In the Executive race, three Democrats and one Republican want to succeed John Stoffa.
Yesterday, I spent some time reviewing asbestos lawyer Lamont McClure's nomination petition for Northampton County Executive. I wanted to see who circulated for him to determine the extent of his support.
Northampton County's full-time Controller, Steve Barron, circulated two petitions. Gee, I don't know why Morning Call columnist Bill White calls him "rabidly political." But that's just what I'd expect from that "terrorist columnist."
Council member Ken Kraft, who was at McClure's announcement, also circulated a petition. But he assures me he's neutral in this race. He also signed it. But he's Switzerland, baby. District Attorney John Morganelli took a break from filing mandamus actions to circulate a petition for McClure. He tells me he's neutral, too.
I've got to look up the meaning of that word.
The remaining circulators consist almost entirely of Gracedale union workers, as well as Fake Rev Mario Martinez and his small but Christian band of kool-aid drinkers.
Martinez got McClure seven signatures.
He's a Kingmaker.
Uncool Bernie. You said yourself who the Hell cares who circulates petitions when you were caught circulating Jerry Seyfrieds and John Callahans petitions. You continually ducked the issue.
So anyone on your shit list is not good enough to get names. Representative democracy meet thine equal, Bernie O'Hare.
I would say after the Gracedale debacle, I would be shocked if more employees and citizens didn't get involved in the political process.
You are just pissed they weren't on your side and they stopped your patrons Angle and Stoffa.
Why not shed some light on the Callahan circulators. I am sure they were the best citizens money could buy.
Actually, I refused to tell some anonymous asshole who wanted to know so he could oppose the person.
Don't worry. I intend to shed light on who the circulators were for each Executive candidate. It's a rough measure of support. In McClure's case, it looks pretty weak. Some Gracedale union workers and the Fake Rev, who got a whopping 7 signatures.
martinez only got seven signatures, but all seven were apostles, baby...
If you need a better picture of Mclure head over to SPG, his double chin is less grotesque and he doesn't look stoned out of his gourd.
How about also telling us how many signatures garnered by the candidates. Do they have the minimum? are they over the min by 50 or 100 signatures. Just curious.
The Fake Rev's signatures included separate ones for him and his Johnson Smith Catalog mustache. His will be disallowed.
There are 16 candidates. Each of them filed reams of petitions. Some of those petitions are only partially filled.
I was going to count each one of them and report it, but it's really too time-consuming. Instead, I am going to go back and look at who circulated. That way you can get a rough idea of where their support is coming from. Sound good?
Bernie I would not call McClure's support weak. He has Barron (2x county elected official), Morganelli (a possible Lt. Gov Candidate and current DA), Ken Kraft (who wile his union gave to Callahan is circulating for Lamont). It is not what I would call weak. Also all those people who are elected that circulate for him can actually vote for him. Unlike Cartwright who can't vote for Callahan.
Callahan has Panto (that is no real surprise), but will Panto's people work as hard for Callahan as they do for him. I doubt it.
I also would not call COAF weak. They survived getting over 20,000 signatures, constant critisism from your blog, two courtcases that were appealed to higher courts, won the referendum with 74% agreeing with them, took out Ron Angle, got all their pet candidates elected and continue to be involved.
Honestly... this look slike a strong grass roots campaign to me.
Lamont's support is immaterial. Party leaders have already decided that Callahan will be executive. They'd gladly support Lamont's effort to stay on council, but they have other plans for the executive chair. His support will fall in line behind Callahan in the general. Face it, they have nowhere else to go. Can you imagine Barron or Morganelli voting for Brown? Of course not. It's remarkable that this thing is essentially over before the ink on the petitions is dry. Bernie used to rail against this sort of thing.
I suspect that if Callahan is the choice for the dems in Nov many dems will be voting republican.
Just a thought.
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
--Inigo Montoya
Party leadership was behind Holden (lost), Jackson Eaton (lost), Anne McHale (lost), Charles Dertinger (lost), Tony Branco (lost), etc...
Party leadership is no indication of victory. Hell Bernie does not mind if the party lines up behind the guy he is supporting, but God forbid it was someone who Bernie does not like.
He would say the party bosses hand picked their guy!
I railed against democracy? A three-way primary in which the voters, and not party bosses, decide? What I railed against was the Lamont McClures and Charles Dertingers who attempted to impose their wills on others. Now that they realize their machine is woefully weak, they complain.
I think McClure realizes that he has a good machine behind him. I'll take COAF over the NorCo Dems anyday based on past performance.
Ask Bill Wallace how Callahan's team and the EADC and NorCo Dems helped him win his elections...
Oops... He hasn't won any!
Stop it Bernie. The primary is a formality, as the party bosses and the big money have emerged from the smoke filled room to declare Callahan the next executive. Meet the new machine. It's just the same as the old machine. They've even brought you to heel. Good boy. Good boy.
Frankly who cares who circulated pettitons for whom, unless the circulators are not registered and not county rssidents. Most canididates will gladly take any help they can get.
In county races 250 signatures may not sound like a lot but in three weeks, weather, personal issues and people not home and screwed uop signatures can make it difficult.
I think you are reading to much into all this. In fact, it sounds like just another excuse to slam anyone who was asisted by anyone you consider "an enemy of the state".
Really pathetic Bernie. Time to let it go. The Gracedale issue has been decided.
neutral. 1.on neither side; neuter.
neuter. 1.without sex organs or with sex organs that are not fully developed.
Eckville Press
I will vote for anyone who honestly answers these Questions.
1. Will you support a 15% tax increase to fund the major capital projects that Stoffa has ignored.
2. Will you support a tax increase to replenish the County Reserve fund that Stoffa depleted?
3. Will you agree to fire the neutered staff of Stoffa that got us into this financial mess?
4. Will you agree to utilize empty buildings in Easton and Bethlehem to house county employees so as not to assist in the madness we call urban sprawl?
5. Lastly, do you promise not to name a building after any elected official or Bernie ohare.
Only a public union loafer would advocate a 15% tax increase. This is what happens to dopes who can't get private sector jobs to save their miserable lives.
"Ask Bill Wallace how Callahan's team and the EADC and NorCo Dems helped him win his elections..."
Actually, Bill was relying on people like McClure and Barron and Charles Dertinger. Those are the party apparatchiks.
Wrong again O'Hare. More promises Callahan made and then disgarded when unnecessary. The guy is toxic but you are now needed. You will find out soon enough.
and fleck. didn't he run wallaces campaign?
Mc Clure is like the kid who sneaks into the movie between shows without paying when patrons are exiting. He never worked hard to get elected ,while he was elected and won`t if elcted.
It is nice to see citizens support someone without the need to buy them.
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