The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Jim Gentile, John Stoffa, Tom Harp and Ken Mohr |
That's an old samurai saying about the virtue of perseverance.
Northampton County Exec John Stoffa looks nothing like a samurai, but he still persevered after County Council rejected his request for a centralized human services facility in 2006. He persevered after Council tabled his proposal on January 24. And last night, by a 8-1 vote, Council approved a lease for a centralized human services facility at 2801 Emrick Boulevard in Bethlehem Township. Only Council member Bob Werner, voted against it. The building should be open for business by the end of the year.
In order to get this approval, Stoffa had to overcome union blackmail, political opposition by three Council members who put themselves ahead of the best interests of the County and a meddling Controller. Three things turned defeat into victory for 18,000 neglected and abused children, single mothers, senior citizens and 23,000 forgotten disabled veterans.
1. Our Forgotten Veterans
First, Stoffa made certain that the plight of our forgotten veterans, forced to chug up a hill in wheelchairs and on oxygen, was driven home to members of Council. While neglected children and single mothers may not vote, veterans do. VA Director Freddie Ramirez backed Stoffa 100% last night.
Ramirez explained that, by the time veterans reach his office, they are often "frustrated and angry." He sees about 5 every day, and added that veterans are also served by other divisions, like Aging.
"Veterans have made many sacrifices for us. It seems to me that the least we can do is give them a decent building to come to when they're in need."
C&Y Caseworker Kristin Kayal |
Just an hour before, Bob Werner had dismissed health and safety concerns at the Governor Wolf building, located in his Easton district. "Is it falling down around your ankles?" he mockingly asked someone. The answer is Yes.
Children and Youth caseworkers Kristin Kayal and Paula Kenderski are two of the 173 caseworkers at the Governor Wolf Building. On their own, with no help from their union, they prepared a jaw-dropping power point presentation depicting grisly conditions that endanger not only the people who work there, but innocent children who are already the victims of abuse and neglect.
A typical day consists of a gauntlet through asbestos, mold, chipping lead paint, bats, guano and an excessive number of large bugs. As bad as that is, even worse are conditions for supervised child visitation. They take place in rooms where lead paint is chipping along the floor and windowsills. Mold is all over ceilings and vents are collapsing.
How can they educate parents about neglect when they expose children to these horrific conditions themselves?
3. The Governor Wolf Building Has a Buyer
Consultant Ken Mohr had told skeptical Council members that he could market and sell the Wolf Building, and he has done so, with the help of Easton Mayor Sal Panto. So instead of an empty, blighted building, it will now be developed by the private sector. Although financial details are still private, they appear to have exceeded the hopes of County administrators.
Union Blackmail
In light of this recent news of a sale, unions suddenly changed course. Union hacks like Jim Gregory and Neil Brown had previously assailed the project. Union steward Neil Brown, with no regard for the single mothers, senior citizens and disabled veterans he supposedly serves, openly blackmailed Executive John Stoffa during a January 24 Council meeting.
"We want to make sure the people providing the services are still County employees."
In addition to Stoffa, he wanted County Council to agree that it would never eliminate jobs in human services, no matter what cuts are made by the state as a condition of his support. In private meetings, he and Gregory, were even more insistent.
Last night, Gregory tried to deny the blackmail charge, which I made here.
"That's ridiculous on so many fronts that it is not even worthy of comment."
He just did.
The County Council record reveals pretty clearly that an attempt was made to blackmail Stoffa and Council for union support. During a Council meeting. Instead of considering what is best for the County and its residents, Brown's own words indicate that his main concern is his paycheck.
Political Controller Steve Barron |
Our political Controller, Steve Barron, is currently helping run Lamont McClure's Executive race. Since he injects himself into every policy matter, a centralized Human Services building is no exception. He figured that the safe political call would be to oppose it. After all, neglected and abused children don't vote. "God willing, you'll do the right thing," he somberly told Council on January 24 after advising that this is a bad idea because it is too costly.
But since he's never worn a uniform, he forgot to consider those veterans, and they do vote.
Last night, he was quite indignant and wanted to set the record straight. While admitting his own lack of service, we should cut him some slack because his grandfather, father and cousin ere in the military.
I see.
"The administration used the citizens who would be served by this building as pawns, to sell you a lease that you are paying a premium for. That's deplorable."
He thinks it's "disgusting" to point out that he, McClure, Ferraro and Werner - none of whom spent a day in the military - were flat out opposed to a facility designed to help our veterans, among others in need. I should have stuck to crazy people and neglected children.
Writing about our forgotten vets is cheating.
Barron is now on record as being opposed to a project that will help our forgotten soldiers and sailors. He can explain that when he runs again.
Council's Frosty Reception
Last month, Council's reception of a centralized human services facility was frosty. Peg Ferraro wanted it at the Gracedale campus in Upper Nazareth, not because it will help people in need, but it's where her voting base lives. But Ferraro must have done some vote counting in her head, and probably began to worry that veterans might come out against her. So she changed course, doing what she thought was best for her politically.
So did Executive candidate Lamont McClure, who's been against this idea from the very beginning. He voted it down in 2006 and was unwilling to even entertain the idea when it was first proposed last year. He voted against it then, with no questions and no explanation.
But this time, Council was unwilling to play his game. So when the vote came, he meekly voted for the lease, so he can say he voted with the veterans.
He did not mention whether his father, grandfather or cousin had ever served in the military.
Last month and again last night, Bob Werner argued for a fragmented human services approach because 173 human services employees are at the Wolf Building, located in his District. None of his other arguments make any sense.
