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Mike Lordi, Tom Carroll (judicial candidate), Bob Kerr and Tony Simao are all LV Tea Party alums |
Chairman Bob Kerr made a special point of telling me that I was welcome, even though I belong to the other team. Since the meeting was held in the courthouse, the people's building, he had no legal basis for excluding me. He later acknowledged that he had called Court Administrator Jim Onembo to look for ways to keep bottom feeding bloggers out. Unable to do that, he did the next best thing. He had signs planted all over the room, prohibiting any photography or recording of any kind. I was also ordered to sit in the jury box instead of with the 80 or so Republicans in the house.
That's OK. I got the comfy seats.
While party regulars made their way to the cold hard pews in the historic courtroom, Lehigh Valley Tea Party faces populated the judges' bench and counsel tables. Tony Simao, Mike Lordi, Joy Hemming and Bryan Eichfeld - all of them alums of the original LV Tea Party - were conducting what was supposed to an election of Vice Chair. Other alums, like Ronnie DelBacco and Arlene Klosic were mixed in among the rest.
The meeting started out peacefully enough. It's hard to argue over a roll call. Three candidates were in contention for Vice Chair. Craig DeFranco, a Republican Regular who has served as Plainfield's police chief and is the CFO of a major corporation, was being promoted by mainstream GOP members like Lee Snover and John Van Arman. The other two candidates, Freedom High School Senior Luke Yerger and political ninja Mike Morey, were being touted by tea party alums Ronnie del Bacco* and Mike Lordi. They all gave nice speeches and all have their strengths. But after this was done, and while party members were casting their ballots, party boss Bob Kerr insisted on delivering a rambling homily during which he defended his support for judicial candidate Tom Carroll as a friend, but vowed to support Jennifer Sletvold when she wins the primary in May.
That's when the fireworks began.
Ron Angle, the Northampton County Bulldog, stood up and said that since Kerr had just delivered a sermon, the foor should be opened up for public comment.
"Absolutely not!" insisted Kerr.
People began complaining loudly, and Tony Simao chimed in from the judges' bench, "We will have order on the floor."
Angle was told to sit down.
"This is my meeting. I'm the Chairman," Kerr asserted. "You can sit down. This is an election." Kerr had delivered a speech in the middle of the election, but no one else would be afforded that privilege.
Then Peg Farraro, a current County Council member who is up for election and is very unhappy with the direction in which the party is headed, asked Kerr to let her speak. She reminded him that she had devoted forty years of her life to the Republican party and is a past Chair.
"A past Chairman is just that - past," answered Kerr, as the crowd gasped.
At this point, both Angle and Ferraro were boiling over and Angle made a motion to open up the floor for debate, which was seconded by Ferraro. Kerr ruled them out of order.
When the votes were tallied, Republican Regulars had won. Craig DeFranco pulled down 64 votes to the 24 cast for Moyer and the 10 that went to a Freedom High School senior. In addition, all of the Committee people that Kerr had fired, like Teg Hughes, were unanimously reinstated.
Then Angle again tried to speak and was shut down again. Mike Lordi, who should just shorten his name to Lord, ruled that Angle was out of order. A motion to adjourn was made and the meeting disintegrated without a vote.
After it was over, Angle told Lordi that the vote for DeFranco was actually a vote of "No confidence" in Kerr's leadership, and he should just step down.
Kerr defended his conduct to me, stating that the letter complaining about him is the work of a "belligerent few."
"Are you calling Peg Ferraro belligerent?" I asked. I have heard her called many names, but "belligerent" is not one of them.
Kerr had no answer, although he stated that nobody had bothered to talk to him in advance about their concerns.
Regarding the fifteen judgments filed by Lafayette Hills against him since 2000, Kerr stated they were all paid and that I was attempting to ruin his family. I explained that his inability to manage his own finances is an indication that he'll do poorly with Republican fundraising. He countered that he has turned a $4,570 deficit into a $4,804 surplus. But Angle, who knows a little bit about finances, later asked me, "Do you picture a party with $4,800 as being a viable party?"
