“Serving as Lehigh County Executive is an important job and the decisions made by the next County Executive will have a direct impact on the lives of every resident who calls our county home,” said Browning. “I am eager to compare my qualifications as a businessman with more than thirty years of private sector business and financial experience versus Commissioner Ott’s background as an author and online media personality. There is no doubt that Scott is a talented political pundit, but I am confident that my qualifications are far better suited to manage and reform a county with 2,000 employees and a $360 million budget. County Executive should not be a position for on-the-job-training.”
Browning suggested the two campaigns sit down and hammer out a schedule for the debates that included agreement on formats, moderators, locations and dates. Browning also said his campaign was willing to split the cost with Ott’s for promoting the debates to voters.
“I hope Commissioner Ott will accept this challenge and spare Lehigh County voters from a campaign of empty rhetoric and bumper sticker-ready slogans that won’t solve the economic and fiscal challenges facing Lehigh County,” said Browning. “Since Commissioner Ott took office the 16% property tax cut that was the basis of his 2011 campaign has never materialized; he pushed through an ill-timed reassessment that is about to jack up local, county and school taxes on tens of thousands of residents and small businesses; and our county deficit is on the rise again with no plan in place to balance the county budget without raising taxes. I look forward to a spirited series of debates on these issues and more and am I hopeful Commissioner Ott will work with me to make them happen.”
Ott would be crazy to debate Browning. Brownig is zero in the polls and Ott is on track to win the county executive race. The fake Democrat Muller is an arrogant prick that the voters will reject outright. Many Lehigh County Democrats refuse to support him. They are angry the county Dem's propped him up.
Browning comes off just a LITTLE bit arrogant.
We have an administration full of that already.
Typical Browning. Lies and half truths. He would say or do anything to get elected. The voters are on to him. He will be crushed on Election Day!
Ott has a mouth. Browning has integrity.
No debate is needed. We just went through this and no issues have changed. Let's save some time and review:
1) Dean sided with Democrats and stuck it to taxpayers when voted to unnecessarily raise taxes during one of the worst economic declines in history.
2) After a campaign in which he used particularly nasty mailers against a fellow Republican, Dean was shown the door by county Republicans.
Anon 7:46 , so true. The advancement of Browning is the number one focus. I am hoping, once again, that the voters see through his deception.
Anon 2:17, there are enough debates set up, Ott doesn't need to play along with the smoke and mirrors.
In one breath he calls his opponent merely a "talented political pundit" and in the next breath he complains about a "campaign of empty rhetoric and bumper sticker-ready slogans"
Too funny!
scott is all talk and would look foolish in a debate. Plus he dosent have the balls for a one on one,face to face.
Plus he dosent have the balls for a one on one,face to face
Actually I recall many debates which included Ott against Browning, at least the few which Browing showed up during the last commissioner race.
Does anyone think A is actually the correct way to hang tiolet paper?
A is more sanitary as the next square hangs to the rear; receiving protection behind the roll, from errant spraying standees. Hotels routinely use B, choosing aesthetics over sanitation. And most hotel rooms are filthy.
A is more sanitary as the next square hangs to the rear; receiving protection behind the roll, from errant spraying standees
One could only learn that here on LVR.
This current slate of false conservatives is a disgrace. The Wayne Woodman led team headed up by chief marrionette Scott Ott has accomplished nothing. Zero.
Their unflinching devotion to nihilism is very easy to talk about because it is absolute. Any nickel that must be spent...cut it. If it leverages federal funds, we don't care. It's the tea party that is driving the republican party into irrelevance.
OK, you cut taxes by some immeasurable and meaningless amount AFTER YOU RAISED MY TAXES BY 50% WITH A REASSESSMENT!!
The attitude that we should turn away our own state and federal tax dollars that are being returned to us in the form of grants isn't conservative....it's stupid. And it demonstrates a basic lack of understanding of finance.
Show me a conservative out there who doesn't take advantage of every single tax deduction afforded to him by the tax code and I will show you a man who doesn't understand finance.
It is foolish to turn away federal and state money if it is available so it can go to Obamacrat areas such as Chicago and Philadelphia.
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