He continued to insist that this matter is being "rushed" even though it's been under consideration for 13 months and was tabled last month to give him all the time he needs to do his homework.
In addition to trying to deny the obvious health and safety concerns at Governor Wolf, Werner insisted that any new building should have all kinds of environmental components, like geothermal, solar panels and even LEED certification. Engineer Jim Gentile and Ken Mohr tried telling him that a costs benefit analysis will be performed to determine what could be installed to give the county the biggest bang for its buck, but Werner did not want to hear it.
He began talking about school buildings with all kinds of energy efficiencies built into them and demanded to know why there are no solar panels at this site. Gentile gently told him they'd need about 5 acres of land to make a dent with solar panels. But Werner brayed on until Ken Kraft finally had had enough.
"You're comparing us to school districts that have unlimited budgets and just build whatever they build," Kraft said. "You're looking for utopia that doesn't exist."
In other words, he was allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
Last night, good prevailed. Neglected and abused children and single mothers and people with mental challenges have no one to speak for them. But veterans do. And their voice is loud enough to protect these other forgotten souls, just as they protected all of us when they were in active service.
Updated 4:50 PM: I have substituted a better picture of McClure than the one originally posted.
Last night, Stoffa got his leagacy and a building named after him. Lets see if the caseworkers still have a job in a few years. Lets see how many services to all those children and Vet's get cut so Stoffa and county council can have a plaque on a wall with their names on it.
At least Stoffa will be gone so the building won't be neglected for eight years.
The Jim Gregory union sniping begins.
great analysis Bernie
Thanks. It's lengthy. I break every blogging rule. All posts are supposed to be short and sweet.
Any clue to what will be the name of this building?
The top picutre looks like four commandants at Auschwitz, who just got as new dormitory.
"Any clue to what will be the name of this building?"
I imagine it will be called the Northampton County Human Services Building.
It already has a name. The name of the person who first coordinated the Human Services bulding and did more than anyone for Human Services, the Martin J. Bechtel Building.
I don't really give a shit what it is called. I care that 18,000 people will have a centralized facility.
I can see why Gentile and Mohr are smiling.
"Northampton County taxpayers vedy,vedy good to us"
The complex might be called the 'M. Solomon Memorial Complex.' And the building might be called the 'J. Onembo Building.' this is due to all the private funding secured for personal personel finances.
Do you think Werner feels any remorse now? If he could change his vote do you think he would? Or is he still set on his pipe dream?
When the next executive tells a future council in order to pay for the new building, he will have to cut servcies and or staff, Wereer will look like the smartest and most honest man up there.
This was a bullshit decsion based on Stoffa rehashed Grecaedael bullshit arguments. This time he used babies, the mentally ill and veterans as his pawns for his legacy. A 19th cenury bbuilding that serves no purpose in the 21st century. Retro-active thinking by council. The next executive and council will be left with the job of cleaning up this mess.
When you are dealing with someone like the executive with no moral core, anything is possible.
Wait for the 7am comments by hack harp.
Maybe I missed it but when I watched the tapes I noticed that the union supported the project.. You are so funny..You attack them when you think, wrongly that they dont support the project, which was never stated anywhere by the way. Then when they do support it publically you talk about them supposedly blackmailing Stoffa..You are such a joke..Again, they hate you and your hate blog and you hate them..So what..I'm sure Jim Gregory is up at 2:30 in the morning sniping on your blog..Don't flatter yourself Bernie. You're the only one sniping here.
The union has always backed the building..They voted on it awhile ago. It seems you'd know that if you weren't so busy giving one half of the story as usual..Your veteran's argument is a joke..They are served well by Human Services..If it was so bad where were all the complaints by Veterans? Didn't hear them? Your use of Veterans on this issue was pathetic and as usual, made no sense. You said yesterday also that there would be four votes against it..How wrong were you? Very wrong as usual. But what else is new..
"Martin J. Bechtel Building at Bethlehem Township" That has a nice touch for a name.
it drives me nuts that the controller of the county is as political as he is.
The controller should be the watchdog for the tax payer, not a shill for one political side or another. But i guess that is just politics as normal.
it will be called the Northampton County Human Services Building.
Perhaps I missed something but wouldn't the Wolf building lease and repair costs exceed the new building cost? That alone makes it a no brainer.
It's also a good feeling that vets (and Freddy) are still protecting those that can't protect themselves.
So funny reading about the Vets stuff..The county human service department has always served the vets well and, to my knowledge , there were no complaints. if they need Human Services the workers go out and meet them..The building had nothing to do with how vets are served...Unlike freddie, most Human Service caseworkers go out and see the vets..If they had a problem getting to him at the Wolf building then maybe he should have went to them..Tying this building issue with Veteran's services is
Now Bernie has the union bribing council and Stoffa to vote for a building they don't want. No wonder he calls the blog ramblings. He needs to call it mad ramblings of a psycho.
Bernie good for you that you can keep your sanity with some of these people. Do they even watch the meetings? It is clear the union was not behind this. They had to have a private meeting to change their collective minds. That has to be about job security and nothing else. Using the union to build this already adds about 2 million to the cost for the rest of us. That wasn't good enough. Something changed their minds. The buildings the county is getting good money for have been let go for far too long. Even before Stoffa was elected. Thank you Bernie for reporting the whole story.
