Papers filed later yesterday by Attorney Bill Platt seek to have her reinstated as a candidate. In addition to claiming duress, Platt argues that the withdrawal was ineffective because it was never forwarded to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Petition is below. How do you rule? I do not yet have a Court date.
Updated 10:30 AM to include Petition
Keep us posted on this. hope she is reinstated.
Brenna's racism and misogyny should be reviewed by an ethics panel. He was way too comfortable pulling the sleaze he did on a minority female. Save the excuses. He's responsible for what he did and seemed to enjoy it.
Unjust activities are a big part of allentowns new and improved government¿ One of the contractors building in the NIZ is being sued for building a inoperable building that the mechanics were skimt on and most deffinately built with infereor parts that is the norm with these types of floppers¿ Were the kickbacks are bigger than the projects perposed, pay to play is the rule¿
Here I will give you said federal grant and you have to give me this much before the allocation of said monies¿
Give it up with the race card already. It's getting old. Brennan is a douche but he would have done it to anyone who opposed King Ed's water lease plan.
Agreed. Never the less --It does present a perception problem that gives the entire affair additional visibility and prominence. There is no getting away from that.
I understand that she doesn't even live in the city -- is this true?
ANON 707 could youame the contractor.
She currently lives with family in Allentown and is a registered voter in the city.
The race card never gets old.
It never fails to have its desired effect, either ...
The feigned indignation at bias charges are too much. If an R operative did unethical things to dissuade a minority female from entering politics, you'd have 20 posts and would be squealing like a West Easton pig. Scratch a liberal and you almost always find a bigot. The best defense D's have us that they aren't bigoted, they just prefer their Puerto Ricans to be blithering and stupid like Julio, and that Brennan is a gutless whore who'll do anything for a billable. Kim is a threat. And so are lawyers who's actions violate their licenses. Right Bernie?
Kim isn't a threat if she gets scared off by 1 phone call from a lawyer and doesn't have enough signatures to get placed on the ballot. That sounds like she isn't ready for the responsibilities of the office.
Also nice to see that LV hospital is so helpful to its employees trying to assume community leadership. Any employer that supports its employees will help them run for office with advise and networks. That LVH is silent is perhaps telling.
LVH is a non-profit and had better remain silent.
Thank you Bernie. LVH CANNOT by legal mandate, get involved in any municipal election issues that involve an employee as the two entities must remain completely separate to avoid any conflicts of interest. That should be common sense.
All that matters now is that a well written and well thought out complaint has been filed. Kudos to Platt for pointing out errors in the process. Judges like to let voters decide elections, and I think that Velez will likely be reinstated.
I agree, well written petition by Platt.
LVHN would not get involved under any circumstances.
( FYI --- LVHN management are completely in bed with the mayor, and that's a fact Jack.)
anon 1:31
same thing only worse
I thought Platt's petition was exceptional. Let's see what a judge thinks.
I wonder if the filing issue has any merit. It seems explicable in the response that withdraws would only be forwarded if the petitions had been.
One thing worries me about the lawyer's petition. He said that Velez was unfamiliar with the election process.
What other things does she not know which would make her more dependent on what staff says without some discernment on her part.
The other thing is her west end address. We actually don't need a west end council. However, given her Salisbury heritage she is not exactly an west ender.
What I am saying is that people from all sections of Allentown should as a rule be involved in its goverance, not just a few wards.
I believe that Velez had a right to run for Council, and I actually agreed with her on the water lease issue. But i don't vote for a candidate just how physically attractive that candidate might be or what marketing words the candidate says. I look for substance.
1030 Leh St?
Is is North or South Leh St. Does this women not even know her fake Allentown address?
Anon 913 - actually there is a 1030 N, 1030 S. and a 1030 Leh Street with no north or south direction in Allentown... maybe you should do a little more research before you begin throwing stones... www.google.com/maps... it's not that hard.
There is no 1030 Leh St. It's either North or South.
If this troubles you so much, please by all means, file objections to her. of course, you'll have to identify yourself.
Funny - you CAN get to there from here....
That's no N/S - you can run the directions for either N/S and they take you to two different places... I did it...
No names but, the one building on the northwest corner of 7th and hamilton were the steel is being put up¿ Butz is staying away from this
It clearly states if you read the document that she lives at 1030 n leh st Allentown 18104
Petition will be heard April 10 before Judge Varrichhio.
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