I have been hearing the same thing. People think Reibman is to old and out of touch. Love him or hate him, Callahan seems to get things done. I am still amazed every time I go to the Arts Quest site and see what has been done there.
This message goes out to this candidate and all others. Endorsements from politicians do not work in any election. They are turn-offs. Look at Cartwright's opponent one year ago, Congressman Holden. He came through the valley and picked up the endorsement of every mayor, councilman, dog catcher and legislator. And, what did it get him: absolutely nothing. There's too much resentment in politics today and putting other political names out only kills your chances of getting elected. Too many votes are about not electing the other guy. The voting public seldom loves the guy who wins. I voted for Cartwright because I was terrified of his opponent, a tea partyite. Cartwright's endorsement does not move me. Want to impress the electorate. Try some major businessmen(women) or other recognized community leaders. Those endorsements say something about your character and your ability to lead in the community. Barabara Hollenbach ran for judge. She is a good lawyer. Her campaign signs should have just said her name and not a number of endorsements from other elected officials. Her ads would have been more impressive if they had contained the names of respected members of the bar and community leaders. The electorate is too wise to know that most endorsements coming from other politicos are disingenuous and, in result, worthless. Do yourself a favor: Show that the community wants you. It will go a long way.
Congressman Holden was endorsed by Easton's Mayor, all Easton council, school board, etc. They all appeared in TV ads showing their support. What did all those endorsements get Congressman Holden? 406 votes ( I just ran the total off of the county website) The trouble is that Cartwright received 795 votes. Endorsements from other elected officials mean absolutely nothing. And, for all those who think they have the crystal ball all figured out, I live in Easton and no candidate for county executive has this town rapped up. Most of my neighbors never heard of McClure and they don't know Callahan. As for Reibman, he has his negatives. But, I hear and sense a base of support for the Reibman name. (It's and old Easton family and Jeanette was well liked.) In a three candidate race, that may get him through the primary. Won't win the general. So, Easton has not gone quietly to anyone. I work the polls and know where my neighbors are on these matters. No one has locked up anything yet in Easton. Callahan has a chance, but the Cartwrights-"Hoss", Little JOe and Ben are all dead and live only in rerun land.
I agree no one has Easton or the race locked up. What I am saying, and what I see, is that the Easton Dems are quietly going to Callahan. I am referring mostly to the worker bees. Your perspective might be much different than mine and might be accurate. I also agree that endorsements don't mean much, but they don't hurt.
Randy came to my moms house last weekend with callahans petetion. He does doesn't do anything without Panto's blessing. This tells me mayor sal has something to do with it. In Easton....big names don't mean shit. Small ones mean a lot.
Shouldn't Matty be spending his time on that sequester thingy? He was all ranty and ravey about it just the other day...
Come on, son. How can you campaign when the nation can't defend itself, the water supply has been poisoned, the power grid has collapsed, planes are crashing, children and old people are starving, there's no gasoline, no milk and bread, and there is chaos in the streets?
Clem, it's very unwise to minimize the impact of these cuts and how they will come back to haunt all of us unless something is done. It takes two people to talk. Come up for air and try instead of constantly ridiculing anyone who is not in lock step with your Ayn Rand world view.
Keep the sequester. It's the only way the Repubs will cut defense which is the biggest drain on the budget there is. And that's backed by actual numbers.
My Congressman is Charlie Dent. Is he endorsing Callahan? So why should I give a damn if Cartwright is endorsing Callahan? I live in Northampton County. Who the hell is Cartwright? Sounds to me like some kind of disease you get from pulling a donkey cart.
Cartwright represents half of Northampton County, including all of Easton. He is a Scranton lawyer. you know I am a Charlie Dent fan, but I like Cartwright, too. He is a passionate fighter for the underprivileged.
I hope endorsements don't matter. In my race for Lower Mac Commissioner the politically connected and ambitious incumbent has a whole string. Whats really disheartening is... Once they started coming out I of course started emailing and calling those who made the endorsements inquiring about the process. I of course was hoping to get a sit down, talk about the issues and have the officials learn about me and why I'm running in hopes of getting some consideration.