It's clear the unions weren't behind this???? Lol ..Clear to crazy people maybe..Clear to anti union people maybe..Clear to folks that don't know what was talked about at these meetings referred to maybe..Who was your source bernie..Who told you about these union bribes and these side meetings with Stoffa? Did he?? If he did, he should have had a stenographer there because if he said what you said was the case , then he's got some sanity issues like you...neil brown never opposed the building. If he did that's news to everyone involved..Never, ever, ever....Show the proof of that ! oh, he said if the building is built that he hopes the county will have county workers to put in it? That's your case for his opposition???You and the writer before this are so full of crap you make me laugh and laugh..You should call your blog the mad hatters blog or better yet, the mad haters blog...You and your tea party anti union nuts are so pathetic!!
Bernie, don't you have a color contrast feature on your photo software? Lamont looks like he just got back from a vacation on the sun.
Bernie despises public sector unions and he attacks them all the time. That's why they despise him so much. He continues to lie about them as he is here on this issue..No surprise
First off.....this should never have happened. Had the administration dealt with the capital improvements as they were needed the Wolfe Building and The Becthel Building would never have been in the state of disrepair that made it a poor financial decision. Then you have his lack of leadership on the swaption that cost us another 27 million. The Building should be named the Bechtel Building. No one had the foresight to do what Martin Bechtel did and that includes Gracedale. Also if only five Veterans a day come into the Veterans Affairs Office , why are we paying a full timer and a full time secretary to man that office when we can run it by being open only once a week? Bernie, you constantly defend Stoffa when his own record shows he is probably the biggest procrastinator ever to hold public office. His inability to make decisions has cost us tens of millions....i.e. the swaption., no capital improvements, etc etc. just so he doesn't have to raise taxes and that's thanks to Reibman raising taxes through the roof and leaving a slush fund for Stoffa of 69 million.
sounds like Glenn Reedman is blogging now. just blame it all on the unions it's probably those union thugs doing this.
"Do you think Werner feels any remorse now?"
From what I see, he thinks too much of himself to think he could possibly ever be wrong.
"Maybe I missed it but when I watched the tapes I noticed that the union supported the project."
Oh yes, they supported it after opposing it until early this week. And Gregory made abundantly clear last night that he only gives a shit about his unions and its manpower.
"Perhaps I missed something but wouldn't the Wolf building lease and repair costs exceed the new building cost?"
"Bernie, don't you have a color contrast feature on your photo software? Lamont looks like he just got back from a vacation on the sun."
That one is a little redder than most.
Sounds like all of you are just dying to get Reibman back in office. But by the sounds of it all of you wouldn't like Jesus Christ if he was the County Executive. I would really like to see one of you regular Joe's that know it all after the fact and have such big mouths run for office and get it. I bet you would be the worst Exect ever with the constant deer in the headlights expression.
"Now Bernie has the union bribing council and Stoffa to vote for a building they don't want."
They did not bribe. They blackmailed. In an open meeting on 1/24. In private. And even their so-called support last night was so guarded that it would have been better had it been no support at all. If you are represented by gregory or Neil, and you think they are representing what you tell them to do, you are wrong. I am told they union voted to support the project, but their leaders did not follow thru and do that. i would bot want either of those guys in a foxhole with me.
Who is that standing behind Kristin Kayal in the picture?
I'm not a Werner fan by any means and he is way too high on himself but he may prove correct on this. I'm disappointed in Parsons and Ferraro they should have stuck to their earlier objections. I don't believe Bechtel, Hartzell, or Seyfried would have done this as county excutive
Can people without a car get to this building? Will Lanta serve it?
Will the Alpha Building and Wolf Building require “very special” special taxing privileges for redevelopment?
Seems odd that these buildings are too expensive for the City and County to maintain, but one has three offers and the other has an interested party.
Your silly comment about the union people saying the leadership didn't support this is ridiculous. .
Who are they? More phantoms made up by Bernie.
Moussa,Moran & Piazza
Good question about the viability of the Wolf Building. Is it worth the repair or not? The market seems to say yes. The county seems to say no. What gives?
Werner is going to look pretty smart when this is all over with.
I believe the union spoke at the meeting and unless you are deaf dumb and blind he admitted the union was not behind this. They felt better after the discussion with Stoffa. His words basically not Bernie's. peolpe will figure this out. Unless you are too narrow minded or in the category above. Some of you are the kid with his hand in the cookie jar and while denying you are eating cookies. Lucky kids if you have any.
"Can people without a car get to this building? Will Lanta serve it?"
This site is already serviced by a LANTA bus gong east and west between Bethlehem and Easton every hour. I've ridden it myself. Now, with a human services center, service will expand. It is an excellent location for mass transit.
@ "Anonymous said... Bernie; to get the answer to all of the above questions you need to interview the sbeltfan aka councilman Houser, he has his head so far up Mayor Brown's ass he can tell you what he had for breakfast. 2:56 PM"...
I found him VERY helpfull in reporting an Environmental Catastrophe to E.L.F....when the P.A D.E.P dismissed it as toxic vegetative. Want his #?
"Your silly comment about the union people saying the leadership didn't support this is ridiculous."
And true. You didn't give a shit about them. Maybe they should have worn SEIU sweatshirts like Gregory.
3:43, Please email your concerns.
"Werner is going to look pretty smart when this is all over with."
Werner has a very high opinion of himself. He is a bit of a disappointment not because of this vote, but bc of his attitude. When he first started, he seemed eager, nonjudgmental and reader to learn. Now he's become somewhat pompous and has alienated many of the Dems who helped elect him.
Easton Dems can take lots of baloney. Look how long they've put up with the Vulcanos. But they hate pompous people. I expect that Werner is going to find that out the hard way because several Dems are already talking about challenging him, and they should.
