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Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Trump Slams Vets - Is He Trying to Lose?

Though Rudy Giuliani might call The Donald a genius for losing a billion dollars in one year, the word I'm hearing from fellow vets is that he's a dickhead. Yesterday, in a room full of friendly vets, he actually said soldiers develop mental health issues because they are not "strong" and "can't handle it." Though his campaign quickly claimed that his words were taken out of context and I tend to agree (see video clip), he did once slam war hero John McCain for being stupid enough to get captured.

Here's how one fellow vet responded to Trump's remarks: "In light of the fact that this ass hat is a draft-dodger who sought multiple deferments, he either has a complete lack of self-awareness, or is simply the biggest dickhead to seek the Presidency since Andrew Jackson."

There goes one vet vote. To be fair, this guy served in the Navy and thus is less intelligent than those of us who served in the Army. But he is correct when he notes that Trump sought five deferments during the Vietnam War. Four were for college and one was for sniffles bad feet.

That's because he's a genius.


Anonymous said...

well perhaps the term chickenhawk would apply to the donald.

"Chickenhawk (also chicken hawk and chicken-hawk) is a political term used in the United States to describe a person who strongly supports war or other military action (i.e., a war hawk), yet who actively avoids or avoided military service when of age."

so does donnie support war or other military action? yep
did donnie avoid military service when of age? yep.

Anonymous said...

Your Navy buddy is no doubt a Killary supporter. Did he defend San Diego during his stint? The California coast was safe with all those sailors defending the bars.

Most real veterans know Mr. Trump is with them. Unlike the Clintons who hate the military and would diminish it.
You are fooling no one.

Anonymous said...

mighty big talk from behind a key board 4:28.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:36...I have often found that it is characteristic of some who never served, in any capacity, to minimize the value of the service of others.

Anonymous said...

I'd say it was a poor choice of words if he had the brains to use the right choice of words. That being said, the Marine who invited him has defended him as making sensitive remarks and truly caring about vets. I can't stand Trump. But I'll take the Marines word for it.

Anonymous said...

I prefer Kaine. He released five murderers who murdered again. I like his being proactive on the population explosion.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, Andrew Jackson was great too.

Anonymous said...

your closing comment about intellegence levels of army and navy just raises the question of big boys with big toys and adds too the conflict?
I redd many articles of boths under achievements but one last night of the missing emails has me twisted, the writter called the crimes a triple crown threat that went up to our current administrations head? What I found to even get me twisted more was as I redd the article my computer was freezing and eventially shut the site down? Trying to retrieve it and it was gone like your sidebar and in my emails the spaminator hit me hard! Now this could be my tinfoil cap needs REadjustment to block there waves or it was but an allusion of the electronic circus in my pocket?
REpublican redd
not joining or traveling with eithier carnival circus shideshow just trying to exercise a mans main mussel

Peter J.Cochran said...

Trouble--, is what we have here. The conscious informed voter is faced with the least amount of additional damage in the big picture, that a candidate will subject this nation to. ----Criteria for POTUS in my humble opinion should include prior military service under honorable conditions. Too much at risk to try to 'learn the military system ' as a civilian politician these days.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and will say it again. This is a wave election. Good evening Madam President. Good night, Senator Toomey.

Anonymous said...

6:26....now that is an asshat statement. Pls provide factual reference for your bizarre statement.

Bernie O'Hare said...

4:28, I see. You are not a 'real' veteran unless you support Trump. Cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

This is what veterans think about Hillary Clinton


Anonymous said...

"real" veterans....???? this is insane talk. 4:28 that is one of the most stupid comments I have ever read on this site. .

Anonymous said...

Bernie the problem seems to be how the extreme right has decided that party registration signals patriotism. Terms like Real this and Real that are constantly being thrown around by some of these people.

Everyday on am radio and Fox as well as extreme right wing websites it goes on and on. So no one should be surprised that people are diminishing others. In some cases the people complaining the most are part of the problem. Their problem may be now that the "real" scourge has affected them they are angry. That is how most normal Americans feel with all this right wing nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Yet most veterans I talk to are supporting the guy, so who knows?

Anonymous said...

I think veterans are turned off by Hillary's having left diplomats and military personnel to die in Libya while she concocted a lie about an Internet video. That kind of thing tends to rub vets the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

I find it quite amusing all the shit that Hillary is throwing at Trump. This krap is to stiffen her base of supporters, so they have someting they can believe, because if you go under the surface of the garbage she's piling up, there is nothing about Hillary that anyone likes or would want to support. She's a vindictive nasty woman that trusts no one and has scores of enemies in her mind that can't stand her.

All of this garbage doesn't sway any Trump over from changing their mind to support her. And you can't get people to support someone that they don't believe in. So all of this musslinging by Bernie in support of Hillary does nothing but make him feel better about supporting that nasty woman.

Anonymous said...

However, as this thread is about the military, Hillary needs to be asked what she is going to do about the corrupt VA medical system? Veterans are dying before they can get a doctor appointment. Is that what Obamaare would be like under a "single payer" system? Why can't they see a regular doctor and go into regular hospitals like everyone else who has private insurance? You have VA administrators that maintain two sets of records. One for the public to see, and the real records that no one sees that has vets on waiting lists for months.

