If you live in the 17th Congressional District I ask for your vote for Delegate. My ballot is #7. LUCKY number 7.
As a life-long conservative, I have served the Republican party faithfully for 25 years, helping conservatives get elected with organized grass roots support, and investing my time, talent and treasure. I currently serve as Vice Chair of the Northampton County Republican Committee, and Chair of the Bethlehem Township Planning Commission. I am a graduate of the Anne Anstine Excellence in Public Service Series. I am COO of an interior construction company doing commercial and residential work in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.
What I will do as delegate: I will support Donald Trump.

Having Southern parents who raised me in the Northeast left me with no alternative. America needs a doer, not a talker. It could not be clearer that if there is anything that Donald Trump is going to do, it will be to curb illegal immigration. While Ellis Island stands as a symbol of America’s promise and compassion, the liberal left has joined our foreign enemies to pervert its meaning to advocate for our society’s ultimate demise. If Mr. Trump builds only a wall to prevent illegals, terrorists, drug traffickers, and reduces the welfare rolls to only citizens, his election will be worth it. Immigration does not need to be stopped, it needs to be controlled, and building the wall is the surest way to do it. It will take a strong leader to do it, and I firmly believe Donald Trump is perhaps our last opportunity to get

I find it odd and disconcerting, as a person on the liberal left, that Mr. Snover thinks I am advocating for the demise of our society (which includes me), and also that he apparently believes that opposing the construction of a giant wall thousands of miles from where I live is the most efficient and logical way for me to do that.
Liberal left? Why the tautology? Snover is not running for your or my vote. She is appealing to her fellow Rs. I find the notion of a wall downright silly, but she would disagree with most of my ideas.
I'm sorry Lee but you can't claim to be a "life-long conservative" and simultaneously supporting Trump. His positions on a whole host of issues ranging from the 2nd amendment to Planned Parenthood to imminent domain to balancing the budget are the exactly opposite those held by solid conservatives. You can support Trump but you can't do that and credibly say you are a conservative.
A personal attack at 7:04, which obviously comes from Tricia Mezzacappa, has been deleted.
Globalism, uncontrolled immigration, unfair trade deals, unnecessary regulations, and world banking manipulation have WEAKENED America. We are in trouble. ALL of these impediments must be removed.
In electing a new president, all of this means Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich won't do. Take you pick from what remains.
Fred Windish
Lee, (women by the way) Snover has worked for years for many republicans. She like many other republicans can still be conservative and question the good judgment of republicans. It is time to question our countries stance on immigration, trade, and foreign policy, is everyone convinced that it is all working for the best interest of America. Or must we all like lemmings marching lockstep over the cliff to national suicide. Everyone and every country and every political party needs to reexamine our stances to see if they are still relevant. Trump has raised the questions which has taken courage and I know Lee Snover for years, she worked for Bush, McCain, Romney, and all the others, it has taken courage to go against the flow of the establishment. Good Luck, and well wishes to her.
The 'wall' is estimated to cost at least $17 billion, there is no way Mexico will pay for it, and the border patrol has already said it wouldn't have any impact whatsoever.
Anyone who believes Donald Drumpf has a plan to stop illegal immigration is fooling themselves. As long as there are jobs, they will come.
You call the wall a silly idea, but you know what the wall would do? Curtail the illegal heroin streaming over our borders. Most of the heroin coming into our community comes from Mexico and Columbia right over our unprotected southwest borders. http://www.businessinsider.com/us-heroin-coming-from-mexican-cartels
I love how people make fun of this idea that we should actually protect our borders and it's some kind of lark that a manned wall or fence of some ilk could actually work. Other countries do it. The current administration, just as the previous ones, have no will to do it. Meanwhile, 50,000 Americans a year are dying from drug overdoses (more deaths than guns cause FYI) and that number keeps increasing because of opiate and heroin addiction.
So, I think 17 billion is a drop in the bucket if it can help secure our borders from extrinsic threats, reduce the influx of illegal immigrants to the country, and help stem the tide of the illegal heroin trade.