I feel bad for the union. The so called private meeting they had with Stoffa and Marcus was immediately blabed to O'Hare by Stoffa. That is why there is so little trust with Stoffa by most empolyees.
He has never been honest with them, so why would he start now. Hey Bernie did Stoffa tell you he still blames everyhing on Reibman. One day he won't be a two year old anymore. The guy is pathetic.
Why would the union blackmail him? It wouldn't make any sense only to you and him. The building won't be ready to occupy until he leaves. Any promise he or this council makes is irrelevent and non-binding on the next adminstration and county council. So they can if they need to, lay off as many employees as necessary.
You get so caught up in your Stoffa mancrush you lose all sense ansd crediblity. Anyone that has met with Stoffa over the years knows he does nothing but whine and blame other people for all problems but he loves to take credit.
By the way there old commandant Harp the county council will neame the building after Bechtel if they wish, not your call.
Actually, it is SEIU union steward Jim Gregory who blabbed about this private meeting during last night's very public Council meeting.
I'm not answering why the union would blackmail him. I'm saying that they did. It's very clear. It was done during a public council meeting in January. As a condition of support, union boss Neil (get a better toupee) Brown said, "We want to make sure the people providing the services are still County employees." That's the quid pro quo he was looking for, and that he and Jm Gregory hammered even harder in private meetings. They son't give a shit about children being exposed to lead paint. They don't care about veterans. They don't even care about Wolf employees. they just wanted a no lay-off agreement so that their gravy train continued.
It's pretty hard to deny the blackmail, when it was done openly.
I agree. Werner is a one termer. He only won because the Panto vote came out
"Who is that standing behind Kristin Kayal in the picture?"
This is not another program. It is a combination and centralization of some very basic, existing human services that help care for abused children, neglected children, seniors suffering from dementia, disabled veterans.
We have a moral obligation to provide these services and the County has a legal obligation to provide many of them.
@ "We have a moral obligation to provide these services and the County has a legal obligation to provide many of them. 4:35 PM"
....anologous to "Ethical Moral Turpitity"....turpitude-in-action.... When the Feds adjust their Tortious (Tort)leverage.....things like Anthony Martino(1st) assisst. of-the-P.D. office, pop up! Home rule charter....would be nice!
"Werner is a one termer"
Werner will look like a genius in a few years. When the new executive and county council have to deal with the million dollar plus payment to the Developer and Mohr and the maintenence that can no longer be ignored and teh furninishings and all other needs plus all the taxes the COUNTY must now pay on the building, some tough decisions will have to be made.
Either the county will have to ask county taxpayers for a big tax increase and or cut servcies and staff. Which will it be? I doubt the new county council will be willing to make county taxpayers foot the bill for the new white elephant Stoffa told the press he gave birth to.
Of course Bernie will be there to blame it all on Gracedale. Oh by the way Bernie, many of those mentally ill multiple illness seniors end up at Gracedale because the privates won't take them as they cost too much. Yeah, so much for your truth.
Reality Now!
Want some reality? As long as i have kept this blog, you have posted anonymous attacks here aimed at Stoffa, and they have all come up short. You have never crawled out from under your rock, and have always been nothing more than a hateful, anonymous coward. That's the reality. Now.
And yet you cannot refute a thing the person has to say. This will be a drain on county finances for years to come.
Actually, I can. But thanks for making clear that you consider human services to our veterans and neglected children a "drain on country finances." Under Executive McClure and Controller Barron, you can eliminate this drain.
@ "Either the county will have to ask county taxpayers for a big tax increase and or cut servcies and staff. Which will it be? I doubt the new county council will be willing to make county taxpayers foot the bill for the new white elephant Stoffa told the press he gave birth to."....You are the County Seat. If you are paying your-self monies to operate in your OWN territories....just stop taking money from yourselves. How much are your "Operating Expenses" relative to waste, paperwork as to the Fed. Reduction Compliance? Relative to Salary & Ret. benne's. Your "Golden Parachute" has 'ahole-in-the-bucket....Empoorer
Abe Ayethia would be Proud.
You should ask to see the MOU. My guess is that it is heavy on the conditions. I predict the cointy will still own the building 2 years from now.
When Stoffa was going to sell Gracedale, the fine print had the county fixing everythng and paying all kinds of fees and fines. We would have been lucky to see 20 millin from the 35 millon.
The county has about six million invested in Gracedale at this point in time. I would not be surpised if the "mysterious" buyer walks away with it for a million, if that. And only after the count kicks in considerable improvmeent.
This crowd has no head for details or money. County council will moan and squeek but the lease is signed by now. to bad.
To the nerxt county executive, what or whom will you blame for the 20% tax increase you will have to propose?
Why is Council supporting a lame duck Stoffa on such a grand project? This should be put on hold until the new Executive comes on board in a few months. Gentile and Mohr and ramming this through because the next Exec will certainly want to review this.
Stoffa's term runs four years, not three. In addition to delivering human services, the County needs to tale steps to deal with a very serious bridge problem. His work is not done, and your anonymous slurs are just that.
If you shut down the Bridge for repairs....How will your Outsourced "Block Officer's" respond to a 911 call? You risk a catastrophe, putting peoples lives in jeprody. Will the UnderWriter's cover that? Check your Insurance Policy.....there is a clause for that for that contingency!
"Engineer Jim Gentile and Ken Mohr tried telling him that a costs benefit analysis will be performed" Jimmy G....the "Used" car salesman & R.J. Piazza the Silcilian. Mob Operators.(Modus Operandi).
Was Tom Harp sober? He looks three sheets to the wind on the picture.
