That's right. For many years, I've masqueraded as a fat white guy. In reality, I'm a skinny Asian dude who looks just like Bruce Lee. On any given weekend, Ron and I team up with the Batman and Spidey to rid Northampton County of all evil.
In the Seth Rogan movie based on our lives, we tool around in a ride called the Black Beauty. But we're looking for a more politically correct name.
Updated 6:30 PM: I had to go see the movie to make sure that the Green Hornet and Kato really are good guys. They are. Seth Rogen does look a bit like a young Ron Angle, and definitely talks like him. Cameron Diaz is a ringer for Sharon Angle, Ron's wife. Like Kato, I do make a wicked cup of coffee.
• Spadoni also instructing them how they should vote on the question, based on his legal research, with vocal support from Angle and Mark Stewart, the lawyer whom county council has hired to facilitate Gracedale's sale. Spadoni said the proposed referendum is nonconforming and should be rejected, which raised questions from Kraft, among others, about why the lawyer didn't offer so much as a hint of that before Gracedale privatization opponents spent three months collecting 23,391 signatures.
LOL. Typical Spadoni.
Excellent point. No one believed they would get the signatures. Once they did Team Stoffa had to move fast. Angle and O'Hare moved to invalidate signatures through Angle's most familiar surroundings frivolous lawsuits. At the same time, Stoffa had one of his pol hack solicitors get an opinion from the law firm selling Gracedale.
This entire episode stinks so much they should shrink wrap it and call it Gouda!
From my experience (with petitions at my voting place and in two local clubs), the petitions are bullshit. The three I have seen have been presented illegally and have no way of passing even a minimal scan.
Fortunately nobody gives a shit about your opinion on petitions Bill.
Just saw where Barron wasted gas and drove all the way to Harrisburg.
Will somebody check to insure he doesn't attempt to expense the wasted gas. It's called a phone, Barron. Google it. This is the intelligence level that wants Gracedale to continue losing our money.
wow. i dont miss that place.
at all.
I saw the Green Hornet when it came out. Loved It! Great smash'em up car chases!
I suggest that you and Ron purchase an old AMC Hornet and paint if putrid Green.
Then, just like in the movie, drive it through the courthouse and destroy the star chambers.
If you want, I will equip your car with rocket launchers and machine guns, no charge!
But I might have trouble getting a hold of a big enough ejector seat to hold the load of both of you!
"Fortunately nobody gives a shit about your opinion on petitions Bill."
Actually, I do, and you'll discover why in due course.
"Fortunately nobody gives a shit about your opinion on petitions Bill."
I could just puke on my car.
So the county in their dumbest move yet sells Gracedale for $35 million to ease their debt. What do they sell next year to ease the debt? They shouldn't be looking at selling they should be looking at cutting expenses and decreasing the size of government. Gee maybe they could turn off the lights at night and save a few hundred thousand -- the place is lit up like a stadium all night long
Actually Bernie, you should slim down. You'll be around for a lot longer.
You are correct and I thank you for the advice, which I think was meant with good will. I can lose it and keep it off for years at a time, and most people who know me know that. But when I reach a certain point, I get deathly ill or get injured. I've had pneumonia three times and bronchitis at least 5 times, always when my weight is down. I've had dysentery and other strange illnesses, probably bc I drop too much weight, and tend to do it too quickly.
One of these days, I'll learn moderation. I believe in that philosophy politically, and should try to apply it to my lifestyle.
"But I might have trouble getting a hold of a big enough ejector seat to hold the load of both of you!"
Yeah, Angle has really put on too much weight.
Read the ET this morning. I am confused. Is Councilman Lamont McClure in favor of selling Gracedale or not. It seems for $ +30- million he doesn't want to sell it. But for $ 50+ millon, he would sell it. So he seems to want to sell it, but for a specific minimum price?
Did you see this anonymous post on one of your threads? Brilliant!
"I would like to add to your petition that all county union contracts should coincide with primary elections and have union wages and benefits voted upon too.
How do you think this would go over---not to well do you think? Unions enjoy and make a living holding taxpayers hostage."
Need a jogging partner?
Peace, ~~~alex+
Anonymous 12:57
Boy I have never seen as much class as you showed toward Bill. You must be leading the Progressive charge for civility. Is Harry Reid your hero?
Anon 9:49 -- What do they sell next year to ease the debt? We should sell the prison...that's another 200 some odd pensions that we won't have to pay with tax dollars.
Section 2. Political Powers
All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.
Section 20. Right of Petition
The citizens have a right in a peaceable manner to assemble together for their common good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievances or other proper purposes by petition, address or remonstrance.
Section 25. Reservation of Powers in People
To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general powers of government and shall forever remain inviolate.
Section 26. No Discrimination by Commonwealth or Political Subdivisions.
Neither the Commonwealth nor any political subdivision thereof shall deny to any person the enjoyment of any civil right, nor discriminate against any person in the exercise of any civil right.
INDEFEASIBLE: That which cannot be defeated or undone. This epithet is usually applied to an estate or right which cannot be defeated.
