While Callahan denies "any involvement" from him or his office, Solicitor Jack Spirk is telling the very same Lynn Olanoff that he instructed another City Solicitor to make sure copies of the police report were made available to the press on the day of the accident. That sure sounds like involvement to me.
What is impossible to believe is that both daily newspapers would miss an account of a crash involving the Mayor's brother-in-law, driving the wrong way on a one-way street, injuries to a Bethlehem police officer and alcohol use.
Incredibly, Express Times Assistant Managing Editor and BloggerTony Rhodin tries to downplay the whole thing. "[H]aving done this for more than 30 years, sometimes reporters miss stuff." True, Tony, true. But two reporters? Two different dailies? On what would be a dynamite story? Tony does acknowledge that "sometimes reports are available for 15 minutes, never to be seen again."
Tony goes on to guess that what's really involved here is a "smear." "If there were really something dirty here, someone would have pulled aside a reporter from one of the two papers and spilled."
There really is something dirty here. I was pulled aside well over a year ago and told about this accident. I was unaware of the exact date and some people were worried about little things like job security. It is only recently that I was able to get my hands on the actual incident report.
Reporter Olanoff did finally talk, last week, to one of the police officers who has been willing to discuss this case . She started her conversation by saying, "We don't really feel this is a story."
Now I'm no professional, Tony, but that does not sound like the way you start a conversation if you actually want to learn something. That sounds like the way you start a conversation when you've already made up your mind.
Here are links to my previous stories:
The Callahan Cover-up
Right-to-Know Request Filed Over Callahan Cover Up...
Callahan a Friend of Officer Investigating Cantelm...
ET: BPD Vehicle Involved in Crash
Callahan Cover Up: Cantelmi Incident Report (Redac...
Updated 11:53 AM to clarify Tony Rhodin's exact title at The Express Times which, as he points out, costs only 50 cents.
Updated again at 12:29 PM. Express Times sources report that Lynn Olanoff denies ever having told a police officer that "we don't really feel this is a story." They also note that editors, and not reporters, make those calls.
You're right. That is not the way a reporter really wanting to learn the facts begins an interview. You uncovered a cover-up.
Why wouldn't Rhodin want the story out there for readers to decide. Now he's opened the door to what other stories has his paper decided were best not covered for the people's good.
some cover-up...looks like a whole lot of hot air
This event is a case study for political science professors. All Callahan had to do the next morning was hold a press conference, explain what happened to his brother-in-law the night before and answer questions. That would have ended the speculation. Now, three years later, tongues are wagging.
The "mainstream" press continues, despite the recent devastation of their once lucrative franchises, in their self-destructive arrogance.
You've done a good job.
'"This car accident was handled exactly how it would have been handled for anyone else," Callahan said.'
I dont know what anyone else thinks, but if I hit a police car, going the wrong way on a one way road and admitted to drinking, Im not getting off with just a citation. Maybe they cut off the end of Callahan's quote where he said, 'This car accident was handled exactly how it would have been handled for anyone else...who is a Member of my family.'
Tony goes on to guess that what's really involved here is a "smear." "If there were really something dirty here, someone would have pulled aside a reporter from one of the two papers and spilled."
Ya know what assume does to our backsides.
What this Dino guy cited for going the wrong way and hitting a police car? Was he cited for anything?
Careless driving and driving the wrong way. Summary offenses.
When can we expect your apology, Mr. O'Hare? we know we won't get one from your employers, the Dent campaign. You should be ashamed.
(As if anyone knows who the mayor's brother in law is in the first place.)
I dont know what anyone else thinks, but if I hit a police car, going the wrong way on a one way road and admitted to drinking, Im not getting off with just a citation. Maybe they cut off the end of Callahan's quote where he said, 'This car accident was handled exactly how it would have been handled for anyone else...who is a Member of my family.'
What exactly would have happened to you? If your blood alcohol level was WAY below the legal limit, as was the case here, on what grounds would they have to charge you with anything further? Please elaborate instead of casting more bullshit innuendo. Be specific.
Careless driving and driving the wrong way. Summary offenses.
And the proper charges would be?
"When can we expect your apology, Mr. O'Hare?"
When can we expect Callahan to apologize for keeping this from the public for three years? O'Hare is right to raise these questions, even though they make you squirm.
It's Callahan's responsibility to report on traffic accidents now? You Dentites are stretching big time.
Editors (and above) do make those calls. They make those calls and communicate them to reporters, who regurgitate the meme when challenged.
As I posted on a related thread, they have egg on their face. For missing (or burying) the story and getting exposed by an unpaid, untrained, "unprofessional" citizen journalist.
Has their been a peep from the mighty Call?
Jon, if the role was reversed and Dent's bro-law put a cop in the hospital and then he potentially had a role in covering it up you'd be screaming for an investigation.
Quit being hypocritical, btw/ you and Dal Maso I don't know who's worse.
So if the editor missed the story, isn't the Mayor owed an apology? Cover-up are pretty damning words.