West Easton Foot Print
February 22, 2013 at 9:13 AM
my assessment of O'Hare goes like this:
Originally, I took pity on what I thought was a lost soul with no friends and no family who was in desperate need of attention and companionship.
Not long after that, though, I started to learn the disturbing and ugly truth about Mr. O'Hare. I found him to be classless, rude, ignorant of everyone and everything around him, desperate to be self aggrandizing and over-important. He clearly had the signs and symptoms of a socio-path, not knowing right from wrong, and also derived a sick pleasure in hurting others for sport.
His attiitude about himself was so grandiose, that I began to distance myself quietly. He realized this and became more enraged, more intense, and more starving for attention. He would call my house for hours at a time, even though I failed to answer the phone. He acted like a child taking a tantrum when I called Larry Otter for advice on a West Easton Matter.
Finally, the true sociopath reared his ugly head on the evening of 8/26/2011, when I finally had to put an end to him for good. The beautiful truth came out, and I never regret , even for 1 minute, having turned my back on this ignoramous in a most public way.
He is by far, the most sickening serpent in the land, and one who must be stopped. Please show your support by joining me in court on 2/26/13. It will be in Judge Smiths court, starting at 9:30am.
If O'Hare was against this project, like he was against Gracedale, he would have asked if the powerpoint presentation was put together on the taxpayers dime during these employees work hours.
Of course that question was not asked. Keep taking it out of the taxpayers pocket.
It was unnecessary bc the employees in question joked about a mis-spelling they noticed the previous day, when preparing the power point at 12:30 AM.
But your attempted vilification of county employees for telling the truth about conditions at Wolf is duly noted.
And now I do have a question. Are you McClure supporter Steve Barron, McClure supporter Charles Deringer, McClure himself, Stoffa hater Jim Gregory, the Fake Rev or one of his disciples, or cRaZy Mezzacappa?
Why so afraid to attach a name to your hate?
Could it be that deep down, you are not so proud of yourself?
I just saw Kevin Deely stoned out of his mind at the bar tonight in Butzville. He could barely talk. He mumbled something about running for County Executive. You think he might run? He doesn't stand a chance in hell. He would have better luck finding a roach in haystack! And not that kind of a roach!!!
Ok, We are spending on a lease that is probably only a good idea when you don't know who your partners in business will be in 3 yrs, like a law office or dental office. I disagree however if you are committed for 25 years.Yes, Mr. Werner for what ever reason will stand correct.I thank him for his fortitude as we should wait no matter what until after the next elections to make a decision . Please take the welfare office with you too. Make it real one stop buffet while were at it. Name it after the President of the United States,and who would argue with that?
"Tricia Meacappa said...
West Easton Foot Print
February 22, 2013 at 9:13 AM
my assessment of O'Hare goes like this:
the true sociopath reared his ugly head on the evening of 8/26/2011, when I finally had to put an end to him for good"
Title 18 Pa. C.S. Section 3305, Section 2702 (a)(6), 2710, 2701 (b)(1) & 3303 Failure to prevent
Machinational Ideation....and YOU have a "Concealed Weapons" permit.
The Sherrif MUST personally sign those as it is HIS county he is responsible for it's permitted weapons. Is his signature on Your permit.You are unstable & a Menace to Society. If Lysek becomes Sherrif, you could fold the two "services" and couch the term as Effective Admin. of Gov't. You have a note from the Mayor. (Untouchable)
@ "Anonymous said...
If O'Hare was against this project, like he was against Gracedale, he would have asked if the powerpoint presentation was put together on the taxpayers dime during these employees work hours.
Of course that question was not asked. Keep taking it out of the taxpayers pocket."
County functions are to be done on County time....with County employee's (that's why they're hired)....otherwise, you are Beholden to the Interests (special or otherwise). That's why we hold Elections) do "OUR" bidding.
Name it after the President of the United States,and who would argue with that? 4:06 AM"
Those of us whom didn't vote for him.
Bernie Alfonso Todd was vindicated, do a post about him with no mention of William House and I will retire you in style homeboy, no shit.
Dude can't form a thought without including the word "pusillanimous" in some form. Buy that midget a thesaurus pronto after you sue him for the libel he has spewed on the WWW!
Try was created for such a contingency. 4 w's
I am a republican elected officer and can tell you this Tricia Needs to be purged from the party. The dems don't even want her and they are enjoying that she is running for council because they all know what a terrible person she is. They are right and they are right to use her behavior against us. We would do the same thing. Hopefully the party will give her what she deserves. A BOOT. I am actively warning people as are all of the others running. She is toxic......and many other things.
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome afflicted personelle, coupled with needy Humans needing needed Service's needily (base desires), will Overwhelm the Union Bus Driver's, make a mass run on the Bank's, Pharmacies & "Other" underclass Economies....all the while stressing out the whole equation it is trying to solve. The "Soldier's" needing the "help".....didn't get that way, Holding a BUS TICKET. Gander a guess as to their afflictive instrument? Dis-Organized Society. And you want to turn them loose on L.A.N.T.A.? Intelligent CHOICE!
@ "Anonymous said... I am a republican elected officer and can tell you this Tricia Needs to be purged from the party. They are right and they are right to use her behavior against us. We would do the same thing."....glad to know you supported (if only implicitly) the Theatrical Drama-of-Trisha. After the Allocution & Before the Imposition-of-Sentence....the judge say's " and To send a Message to Society".
The "Hotbed" is abuzz/w/ conflicting signals.
