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Strye at Myrtle Beach in March |
He's been ordered to stay away from the Vig, where he did his skimming. But for over a year, he's been spending more and more time at the the Holy Family Social Club, ingratiating himself with another social club that has had its share of gambling problems over the years. If you wanted something done, you could meet Falisify Strye there and buy him a few drinks. Want the cops to intervene in a dispute with your neighbor? I know for a fact that he has intervened in several police matters directly as a result of these visits.
He was holding court there as recently as last night.
"Bingo!" he cried as he managed to win.
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Strye at Flyers |
On New Year's Eve, Falsfy Strye sat at the head table for that club's year-end celebration. He went to every table and handed each a bottle of champagne. "Compliments of the Borough of Nazareth," he'd say
Let's hope that he was just falsifyin', and that the Borough did not actually buy this booze.
I could ask Interim Secretary and Treasurer Glenn Steckman, but I'm hearing he's already flown the coop and is hoping to get picked up by Reading.
I won't run down whether Nazareth bought this booze, but do know there is a culture of corruption.
Since the beginning of this year, Strye has been on thee trips and to a Flyers' game.
"Thanks Reno for the ticket," he said on January 25 when he was at The Flyers' game. In early March, he flew to Kentucky, where he watched his granddaughter play in a volleyball tournament Later in the month, it was a three-day golf tournament at Myrtle Beach that also included Nazareth Public Works Director Bob Reimer. "Thank you Don B. And Joe Mac!" His latest trip, earlier this month, was to Las Vegas. He claimed that was for business.
Falsify Strye seems to regards the entire Borough of Nazareth as one gigantic social club. I'm surprised he hasn't set up poker machines in the circle. Borough Council is right there with him. Last October, they voted unanimously to apply for a $52,900 gaming grant from Monroe County for improvements at the American Legion. That's where Larry Sroudt, a Council member, works as a bartender. That club is routinely hit with gambling violations. In fact, Stoudt was himself placed on ARD for interfering with a state gambling investigation aimed at social clubs. They effectively voted to subsidize an illegal gambling operation with money from Mount Airy Lodge, a legal operation.
There was no attempt to seek money for its police or fire operations.
Speaking of police, "Commissioner" Randy Miller was brought in to make life miserable for cops who are actually interested in enforcing the law evenly. In July, he pushed for and got retired Bethlehem cop Joseph Gross, who acted as his IA guy in Bethlehem. This is the guy who tickets people at Mass, engages in 70 mph chases through borough streets and fails to respond to back up requests when shots are fired. .
In addition to failing to respond as a back up when someone exercised his second amendment rights against hermit crabs, he also failed to respond when Officer Kyle Stout [no relation to Larry Stoudt] encountered a man who was exercising his second amendment right to throw a M-80 at someone's home. Stout was punched in the jaw and forced to use pepper spray to subdue his assailant. Back up Gross didn't show up until Stout was handcuffing the assailant.
Gross tells other cops that he will be Nazareth's next chief when Randy Miller goes to Emmaus, where he expects to take over
In the meantime, Officer Stout is leaving Nazareth for Wilson Borough. Police Officers who know they have to work with Gross call off.
Gross, incidentally, has applied to join Nazareth's social clubs.
This is just some of what I'd call a culture of corruption in Nazareth. This is without looking at the strange relationship between the borough and its money-making ambulance company or its sewer authority. Those are separate stories.
I took a trek past Stryes house (thanks LVL for the address). While the home itself is modest I couldn't help but notice a pretty expensive looking, large RV out back. Is that his? If so, where did he get the money for that. Must have sold alot of car wash systems.
Strye has lots of toys and goes on many trips.
It would be a real bummer if Emmaus gets stuck with Miller.
