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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mezzacappa Claims to Have Surrendered Nursing License

In a failed attempt to frame an innocent black man, West Easton Constable Tricia Mezzacappa lied to state police in 2019. She falsely claimed she had fired on him after he had pointed a gun at her head. A jury of her peers unanimously found her guilty of lying on Tuesday. Mezzacappa now is claiming that she has "regretfully" surrendered her nursing license.  Because she lies nonstop, I will wait to see whether this surrender is actually filed with the state. So far as I know, she remains a constable. 


Anonymous said...

I don't believe she mailed this letter. This is a failed attempt at sympathy. She is someone who does not give up.

But, I do believe that she is retiring. Surely, she would qualify for SSD- that alone would hurt her; you know, being a labeled as a "taker". Perhaps she'll then join the Democratic Party.

But again, Bernie. Don't bother, underneath this letter on her Facebook page, there's a meme depicting a child with a scar having been bitten by a wild dog. The caption reads that wild dogs who harm people are put down, so should sex offenders- obviously another veiled threat directed...

She won't learn, hence the reason I don't believe that she surrendered her license.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Yes, I have received hundreds of anonymous comments accusing me of the very behavior for which I sued Mezzacappa. She still is at it. If I receive evidence that she is saying these things to other people, I will sue her again.

Bernie O'Hare said...

She indicates she moved to New Jersey in 2018. If that is true, why didn't she resign her constable position?

Anonymous said...

Hmm this is confusing. In the Express Times interview with her, she stated that because of the press coverage of her conviction it would be hard to get a nursing job.

But will be IMPOSSIBLE without the license that she surrendered. Guess blaming others does not work for her here, once again. Only in the world of MeZZaCrazY are such contradictions normal.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the "West Easton Constable" FB page is used for pretty much everything except items actually relevant to West Easton...

Bernie - didn't she change her address during her failed attempt to shield her assets from collection? West Easton Constable living in NJ doesn't sound cricket. She was elected in West Easton as a citizen of West Easton. Not West Camden, West Paterson, or West New York.

Anonymous said...

A Constable MUST reside where they are elected at ALL times, if they don't they need to resign immediately.

Anonymous said...

Her mental disorder is full blown evident. She's telling her victim's mother how her own mother paid people to go away and leave her alone, stolen pictures, false advertisements, being stalked around the courthouse, torture of her family, losing her inheritance, being sued by her sister, and other lies - all other people's fault.

She's looking for sympathy on bullshit stories hoping the target of her frame job doesn't take her home and car. This after calling the woman and her family "Ghetto thugs."

What's the correct diagnosis for someone with no empathy, remorse, or regret? Sociopath or Psychopath? I always get the two confused with Mezzalooneytunes.

Anonymous said...

Her letter that you linked to is all over the place. She twists every single event into a pretzel, to benefit her. She doesn't mention that she lied - that became a "discrepancy". She continues to state that the jury was "hung", but it was not hung. It was at a temporary impasse, and she was convicted. There was no retrial - so the jury was not hung. A conviction is a conviction. Such a drama queen, dragging in allegations that she was assaulted by two women, which is irrelevant. She has a list of grievances that is ever growing, and comes across as continuously victimized. Does she have a mirror in her house?

Someone should send a copy of this letter to the address shown, just in case she didn't send it. If I was at this agency, this letter would catch my eye, and ask a few questions.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the chauvinist attacks

Anonymous said...

She posted a lengthy comment on the WE Constable FB page a day ago, in response to a comment that someone named Nikki left, in which she lays out a lengthy laundry list of complaints against the world - alleging that the WE manager and mayor stalked her, a "stranger" (Dees) made up a false ad for services that she posted, that her mother died early because of stress from O'Hare and Dees, that because her mother was forced to pay O'Hare a settlement (conveniently leaving out it is because she couldn't pay herself for owning up to what SHE did) that she was sued by her sister and lost her NJ house and inheritance. It is all about making herself out to be a victim, time and time again. Very sad. She needs a reality check so badly, but it seems hopeless. She has destroyed her own life, and for what? Because a blogger posted his opinion she would be a bad choice on town council. You just can't make something like that up.

Anonymous said...

There are some very deep mental issues with her, although most of her conduct can't be excused she has a mental illness that hasn't been treated. Maybe this conviction could do her good and she could turn her life around because the courts could make her get some mental help that she very much needs.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to that other guy who was a drunk driver and musician or something who was giving you the same kind of crap as this woman?

Anonymous said...

@3:25 I believe you mean the father of a woman who died in an accident that involved a drunk driver. He doesn't show around these parts. I believe he and Bernie avoid each other - possibly court ordered. It's better that way. That chap can obsess with the best of them. To this day he has a blog with a hall of shame, and Bernie has a slot. Imitation is a form of flattery.

Or you could be referring to former politician and convict Jim Gregory, who I believe had or believed he had some talent with music. His name also showed up here regularly some years back. The good old days were not so good.

Anonymous said...

@10:20 I did some looking and its the first guy. WAEB had to pay out $5 Million for letting him lie on the air about the DA. There are about 60 people he lies about.

Anonymous said...

I read on the PA state board of nursing in 2024 that she was mercifully asked to surrender her liscence. Prior to that I believe she had become defacto unemployable for a number of years due to her poor work history and reputation. I don’t know when she last attempted to practice nursing