The party meeting ended with absolutely no discussion about getting out the vote for an upcoming primary, fundraising efforts or what they will do about the Tricia Mezzacappa problem. She's a Republican racist who filled out a fraudulent LTCF application and who was recently convicted over death threats directed at an elected official. Other candidates are worried, and rightfully so, that she will drag down the entire ticket with her.
Kerr evaded answers to my questions about what he is going to do about her, which is apparently nothing. Republican Regulars tell me that tea party extremists have actually encouraged her, not because they think she will win, but because she supports them in their attempts to seize power.
Although tea party extremists failed to get their Vice Chair last night, Kerr is still in control and seems more intent on securing his own power base than in getting Republicans elected.
"I'm a draw," Kerr told me, handing me a sheet off paper listing all of his accomplishments.
We'll see what he's accomplished in November.
* Updated 8:20 AM: Ronnie delBacco, Team Kerr, has just copied me on a missive to the new Vice Chair. "My first request of you as Vice Chairman is that you forcefully address, with all the provisions afforded to you through our by-laws, the committeemen who so disrespectfully continue to drive a wedge in the gears of unity within our committee and who continue to berate our hard working and committed Chairman, Mr. Robert Kerr. Names need not be mentioned as they were on full display for everyone to see last night...again. Many in our committee were hoping that whoever won this election would be able to reunite our fractured committee. You are now that man." Ironically, it is Ronnie delBacco, who just a month ago stated, "[Kerr] has been a disappointment in that he seems to be all about control and not about serving. I think he is in this mess for himself more and more."
DelBacco appears to be, after all, a phony.
Good for Kerr. Anybody willing to stand up to the Northampton County bullfrog Ron "wrong" Angle has my vote. Angle never has been able to keep his mouth shut.
One of the many reasons voters tossed him out on his fat azz!
As for Ferraro, the Tea Party is good enough for her, when they are knocking on doors but heaven forbid they come into the country club. Her kind is dead weight.
There was no need for anything to be said from Ron Angle at the time. All he wanted to do was stir up trouble. That group NEEDS to stop it because they are causing us to get nothing done. We are supposed to be a party together. I am embarrassed with the way we looked last night. No surprise though because every meeting we continue to embarrass ourselves. This has got to stop.
Angle is nothing but trouble. O'Hare can love him all he wants but the man has destoryed himself politically and he will take the
Republicans down with him.
Angle left a shit stain before being rejected by voters. He was bad for the party and really bad for the county. He's a documented bigot rejected by his own district. Why does he matter?
Peg is just a flipflopper in the wrong party. She votes against her party more often than not and running her off is a good thing ultimately.
Good for Kerr. The circus is very Democrat like. That's the problem with current NorCo Rs.
Dealing with Northampton County from out of the area, we've always been impressed by their ability to overperform compared to their registration deficit. This year, we're not so sure.
Kerr's attempt to modernize the party have reminded us that in a world of ORCA, this is still a shoeleather business.
Some have attributed Kerr's failings to his naivete (Mezzacappa) or to a big heart. But, I see in him the qualities of a sociopath. Admittedly, I only have dealt with him at arm's length, Bernie, you may have a different view.
There were a lot of good people in that room--good people who want to see the good in other people and see the party succeed. But, slowly they're waking up to the paranoia and misogyny. Some of the knights I think are still snowed, but others are naive clowns intoxicated by an invitation to the inner circle. Simao, I'm not so sure, but may be cut from the same cloth.
Regardless, here's what Harrisburg sees: 1. donors who expect their dollars to be stretched for candidates in November, dismayed by the purging of assets in an office downsize. 2. As you have pointed out, the focus is no longer on winning. This is not sustainable and donors are walking away.
Good reporting Mr. O'Hare. You should win a major award. Tick tock Mr. Kerr. You should step down for the good of the party (although, if I'm correct, we both know that's not going to happen.)
