I'm too dumb.
So where can you find out all about Evil Charlie Dent or how wonderful everythig is? Why, from Geeting, of course. "I read probably about 200 articles and blog posts a day," he tells us. Wow! That's certainly a lot more than me. I'm just in this for the babes.
Funny thing. Not long ago, Geeting and I placed a $200 bet on Charlie Dent's voting record, and he lost. But since his nonprofit pay must be pretty low, I let him off the hook.
I really am dumb.
I was "actively ignoring" that post of his. It was just too silly to respond to. I'm surprised you bothered to post about it.
*A blog labeled "Independent" that is anything but!
*He reads volumes and regurgitates wonderfully!
*And as a bonus he'll tell you what conservative economist to read!
But a fine young man I'm sure...
So Bernie, how's that blogging for babes working out for you?
Not too well.
More people know the answer to "Who is Jake Towne?" than the answer to "Who is Jon Geeting?"
"I read probably about 200 articles and blog posts a day"
Interesting that this is what the "Human Resources and Facilities Management" person is doing at the George Soros funded Open Society Institute. These so called "non-profits" funded by Soros should be investigated to see exactly how much illegal political activity they are doing. Also, what is Callahan's connection to this activity?
Jon was at the Steve Barrons LongDem advertised fundraiser for Callahan last night at the Melt.
Come on Bernie, cut the kid some slack. Bill White Loves Ron Angle, and you Love Jon Geeting.
Without him, who would you have as a foil to get in your face on Charlie?
Admit it, uou love the kid, right or Left!
Anonymous @ 10:14 PM said...
"I read probably about 200 articles and blog posts a day"
Interesting that this is what the "Human Resources and Facilities Management" person is doing at the George Soros funded Open Society Institute. These so called "non-profits" funded by Soros should be investigated to see exactly how much illegal political activity they are doing. Also, what is Callahan's connection to this activity?
Wow, there's probably a lot of truth there!
I'm always amazed at how much worktime across the country is used to participate in forums, chats, IM's, Facebook, Twitter, etc,. Actually it's time stolen from your employer.
But if you're doing it with a "nod and a wink" from the boss-man because you're promoting what he approves of - it's not stealing. And if it's all political research & blogging while working for a non-profit???
All conjecture of course...
Edwards, Obama, Specter, Dent: your national choices are ridiculous, lending the screed some credibility. I still love you, though. The faithful opposition gets a fair shake here. And its the best, most unwieldy public square going. And the other guys know this as I do. As you were, and carry on. Don't change a thing but your opinions. We'll bring you to your senses eventually.
I supported Edwards? Holy shit. I did, for a time. Take me out and have me shot.
I posted this under another blog discussion here, so excuse the repeat:
Jon Geeting's bleetings: His beliefs are exactly those of our current President: wealth redistribution, lowering of expectations and living standards for all. And Geeting sees this as progress and victory? And those who disagree are stupid and ill informed? My my my.
What is the future going to hold for our kids if we continue to accept an America of less and less and less?
They just changed the name of the energy bill heading toward Congress from Cap and Trade to the climate security act or some such nonsense to make it more attractive to voters. It will increase the cost of energy and NOT have a positive impact on the environment at all. Doesn't anyone see what is happening to us?
No. Because we are scrambling after scraps and arguing amongst ourselves about who should lose the most. Precisely what a government likes to see in the electorate.
I couldn't help myself... I posted over there.
Regarding the Lehigh County Commissioners, I see some voted against what equates to an annual 1 percent increase for row offices. This means they will go without a raise for eight years.
While the cost of living increse 3 to 4 percent each year, these folks are taking a pay cut to serve the public.
Will Dougherty, Creighton, Roman and Eckert, stand for their principles and forgo any pay increase for the next 8. Whether the consumers cannot afford to give you an increase. The consumer pays for your increases. In the case of Creighton, the taxpayers pay for his increase too.
"I supported Edwards? Holy shit. I did, for a time. Take me out and have me shot."
For Edwards and those who supported him at any time, firing squad is altogether appropriate (excepting his wife). You're an upstanding blogger to offer.
Would Geeting have any readers if you didn't advertise his blog for him once in a while?
Geeting reminds me of a barking chihuahua who races underneath and around the feet of a big dog - all bark and no bite. The big dog only has to growl to get the chihuahua to stop, but it's sometimes funnier to let the little guy work himself up into a lather over nothing.
I have nothing against Geeting - his blog is OK but fails to amuse me, so I do not visit there frequently. I agree that he does need to take himself way less seriously and watch the "holier than thou" tone in his writing.
I do not think Geeting's recent posts are anything more than a ploy to gain more attention at his blog via this blog. I would urge Geeting to consider gaining readers thru the quality of his own writing rather than attempting to tear down the "competition." The internet is an endless ocean of opportunity and is plenty big for all you fish.
Finally, Bernie is many things, but "dumb" is not one of them. Geeting can read all the articles and blog posts he wants, but common sense comes naturally through experience. Perhaps Geeting should close down the laptop and enjoy the surroundings of his Brooklyn.
Anon 2:59 P.M.,
"Will Dougherty, Creighton, Roman and Eckert, stand for their principles and forgo any pay increase for the next 8. Whether the consumers cannot afford to give you an increase. The consumer pays for your increases. In the case of Creighton, the taxpayers pay for his increase too."
Tom Creighton's "Contract with county taxpayers"
"I will reject the pay raise Commissioners voted themselves last year. Those who took it should give it back. Those in line to get it should refuse it."
Paid for by Lehigh County victory PAC.
Did Tom Creighton flip flop?
Actually Monkey Momma, Bernie is pretty dumb.
O'Hare's understanding of most any national issue is lacking. He's simply a no-tax conservative who leans left on social issues. Government is bad. Taxes are bad. It's tunnel vision.
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