The cost is $20 per person, which includes a free micro-brewed beer or non-alcoholic beverage, assorted hors d’oeuvres, and the chance to argue with lawyers. Last year, the ACLU defended the free speech rights of two Easton Area School District middle school students who were punished for wearing breast cancer awareness bracelets reading “I (Heart) Boobies” on the school’s breast cancer awareness day.
Tickets are available at the door. Further information can be found at the ACLU website or by emailing lehighvalleychapter@aclupa.org.
Not enough beer in the world for me to belly up to the bar with this ACLU scum
Agree with 12:18.
ACLU are scum.
Knock yourself out.
Yet, they've been sitting silently on the Texas case of the minor whose parents are attempting to force her to abort. I guess some civil liberties are not as important as rubber bracelets.
Count me out Bernie. The "I heart boobies" is not about free speech. These"experts" and their parents couldn't figure that out.
Scott Armstrong
The ACLU has welcomed the likes of Bill Clinton, John Edwards, John Karoly, and Bernie O'Hare. Just as Mezzacrazy is righteously guilty by her association with the God hates fags nuts, so too, is the ACLU guilty of its association with these less than honorable barristers. Good people should not support this bad organization.
7:00 has a point. I used to stick up for the ACLU defending them when my conservative friends would start to bash them: "Remember, this organization is unbiased and even defended the free speech rights of groups they disagreed with, such as the Klan and Neo-Nazis, so as to ensure free speech rights for us all". I even considered donating and joining. But I must of been defending the ACLU of old. The ACLU of today is nothing but a bunch of political hacks who are only concerned about who is buttering their bread. I used to tell my friends that the ACLU would stand up for the rights of all, regardless of politics, according to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. But when the Supreme Court decided a case on the 2nd ammendment about the right to bear arms? Well the ACLU decided the Supremes decision wasn't to their liking, and perhaps it was time to pick and choose which laws were politcally and "donation worthy" of defending. Hence, the downfall of another upstanding oranization into the politcal and financial pit of PC.
Guess all I have left now is Snopes.
ACLU is no defender of the Second Amendment, which some think is the basis for all the others. I frankly think that would be the first amendment, the right of free expression. But I'd have to agree that the ACLU does pick and choose.
Nobody's perfect. Certainly not the NRA. But for a bunch not afraid to take on unpopular cases,and defend left and right, the good,the bad,and the ugly, the ACLU does pretty damn well.
The rights always hated them,and they often piss off the libs.
Must be doing something right!
Of course they pick and choose, and they're not always right. Who is?
Still,I love it when Mr Armstrong and other right wingers bash the ACLU. Such hypocrisy.
Remember the ACLU next time you listen to your right wing, drug abusing leader, El Rushbo.
Of course they pick and choose, and they're not always right. Who is?
Still,I love it when Mr Armstrong and other right wingers bash the ACLU. Such hypocrisy.
Remember the ACLU next time you listen to your right wing, drug abusing leader, El Rushbo.
2nd amendment will live forever in this country!!
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