Kerr will be funding Mezzacappa with that $4800. She is Kerr's Republican party. GOTV for the pig loving n***** hating massage therapist in November. Job well done Kerr, maybe you will get another award.
Peg Ferraro is being portrayed as a country club Republican? 35 years as a teacher, she is probably the most beloved teacher in Nazareth history by students and parents and fellow teachers. She always has time for youth, people in need and Republican candidates who need a hand. She served as Chairman and raised more money and respect for Northampton County GOP than anyone before or since.She started out at the local level in all things and worked her way to the top. She is well motivated , she is honest, hard working and charitable.
As a former Chairman, state committee woman, elected offcial, member of the board of directors of PA GOP and as a human being
Peg remains VERY relavent and the current regime at Norhampton GOP could learn a great deal from her.
Democrats are going to love your headline May 22. Kerr pushes Mezzacappa across the finish line leaving Ferraro in the past.
Peg's not a country club Republican. Yeah, I've heard the retired teacher stuff. Reality is she's too dumb to spell Rockefeller. She's more Dem than most NorCo Dems. She should have the guts to leave. Her latest overspending vote that stuck it to taxpayers by overspending 38% on a contract says it all. She only cares about her political career and doesn't give a shit about struggling taxpayers. She's pure evil. And is she showing up again? She essentially stole her compensation for a couple years while she couldn't or wouldn't work. An honorable mother or grandmother would have stepped aside and stopped stealing. She's a complete POS.
Who ever thought Ron Angle and Peg would be standing with each other. That was impressive, and what real leadership looks like.
does kerr desire to be hitler?
simao is a little hottie
Kerr has cut $25,000 personnel costs from the budget
Reduced the rent and ancillary costs
Has just had the biggest funraiser of the year
received a $3000.donantion IN January
And is actually bragging about having $4800?
his is going into county wide races?
That is not a sucessful administration!
So Rs who act like Ds are upset that Rs want Rs who act like Rs? In fact, the upset Rs who act like Ds are even whining and crying and demanding like Ds. Ds, Rs who act like Ds, and left leaning bloggers want a nice, manageable R party that is the D's local AAA affiliate. These fine folks do not have the best interests of NorCo Rs at heart. If Bernie and Peg and Ron didn't like what they saw last night, that's probably not a bad thing.
i wish it were that easy. But this debate is not fueled by ideology. It's an ugly takeover in progress.
Vote for Peg, send the rest packing in the primary, show them how much we like he. Vote for just 1. Peg and leave the booth.
Wow... what a bunch of losers. Unorganized with no money. Angle, Ferraro, Kerr, Siamone, and everyone else involved in this meeting needs to step down and call for a new group of Republicans to step forward and lead.
DelBacco was annoying, but the worst was that clown "Foose" (sp?). Who sat in the back but talked the most with that whiney little girl voice.
You should thank Ron Angle and Peg Ferraro for having the courage to ask for your voice to be heard. Instead you want to be a silent member waiting for your approval from Kerr. Ron Angle has been a conservative republican FOREVER and now he just decides to destroy the party? Question the motives of those who just showed last year from the tea party. Ask yourself who's the destroyer.
As the Tea Party has done to the GOP at the national level, they seem intent on doing at the local level. Serve as useful grassroot foot soldiers for the establishment, then climax and wrestle control one election cycle, only to bring the GOP to electoral defeat the next cycle. Tea Party GOP couldn't beat Obama, despite the economy, two years after 2010 House elections. Likewise, the NorCo GOP won a dominating majority of Co Council in a numerically Democratic County, only to be brought down to their curresnt state to devour each other by the Tea Party crowd.