12:44 - The question is would Callahan plant the story on a blog and then call a press conference pointing to the story a local blogger uncovered? Would Callahan be as slimy as Dent?
This is why Dent loses in November. Stories like this and assassinating the character of the Independent candidate. Nice job Charlie.
"What exactly would have happened to you?"
We all wouldve at least been hauled to the drunk center to do a proper blood alochol test.
The cops say it is a judgement call when the breathalizer reads what it did. Well, what other circumstance could you possible need to warrant further tests.
You have:
1) 1 am on Super Bowl Sunday
2) Driving the wrong way on a one way road
3) Speeding
4) Running into a cop car
5) Sending the officer to the hospital
6) Flipping your car upside down
7) Admit you've had something to drink.
Seriously, what else could possible warrant further investigation? If those circumstances dont, then all officers involved should be fired for demonstrating poor judgement.
We all know this wasnt the Cops' though.
Bernie, Is this one of the examples of why people get into politics is to have power over their government.It sure comes in handy when your brother-in-law is the Mayor.
So a .06 would miraculously change to a .10 when in a drunk center? The article stated that a) they don't do field sobriety tests if the person was in a traumatic accident (flipping over would be fairly traumatic) and b) they'd only do a blood test if the breathalyzer registered a .30 or higher.
Excellent job, Bernie. This escapade is well known to those of us who know Callahan. Martin Till has done well to help downplay it as much as possible.
Take a look into Callahan's more recent blunders. Specifically, the Martin Tower deal and how he personally secured the public dollars for the current owners. This one stinks like a Marlin fishing trip!
"So a .06 would miraculously change to a .10 when in a drunk center?"
Have you ever done a breathalizer? Unfortunately I have. Those things are about as accurate as the Morning Call reporting.
Dent lost my support! Personal attacks on family members is out of bounds, no matter what they did!
Attacks on family members? How about all the favors, and special deals Callahan does for family members and friends. He needs a good kick in the butt...
bernie, you are about to enter a battle with somebody who buys ink by the barrel full. This isn't going to be as clear cut as you might like it to be. If Dent's campaign makes a single quote on this matter, the end result will be Callahan's line about "attacking family" holding up. I know you don't like it, but Dent might end up playing this poorly and dillute the story.
missed teh link. Dent made a huge mistake. He should have left the papers pick through the info and run an article or two. Now, Dent is making this political and there is sufficient evidence in the article to question the accuracy of Dent's information. Dent just killed something that could have done the walking for him. Stupid.
I'm in no battle with the MSM. We are both after the same thing. We might sometimes have different views. But I always believe they are the folks that keep us from total tyranny.
Bernie - There is no there there or here here - there is no story - give up and talk about things that matter to people.
You once wrote that you liked Callahan and wished he would remain as Mayor. Are you so desperate to save Dent that you are willing to follow Andrew Breitbart as a role model?
See you tomorrow?
How long before Dent fires his campaign staff?
Another person would have had a slew of criminal charges against them. Seriously, a friend paid a $75 fine for speeding in the park. This guy is flying the wrong way on a one way street, crashes into a police car, sends the cop to the hospital, admits he is drinking and pays $179. Really?
If this were a regular Joe, the cops would have found numerous charges of reckless endangerment, assault on a police officer, etc..
When they want there are a slew of charges that can be filed. They may not all stick but they would be charged nonetheless.
What the hell is Millan doing? He's having Dent talking about anti-Semetic bands and cover-ups instead of having his boy talk about salient issues in Washington. Dent is running in the wrong direction and he better wake up, or else he'll find himself lacking in the polls.
BO, you wake up too and stop salivating on press releases from Millan. He's screwing up Dent's campaign big time. Dent should remember the sticker on Clinton's Tour bus that reminded the then candidate for President, "It's the economy, stupid!"
I'm really disappointed in Dent. Hello, Stupid!
Anon 9:27,Nice try at trying to turn the topic around from Callahan's troubles.
This stinks to high heaven, Bernie has uncovered it and the Express Times is clearly defensive. Keep after them.
Maybe this is why our nation's liberal newspapers are going completely broke. They dont report the news anymore. It is all political. Wink and a nod as they go bankrupt paper by paper. Ask the Morning Call.
From 9:27 to 10:21
Who cares? Not the injured Marine who came home from the war. Not the Grandmother who can't afford her medications. Not the next door neighbor, who's been looking for a job. Not the single mother, wondering if she'll make it past next months rent. Not the airline pilot, wondering if one of his passengers is a terrorist.
Holy shit! Stop the presses! A politician did something for his family!
Give me a freakin' break. Callahan is a joke.
I'm telling Dent to get back to the issues that everyday Lehigh Valley constituents sent him to Washington D.C. to work on. Issues that touch everyone's life are what make up the minds of voters. Not this other bullshit.
Bethlehem used to put the police reports in separate bins based on the "seriousness" of the offense. Of all the offenses on Super Bowl Sunday, the biggest drinking and acting like an ass day of the year, it's easy for a reporter to miss the summary offenses in the "minor" bin. That's why neither newspaper got it.
