“Thanks to Mayor Callahan’s leadership, Bethlehem has undergone an impressive revitalization. A strong Democrat, John is exactly the leader that Northampton County needs to move forward. He will draw on his record as mayor to grow the local economy, creating family-sustaining jobs and encouraging innovation. I endorse John Callahan for County Executive with great enthusiasm and look forward to working with him on the important issues that affect Northampton County families."
For his part, Callahan is "honored to receive the endorsement of Congressman Cartwright, who in only a short time has been a strong, Democratic voice for the people of the Lehigh Valley. I appreciate Matt’s support and kind words. As Mayor of Bethlehem, I've worked hard to cut wasteful spending, eliminate the deficit, and create jobs. As Executive, I’ll do the same for the people of Northampton County, working alongside leaders like Matt.”
Cartwright will appear as the keynote speaker at Callahan’s March 11 Campaign Kickoff at the Bank Street Annex in downtown Easton. The event, which starts at 6PM, is free and open to the public.
"a strong Democrat"
Of course Callahan was a strong Republican before he switched to the Democratic Party in order to win office in Bethlehem.
Ah politics, the unknowing leading the uncaring.
I asked Callahan about that. He tells me that his dad was an OTR trucker who loved all the talk radio stations, and became an ardent conservative. As a young man, Callahan followed in his father's footsteps. Now he's rebelled.
The best way to make your kids do something is to do the opposite yourself. That's why I screw up everything. I do it for my kids.
the kick-off is free. that means barron and kraft will be there filling thier pockets with appertizers so they can feed the union masses
Will Seyfried be there or continue to pretend he is not supporting Callahan?
anon 1:27
will your mom be there?
nice one, 6:02
Who is Cartwright, my name is Costanza
Cartwright, BFD!
At least Matt made a choice instead of sitting on the fence.
He's a D and we elected him and he has made a personal endorsement. What's the big deal?
Will you attend Bernie? I hope to see you there and also see if the competition makes an appearance.
Yes, I intend to be there. It is open to everyone.
I'm looking forward to meeting Matt. Have met and talked to his Easton office assistant..April..a couple of times now and they seem to be very receptive to constituent concerns and issues.
Dear 1:27,
Very doubtful Mr. Seyfried is supporting callahan...Very Doubtful..
We had great expectations for Mr. Cartwright: major issues facing the US needing creative answers. Yet, he shows us that he's just another political hack. If he left congress tomorrow, this would be his accomplishment, his only legacy. Rather cheap and disappointing!
The guy has been in office for 2 months..and you have written him off already? Talk about impatient..geez!
He's a freshman rep. in the minority party and you want him to do what? What a jerk..
This endorsement doesn’t matter, Callahan is running against no one. Reibman is a corpse, McClure can barely win his Council seat, and Brown is a complete unknown.
Cartwright is just taking advantage of a conclusion that’s easy to predict. If it were a tight race he’d be nice and quiet as there would be no upside in picking early if he had a chance to be wrong.
10:45..perhaps you are correct..so?
cartwright us a fool to be getting involved in primary endorsement.
1047am, 1045am here - There's nothing substantive to this endorsement. He's trying to get political capital with little risk.
I'd do the same thing if I were him.
That's the story, not the endorsement itself.
He is a fool..What he is saying to reibman and MClure and their supporters, including AFSME, is I think you will forget this and support me when I need help in the future....He's wrong..He shows how little he thinks of mcClure and his supporters and Reibman and his supporters...Interesting..Hopefully, for his sake, he never has a primary fight..Shows how freaking naive this guy is politically..
Right you are.. He's a fool
The McClure and Reibman people are angwy. Vewy, vewy angwy.
Like AFSCME and their ilk have anywhere to go besides Cartwright in this carefully Gerrymandered district. Cartwright knows this. Shut up and pull your lever. You're not going anywhere. Baaaaa baaaaaaa.
I remember Fred Rooney. He got involved in some races that he should have stayed out of. Then, he needed help. Best quote of that year: "Fred Who?"
Shows how.stupid.you are 1200. A gerrymandering district means he can.be
Challenges and crushed in a primary..you stupid fool.. Baaa baaa..Jerk
Yes . He can be and is asking for a challenge by doing this...not smart
Anon 9:05,6:02, 6:28,6:58. He already has given him help. Ask Scott. Your BS is only funny to the rest of the poison posse and the Callahan Klan.
Panto peeps out again today for Callahan. Just saying
Panto is trying to keep it on the down low but he is definitly supproting Callahan.
1:48 (aka dipshit),
Nobody's challenging a solid lefty incumbent in a safe Congresional district. Shut your face. Stop lashing out. And vote for Cartwright you mindless sheep. You have absolutely NOWHERE to go. He knows you're his bitch. You even supported Union Busting Queen Kathleen Kane. All around a pig's ass is pork. All around a sheep's ass is ewe. Baaaaa baaaa baaaaa. Pull yer lever dummy.
Is Bernie circulating a Callahan petition?
"Just saying" happens to be them ost stupid phrase in the last twenty years.
12:59 am: have you seen Barron lately, his pants are so tight he can't even fit his hands in his pockets let alone free appetizers. Sheesh
Union retards supported Kane in the primary and general. They'll support Cartwright because they're too stupid and have memories that are easily erased with new promises. Unions are Cartwright's bitch, please.
Best laugh of the week
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