First of all Mr. Kerr should be head of the party "the rents to damn high"
Second, these comment are even being orchestrated to make you think it was about Ron Angle. Actually, he was quite calm last night. A large number of republicans from across the county were there with prepared statements and questions for Mr. Kerr. However, he does not allow any public comment, no cameras, and no video. Here we were in the taxpayers courthouse and not allowed to make any comment. He intentional had his appointed counters delay the counting of the votes until the courthouse was closing. There were only 99 votes cast and it took forever to count 99 votes. Several people were there to discuss his recent devious actions, but he is not to be questioned. He always plays the victim and says they should call him. He will not take calls from anyone, but his close followers. He is quite the con artist and his followers have Stockholm syndrome. He likes to pretend he is working hard, but he really is not. Just do some research on who really gets signatures, puts out signs, goes door to door, works at the polls and turns out the voters. You will find it is those mainstream republicans who elected Craig DeFranco last night. Oh, and this new group is all about class warfare. They must have seen that it worked for Obama, so that is what they are playing now as well.
Greet story, with a valuable lesson. People can discuss serious issues, in orderly fashions, till Angle opens his big mouth. Good job!!!
You want to know why the Dems are going to sweep the County in this years elections? Isn't it obvious. They are going to loose all five Council seats and the Executives seat.
The telling thing is kerr's boys were slammed by nearly double the votes, his grip is nearly lost. Bash angle all you want for past mistakes, but last night he and Peg stood in unity and united the large portion of those in attendance. Word is they are going to Fire Dottie next. Kerr's disrespect of Peg Ferraro in front of the entire gathering was probabyl the worst thing he could have done.
Telling her all she was, was the past may prove fatal for him. She curries a large chunk of donors, and he should know better.
I hear the toilet flushing.
This is why the Dems are destroying us. With nuts like kerr, mezza & DelWacko. Poor Simao and Carrol, they dont know where the belong, they're so confused..
This is why the Dems are destroying us. With nuts like kerr, mezza & DelWacko. Poor Simao and Carrol, they dont know where the belong, they're so confused..
"I hear the toilet flushing."
Only 'John' I hear is being flushed is Johnie Casino at the primary.
Despite the cacophony of the clash of the new guard versus the old guard, the mission is to win campaigns. Neither has done a good job of this. In recent memory, no one in NorCo has been able to bridge the gap between the donor and grassroots communities.
Any good candidate knows the dysfunctional nature of the county party apparatus and cannot rely upon it to win an election. They create their own sustainable organizations. In NorCo, the party backs the candidates they prefer which is sometimes in direct conflict with the state party and consequently weaken the party from within.
Mr. Kerr's quest for perceived power is laughable to operatives in the region because he is irrelevant and does not realize it.
The problem here is that Ferraro, Angle, Gloria Lee Snover, Mary Barket, and Dottie Niklos have no respect for authority. They lost the election in June of last year and think they are still in control.
Their Lib tactics of trying to hijack a meeting and sending out letters with no other purpose than to smear is backfiring on them. And they're too blind with hatred to even realize it!
That group has been around since at least the 1990's which in my book makes then "establishment Republicans". Time for the old stale and moss covered has-beens to step aside.
10:31 must not have been at the meeting. Those moss covered republicans won the election last night with their candidate. While the two "young men" Robert ran lost.
The face of the new party under Robert is young, single men without families.
The families are being erased from the republican committee. NO women and NO families. That is one thing the democrats are so right on. The republicans do not want more women involved.
Wait a minute, I forgot they recruited Tricia. That is their poster woman.
"Dot of Ivy" is the same nomme de guerre someone uses to impersonate Dot Niklos on PoliticsPA.com.
Petty much?
Let me get this straight here.
When NCRC was controlled by Dottie Niklos, Mary Barket, and Roy Shuman the balance of the treasury was -$4000 or so. That was considered a "healthy organization". Now that the balance is over $4000 that's a sign of an organization that is NOT healthy????
Yep, that makes PERFECT sense!
What makes sense to me is that Mary and Dottie made an effort to get out the vote and actually elect candidates. This tea party-influenced leadership seems more interested in grabbing control, to the extent that it defeats the main purpose of having a party organization. Whether it has $-4,000 or $+4,000, that won't be enough to even send one mailer.
