On the bright side, I've been invited to a few parties in Indonesia and Singapore.
Most of you, even members of Congress, have used Facebook far more effectively. That includes LV Congressman Charlie Dent. He and his staff interact with constituents, making him that much more transparent.
Last week, he told readers about "a resolution I cosponsored with many of my colleagues from Pennsylvania congratulating the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Council on another successful Dance Marathon (THON), which benefits pediatric cancer research. As a graduate of Penn State, I am especially proud of the great work done by the University’s students, including many from the 15th Congressional District. This year’s THON raised an incredible $7.83 million in funding."
It's nothing revolutionary, but who could possibly object to a resolution encouraging research to eradicate cancer among our children?
That would be Jonathan Geeting, one of the triumvirate who runs a local "independent" blog set up to elect John Callahan as your next Congressman. He refers to Charlie Dent as a "human shitstain," and refuses to delete this intemperate remark. He's a New Yorker employed by George Soros' Open Society Institute, a supposed 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
While being paid by this supposedly nonpolitical nonprofit, Geeting posted this response to Congressman Dent: "It's nice to know you're spending time on meaningless bullshit like resolutions to congratulate people when 10% of your district is out of work. Much better than spending time writing or voting for jobs bills." (Posted Wednesday at 1:39pm, presumably on the company clock).
In Geeting's Orwellian world, congratulating people for pediatric cancer research is meaningless bullshit.
Does John Callahan's carpetbagging campaign team, who is feeding New Yorker Geeting's "independent" blog with all kinds of Dent attacks, agree that congratulating people for pediatric cancer research is meaningless bullshit? Will they condemn this?
This is quite sad. I think I've identified the real human skidmark in society's collective underwear.
"Howdy Ho!"
I will say that the other day I was watching TV and there was a woman who had a double mastectomy and her insurance wouldn't pay for no could she afford plastic surgery (breast reconstruction) and a charity came on live on the air and told her that they would pay for her surgery and everyone was screaming and crying and thanking God. I thought "Only in America." Everywhere else in the world where people have universal health care, women just get reconstructive surgery and it's paid for through universal healthcare paid through taxes which ends up being much cheaper than what we pay for private health insurance. (I pay over $7k a year for private health insurance and have nothing wrong with me.). But here was have all the effort and drama and emotion of the charities and the movements and begging hte rich people to cover what other countries consider basic healthcare. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we're crazy.
If for some reason Mayor Callahan is not our next Congressman it is comforting to know he will be the next Northampton County Executive. We will need his skill to fix the County after another four years of Stoffa's incompetence.
We also need the Mayor to save us from that walking talking toxic waste dump Ron Angle.
Neither of the above two comments address the simple reality that a Callahan blogger, and one who is apparently being paid by the Soros foundation for his tripe, posted a comment that slams Dent for encouranging pediatric cancer research.
It is one of the most disgusting comments I've ever read, and it's very disturbing to me that it comes from someone who disingenuously portrays himself as "independent."
Irnonically, under his own reasoning, health care reform is meaningless bullshit, too, because we're supposed to get jobs first, I guess.
Is this the kind of people Callahan is using? If so, he will lose worse than he thinks.
I will only respond to this insofar as to make clear that 1. I am a records assistant at the Open Society Institute, which is indeed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and has no connection whatsoever to my political blogging, which is entirely a hobby. 2. The comment in question was made from my iPhone, my own personal property and not the property of my employer. I also pre-schedule my updates at LVI to post throughout the day so that I'm not writing at work. This is something I take seriously, and take great care to get right, so please remove the insinuation that my blogging is related to my job.
Sure it was a stupid comment, but it is also being taken out of context here.
The reality is the resolution is merely a congrats on a job well done. Nice, but it is not as if he was passing a bill FUNDING pediatric cancer research or healthcare coverage for those affected by pediatric cancer research. Congress has a lot of work to do and posturing over passing a bill that adds no value over and above congratulations is not the best use of resources. Sure, pass the resolution but get back to work. It's not like THON is not going to happen next year because Charlie Dent didn't congratulate the effort. I'm sure they also would have preferred a bill that actually helped their cause than a resolution that said nice work. I somehow doubt that's their motivation for their hard work.