Also, is Hillary going to stop the "sequestering" which has drained the military? We have 30 year old tanks, warplanes without parts, and barley enough ships to defend our national interests. Is she going to increase funding for personnel costs? Increase the size of the forces?

Remember, without national defense, you don't have food stamps or aid for dependent children or all the other welfare systems. Especially when the Terrorists take over the nation because we don't have any defenses to stop them.

Anonymous said...

The military budget of the US is more than the next six countries combined. You want to spend more? Why not ask where the money ifs going now. These clowns just wave a flag and claim you are unpatriotic if you ask questions.

Anonymous said...

God Bless Donald Trump!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much to get teh America haters to come out, does it

Anonymous said...

So presumably the news that DJT used his charity as part of his long con game of fleecing anyone within earshot will result in the conclusion that he is unfit for our office in light of the way other charities have been treated on this blog and in the Northampton County Grand Jury system.

Anonymous said...


Paul Breitfeld said...

You admit that you think his comment was taken out of context ("Though his campaign quickly claimed that his words were taken out of context and I tend to agree.") yet you repeat this garbage. He was saying that many veterans are still suffering from the situations they were in in combat. He wants to reform the VA to help US (yes, I'm one of those who still have nightmares and flashbacks because war made me do things that my family, religion, and conscience tell me were wrong.). Veterans can see through the B.S. that liberals like you expound. Killary and others like her such as McGinty will destroy this country. At least if Trump fails, we will go down fighting for our liberty.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Though his remarks were taken out of context, they were stupidly phrased. He is running for president, not dog catcher, and should choose his words more carefully. Like I said, it's like he's trying to lose. As for your own remarks, they reveal an ugly person who is full of hatred. They disgrace other veterans.

Anonymous said...

I should have specified that my reference was more towards comments rather than Bernie's columns.

The way the Grand Jury went after the Fox Environmental Center at Illick's Mill was political. I am wondering those Trump supporters, who were of the opinion that a council member whose non profit had those problems should not hold elected office, feel about that position now as it is clear that Trump used his foundation as a slush fund .

Bernie O'Hare said...

Let me add to Breitfeld that your mental illness is no excuse for bashing people who are not part of this topic. It might explain it, but does not excuse it. And I have decided that comments containing the word "Killary" will be deleted. If you want to call her a murderer, be my guest, but the word by itself is ambiguous and has negative connotations. Some might view it as an invitation to kill her.

Anonymous said...

If the remarks were "Taken out of Context" Bernie, then just what is the point of this other than to make Trump look bad?

How Childish.

Anonymous said...

You headline is a freakn lie.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I agree that Trump was taken out of context and the headline is a frickin' lie, but designed to make a point. That point is that you don't win a presidential race when you are careless with your words, and that is an understatement when it comes to Trump.

Anonymous said...

So you admit that this is all a lie Bernie.

Bernie O'Hare said...

That's not what i said. I said the headline is a lie and said why it is a lie - to make a point that is actually fair to Tump.

Anonymous said...

Just like Hillary's lies? Lies to be "fair" ?

Bernie O'Hare said...

If you want to get personal with me, ID yourself.

Anonymous said...

Another day, another Trump hit piece.

Anonymous said...

Trump should release all of his tax returns, to show us the complete scope of his "genius." Trump is the biggest, douchebaggiest ass on the planet. The only people he doesn't offend are racists, Russians, women-haters, fascists, well you get the idea. I'm surprised he hasn't complimented President Duterte on his pro-Hitler, kill all the drug addicts policy. There is a good question for his next "debate," Mr. Trump, do you support the Phillippine leader and his drug policy? Or maybe Gary Johnson could answer that, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Douchebaggiest ass? ... Ha ha. Tell us more.

Peter J.Cochran said...

Bernie, Were all wrong -Military TIMES dated 03OCT16 just published pole 'Military personnel if election held today -2200 responses Johnson 35.5 percent ,Trump 37.6 and 16.3 for Clinton .

Anonymous said...

Then it's a good thing that this is a country where the military doesn't determine, or influence, the outcome of elections. God bless America!
(I'm a vet, I'm voting for Hillary.)

Anonymous said...

That's really very special, 2:36. Have you alerted Monica's ex-boyfriend's wife's lap dog media yet? I'm sure they are waiting. After all, you're a vet and and everything.

Anonymous said...

try looking at the methods used
"More than 59,000 subscribers received e-mail invitations to participate. In total, 951 respondents completed the survey.

The sample is not a perfect representation of the military"
"The voluntary nature of this survey, the dependence on email and the characteristics of Military Times readers may affect the results. Statistical margins of error commonly reported in opinion polls that use random sampling can't be calculated for this survey."

you have in effect a garbage survey.
you might as well take a survey and claim trumpie is within 4 pts of Hillary at the RNC headquarters.

or g oto beitbart and find 117 percent of Americans support donnie.

Anonymous said...

Fox is a lap dog for Clinton?
you will make hannity cry.