Inviolate: free from violation, injury, desecration, or outrage, undisturbed, untouched, unbroken, not infringed
Remonstrance: argument: a forceful argument in favor of or against something, or the act of making such an argument
- formal protest: a formal protest, usually in the form of a document or petition
Bernie IF the 507 petitions filed to prevent the County from selling nursing home are legitimate they have a CONSTITUTION RIGHT to have the question at the least put on the ballot so the whole voting public "redress of grievances or other proper purposes by petition, address or remonstrance." is address!!!
This post is from your "right-wing maniac" right is right, Bernie!
I like that
Right Wing Maniac,
These folks are exercising their right to petition the government at every Council meeting. That does not translate into a right of initiative and referendum. Tkae a look at Section 20. If you are a strict constructionist, and I think you are, you'll agree.
Bernie yes sec 20 has been in play an upheld, but they as in petitioners wish to bring into play their Section 2. Political Powers
All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.
Bernie 1.""IF"" the 507 petitions filed to prevent the County from selling nursing home are legitimate"
2. I think the Gov't shouldn't be in the nursing home buz!
3. I also think the voting people will vote to sell it, if faced with the tax burden of keeping it!
4. If we can't have a "initiative and referendum" on big questions like this how do us "unwashed masses" use are "inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper." with out using Section 21 . Right to Bear Arms????
"right-wing maniac", was a inside joke to you, Bernie I put my name on the post "Lee" if you want I'll use family name also!!! I have nothing to hide.
Got the joke right away. Look at the Constitution. Do you see anything in there at all that expressly gives the people a right if initiative and referendum on a topic like this? It expressly gives the people a right to petition their government for the redress of grievances. That has happened repeatedly at Council meetings and, of course, they can sue. They can even try to have initiative and referendum. But as you can see in that Constitution, we are a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. The Constitution protects the unwashed masses. It also protects us from government by mob rule. Think about all the lynch mobs ready to string someone up. If we had direct democracy, that would happen more often as some demagogue would whip people up.
Anyway, that's how I feel. You could be right and I could be wrong. The Courts will be deciding this now.
I'll give you a buzz next week. As I told you, I was busy working on that Gracedale stuff and will be happy to talk to you next week, if you have time.
"But as you can see in that Constitution, we are a representative democracy, not a direct democracy." No Bernie we have a Constitution Republic CHECK out art.4 Sec 4 of the U.S.A. Constitution!
Section 4.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
"Republicanism: The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind. " Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 11 March 1790.
At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" "A republic if you can keep it" responded Franklin.
"A democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the results of the decision." Benjamin Franklin
"Anyway, that's how I feel. You could be right and I could be wrong. The Courts will be deciding this now." SOOOOOOOOO RIGHT!!
Bernie, If the nursing home was a legitimate fuction of gov't I'd be with you 100%. Since the gov't of past got US in this mess let taxpaper/voter decide if we want out.
"Let the buyer beware"
The problem is the "big lie" regarding the cost of Graceadale and the care of its residents has been spewed so long that the "real story" and the "truth" was the first casualty.
Things are ignored, for example, capital projects done to improve the 'physical plant', can be charged back to the State. The returned money has been used to handle other County projects. The vast majority of all personnel costs, in fact a majority of the cost of Gracedale, are reimbursable from the State and Federal governments. Before you baggers scream, "that is still my tax money", what do you think the privates do? They bill back to the state and Fed as well.
At the end of the day, this is a County Council and an Administration Hell bent on doing this and using the great recession as an excuse to postulate ridiculous numbers that are so inaccurate it is hard to discuss them.
The "Truth", is simple. Stoffa, Angle and others want the "money", they NEED the money. The county had a huge surplus that was squandered by terrible labor contracts that rivaled old Bethlehem Steel and poor overall County management. Many areas of Human Services for example are still way over budget.
They also want the money for the Abe Atiyeh Detention Center, which unlike Gracedale will be run on County taxes. Another fact pushed under the bed for now. They also want money for the public health Department. Hell, the Right Reverend Dowd tried to write it into their Health Department Resolution. They didn't because it might "look bad". You think?
Also they want to slash the overall personnel by 40%. No problem if that's you desire, except the hidden cost to do that has not been accurately portrayed. Has nothing to do with unions the fact is there is a cost to the County long term in lopping off that many people at one time. Check out the impact on the pension fund which is actually stabilizing quite well. As a matter of fact, the fact is now. the so called "Holy" six (6) million dollar figure needed to run Gracedale in 2010, is not even close to that anymore. So the ten year project is automatically off, even though it was never accurate to begin with. If you want to dump 40% of the County workforce, man up and just admit it. Don't wrap it in this fiscal-love-and care crap you are trying to sell. Folks who understand Nursing homes and these funding streams have known this all along.
So many facts that have been shouted down, and made to go away by paid shills hired to make a bad decision look genius.
We The People
Anonymous said...
The problem is the "big lie" regarding the cost of Graceadale and the care of its residents has been spewed so long that the "real story" and the "truth" was the first casualty.
No the big lie is a nursing home is legitimate fuction of gov't!
"Before you baggers scream, "that is still my tax money", what do you think the privates do?"