I don't really think it was a comment worth making, but this post is just spinning it into more than what is there.
Anon 8:02,
Thank you. It was and incredibly insensitive and stupid statement, and worth every word I wrote about it. If you have a child in your family who has ever undergone a serious illness, you would not be so quick to minimize what Geeting just did.
To make matters worse, this supposed independent posted that comment while being paid by a 501(c)(3) non profit, apparently to promote Democrats.
And what a phony. By his own reasoning, Obama and Congress should drop all attempts at health care reform now and concentrate on jobs.
Since the Callahan camp is feeding this guy information and this NYer's blog was set up to destroy Dent, I'd like to know whether the callahan Camp will agree with you that this was a stupid comment.
Is this how we've devolved, where even kids with cancer are smeared when some partisan hack decides he wants to get at some pol? I think we are entitled to demand some decency, and call out those who stray.
"This is something I take seriously, and take great care to get right, so please remove the insinuation that my blogging is related to my job."
Bullshit, Jonathan. Your comment on Charlie Dent's F/B page was made on a Wednesday at 1:39PM. It was made in real time bc you can't preset a F/B comment. So you were playing politics on the job, just like you're doing right now.
That's something you and your "nonprofit" very obviously don't take seriously, although the IRS may have a different view.
So I remove nothing. In fact, it is increasingly clear to me that you are being paid to blog for Democratic candidates.
The person who needs to remove something is you. Your comment is disgusting. Don't you have any decency at all? Have you considered the effect your ill-advised comment has on the families of chilfdren who suffer every day? My grandson was born very ill and I hope and pray you never go thru anything like that. Given your comment, you apparently don't place that high a value on human life.
Are you kidding? The guy slammed Dent for wasting time in Congress congratulating instead of actually DOING something. Did Dent introduce legislation to increase funding for pediatric cancer research? No. Did Dent introduce legislation to help build facilities to treat patients with pediatric cancer? No. He simply went to the floor, like many career politicians, and attempted to be the "good guy" by saying "hey look at me, I am recognizing a cause that has been happening at Penn State for decades." How much did Dent personally contribute to THON?
There are strange things bouncing around in the head of this blogger. It seems the stories always have a plethora of loose ends and nonsensical conclusions.
Why not write a story about how Dent is bought and paid for by healthcare PACs?
The good news is that currency-destabilizer POS Soros, a true enemy of America, is an old man whose natural end will come sooner rather than later. Then, hopefully, the handouts for this assclown, and the others like him all over the country, will end.
As for Callahan, the company he keeps tells you all you need to know about the boy mayor. Keep blogging your hate. Callahan's association with you will motivate the whack job fringe for him, and everyone else against.
"Why not write a story about how Dent is bought and paid for by healthcare PACs?"
The evidence is much more clear that "independent" bloggers Geeting, Kwiatek and O'Donnell are bought and paid for by Dems.
But you don't get it. What Geeting did is way beyond the pale of decency. It's disgusting, and he should be called out for his partisan rant, which was delivered while being paid by a nonprofit.
People in the LV are turned off by that kind of insensitivity to our children.
Huh? How is it "disgusting" to slam Dent on sponsoring a resolution to congratulate? He didn't slam Dent on sponsoring a bill on actually DOING something for children. THAT would be disgusting. But I think you know this and are just doing the bidding of Shawn Millan and spinning the words to mean something they are not. This is exactly what is wrong with politics today. Be honest with the citizens, Charlie. Don't hide behind spin and innuendo.
9:07 -
You're right. Dent did not introduce another spending bill. He instead lauded folks who took the initiative to have an impact on their own. They raised the money, convincing their donors as to the worthiness of the cause.
The minimal amount of time spent on this will bring attention to the cause, helping those involved do even better next time.
Not a bad effort at all, encouraging the private sector to continue to participate in eradicating a scourge which can affect anyone, at any time. But, because he didn't just put up a piece of legislation to build buildings and bureacracy, one that would throw wads of borrowed money at the problem, you see no benefit.
