Feral cats might understand our delicate eco-system, but they can't be any worse than us. So I'm against hunting feral cats or serving them at Chinese buffets.
There's a petition movement afoot here.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
How do you know when you've been burglarized by an Asian?
Your cat and dog are missing, and your homework is finished.
Feral pigs are also overunning the country. Oh wait, those are members of Congress.
Perhaps one of your readers will contact the national TV networks to suggest a story about this issue especially in light of the sponsor's inappropriate bias.
What the hell do you have against Chinese buffets? They need to make a living too.
Next thing you'll come out against scrapple and we'll really have a fight on our hands.
Jersey is and has always been a screwed up state. One city has a 24 hour ban on dogs barking. They were against Bear Hunts and now they want to shoot cats??
I love Chinese buffets myself. My grandson would eat his breakfast there if he could. But when I stick my fork into the dim sum, I don't want to hear "Meow."
Look at how your Chinese food prices would go up though -
Very funny.
How can you shoot defenseless cats?
Easy, you just don't lead them as much.
--Apocolypse now
What I can't stand is when those damn feral cats sneak across the border at night. I'm pretty sure most of them are terrorists, too.
These cats come into to the country seeking a meager living. They're primarily working in the agricultural industry performing jobs (itinerant mousing)American cats won't do. Having a heart doesn't make you a pussy. And never, never order #69. Thank you for bringing this issue to light.
Well-meaning animal lovers don't understand the impact of feral cats -- estimated to kill 500 million birds a year. Same misunderstanding prevents needed control of mute swans and Canada geese. But if you've ever had mating cats' yowls wake you in the middle of the night, or tried to wash male cat spray off your siding, you'd understand them for the pests they are. Oh, and the problem with bans on barking dogs is what, exactly?
Meanwhile, in the Lehigh Valley, a bi-county quality of life commission considers hunting of feral New Jerseyians.
Now if we can just get commuter rail to NJ, we could repopulate our cities with all those feral cats.
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