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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Opinions Online, 3/19/16

Blogger's Note:Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here.


Why stop at simple medical marijuana? Legalize it all the way and make it a division of the LCB-MMJ. After all, we sure do know how to tax and run a monopoly...


I urge all of you to look at the 2016 election through the eyes of someone not registered with EITHER party.

Look at this as just a regular and average citizen. What is going on behind the scenes should SCARE the crap out of everyone!

Because current leading candidate Trump threatens the power of our INCUMBENT politicians, RNC Chairman Reince Preibus is now questioning why we even HAVE a Primary Election! According to him, the PARTY BOSSES choose who runs, not the citizen voters. How nice!

Sounds like a new political ELITE CLASS is forming to rule over us. You and I are just annoying rabble, it appears.

Send a message to ALL INCUMBENTS next time you vote. . . . .


Fred Windish


I received the following email from Carl Strye today (swear to god) ...

How Are You Doing?

Sorry for any inconvenience, I'm in a terrible situation. Am stranded here in Manila Philippines. I was hurt on my way to the hotel I stayed and my luggage is still in custody of the hotel management pending when I make payment . Am waiting for my Family and Friends to send me money to get back home but they have not responded. my return flight will be leaving soon. Please let me know if you can help and I will refund the money back to you as soon as I get back home. Hopefully I can return a favor to you and i wish you the best in the things you have working

Please let me know if you can help..


Blogger's Reply: I received the same email. This is a scam. I sent Strye an email warning him to contact everyone on his email list.



Anonymous said...

You didn't receive an email from Carl Strye. Did it occur to you that it might be a scam? Think to call him? Do you know him well enough to give him a few grand?

I played with these people. Guy who said he was my friend Jim in first email signed the second one Dave. I questioned him, and he said he was Jim. I asked him why he signed his name Dave, and never heard back.

Did you compare the From and Reply To email addresses? What they do is change the domain, but keep the user name the same. That's how you know it is a scam.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Take a look at my reply above. I am aware it is a scam. The Mayor posted about it on his F/B page, but I would hope he emails his address list bc some people will be duped.

Ovem Lupo Commitere said...

To those, like Mr. Windish, upset with the "insiders", "the establishment", or whatever you wish to call them, be careful what you wish for as you just may get it.

"It will also be forgotten that a vital government is essential to secure liberty. Sound judgment shows that these can never be separated. And dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the zeal for a firm and efficient government. History teaches us that of the men who have overturned the liberties of republics, most began their career by proclaiming their devotion to the people. They gain position by arousing people's prejudices and end as tyrants." Federalist Paper #1

Anonymous said...

I will take Trump over Cruz any day of the eweek. Cruz is a religious zealot and a right wing fanatic. Trump, isn't.

Anonymous said...

Ovem is correct about showing great caution. I've done that. After long research I conclude our government is NOW the most corrupt it has ever been in history. ALL elected officials had a hand in this decline.

For me, this means getting DIFFERENT people in place. I know what we have in Washington now. It's not acceptable.

My message is to drive out INCUMBENTS. The collective now in play has put freedom and liberty in jeopardy. It's time to "break up the party and send everyone home."

Fred Windish

Anonymous said...

In the past few days two horrific animal cruelty situations. How can this happen that a horse is shot with 50 mph paint balls to the point he is blinded in one eye and suffers bruises throughout his entire body or the flock of snow geese killed by an SUV?

Anonymous said...

Attn: Invention Idea for those wizards like Orasure's Gosling. We need a new device to conveniently but quietly monitor Diabetes I patients to the point they know if their "sugars" are low so they can take immediate and sometimes lifesaving action. Think in terms of the design being so small a young guy could still enjoy Friday Night Happy Hour and not feel awkward. Designers, maybe the size of a cell phone holder to be carried on a guy's belt that could vibrate when sugar levels reach a dangerous level, and you'll have a winner. By the way, a huge shout-out and thank you to all those brilliant medical inventors who at this very moment are helping many folks live quality lives.

Mr Lahey said...

I just recently read an article about diabetic service dogs. They are very cool

Anonymous said...

Got weed?

Anonymous said...
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Bernie O'Hare said...

If you want to attack someone who signs his name, you have to sign yours.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bernie O'Hare said...

I know who you are, and if you keep up these anonymous personal attacks, I will expose you.

Anonymous said...

any comment on this? morganelli paid tom severson over 3k this cycle.


also in far last place with $$$

Bernie O'Hare said...

Severson is basically retired, and he and Morganelli have been friends for years. The politically smart thing for John would be to ignore him. But I admire John's loyalty, and think Severson has learned. He is no longer trying to hide behnd corporate names, for one thing. Morganelli is using others as well.

He should be in last place money wise. This area has been rocked by pay-to-play scandal, and Groen is raising money for Shapiro.

Anonymous said...

In light of the McCord scandal, it would be nice if the media could look into Shapiro's contributors and let us know the ones who are doing business with Montgomery County and those who may benefit if he is elected AG.

Anonymous said...

I have always voted for DA John Morganelli however this time is a NO because I have heard that he is approving of the ARD for the bank President of Merchants Bank of Bangor who was bagged after several accidents and trying to get away. She has a blood alcohol of .36 which is 4.5 times the legal limit.

Any District Attorney under the circumstances that would grant ARD to someone that did what she did and driving over 4 times the legal limit isn't of good judgment in allowing her to be in that program and surely should NOT be our Pa Attorney General. He is NOT TOUGH on crime when it comes to a drunk driver that could have killed innocent people while on her drunken driving binge.

Anonymous said...

Facebook I son fire with Jimmy Gregory!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bernie O'Hare said...

You're a sick bastard.

Host Name: ool-44c611a5.dyn.optonline.net Browser: IE 11.0
IP Address: Operating System: Win7
Location: Jackson, New Jersey, United States Resolution: 1882x1059
Returning Visits: 0 Javascript: Enabled
Visit Length: Multiple visits spread over more than one day ISP: Optimum Online

I have logged your identifying information, and will forward to the person you are harassing anonymously online, so the appropriate action can be taken. This is the third time today, and you have been doing it previously.

Online harassment = crime.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bernie O'Hare said...

Fourth harassing comment in one day has just been deleted.

Oy is no laughing matter, as you are about to discover.

Anonymous said...


Bernie O'Hare said...

You won't be smiling long. Your information has been noted, and I expect it will be acted on.

Anonymous said...

Fuck You ! ,it's a blog asshole !.

Bernie O'Hare said...

That comment has been traced to your IP as well. There is no such thing as free speech on my blog. You can engage in free speech on a street corner, but on this blog, you will follow my rules. You have engaged in repeated anonymous harassment = crime. I have pegged you. This information will be forwarded to authorities on Monday, and I don't think they'll be too happy, especially considering the target of your venom.

Unknown said...

While OSUR has made it's reputation on it's rapid assay devices, most likely that company will not be acting on that suggestion for diabetes, since there are already numerous glucose monitoring devices that are very small, read rapidly and submit the information to a main frame for company records. If you are suggesting this for someone in your family, refer them to an endocrinologist, since brittle blood sugar is a sign of poor control, and could point to an underlying infection or other co-morbid conditions not yet detected.

Anonymous said...

Today's Morning Call had an article about how the heralded Millennials are flocking to suburbs. That's a contradiction of their usual pap about these 'kids' just flooding our cities with their big rental checks. So which is it?

Bernie O'Hare said...

I missed that one. I'll give it a read.