"Who cares? Not the injured Marine who came home from the war."
What about the cop injured in the line of duty?
"That's why neither newspaper got it."
Right...Hi this is earth. Let us know when you get back from whatever delusional universe you are in. Everyone knows the reporting at the MC and E-T continues to plummet. Soon both with be completely irrelevant.
Tony's been pretending to be a journalist for a long time. One gets away with it at tiny clarions like the Easton Express. And 50 cents is an affront to most. Their plummeting is evidence. Tony also hates Dent. He's been in the tank for Obama from day one and likes to throw the race card around more than Bernie.
"What about the cop injured in the line of duty?"
My point is, which went 20,000 feet over your head, that this is a local issue. The voters sent Dent to Washington D.C. to represent the Lehigh Valley on national issues, not local DUI issues. Dent needs to pull his head out of Millan's ass and start talking national issues.
Dent is an empty suit. This is all he's capable of. He had tomato cans as opponents up until 2010. I'm sure he'll be a lobbyist for an insurance company or oil company in 6 months.
"The voters sent Dent to Washington D.C.."
You're right. A good campaign strategy is to ignore everything locally since he was "sent" to Washington, especially a potential abuse of power by his OPPONENT in an election year. After reading your stupidity, I can safely say that if I were #1 a Republican, and #2 ever to run for some sort of political office (laughable), I would prefer Millan to Anonymous 4:54.
"I'm sure he'll be a lobbyist for an insurance company or oil company in 6 months."
And its probably all Bush's fault too. Get over it. These same tactics have continually failed.
To 11:19 AM
Then I guess us "stupid" folks will have to wait til hell freezes over, when Dent starts talking about real national issues, instead of "potential" local issues. Us "stupid" folks don't need to be spoon fed by Millan's bullshit. If Callahan did something illegal or improper, we don't need Washington politicians telling us what to think. There are numerous national problems that are urgent and in need of fixing. Dent's shooting himself in the foot and he doesn't even know it. Let Callahan hang himself, but Dent needs to get out of Millan's ass.
Didn't Rhodin used to be an editor at the Bethlehem Globe? ya think he'd be wired in.
"If Callahan did something illegal or improper, we don't need Washington politicians telling us what to think."
Hmm, sounds a lot like Callahan's campaign manager. Funny how you would try to tell Dent or his campaign team how to run an election in the Lehigh Valley. They seem to have done a pretty good job without your 'help'. Plus, you just expose yourself as a hack when you say "Washington politician" in reference to him. You dont fool all of us who know him. Obviously, you werent here the past two cycles when that and the blame Bush tactics failed miserably.
Keep trying to change the topic away from Callahan's ethical issues. Try to pretend they arent there.
This blog has done more investigatory journalism than the ET or Morning Call have done in the last 5 years. It is almost pathetic to watch these papers in their death throes. More worried about defending their honor and making sure they have "access" to the Mayor than actually investigating and reporting.
"Keep trying to change the topic away from Callahan's ethical issues. Try to pretend they arent there."
OK, one more time, since you have a thick skull. Callahan is an idiot. Plain and simple. Get it? Good.
My complaint is Dent is talking about a "potential" DUI "possible" cover-up. Why isn't he taking Callahan to task about national issues? He's losing voters because of this. People want pols to take the high road, not the low and dirty road. Their sick of mudslinging.
And in case I didn't make it clear the first time, Callahan is an idiot, so don't lump me in his crowd for the umpteenth time, because you can't think of anything else to say with substantiation.
Ironically, I do not consider Callahan an "idiot," and I might be his harshest critic in the blogosphere. But before we get into national issues, there are certain basics that matter very much to me. In fact, where a candidate stands on somethiong is often a secondary consideration to someone like me. I believe tranparency and accountability transcend everything. Callahan fails on that count. Dent passes, and has always passed on that count.
"I believe tranparency and accountability transcend everything."
That's what I thought all of America thought, too, until Clinton got into office. People didn't care about his extra-marital affairs. Even after he lied under oath. They just cared about the 401K dividends were paying big time. That's when I remember Clinton's sticker - "It's the economy, stupid". It says it all.
'My complaint is Dent is talking about a "potential" DUI "possible" cover-up. Why isn't he taking Callahan to task about national issues? He's losing voters because of this.'
I just looked on Dent's website and I didnt notice ANY mention of this. The only mention of this incident from Dent seems to be in response to one express-times article. The bulk of the Press Releases on Dent's website are taking Callahan to task for supporting failing policies. I've NEVER heard of anyone getting their exclusive news coverage from the Express-times, until you. You obviously have internet access, try to use it.
To 9:24 AM
I don't read the Express-Times, but since you brought it up, this is the third MSM newspaper that this is in. You obviously didn't read the Morning Call. Articles, editorials and mail from readers berating Dent regarding his conduct can be read there. It's not my opinion, it's my observation of others that says Dent is screwing up.
Actually, only the ET was willing to cover the Cantelmi crash. It is in no other paper.
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