Allentowns political parasitism is and has been infecting the entire triboro and beoned for years with there circus arena agenda, the theft of other peoples money is a exceptable criminal activity that those claiming to be the cancers CURE when facts put to print that they are truely the incubaters and inducers of the cancerious pathogens?! This being with there illbehaviors and lifestyle choices taught at church on the run, financed by LCCC the local vatican that has many circus trix employed in there tools tactiks?!
redd registered Republican
patent pending
Let's not forget about his ambassador trip to ireland
The corruption in local government and school districts is rampant, Nazareth is just the tip of the iceberg. School directors are sent on trips for voting for astro turf, or new construction projects, does anyone doubt that all kinds of non traceable gifts and entertainment are regularly bestowed on people with power in government. It is going on in local fire companies, townships and school districts, it all adds to the cost to taxpayers. There are many who know what's going on and its about time people bring this corruption to light.
Talk about being a sycophant, how about your love affair for all things City of Bethlehem. Do a little work down there. Has the codes officer, current or past, taken any bribes from city resident developers? You mean you do not any sources or whistleblowers in the City. Too bad, you might have been able to do something for the common good. Your animus always seems to be misdirected.
Will Gross be Chief or Commissioner when Miller leaves?
Plenty of good points Bernie. Yet you seem to miss the point in Nazareth. People in Nazareth could care less. They are fine with the status quo no matter what they are doing. I don't know what outer circle you hang with but believe me they are in the minority. Need I remind you that Stoudt was voted back into office after his ARD stint. If you bring up the non-profit ambulance co. you are immediately cut off and told to mind your own business.
Nazareth is a beautiful community (cosmetically)but under that nice façade there lurks a corrupt good ole boys club that is seemingly untouchable. You will eventually hit the dead end as most of us have and you'll find your sources info is of no concern to Nazareth. Shameful but true.
Dadadadada Batman and Freddie,last week arrived at the police station looking for Officer schleige, when Freddie came face to face with Mayor Dinkle pussy strye .While in search for the disappearance of super hero Bernie. When the Mayor Dinkle Pussy,tips his hand by telling super hero Freddie. Stay out of it,if you want to see Bernie again. Just then Real cop Schleige,pulled up to the station . Mean time Dinkle pussy,and his Partner Miller went behind closed doors. Dinkle pussy asked Miller are you working on Bernie to stay out of are,well let's say BUSINESS. Ho yeah,what's he say. He said to go FUCK yourself. Which one,which one what. To go FUCK YOU OR ME. I think he was talking to about both of us BOSS. How many times do I have to tell you.DON'T CALL ME BOSS around here ,you dumb ass. Your the Mayor. Mayor Dinkle Pussy. Mean time outside of the station,Batman and Freddie,were telling Schleige about Bernie missing. Batman you and Freddie get ahold of Robin. Then will go to see the District attorney. But Batman He did nothing.When I told him that Miller was informed.And did nothing about it. Yet the D.A. Turned a blind eye,to look the other way. My GOD you don't think the D.A., On the take do you .No I think it's just because he's to worried about running. For higher office. That's why he's not going after MILLER.For knowing about MAYOR Dinkle pussy. And not ARRESTING him,for it.You got a point. I just don't know the answer . Anyone Out there Reading this know. I try to make lite this sad story. Bernie love him or hate him. Remember this,he has reported the same stories before, you ever read them in the news paper or Saw it on the news show. Thank you Bernie for being you,a friend. But ask the DA if I knew about a crime and looked the other way. WAS HELPING WITH THE CRIME.Good bye NAZARETH I will say a prayer for you.
9:25, I think you mean to say they couldn't care less. I do know that Nazareth voters go for long stretches of apathy, then suddenly get very interested in an issue and demand changes. That was the case with the circle and with plans to build a new police station insuide a park for kids.
I did try to get people to run against incumbents on borough council, but failed. I have pointed out the conflicts that exiost with respect to the ambulance company, and even provided case law clearly showing that they cannot sit on the board and then make decisions, even if they do not personally benefit. And one does.
I agree that change will ony come with a new borough council, and that will require more interest in the botrough government than most people demonstrate.
9:15, He made his statements BEFORE there was both a Chief and a Commissioner, so I assume he was referring to the top job, whatever that is.
8:25, Anyone who reads this blog knows very well that my scrutiny in Bethlehem is very tough. My stories on Martin Tower yielded a 1st place investigative journalism Keystone Press award. I have pursued allegations of bribery among code inspectors in Bethlehem, and found nothing to substantiate those claims, or I would have written about it. If you think I go easy on Bethlehem, talk to the officials there. They have a different view.
