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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Saturday, August 11, 2018

RIP Robert Lasso

On this day in 2011, Freemansburg Police Officer Robert Lasso was gunned down while responding to a domestic disturbance. He was a nine-year veteran of the police force. He was pointing his stun gun at the assailant's two dogs. Lasso's killer has been sentenced to death.


Peter J.Cochran said...

I’ll volunteer to pull the switch on an electric chair. I can never understand how an injection could get botched up. I’ve had two hernia operations and both times what they gave me was pleasant,and I came out both times feeling great . One would think that say 5 times more of that stuff your exprired. Well at least after my experience s at Easton Hospital ,they were great . I would go in at 09:00 go under by 0945 , be done a awakening by 11:30 then go to the Leagion by 14:30 no pain .

Anonymous said...

"I can never understand how an injection could get botched up."

Divine intervention.