Actually the accountig does make sense. Although the budget was -4000 that very month,. It quickly recovered, and during that time (6 years) there was someone in the office 4 to 5 days a week. Candidiates had somewhere to work on mailings and projects, People came in from street for lterature, voter registration and absentee ballots to sign up for volunteer work. There was storage for on and off premisis needs.
So I guess it much better to have a very little cash on hand and offer NOTHING to the committee members, voters or candidaes, except a empty office and an answering machine.
If it's not philosophical, why not just have one party? Because we already essentially do. It's a very blue area. For years, most Rs are just Ds who couldn't navigate their own party apparatus and switched to get an easier path. You say it's not philosophical because the only opposition party is just Democrat-lite. The process is ugly, for sure. But if it brings about an actual philosophical debate on the direction of county government - the likes of which we've only had twice in decades, thanks to you - it will ultimately be a good thing. Inner-party politics are are always ugly. Democrats have been killing each other in inner-party squabbles to since Andrew Jackson. Republicans are usually more tidy, until now. Of course, there's no comparison between Ferraro and TM, who is despicable. A party should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. The party hierarchy should distance itself from both women, for different reasons. And it should have jettisoned Mezzacappa already. It's a Republican civil war, for sure. Excuse us, however, if we don't care one bit about whom you favor. Your reporting is appreciated though, as you do a nice job and make your bias proudly apparent. On balance, that's fair.
Throwing some irony in here. So angle mary dot niklos and lee snover are these die hard republicans who are noble and wise and they are fighting the evil robert kerr who wants to come in and actually DO something. Right....this group including peg ferraro also proudly support jennifer sletvold for judge. So jennifer sletvold goes to callahan for executive fundraiser in support? Jennifer sletvold supports democrats and this group is saying robert kerr is a problem? Haha THAT is funny. Oh and I was at the meeting...ron angle was full of outbursts and that awful excuse for a"southern bell" lee snover made fun of a young enthusiastic candidate. These people are all proof that money does NOT by class... from sletvold tgrough the slate belt and right on back to the snovers.
Bernie, I don't read your blog as much as I should any more because the format wreaks havoc on my handheld (hopefully the Q10 will fix that).
I must admit though that I have fallen prey to judging peoples' character by reading anonymous comments. In the back of my mind I know they can all be the work of a single guttersnipe, nevertheless, one after another can have a psychological effect, which is why I suppose people even take the time. I myself am guilty of posting anonymously at times.
But, I am reminded today why I must guard my thoughts from the anonymous character assassinators. Peg Ferraro, I have known for years to be one of the most loving people on the planet and someone who cares very deeply about doing what is right. I understand that over the course of years as a leader, one will have some difficult decisions to make while balancing priorities. And sometimes we make mistakes. But because of Peg's character, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt.
It's difficult to read some of the things being written about Peg, and it should be a reminder to all of us to take the things written anonymously about another with a grain of salt.
A judicial race is nonpartisan. Sletvold is on both ballots, and wants to be a judge for ALL of the people. The question you should be asking is why Carroll was not there. Under your twisted thinking, you should spurn every Democratic vote, as well as those of more than half of the Republicans. It is idiotic, divisive and reflects a basic misunderstanding of electoral politics as well as complete ignorance of judicial contests. .
Well said, Matt.
Peg should be judged on her public record. Period. The personal stuff is wrong. There is enough in her public record to give many Rs pause. That's fair. Personal attacks are not, despite justifiable anger over her recent Nazareth Ambulance vote.
I am sorry but I don't get it. I read this like three times and still don't get the point that you are trying to make about Ronnie Delbacco?