Someday, hopefully, your side will see that things can be accomplished with effort other than writing checks.
I kind of agree with the Lehigh Valley Independent team on this one. Congratulating someone for their success is one thing, but Dent has failed to take any leadership on Health Care Reform, so even when medical researchers finally find that cure to cancer, patients will still be going bankrupt trying to access it.
"Huh? How is it "disgusting" to slam Dent on sponsoring a resolution to congratulate?"
I don't have time to instruct you on basic priciples of human decency.
Look at the defense of this thing.
Blinded by ideology - it is way too common on both sides - people will actually defend the indefensible, because they want what they want and they think if they can just get their guy in office, they can get it.
The prospects for fixing anything in this country rest with the people, not government. And if ideology reigns supreme with the majority of the people, those prospects would appear to be dim, very dim.
At some point, basic human decency should trump ideology.
9:21 And someday "your side" will realize the problems are much larger than dance telethons and bake sales are able to handle. Perhaps you could have a bake sale to help people dying right now because they have no health care coverage?
The prospects for fixing anything in this country rest with the people, not government.
I love this type of naivete. "The people" such as Goldman Sachs and AIG, right? "The people" as you define them are looking to take everything they possibly can before people asleep and drunk with jingoism even notice.
Also, Bernie you post comments here all day long during your work, at county government, and your blog can hardly be called non-partisan. How can you possibly come down on another blogger for posting during the work day?
For the record, you can post comments on facebook from your iPhone, I do it all the time.
I don't know what you're complaining about with John Geeting putting his opinions out there on his blog. You disparage people you don't like on this blog all the time, from Lamont McClure to Charles Dertinger to Sam Bennett. You call them names, too. John may be a bit more profane than you are, but this seems like a big case of "Pot, Meet Kettle."
"Also, Bernie you post comments here all day long during your work, at county government, and your blog can hardly be called non-partisan. How can you possibly come down on another blogger for posting during the work day?"
Last time I checked, I am not employed by the government, nor do I get paid by a nonprofit for political activity.
"Last time I checked, I am not employed by the government, nor do I get paid by a nonprofit for political activity."
Ron Angle pays your bills though. You walked right into that one.
I can't prevent people from lying or posting personal attacks, but if you really are a professor, you should know that the ad hominem is the weakest form of argument.
The truth is that Geeting was getting paid by a Soros nonprofit to smear Charlie Dent. The truth is that another one of those "independent" bloggers is a pid Dem operative. The truth is that the third member of this triumvirate is a failed comm'r candidate who let the exec funsd almost her entire campaign, and accepted a larger percantage of $ from Callahan than Dent ever took from a PAC. The truth is that I pay my bills and no politician or political party has ever funded me for anything.
And what's amazing more than anything is your abysmal failure to see this remark dor what it is - beyond the bounds of human decency.
Is receiving a laptop payment for services? Are you a paid Republican operative? Seems so.
Like I said, I can't stop the liars and people who post personal attacks to deflect from their own many mistakes. It's what I expect from people who have no decency themselves.
George Soros the Nazi Collaborator?
Bernie, you need to get over this. The guy did not bash THON or the Four Diamonds Fund. What he bashed was Dent politicizing he sponsorship of a bill congratulating THON. Dent should be ashamed of himself for politicizing the bill.
Anon 12:58. How out of touch do you have to be to consider this as politicizing the issue, "As a graduate of Penn State, I am especially proud of the great work done by the University's students, including many from the 15th Congressional District." Its nice to see that Callahan's supporters want so badly to criticize Dent that they will attack resolutions congratulating hard work in the fight against pediatrict cancer research "meaningful bullshit." With supporters like you, i dont think the Mayor needs any opponents.
9:44 -
frankly, most of us don't care what one blogger has to say about another blogger. it's the kind of inside baseball that turns people off.
I haven't read any of the other comments posted here. Geeting likes Callahan and doesn't like Dent. Bernie doesn't like Callahan and likes Dent. We really don't care what the two of you say about each other. As far as I am concerned, you are both just full of hot air and shit. I prefer to read when you are blogging about other stuff, not each other.