As one of them so called "baggers" I think the taxpayers/voters should decide by referendum. I also think the voters are going to say bye bye to the nursing home!
I agree that this is a once in a fifty year decision that should be decided in a referendum. Probably one of the most important decisions in the County's history. This current proposal is being shoved down our throats because the Administration and Council don't want the people to decide this issue.
Truly a case of democracy is great when I agree with it but not when I don't. Stoffa and Angle ought to put their names in for President of Egypt.
Here we go with the snide remarks that get you nowhere. Gracedale, from 1837 to 1950, was the County poor farm. It was a place for people to stay when they had nowhere else to stay. You know, we still have people like that.
So in 1950, Gracedale went from poor farm to nursing home after 113 years, was there a referendum? Was anyone shrieking about the historical significance? NO, because the law did not permit a referendum and Stoffa and Angle weren't in charge then.
Times change, and so do county needs. If you don't like what s happening, replace your leaders. But even if they wanted it, there can be no referendum.
We the People at 9:20 sounded pretty dead on accurate to me. Must have a microphone hidden in Stoffa's office for those Stoffa/Angle meetings.
How would you know unless you were sitting in on those meetings, too?
The County has never hidden its swaption problem. It has been up front about it. But it would not sell a recurring revenue generator to pay a nonrecurring expense. It would sell a money pit.
But that is just one of many considerations. The primary consideration for the County has been and will remain the best interests of residents and a continued availability of indigent care, not the interests of two unions or some demagogue fake preacher who makes threatening remarks when he doesn't get his way.
Are we still talking about this? County run nursing homes are a thing of the past, combine that with personnel pensions that can run us more money in the future, let's cut our loses now. The facility will be fine privately owned, let's move on please...
It is sadly amusing to read a well written and thought out essay as put up by "we the people", and the responses by Mr. O'Hare and what sounds like the right wing supporters of the sale.
It may in fact be time to sell the Nursing Home but the way this is presented is interesting. Those who want to sell continually repeat mantra's that have been alleged. Better care, evil costs.
Yet at the end of the day, it would appear to any outsider this is merely a political decision based on wanting to generate up front cash and cut recurring employee costs.
The most amazing thing is the continual use of the "care of the resident" defense by the proponents of selling when in fact not one shred of evidence can be shown that residents are not extremely well cared for as evidenced by the families and the residents themselves.
I believe the hypocrisy of the argument is the most galling aspect of this entire debate.
Lew A.
"Lew A",
If the comment by "We the peope" sounds so good, it's probably bc you wrote it. Moreover, Gracedale is not a "right wing" or "left wing" issue.
Wow Bernie, I don't know who Lou is but it is a compelling point of view. I don't understand the hate. You claim to respect other points of view but attack people when they express those other points of view. Or you attempt to minimize them in some way as a person.
how can 23,000 people ALL be wrong ?
Actually, it's closer to 15,000 people, and they are not necessarily opposed to Gracedale's sale.
exactly ! so why then shouldn't the voters be heard ?
Because the Home Rule Charter says NO, on any matter involving the budget or a capitol program.
come on bernie come over to the other side :)
It's closer to 23,000 and the Home Rule Charter is riddled with contradictions to State and Federal Law.
Let the people decide. That's what you were screaming when Angle illegally held two incompatible position.
Let the people decide.
This has nothing to do with federal law. And in Angle's case, the people already had decided, and you thought nothing of disenfranchising them.
It was against the Law O'Hare. Do you believe in "mob rule". So if the mob can hang the guy before the cops get their. It is no longer illegal because it already happened.
That is why this Gracedale business stinks to high heaven and will cost many of these pols their seats.
You, Angle and Stoffa have double standards or as many standards as you need to justify anything you want to do.
Angle broke the law but that's OK because the mob wanted it. But the mob that wants Gracedale is wrong.
Oh the tangled web we weave when we weave to deceive.
As I recall, Angle followed the law and stepped down, even though it disenfranchsed the voter. You are suggesting that the law be ignored, even though 90% or more of the registered voters refused to agree to a plebiscite.
I think the union rep should be contacted and asked if they would still offer give backs. It appears the tide has turned, best try to save face and get something out of this situation.
The $6 million was always a "soft" number the actual amount is now about $3 million for the year. Just like the Since they funded half a year that amount will actually cover ost of the year. Jus tlike the $22 miullion dollar swaption is now only $10 million. These guys lie like a rug.
The union has always and will negotiate in good faith. But with Stoffa and Angle that is impossible. The County needs to bring in a trustworthy third party to monitor negotiations and things will go smooth.
Once you loose the trust of people it is hard to regain it. This Administration and County Council has lost the trust of the people of Northampton County.
Between Gracedale and the fiasco at the prison, we will be sued to dead.
Thank you Angle/Stoffa for the most disasterous incompetent reign in County history.
"The union has always and will negotiate in good faith. But with Stoffa and Angle that is impossible. The County needs to bring in a trustworthy third party to monitor negotiations and things will go smooth."
Yeah, that miust be why they brought an inflatable rat on the day they were supposed to negotiate givebacks.
Since Stoffa has lied and backtracked since day one. The Rat was not that inappropriate.
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