"Kerr fuhrer" and his brown shirts played one out on the people last night. In a blatenly obvious scripted evening, his plan back fired on him. With the glaring omission of comments and new business missing from the agenda, one of his brown shirts motioned, and a second brown shirt with a lovely scarf, seconded the motion to table reports until next meeting, and move directly to the vice chairman election. During the Nominating speeches we were enlightend by an all hail the fuhrer speech from said scarfed brown shirt. During said election, a motion for comments was made and seconded, but called out of order by another of Kerr fuhrers brown shirts. All the while, Kerr fuhrer stood and prostletized from his bully pulpit. It was quite obvious that only Kerr fuhrer and his minions were allowed a voice. While the rest of the public was left to see the So called leader of the party for what he really is. Nothing more than a condesending, self absorbed, power hungry, wanna be leader. When the votes were tallied, and the vote of no confidence I mean vice chair was announced, it was clear who actually one the evening.
A few commenters have a belief that everyone who belongs to a political party should march lock step in line on ideology and on every issue. While the "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything" logic rings true, there is a key difference between a political party and an interest group. While there are GENERAL differences between them, parties are first and foremost about winning elections because if you are not elected to office, you are not in a position power to do anything about the issue(s).
The major parties are coalitions. And going back to the RINO hunters of Club for Growth to the Tea Party and/or conservative purists, there has been this atempt nationally/locally to purge the party of anyone not in line. May energize some "base" but that is interest group behavior, not (major) political party behavior, and is a recipe for a shrinking party.
A good case in point would be the Dems shrewd recruitment of Casey for the 2006 Senate race. It infuriated women's groups, and some progressives, after all he didn't hold ALL the "Democratic" views on abortion and guns. But it neutralized those issues from Santorum, and won the election for Democrats. And how important has that been, esp. when PP&ACA was passed??
The GOP has become so focused on winning ideological battles, it forgot the pragmatics of fighting a war. And there are those on both sides of the NorCo GOP split who have been guilty of this in the past.
YUP exactly
he acts like a jerk.
gay old party
"I am sorry but I don't get it. I read this like three times and still don't get the point that you are trying to make about Ronnie Delbacco?"
Just yesterday, i said I respect Ronnie. Now I am not so sure. He circulated a memo this morning suggesting it's time to gang up on those who attack Kerr, but just a moth ago, he was one of those people. He certainly seems like a phony to me.
lighthouse, Your comments always are enlightening. Thank you for putting it so well.
Both parties go through this. Outnumbered Rs have controlled council, largely due to Ds' in fighting. That's how Stoffa came about. The struggle of philosophy vs. pragmatism really seems to boil when there's no discernible difference between yourself and your opposition. Rs seem to do this more than Ds. Lighthouse is correct, though, that they better make sure there's a structure left to fight with after the philosophical bloodletting. If Mezzacappa is part of that strategy, God help them.
The Young men are taking over!!!
GOP, the Party of Ron Angle and Tricia Mezzacppa. How can they go wrong.
Young single never been on a date in their life men...
Lehigh County is losing it's reputation as THE home of the looney-tooney Republicans.
Damn shame----they worked so hard to gain that title.
The NCRC men are single because most of the women involved are post menapausal kooks!
I think those Tea Party fellas are a bunch of hotties!
And I'm not the only guy who thinks so.
I get your points. Their sexual orientation is irrelevant to this discussion.
Is Ron Angle a "bear"?
The runner-up in this election is Mike Morey.
You got the right letters, but wrong order.
i will fix that.
I can tell you that if PA ever makes gay marriage legal I'm going to ask Ron Angle to marry me. The thought of rumaging through his vast collection of suspenders makes me so hot!
Ron is taken by Bernie or Stoffa, not sure which one.
Actually, Ron and Stoffa are both very unfaithful. An Ron giggles when he kisses.
I bet Ron Angle gives amazing mustach rides. How is he at tossing salad there Bernie?
Take your drug cocktail, Tricia.
OMG! Is he taking "chairing" advice from Walt Garvin? He sounds just like him!
Oh Bernie how you have jumped the shark with all of this. Remember the curse of the gypsy!
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