What stinks is, I was told straight up by one person "Ron, this endorsement was worked out awhile ago, nothing personal" In other words it was a trade of endorsements. The incumbent candidate worked for the state rep when he was running.
Another fairly high profile republican who I have a great relationship with didn't mince words at all when he told me that the other incumbents are large donors to his campaign and he didnt want to upset them when he's approaching a very competitive primary.
I realized really quick that it isn't about the issues at all. It isn't about the people running. It's about good ole boy networking and tradeoffs.
It is what it is.
Don't get me wrong I have endorsements also, but they are local municipal officials from neighboring communities. They are folks who serve on township boards.
I value these endorsements personally because these people understand our township. Know the issues and understand what I stand for. To me they are meaningful endorsements not generic.
Does it matter that the connected incumbents have "heavy hitter" endorsements from the establishment? We'll see.
I hope people read beyond that. I'm counting on it.
Ron, Although you are clearly the underdog, I do not think endorsements mean very much. They're nice, but very few people will vote for Callahan bc he is endorsed by Cartwright, or vote for McClure bc he is endorsed by AFSCME union boss Justus James.
Word on the street is Charles Manson has just announced his endorsement of John Callahan. He is not sure when he can get the free time to come to Northampton County
Comment beginning with "word on the street" are almost always followed by disinformation, outright lies or utter nonsense. It is an expression peculiar to the Fake Rev and his religion of Hate. If a comment looks like it was written by a middle schooler, it more than likely comes fro him or someone in his coven.
This will hurt Reibman in Easton
From what I've been able to piece together, most of Easton has gone quietly to Callahan's side.
I have been hearing the same thing. People think Reibman is to old and out of touch. Love him or hate him, Callahan seems to get things done. I am still amazed every time I go to the Arts Quest site and see what has been done there.
This message goes out to this candidate and all others. Endorsements from politicians do not work in any election. They are turn-offs. Look at Cartwright's opponent one year ago, Congressman Holden. He came through the valley and picked up the endorsement of every mayor, councilman, dog catcher and legislator. And, what did it get him: absolutely nothing. There's too much resentment in politics today and putting other political names out only kills your chances of getting elected. Too many votes are about not electing the other guy. The voting public seldom loves the guy who wins. I voted for Cartwright because I was terrified of his opponent, a tea partyite. Cartwright's endorsement does not move me. Want to impress the electorate. Try some major businessmen(women) or other recognized community leaders. Those endorsements say something about your character and your ability to lead in the community. Barabara Hollenbach ran for judge. She is a good lawyer. Her campaign signs should have just said her name and not a number of endorsements from other elected officials. Her ads would have been more impressive if they had contained the names of respected members of the bar and community leaders. The electorate is too wise to know that most endorsements coming from other politicos are disingenuous and, in result, worthless. Do yourself a favor: Show that the community wants you. It will go a long way.
Congressman Holden was endorsed by Easton's Mayor, all Easton council, school board, etc. They all appeared in TV ads showing their support. What did all those endorsements get Congressman Holden? 406 votes ( I just ran the total off of the county website) The trouble is that Cartwright received 795 votes. Endorsements from other elected officials mean absolutely nothing. And, for all those who think they have the crystal ball all figured out, I live in Easton and no candidate for county executive has this town rapped up. Most of my neighbors never heard of McClure and they don't know Callahan. As for Reibman, he has his negatives. But, I hear and sense a base of support for the Reibman name. (It's and old Easton family and Jeanette was well liked.) In a three candidate race, that may get him through the primary. Won't win the general. So, Easton has not gone quietly to anyone. I work the polls and know where my neighbors are on these matters. No one has locked up anything yet in Easton. Callahan has a chance, but the Cartwrights-"Hoss", Little JOe and Ben are all dead and live only in rerun land.
I agree no one has Easton or the race locked up. What I am saying, and what I see, is that the Easton Dems are quietly going to Callahan. I am referring mostly to the worker bees. Your perspective might be much different than mine and might be accurate. I also agree that endorsements don't mean much, but they don't hurt.