Now, will you two get back to stuff that matters, not this cat-fight crap.
Apparently, Bernie, you struck a nerve by stating that Geeting is using company time to post. And, for good reason, he struck a nerve with you by implying that pediatric cancer research is a waste of time.
What is REALLY a waste of time is Geeting's posts and comments. It's clear that no matter WHAT Dent does, it's all wrong to Geeting. That's fine - it's a free country - but what it does illustrate a complete lack of logic, empathy or common sense.
"frankly, most of us don't care what one blogger has to say about another blogger. it's the kind of inside baseball that turns people off." - Apparently this commenter is so apathetic and uncaring about this post that he or she read the post and commented on the chain. That'll show you Bernie. Next time write something that people will read...er...comment on...er...
"Now, will you two get back to stuff that matters, not this cat-fight crap."
When someone slams a person for encouraging research into pediatric cancwer, I think it matters. We're better than that. I'll point out phonies like Geeting every day of the week.
I love thar PALIN just admitted that for years she went across the border to get free "Death Panel" Canadian healthcare... that's rich. That's even better than the fact that her new illegitimate grandson is on the state health system. More Republican Socialism and is still alive and breathing somehow.
Jon Geeting said...
I will only respond to this insofar as to make clear that 1. I am a records assistant at the Open Society Institute, which is indeed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and has no connection whatsoever to my political blogging, which is entirely a hobby. 2. The comment in question was made from my iPhone, my own personal property and not the property of my employer. I also pre-schedule my updates at LVI to post throughout the day so that I'm not writing at work. This is something I take seriously, and take great care to get right, so please remove the insinuation that my blogging is related to my job.
Ran this through the bullshit detector. It said J.G. is more full of crap than Hillary Kwiatek. Then it shot itself.
I laughed so hard I spit my coffee all over my screen.
Bernie, something you said must have really scared Mr. Geeting. All of a sudden, after you brought this to light, his posts have magically disappeared off of Congressman Dent's facebook page. If everything was on the up-and-up as Mr. Geeting claimed, then why take them down?
He took them down? Then good for him for doing the right thing for once. There's no need to attack a Congressman, Democratic or Republican, over an issue like that.
If Congressman Dent really cared about children's cancer research, he would sponsor another fundraiser, i.e. a 5K or something; or maybe vote for healthcare reform. The Republican bill he sponsored did not include coverage for pre-existing conditions. Also, during one of his live "town hall meetings" via telephone he sympathized with a caller regarding his lack of pre-existing condition coverage, but didn't state his position and referred him to speak to a staff member. No one knows his position.
Children with cancer who have/may exhausted their benefits or whose parents' insurance company has changed will be uninsurable. Surely, Mr. O'Hare, after having a grandchild born very ill (I hope he/she is better now)you would, hopefully,want a Congressman who supported a health care plan which included pre-existing condition coverage, so that everyone, including children with cancer, can take advantage of upcoming treatments available through research, and not be refused treatment because of their pre-existing condition. To not support this would be disgusting, right Mr. O'Hare?
Congressman Dent needs to roll up his sleeves and get to work on substantive matters and not only concentrate on the ribbon cutting, baby kissing, "thank you" resolution aspects of his job.
And, let us not forget that Dent voted against three bills for job creation.
The Lehigh Valley needs a new Congressman for the 15th district.
"Congressman Dent needs to roll up his sleeves and get to work on substantive matters and not only concentrate on the ribbon cutting, baby kissing, "thank you" resolution aspects of his job."
Actually, much to the chagrin of the super conservatives who attack Charlie, Charlie Dent supports programs like SCHIP which help people deal with the situations you described.
Why don't you take that into consideration the next time you post.
Thank you.
Anon 5:14,
Why don't you comment on Dent's position on coverage for pre-existing conditions? When the children on SCHIP become young adults, should they not be able to receive coverage because they have a pre-existing condition? What about their parents' coverage if they have a pre-existing condition - are they not worthy of coverage? Think before you post.
