A few weeks ago, Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan was tossed out of a high school wrestling match after claiming that the ref was unfair and had rabbit ears, i.e. was listening too much to fans. All kinds of pious indignation followed, although it probably got him even more votes in South Easton.
Today, Easter Sunday, Callahan tweeted, "Happy Easter to everyone. A great day to have 'rabbit ears'!"
Well played .
And it didn't cost him a nickel...
Honestly, this shows John does not get it. I don't get how you can give him a pass O'Hare. You have a grandson who plays youth athletics. Community leaders should be better than this. Honestly, his apology means nothing after that tweet and reminding people about the incident does him no favors.
Actually, I think you may be the one who does not get it. Callahan showed he is human, was able to laugh about it, and poke fun at himself. But please, continue to be outraged, so he can pick up some more votes.
I agree with anon 11:24. I am a Callahan supporter and have gone door to door for John in Easton. I have been asked at least 10 times if that is the guy who got thrown out of the wrestling match. I say I don't know much about the incident and the person usually politely declines my information.
I wish John would not have tweeted that and you would not post it to get it more publicity. I think people know about it and it is not favorable to Mayor Callahan.
Easton Dem
" I am a Callahan supporter "
Sure you are.
Ok Bernie,
I am truly a Callahan Supporter and have gone door to door.
I will keep my comments to myself though. Apparently, they are not welcome or wanted here.
Oh well,
Easton Dem
Thanks, Lamont.
Look O'Hare has been bought by Callahan so don't expect any critical judgement on this deal.
Bottom line is, Callahan did not poke fun at himslef. He was and still is acting like a little piss ant because of his high school like behavior. Bethlehemites are use to are partying frat boy mayor.
Youth sports has enough asshole's without the mayor bieng the number one asshole. To this day he still mocks th eofficial and sees no problem with his behavior.
Of course you will defend him and think it is all fun and games but this is what the guy is like.
Take your Barron misjudgement and multiply it 100 times and you will be close to understanding what a self absorbed prick this guy is.
thanks for share.
YOu got to give it to Callahan. Once a wise ass, always a wise ass. The more you get to know him the more you don't like the guy.
12:12 AKA EASTON DEM.......
We live in Easton and have walked Easton daily for John, No one mentioned the wrestling issue. Quite the opposite, drive around, and look at allll the Callahan yards signs, not on public property, but on private..
12:12 AKA EASTON DEM.......
We live in Easton and have walked Easton daily for John, No one mentioned the wrestling issue. Quite the opposite, drive around, and look at allll the Callahan yards signs, not on public property, but on private..
It is amazing to me just how jealous people are of Callahan. Most of the negative comments about him are laughable. the rest are from sick minds.
I heard John berated the Easter Bunny and called him foul names when the Easter Bunny asked about casino tax relief. Typical John - even on holidays!
I think John needs to pull back that smile a little bit, looks deranged!
Our next county executive has a sense of humor. His opponents don't. period
What a great post.
Hard news.
Gotta love it.
No wonder you win awards.
Nice political props, the children.
You present it all so well, too ...
Somebody's angwy. Vewy, vewy angwy,
"Our next county executive has a sense of humor. His opponents don't. period"
Bingo. He can laugh at himself.
Which one of those is the bastard child he had with the 18 year old girl?
You sound like an expert on bastards. And childish minds.
Very nice political props, the children and and their rabbit ears.
Very cute, indeed.
Man the trolls were out big time!
1258am aka fake reverend, please stay off Bernie's blog.
He looks shitfaced on that picture. That is the Johnny Casino we know and love in Bethlehem. Three sheets to the wind and listing badly.
Bernie was against Callahan when Dent was paying him. Now he's for Callahan when he's the one paying him.
Hey Bernie, are you going to claim all of the money you get paid to write skewed stories on your taxes?
I walked recently in Southside, not South Easton bernie, lol, and not one person mentioned anything about his wrestling antics, Hey he's a passionate man. It not what can john callahan do for me but lets look who is running against him. It's clear John is the right man for this job, on a side note i don't thing Bernie's blog sways any voter that read his blog, it border's on comical.
Southside, South Easton. Frank Pintabone lives there. You probably know him. He circulated for Callahan. Big time. He tells me Callahan picked up votes over that incident.
Well? Are you going to report the money you get paid by Angle, Dent, and now Callahan on your taxes?
Someone is looking into those things AND the "gifts" you are getting from Angle. Nobody is clean in this world Bernie! You of all people should know that.
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