WAY more people die from prescription drug overdose than heroin, but I don't hear you calling upon the pharmaceutical companies to do anything, People actually believe a 'wall' will make an impact on the illegal drug trade are unbelievably naive, there is WAY too much money being made, if there's a will, there's a way.
There are no other countries in the world with as much to offer as the US does that have successfully built 2000 mile border walls. The border patrol has laughed publicly at Trumps idea, noting that the only thing a 90 foot wall is going to do is to generate a market for 95 foot ladders.
John Oliver explains it much better than I.....
Whatever the cost to build such a wall . . . . Mexico WILL pay for it! That's the easy part.
Of course, Mexico won't actually write a check or hand over cash. Funds Mexico normally gets from us will be re-directed to wall construction. Funds sent back across the border will be taxed, etc. In effect, Money normally earmarked for Mexico will be used, meaning Mexico DOES pay the cost.
To those opposed to walls, I ask, please remove the fencing that surrounds your own back yard. Next, ask Disney and Dorney to open their borders. Maybe, keep a door to your own residence open all night!
Fred Windish
10:13 -
Yet, the border patrol national organization has already ENDORSED Mr. Trump! Curious.
Fred Windish
You hear a lot of we cant's when it come to things that the federal government is required to do by law, we cant control immigration, we cant enforce are trade laws, we cant keep drugs out of the country, we cant kill 30,000 isis terrorists. but we can raise taxes at every level of government, we can promise free education, free housing, free medical care, free food, free phones, free cell service, free benefit's to half the world. We cant stop people from obtaining bribes at any level it has become just accepted policy. Delegates say they don't want to be bound to anyone. they want to be wooed, wined and dined, sent on trips and I am sure also provided with warm companions when in in Cleveland. but those are just the rules, it has always been that way. We will see how long all of this will last
Mexico is under no obligation to pay for anything, and any funds they are already receiving can only be changed by Congress, not the President. It is incredibly naive to think otherwise, and you seem to forget that Mexico is a chief supplier of our oil.They have some leverage.
If you read the endorsement by the Border Patrol Union you will see it's about Trump's support of unions and promise to increase their budget, there is no mention of the wall anywhere.
The fence around my yard is to keep my dog in, not to keep anything out, and when we bought our home in 1986 the owners at the time didn't even have house keys, they never locked. I rarely do either.
Paranoia seems to be a theme for Trump supporters.
@8:26 "As long as there are jobs, they will come."
As long as Democrats don't deport them and support their being here with jobs, driver's licenses, in-state college tuition and welfare they will come. Democrats also want them allowed to be registered to vote.
Why do you think Obama's Executive Order is being argued in the Supreme Court today ?
@11:14 If you are old enough to recall 1992, Ross Perot warned of the "huge sucking sound" of jobs being lost to Mexico if NAFTA was approved.
Nabisco, Ford, Catapillar and many other corporations have moved to Mexico in the past two decades, taking our skilled manufacturing jobs to Mexico. Perot was correct then. And Trump is correct today by wanting to keep illegal Aliens from crossing our border and taking the jobs of our lowest-paid workers, the unskilled.
The Democrats just make it worse by mandating $15/hour minimum wage. That is a double-whammy to the poor because the Illegal Aliens take their jobs, and the wage demands by the Democrats limit the number of jobs available as well.
Anon. 11:14 -
You get at the crux of the issue. That is, on the few occasions where Trump can string together more than two coherent sentences, much of what he says he will do involves assuming authority that is not granted to the president under the Constitution. This nation has been successful when it has followed the Constitution and has been weakened when it has not. Trump knows even less about the Constitution than he does about the Bible and thinking that he will save the U.S. is simple delusional. Conservatives, "lifelong" or otherwise, should know better.
Hillary Clinton: "“I think he is ‘Donkey of the Decade,’” Clinton said, referring to Trump during an interview with The Breakfast Club radio show in New York city."