"When there is no longer Honor amoungst Theives.....There is NO longer Honor amoungst us"
Bernie...Trish has awakened with a new batch of poison. Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Shame on the Republicans for giving her affiliation. She is a disgrace to any party.
You call people cowards when they don't post with their names. However, you give them no choice..Everytime their opinion differs with yours, you attack them personally..If you weren't such a coward and had the courage to just speak to the issues, I'd be glad to debate them with you, anytime , anywhere..I wish people did have to post their name. That way , you'd finally get it into your thick skull, that neither i nor my girlfriend are up (ever) at 2:30 in the morning or any other early morning hours for tha matter.. We are sleeping at that time..If you don't believe that, ask her at the next meeting..If you think she's lying, feel free to attack her. You are good at that..Your defense of the building, especially your use of personal attacks while doing so, are pathetic...Mostly everything you alleged regarding my involvement on the building matter was false..Neil brown supported the building from day one and he said that publically and privately.My concerns in the meeting with mr. Stoffa had to do with how I felt my elderly clients were being treated (badly) and want that to change..Ask him..It had to do with my duties and how they are being "phased out of services" by reducing my help to them..I don't hate Stoffa by the way..I'm disappointed wit some of his decisions on issues as I'm sure he is with mine..Life goes on..You, I certainly despise..As I'm sure you do me if your shots at me are any indication..I'll live..If you don't believe what I say about these matters or whatever, I'll gladly debate you privately or publically..What do you say me, you , and John discuss these issues and matters before or after a meeting or in his office if need be..However, in the meantime stop taking these pathetically cowardly cheap shots at me on your stupid blog because you think I'm posting anonymously in the middle of the morning..I wish everyone would post their names. Then you could blame the right person at least..Either way, have the courage to stop the personal attacks..If you want to debate issues, I'm open to that anytime, anywhere..
Jim Gregory ... Crying like the little baby that he is. Waaah!
There is no doubt in my mind that Ds will hold Tricia Mezzacappa against all Rs. They all know about her and her behavior, and Ron Angle asked them to move her last Summer. Ds will use this, and will try to get pictures of her with R candidates. I know I would.
Tonight, for example, she is supposedly going to some party in Bushkill Tp where Rs are assembled at the fire company or some such location. Someone could take a picture of her chumming it up with Peg Ferraro, who will be there, and that will put a dent into Ferraro. Using a cell phone, who knows what could happen?
Here's what they could do. Without naming her, the party could introduce a resolution stating it will not support or endorse any candidate who engages in frequent public vulgarity, who threatens the lives of other people, who fantasizes about killing other people and who uses terms like "nigger".
As a candidate, they should refuse to allow her to participate in any candidate functions. Here is what is very clear, from the record.
1) She was convicted last November of disorderly conduct after barging into Boro hall and, in the midst of an obscenity-laced tirade, threatening to drag its Boro Council President to the river and drown her. She has not appealed that conviction. But since that time, she has attacked at least one of the boro employees because she is not skinny or pretty enough for Tricia.
2)The police reports are all out there, and two people in them are quoted as telling police she was sing the word "nigger." The police officer himself said her conversation with him was tinged with hints of racial discrimination. She told him her neighbors "should have stayed in the projects
3) The ET had to delete her account for repeated online death fantasies, using graphic and chilling points about putting hollow point bullets through someone's skull, and using words like "kersplat" and "dead before he hits the ground."
4) She advocated that an Allentown police officer should use deadly force against a 14 year-old female DHS student who may (or may not) have mouthed off to a police officer. "Too bad he didnt [sic] shoot this wildly obnoxious imbecile with a real weapon. One less problem student who will ultimately be a terrible leach [sic] on society, after being trained to think she is above the law. One shot, kersplat, perfect, problem solved."
5. She is a defendant in a libel action in which a Northampton County Judge has ruled that the statements attributed to her appear to be defamatory per se.
Dear 12:06..,
That is one thing i agree with bernie on..If you want to take cheap, personal attacks man up and stop being a coward..I'm not hard to find...So if you want to post and make a personal attack then please , please get in touch with me..You can easily leave your reaL NAME HERE for anyone to see. CMon..who are you..Cut hiding in the shows..You'll feel much better..
As far as the layoff issue goes Bernie, this year's budget is already set..We never felt that was a paramount issue..Many of us would gladly, and i'm sayiing this publically, be laid off before some poor kid in Children and Youth..However, the County won't allow that..Through the first round of layoffs, many offered to take a lay off instead of bumping another from their job but the county said they couldn't allow that...If they wanted to "save money" to use for their brand spanking new building, then feel free and lay me off Monday..Please!!
Gregory says this at 12:17:
"That is one thing i agree with bernie on..If you want to take cheap, personal attacks man up and stop being a coward..I'm not hard to find.."
But just 18 minutes earlier, he says this:
"You call people cowards when they don't post with their names. However, you give them no choice."
He can't even be consistent for 20 minutes!!
"If they wanted to "save money" to use for their brand spanking new building, then feel free and lay me off Monday..Please!"
As much as I do not trust you and do despise your views, I do not support lay offs anywhere, if real people are affected and it is not a layoff by attrition.
But I do question whether our citizenry is really served by having someone like you in human services.
".I don't hate Stoffa by the way"
You don't hate Stoffa just like you finally supported the building.
Jim, every thing in your demeanor and comments on Thursday night said that you were opposed. We all saw that. Every remark about Stoffa indicates you hate the guy. He sees that himself.
Nobody trusts you. That is your doing.
I pointed out, quite fairly, that you and others had ignored the needs of our veterans. If mentioning the people you are supposed to serve is a personal attack, I happily plead guilty.