It is a damn shame that we are all being sold a story that hides a secret and I am not sure anyone will ever find out the real truth. When you walk into the American Legion Post 415, the makeover is incredible. When you comment on how nice the Legion looks, you are told that Home Depot donated all of the materials and their time to renovate the bar, bathrooms and adjoining areas. When I left the Legion after renewing my membership in December, I told everyone I knew about the positive changes at the Legion and the fine work Home Depot did to make the post look so nice. Now I am embarrassed to know that this was not the case and once again, another dirty little secret. I guess Larry Stoudt and his being chairman of the finance committee for the borough has something to do with this. For years the Legion claims that they cannot pay their bartenders. The bartenders only work for their tips. There is no one in their right mind that would get up each day and go to work and not get paid. Something is not right and hasn't been for a long time. Then you have Carl Strye Jr. who is the go to for the Nazareth Police Department and from what others have posted drinks with the District Justice that will hear his felony charges. If the town cannot see how much these secrets are hurting our town and do nothing, then they get what they deserve. Every council man needs to put the town first and call for Strye's resignation. Then the town needs to take action at the polls and vote out these men that seem to own the town and are untouchable. Bernie, you have the guts to call these men out, I only hope the people listen to what you are telling them and start ridding the town of these has beens.
Respect! Bravo Bernie! This is bigger and wider than it appears.
consolidation of local government at the county level really needs to happen.
He is a regional manager for washtech inc. I'm sure he makes enough to go on a vacation.
Three since January?
3:09, I never heard that Strye drinks with the Magisterial District Judge. There is no doubt in my mind that Judge Cap can be fair. It's a small town and he is bound to run into different people. But I believe he may have shipped this one out so that there is absolutely no question.
Lots of grumblings in town. There are plenty of angry people and there will be a crowd at thw next council meeting. All support he claims......
Comment about county strong local government great! Works well in some other states. Lower costs and taxes but difficult job to sell here in Pa! PA, come for the high taxes, stay for the corruption!
7:49, they can grumble all they want. This has nothing to do with council (except his potential removal as mayor)
Nothing to do with Council. They voted, unanimously, to seek a grant for frickin' improvements to a social club where one of them tends bar. Who the hell do you think you're kidding? And you have no authority to remove a Mayor, though I realize you all think you're God.
Officer Gross is an asshole and should be let go asap! I listen to the scanner and no cop in the county will back him up, whats that tell you. Gross needs to go before another lawsuit comes in.
I know your one for being factual, are you sure that Monroe County Casino Money fixed the American Legion?
Please check your source-
My source is the borough council minutes and I linked to that source. I did not say that Borough Council was successful in getting the grant. In fact, I think you failed bc of the state budget impasse. But the fact remains that you voted unanimously to seek a grant from Monroe County's Gaming Board. If you apply again, I intend to object.
From your own October minutes:
"John N. Samus moved and Brian F. Regn seconded a motion to officially certify the Borough's
municipal sponsorship of American Legion Post 415 for the purpose of applying for a Monroe
County LSA Gaming Grant. The Borough will be the sponsoring municipality and the Borough
Secretary/Treasurer will be the grant contact.
"The motion passed unanimously."
There was no recusal from Stoudt, and not one of you rocket scientists questioned the wisdom of applying for a grant for a private social club that engages in illegal gambling.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
And its not "your". It's "you're."
I understand via of a very close source that works for the national company that allegedly "donated" the materials that a major internal investigation is underway on this "donation?. No major fortune 100 company wants to be associated with illegal gambling or anything else whether in the "asscrack" of America of anywhere else.
Its simple that since the Mayor testified he stole funds he cannot represent the people of Nazareth any longer.
bernie, the fact that council members have not advocated for mr. strye's resignation is enough for me. he's clearly unfit to be in a leadership role. does nazareth have worthwhile options to replace the mayor and council? the boro is a shadow of what it could and should be.
boycott the boro until... #byebyestrye
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