The topic here is not Dent's position on health care. I do write regularly about that. The topic here is the poor choice made by a Callahan blogger to attack Dent for encouraging people who do pediatric cancer research.
Anon 4:47, Although you are OT and getting a tad personal, one of the main reasons I do support Congressman Dent is bc of SCHIP, which he voted for. That program probably did save my grandson's life when he had some health issues.
He has been episode free for two years and is very athletic. Thank you for your good wishes.
But Mr. O'Hare, don't you see the hypocrisy of praising youth for raising money for cancer research, then quashing the hopes of many people who may never have that opportunity to benefit from the fruits of that research because they've reached their caps or have a pre-existing condition. By not supporting these items, Mr. Dent isn't helping the parents of these children either. He can't have it both ways.
I wasn't getting too personal; I only responded to the comment you made public about your grandson; and I'm glad he's doing well (doesn't every child/adult deserve that.)
I think the blogger feels the same as I do in that Dent should spend more time on things that could really make change with healthcare, jobs, etc. Not with, as I said, "baby kissing, ribbon cutting, "thank you" resolutions. That is something for small town mayors; not a U.S. Congressman - especially with the problems we have facing us. No one is against cancer research. By obsessing on thinking this is what the blogger meant, you are doing a dis-service; if you care so much about Dent (who you really seem to worship)and the people of the Valley, you should be speaking about these important issues, mentioned above, and how Dent could change things, such as with the SCHIP vote.
Look, Geeting was just looking for an excuse to slam Dent. If you want to get all wrapped up in things, knock yourself out, but what we are dealing with here is a frickin' resolution. It was an 'attaboy. They happen all the time,. There is nothing inconsistent with supporting that resolution and opposing pelosicare. There is plenty wrong with mindlessly slamming Dent for doing something nice.
Sorry, but nice is fine and dandy if you're the Mayor of Mayberry; or if everything is just "swell" in your town - but we have real issues and we need a Congressman who can show he cares, not refer people to his office staff; one who can get things done that will benefit his constituents and all of America.
You're wrong.
Good night.
Pure partisans like Anon 8:52 are what is wrong with Washington right now. You toss aside true bi-partisan reform like SCHIP, and criticize Dent for his position on a bill that has only bi-partisan OPPOSITION. By the way, perhaps the Anon needs to be reminded that the House bill actually eliminates the SCHIP program? Seems like a vote for the House bill would have actually been the vote AGAINST children.
well, Thon isn't research it's and event for raising money and PSU isn't even in Dent's district. And really no matter what party it is these pat on the back resolutions are meaningless, especially at a time REAL BILL with REAL IMPACT can't even get passed. This just another thing for Dent to say look, I did this. LIke me now?
My answer: NOPE, still don't.
Pure partisans like Anon 8:52 are what is wrong with Washington right now. You toss aside true bi-partisan reform like SCHIP, and criticize Dent for his position on a bill that has only bi-partisan OPPOSITION. By the way, perhaps the Anon needs to be reminded that the House bill actually eliminates the SCHIP program? Seems like a vote for the House bill would have actually been the vote AGAINST children.
Bipartisan? Bush vetoed SCHIP 4 times. The Repubs wouldn't vote to override the veto. When SCHIP was ultimately passed, 135 Repubs voted against it.
And if we have the reform bill, why would we need SCHIP? Think.
"And if we have the reform bill, why would we need SCHIP? Think."
Right, we have no need for a special program for children which has worked extremely well across the nation... because instead, you can just dump them all into Medicaid.
Also, if I recall correctly, Dent voted to override President Bush's veto of the SCHIP legislation each time, but you conveniently left that out. Probably because it doesnt fit in your failed campaign mantra of "Dent is a rubber stamp of Bush."
Ah, this reminds me of why I rarely read this blog anymore. Yeah, the comment in question was $hitty. But there's no real connection between Jon Geeting and Mayor Callahan's campaign, at least none that you've found. You're just angry because someone had the temerity to run against one of your favorite officeholders.
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