Who's dumber? The Morning Call, for telling me to set my clock back one hour, or me, for listening? I missed my grandson's first basketball game today because I was two hours behind everyone else.
What time is it?
(My thanks to a reader for forwarding the photo).
Maybe it was a test to see of anyone's reading the Call.
At least they now know that one person still does.
Seriously, though, you should know that whatever the Call prints is 180 degrees away from what is right. After all, they love the arena project and think Pawliwski is IMPROVING Allentown.
In the Spring, the clocks spring ahead one hour.
In the Fall, the clocks fall behind one hour.
I hope the MC owns up to the mess up!
Wait, wait, stop the presses. Run that story again about the Sands setting record profits.
Just who are the interested parties with a stake in the Sands property?
That sinkhole in Bethlehem Township - is that anywhere near where the new NorCo Human Resources building will be?
You show your disdain for Northampton County's forgotten veterans and its neglected and abused children by calling it a Human Resources Building. It is no such thing. It is a Human Services building.
Morning Call blunders again. Only editor left was Mr. Magoo.
Hey Bernie, you really pulled a Stoffa today.
If I were a liar, I could say I pulled a Fake Rev.
What a sad, sad story the Morning Call has become. I miss the days of reading the paper in the morning. I simply canot justify the extreme price for a poor quality product.
I feel sorry for you!
Last week the MC printed the same comics (best part of the paper)two days in a row. No proof readers left. Not much on fact checking either. Very sad. Why would Buffett want the MC?
A newspaper still operaring in the
Dark Ages wants us to turn our clocks back so they will be compliant with the time in which they are operating.
You, Bernie, for depending on the Morning Call (or any other "authority") to direct you in basic matters of personal responsibility. "Spring Ahead, Fall Back." Everybody knows that from the age of 6 onward. Do you wait for them to tell you to brush your teeth? To brake at stop lights?
That it was the Morning Call who misled you just makes it even worse. It is so close to April 1, and they were simply getting ready for their big day. Sorry you missed your grandson's game.
I caught the second one.
Bernie, Last week The Sun News newspaper of Horry County S.C. printed the incorrect the date of the special election to replace the County Executive.Yes we all have to be aware of certain things however publishing the incorrect date of a low interest election is a mistake that needed to be corrected. Southern Man
Presonally, I find the Morning Call's community pages more valuable than the printed version. There, you are able to find local interest stories and event updates that directly impacts everyday life.
I think the proofreader at the MC went on strike for more bananas and a higher tree.
Two big manufacturers of pet treat products are pulling a variety of well-received brands from the hawk because they may bear traces of poultry antibiotics that are not approved in the U.S.
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