND something from another candidate? Yes, Your Royal Highness, Dent.
Callahan does it all the time, you pinhead.
Although you have a point. Callahan should have already done the decent thing and told Towne to pound sand.
By the way, I want to reiterate that you're a pinhead.
It is a revelation to see the hatred that exists on both the left and libertarian sides for Charlie Dent, to the point where they accuse him of a wrong for refusing to share a stage with a candidate who invites what is clearly a hate group to his campaign event.
Shame on those who accuse Dent of the wrong here, take a look in the mirror and see what is looking back.
Scott Armstrong
Yeah, Angle apologizes. He does the old, "I didn't say or mean anything by it". If that is an apology Jake Towne will be the next Israeli Prime Minister.
You ideologues hate it when one of your own is called on the crap you call others.
Angle is a racist anti-bigot. He has been called on it by different groups. As to Towne so far it is just an accusation.
For Dent it is a handy way to minimize his exposure after he already said he didn't want to debate Towne. As has been summed up so eloquently before, this entire thread and charade about appalled shock and angst is so much
Jake Towne has no place running for public office at this level, and now his principles and idealogy prove that he is beyond any viability as a candidate at any level.
Sure, then no libertarian is worthy of running for office since the basic positions are the same (see Ron Paul). The Dent campaign (and people like this poster) will alienate the Tea Party hardcore Constitutionalists.
"The Dent campaign (and people like this poster) will alienate the Tea Party hardcore Constitutionalists."
By that do you mean bigots who think that African Americans shouldn't be served at lunch counters.
Big loss. Fuck them.
"Sure, then no libertarian is worthy of running for office since the basic positions are the same (see Ron Paul)."
I agree. No libertarian who embraces and supports the hate that Towne obviously does is worthy of running for office.
By the way, Towne is no Ron Paul. Towne's views are extremely inconsistent and he seems more insane every time I hear him.
Dent was refusing to debate him before the thing with the anti Semite band came up.
A July 23 article from the Morning Call mentions nothing from the Dent or Millan objecting to the presence of Towne in the debate due to his relationship with this band.
Dent is just using this as justification to keep Towne out.
Angle's directly attributable anti-Jew stuff is alright. But Towne's ties to anti-Jews is a problem for Bernie.
Bernie apparently knows what flavors of hatred are acceptable. I'm just trying to understand his rules. When hanging with Angle, the kike jokes are kinda funny. Others' good hymie material is not.
10:52 -- You have the lingo down pretty good.
Maybe a little too good, know what I mean?
10:52, excellent points. Fair minded readers of this blog see the inconsistencies in Mr. Ohares "outrage".
Regarding the Hitler analogy, yes the candidates should debate "Hitler". It is an opportunity for the public to see the candidates make the charge in person - not through some campaign surrogate. That is only fair to the person who is being accused.
If my memory of the real Hitler's rise to power is correct, too many German leaders were unwilling to
publicly oppose Hitler. This allowed him to step into power.
Back to our situation in the 15th District. If Towne is on the ballot, he should be included in the debate and Charlie can make his accusations and Towne can reply in a high-profile forum. If the charges are made there and not refuted by Towne, both Dent and Callahan should condemn him.
I find it cowardly that Charlie Dent is trying to exclude someone from a debate instead of facing him head on. If he can't stand up in person against a third-party, nobody like Towne, what kind of person is he?
I am a Republican voter in Lehigh County and Charlie Dent has lost my vote over this. I certainly won't be voting for Towne or Callahan either, but I couldn't be more disappointed in Charlie.
By the way, Towne is no Ron Paul. Towne's views are extremely inconsistent and he seems more insane every time I hear him.
I suppose you never listened to Ron Paul or his son, Rand Paul. Remember Rand's big flap over the Civil Rights bill? Racist? The tea party people said no!
There are some really important issues facing the nation right now: the economy, two wars, the threat of Islamic terrorism, an "invasion" of illegal immigrants to our country - add whatever else you think is important. Now, given that there's a time limit to any candidate debate, and that the purpose of a candidate debate is for voters to learn where candidates stand on the issues that are important to them....doesn't it make sense that serious candidates will want to use that time to express their positions on those important issues?
And doesn't it also make sense that they won't want to WASTE time on frivolous or unimportant nonsense with a candidate who has no chance to win and will serve only as comic relief when he brings up eliminating the income tax by bringing home ALL of America's servicemen and women from everywhere around the world?
I didn't blame Dent for not wanting Towne in the debate even BEFORE the band flap - and now, there's even more reason not to legitimize his candidacy.
If Towne has enough signatures to make it on the ballot, he should be in any and all debates.
Once a candidate passes the legal hurdle to get on the ballot, its up to the voters to decide who they want. The voters' choice should not be limited by big-party politicians.
Besides, many might be interested in actually hearing Towne argue his position on the issues and comparing his position to where the major party candidates stand.
"If my memory of the real Hitler's rise to power is correct, too many German leaders were unwilling to
publicly oppose Hitler. This allowed him to step into power."
Read a history book before making a claim like this. Many brave people did publicly oppose Hitler, they were killed. It was that simple.
Scott Armstrong
Amazing how the shocked and appalled folks over Towne have no problem sharing a dais or TV studio with Ron angle. Interesting, how selective victimization occurs when politics are involved.
The debate was not set up for Dent, Callahan or Towne. It was for the constituents of the Lehigh Valley to hear the candidates. Dent doesn't own the debates. The people do. The people should get to say who is on or off. Not Dent.
Anon 10:25, excellent point. Whomever is on the ballot this Fall should be in the debate. This is a straw dog that Dent supporters are waving as an excuse not to debate.
Stop the game. The great thing about the new media is that not only do people have access to many sources, the tolerance for bullshit is diminished and the recognition of same said bullshit is enhanced. Stop the bullshit!!
The Professor
I'm thrilled that Jake Towne has distanced himself from the band in question and that Charlie Dent will participate in the debates now.
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