The problem with the Democrats is that the rot starts at the head and works its way down to the supporter level. They are all uncivil and unafraid to act childish in public, knowing that Hillary is at the head of it all.
There is no authority needed to secure the border, it is already existing law, it just is not being enforced, not by Bush whose friends want cheap labor, not by Obama who wants millions of new democratic voters, and like nothing better than to be rid of white Christian culture which he believes is the cause of most of the problems in the world.
10:49 Most people who go along with open borders I would venture to say are not doing it intentionally to undermine our sovereignty and viability, they are just ignorant of the consequences of such a policy. However, at some point, in the face of mounting adverse and obvious consequences of such an open border policy (drugs, terrorism, exploding welfare rolls, crime, etc.), the ignorance morphs into a willful type of ignorance for which continuation and justification of the policy is morally blameworthy. Enter the so-called liberal elites whose own conceit, borne from decades of self-approving progressive monopolization of our educational institutions, blinds them to their own foolishness. Someone once said "the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God." Well, I guess the progressives have just blown a gasket with the mention of the word God. It is not all foolishness, however, as there are some who know exactly how they are undermining our country and trying to make us just like the rest of the world, unexceptional. These intentionalists have given themselves a variety of names, such as socialists, "community organizers," supporters of social justice theory, etc. Whatever their moniker, they consider themselves heroes in the vein of Robin Hood redistributing the wealth, giving away, of course, other people's money to those who neither worked for it, nor would even dream of working for it. While the right to espouse these philosophies is uniquely American, that they would ever take hold in America I have to believe has our Founding Fathers and everyone who has ever died fighting against communism rolling over in their graves. That we would let the enemy in, coddle him, and give him the tools to wage war against our people on our own soil on our own dime is to say the least extraordinarily stupid. There are reasons why America has been an exceptional nation which must wait until another day, and it has much to do with faith-based foundation of our country. However, right now, we have an emergency to deal with. The guy who is not reliant upon special interests and who has the best chance of breaking up the Washington power structure that is to blame for our problems is Donald Trump. Who really brought these critical issues to the forefront? Donald Trump. Who has the history of accomplishment here for getting things done? Donald Trump. And as to the wall, it is really a basic principal that the security of a nation, or for that matter even a castle in olden times, requires the ability to keep out those who are seeking to take you over. Its really not complicated. It took a plain-speaker to bring out the obvious. Clearly, this is not America's only problem, but it is a major one. So whether its politically correct or not, I am supporting the delegates who get it, the delegates who understand that they are electing a leader, not necessarily a priest, who can absolutely win in November (regardless of the media brain-washing to the contrary on the subject). Go Donald J. Trump!
She got my vote. Donald tells it like is and most people would rather be lied to that's why we have career politicians
"They are all uncivil and unafraid to act childish in public,"
This coming from the teabaggers??
I think your tune would change if people would stroll through your unlocked fence and hook up a water hose to your outside tap and use the water that you pay for or the electricity to run the well that pumps your water.
Hasn't happened in 30 years. If you want to live your life afraid of everything, fine. I refuse to do so.
I know she's not running for your or my vote, Bernie, but I don't like my political beliefs being misrepresented in order for her to mobilize voters. And while I was just using her words when I said "liberal left," it is not really a tautology. Although most people use "liberal" and "leftist" to mean the same thing, there is a distinction, and there are some illiberal people on the left. I person who supports restricting freedoms in order to forward a left-leaning agenda would be an illiberal leftist, for instance.
I would tell Lee that her choice of words is a tautology. What pisses me off is that I have three very original and very solid news stories today, and the post about her delegate race is the one that people were interested in.
Unfortunately, the outsourcing of entry level manufacturing jobs has turned the U.S. into a service industry. What had been entry level jobs for the poorly educated in fast food has now become a long-term livelihood for those even with a decent education. So the $15 an hour minimum wage is the panacea for poor trade policy decisions. Get ready for a $5 Big Mac served in 15 minutes by understaffed Mickey D's.
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