Does Cartwright use GPS to find towns in his district? Is he from PA?
Randy came to my moms house last weekend with callahans petetion. He does doesn't do anything without Panto's blessing. This tells me mayor sal has something to do with it. In Easton....big names don't mean shit. Small ones mean a lot.
Shouldn't Matty be spending his time on that sequester thingy? He was all ranty and ravey about it just the other day...
Come on, son. How can you campaign when the nation can't defend itself, the water supply has been poisoned, the power grid has collapsed, planes are crashing, children and old people are starving, there's no gasoline, no milk and bread, and there is chaos in the streets?
Oh, wait...
Clem, it's very unwise to minimize the impact of these cuts and how they will come back to haunt all of us unless something is done. It takes two people to talk. Come up for air and try instead of constantly ridiculing anyone who is not in lock step with your Ayn Rand world view.
Cartwright WAS all ranty and ravey last week ... and the Sequester WAS 0-bama's idea.
Facts are a stubborn thing.
Keep the sequester. It's the only way the Repubs will cut defense which is the biggest drain on the budget there is. And that's backed by actual numbers.
"... it's very unwise to minimize the impact of these cuts ..."
Reductions to increases that still result in increases aren't cuts.
These are actual cuts and they are going to be felt by real people and that is eventually going to come back to haunt you.
The Post? Really?
Let us not forget the Bethleehm Redevelopment Authorities role in the Steelsatx reviatizization. They have the lease.
Panto has endorsed Callahan, he just won't publically admit it.
7:43: Who told you that, Yogi Berra? Sounds like "No one's voting for him because so many are."
My Congressman is Charlie Dent. Is he endorsing Callahan? So why should I give a damn if Cartwright is endorsing Callahan? I live in Northampton County. Who the hell is Cartwright? Sounds to me like some kind of disease you get from pulling a donkey cart.
Cartwright represents half of Northampton County, including all of Easton. He is a Scranton lawyer. you know I am a Charlie Dent fan, but I like Cartwright, too. He is a passionate fighter for the underprivileged.
"He is a passionate fighter for the underprivileged"
Obviously he doesn't know anything about Callahan or his record.
I hope endorsements don't matter. In my race for Lower Mac Commissioner the politically connected and ambitious incumbent has a whole string. Whats really disheartening is... Once they started coming out I of course started emailing and calling those who made the endorsements inquiring about the process. I of course was hoping to get a sit down, talk about the issues and have the officials learn about me and why I'm running in hopes of getting some consideration.
What stinks is, I was told straight up by one person "Ron, this endorsement was worked out awhile ago, nothing personal" In other words it was a trade of endorsements. The incumbent candidate worked for the state rep when he was running.
Another fairly high profile republican who I have a great relationship with didn't mince words at all when he told me that the other incumbents are large donors to his campaign and he didnt want to upset them when he's approaching a very competitive primary.
I realized really quick that it isn't about the issues at all. It isn't about the people running. It's about good ole boy networking and tradeoffs.
It is what it is.
Don't get me wrong I have endorsements also, but they are local municipal officials from neighboring communities. They are folks who serve on township boards.
I value these endorsements personally because these people understand our township. Know the issues and understand what I stand for. To me they are meaningful endorsements not generic.
Does it matter that the connected incumbents have "heavy hitter" endorsements from the establishment? We'll see.
I hope people read beyond that. I'm counting on it.
Ron, Although you are clearly the underdog, I do not think endorsements mean very much. They're nice, but very few people will vote for Callahan bc he is endorsed by Cartwright, or vote for McClure bc he is endorsed by AFSCME union boss Justus James.
Word on the street is Charles Manson has just announced his endorsement of John Callahan. He is not sure when he can get the free time to come to Northampton County
Comment beginning with "word on the street" are almost always followed by disinformation, outright lies or utter nonsense. It is an expression peculiar to the Fake Rev and his religion of Hate. If a comment looks like it was written by a middle schooler, it more than likely comes fro him or someone in his coven.
anon 7:32, best post of the day. lol
Cartwright s for trial lawyers and the rich.
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