You also ignored neglected children. On Thursday nigh, I learned they are being exposed to lead paint. Not a word about that from you. You just want job security. Shame on you, and shame on Neil Brown, whose so-called support for the building was contingent upon job security.
He openly blackmailed both the Executive and Council at a January Council meeting. In private, you two were even more pathetic.
Drop it already. You lost your little crusade against the children, the aging and veterans. Go plan your next piece of mischief with McClure and Barron.
You are so incredibly ignorant when it comes to these issues..You might not want me to be in human services but my clients certainly do and always have appreciated what i do for them..You know crap about services and when you tie veterans to this issue , you show yourself to be a fool who knows nothing..WE service veterans by going to them> We in mental health go to our clients, we don't sit on our butts and wait for them to come in and fill out paperwork ..In fact, their is little reason for them to come into the Wolf building..Everything they do for them there, they can do with a phone call..Again, you say that I hate Stoffa..Your are mentally challenged if you believe that..And if he believes that, he must be reading your stupid posts which accuse me of that and he must believing that..That says little for him if that's the case..I'll gladly sit down with anyone, especially John, if he wants to discuss any of this..Unlike you, he is not a backstabbing coward..I notice you didnt accept the opportunity to debate this or any other issue publically or priately because you know in this forum you can freely take personal shots and always have the last word, since most of us have a life outside this bullshit..What human service background do you have???What public service background do you have??? None. No reason to get into your background here bernie other to say your Public Service and human service background pales in comparison to mine..It's that simple..Again, stop being a cowrd and stop throwing baseless accusations my way on your stupid blog..Feel free to meet me abytime , anmywhere to discuss these and any issues you want..Or are you afraid?? I won't bring Trish, don't worry..
Jim Gregory,
I find it very interesting that a person who claims to eschew personal attacks is so ready to launch quite a few of his own, instead of discussing the actual issues.
1) You are one of the Stoffa haters, and he knows that. It has nothing to do with this blog. It has everything to do with you and your actions. They get back to him all the time.
2) I am no "backstabbing coward." I ALWAYS sign my name to what I write and take responsibility for my words. Can you honestly say that? I don't think so. In fact, I believe you maintained an anonymous blog that was largely driven by your self-admitted hatred for me. I do challenge people like you when I think they are wrong about something. That is not backstabbing. I am very up front about it. You cannot say the same thing, which is why you have the reputation you have.
3. I did not accept the invitation to discuss this publicly or privately? When was this invitation extended? I certainly received no such invitation. But I have been discussing this issue very publicly, and on this blog. I have never shied away from a public or private debate. What the hell are you talking about? The only thing you did say, if memory serves, is that you would never discuss this issue on this blog. Yet here you are.
4. I have a great deal of public service in my background, but no human services background. Are you telling us that the only people who should be permitted to discuss this issue are people with human services backgrounds? If so, then none of the nine Council members should have been permitted to cast a vote. We live in a democracy, Jim Gregory, whether you like it or not. If you want to meet me, my email address is I will be happy to tell you in person exactly what I have been writing here. The reference to Mezzacappa, incidentally, is another cheap shot and what I would expect from you.
5. As a so-called supporter of the centalized facility, there you go, bashing it again, bu claiming nobody comes to the Wolf Builsing. I guess the two women who the children visitation rooms are wrong. I guess there is no child visitation, and no interviews with parents. I guess Ramirez is wrong to say 25-35 veterans visit every week. Everyone else is wrong and you are right, eh?
Bernie, you are as bad as
Gregorty. You played the hate the veterans and children card to help Stoffa. In fact it really was just a ploy.
We saw how you used the same strategy with the Gracedale issue, talking about the dirty rooms, filthy conditions and evil staff. Now not so much.
We saw how muchh you cared about the staff amnd clientds when Steve Batron blew th eshistle on John Stoffa's lack of action on known asbestos problems.
You are nothing but a mouthpiece for Stoffa and whatever he wants. He wanted a building, regardless of its need, and you have provided the propaganda to support it.
Once again Bernie, if necessary, who should get laid off in the future if the budget can't carry the building and servcies? Or should the cost of Stoffa's folly be passed on toit he taxpayers.
I vote for the Divivion heads who played politics. Besides the caseworkers are more necessary then the heads as they are rarely in their offcies and would not be missed.
By the way Bernie you were at the meeting not far from me. if you had any questions you could've approach me but you don't have the guts to do that. you'd rather make things up on your blog or make stupid assumptions about what you think happened or was said.
Ramirez will say whatever his boss Stoffa wants him to say. Come on Bernie, politics 101. Don't talk so dumb now!
Jim Gregory, If I had any questons, I would post them to people whose opinions and answers I trust. That is not you.
8:54 That right, WE did not vote for him ,BUT how do I argue with the choice in name? THE 47% AND THE ONES THAT WANT TO RULE THEM WON'T!hope that clears up why I said that, I'm with you on your point.
"You played the hate the veterans and children card to help Stoffa. In fact it really was just a ploy."
What I did was speak up for neglected and abused children, who have no voice. And I pointed to our forgotten veterans because they were forgotten by politicians like Barron who like to beat on their chest and pretend they care. I also pointed out the union blackmail in which Gregory was involved, which is part of the record of the January meeting, much as Gregory would like to pretend it is not.
"Ramirez will say whatever his boss Stoffa wants him to say. Come on Bernie, politics 101. Don't talk so dumb now!"
Now we have an anonymous attack on the integrity of a veteran, former Deputy Sheriff and VA Director whose sole sin is to speak up for those who served their country.
Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you no decency?
I wanted to ne the 100th post. I think I am.
Overheard: You should try to be somebody else....But what if they are an asshole???
Bernie, did Jim ever email you with the invitation to debate? I want to go to that one. But I bet you he will just punk out. Oooh look! There's Rendall's bus. Got to go ....
aptly named Fred
I have never rec'd an invitation from Gregory to any kind of debate on this or any other topic. That is just nonsense. Nor will I get an email from him. But I never shy away from an opportunity to advocate for what i believe in. And in my case, it is an honest belief. I do not work for the County, Stoffa or any union.
Union blackmail. what is wrong with you Bernie are you just crazy. that's just dumb Bernie just dumb. everyone feel free to go to the January tapes and see if what Bernie says is true. stop the constant b******* Bernie. it's getting tiresome
your b******* is getting tiresome Bernie. I just challenge you to a debate. anytime anywhere. you want an email I'll send you an email how silly is that.
I agree union blackmail is just dumb, and that is exactly what you did, both on and off the record. Calling me names does not change the facts.
As for an email being silly, there's nothing about it that is silly at all. If you want to sit down and talk to me, I want to know what places, dates and times would be mutually convenient. I do not want my readers subjected to a discussion of those boring details. That is better accomplished by email than comments on a blog.
He is quik with responses but is he quick with the email invitations? I bet you he is full of shit. Emailing you would give up the pertanent information on his computer and web addresses and numbers. He doesn't want to do that because he can't then claim that he doesn't post as an anon. He is just a big union windbag. And he got caught in his own lies, again.
Dear 2:57,
Are you brain dead..Or are you bernie playing games..I do know you are a coward cause you still refuse to put your name to anything. What is all this talk about Emails? Are you in third grade?? Or just plain dumb..I ask bernie here on the blog to debate these issues he is speaking about wherever..What's the difference if I Email him??? Strange..Are you an unserved MH client..Or are you off your meds..geez..OK Bernie, I'll send you and you anonymous self an Emailed invite if it makes you feel better..
If I had a blog it wouldnt be anonymous..I had nothing to do with Rumblings at all..That's just another one of your strange unfounded accusations. Unlike you , I have a life. I don't have time to create and monitor a blog..So whoever gave you that piece of garbage information is a moron. Do you know what Ramirez does..He helps them to fill out paperwork and sends them on their way..he can do his job on the phone.You don't need a new building to service vets..I worked in that building in 2004. Very few people are served in the building.If a child is being abused, they didnt come to us, we went to them to investigate..And you also mentioned the mentally challenged. No one goes to the Bechtel building for E I services or MH services..They get their services from caseworkers who go see them..Cmon bernie..You seem to like Heckman..He'll tell you the same thing and he certainly is more of an expert on these matters than anyone, certainly you and certainly council. Thank God he'll be elected next year because we'll have someone on board who knows about human services, and someone who knows that services are more important than buildings..How'd the building get so bad in the first place..It was fine in 2004..What happened?
Mr. O'Hare has Officially reached +1 status!
Jim Gregory claims he has a life, and that is why he has spent his entire Saturday here.
It's also funny that, right after an anonymous attack at Ramirez, another one comes from Gregory under his own name. Hmmm. Tell uou what. When McClure is elected, you can propose eliminating the VA office, since it really doesn't need to meet anybody. Thanks for making clear that you really don't give a shit about them.
As for your reference to Heckman, he does not need people like you speaking for him. He can do that for himself. Frankly, if I he, I would not be so crazy about support from a loose cannon like you.
I have often wondered who the cRaZy person is who thinks that e very time Ron Heckman's name is mentioned, he is being attacked. I think we have a winner.
I just deleted a comment from a "Jack Burton" who just had to get personal. That is what happens to people who have no arguments.
I just deleted a comment from a "Jack Burton" a second time. After insulting me, he expects me to spend at least 30-40 minutes answering questions, and does not bother saying who he is. Not gonna' happen.
SEIU is lookin' pretty bad in this discussion, so "Jack Burke" is now teaming up with Gregory. The Saturday night trolls will come soon. So I am changing my comment settings to require that people ID themselves this weekend. That will eliminate the "Jack Burkes" and encourage honest debate.
@ "Thank God he'll be elected next year because we'll have someone on board who knows about human services, and someone who knows that services are more important than buildings.."
Political Gridlock "avails" none.
If Polititian's fight, argue, bicker, complain, lie, cheat, steal,....& genarally show-A-lack-of-Conciseness..........we the convict's, are recieving an UNCLEAR MESSAGE.....IT'S all sending "SENDING-A-MESSAGE-TO-SOCIETY".
Don't belive me?
Ask an Honorable Judge.
As a vet, it is tiresome to see Freddie Ramirez knocked by those who don't know, or care about, most Vet's situations. Often mulitple forms must be properly filled out and many Vets aren't able to weave their way through the government's maze to get the proper information. Freddie knows which forms are needed and exactly how they must be filled out. An immense help to many of us. Freddie also makes "house calls" when necessary. However, most Vets, particularly disabled ones, are extremely independent and want no special physical assistance or sympathy. They will show up at the office if at all possible. I have never gone to the VA office and not left happy with the help I received from Freddie or Jane Vulkert (sp?) his excellent secretary.
Thanks very much, Bill.
Jim Gentile's mullet is fantastic!
Gregory`s logic is absurb. If it were up to him Doctors would still be making house calls like they did in 1945. How many veterans could Freddie Ramirez see if he saw all his referals at one`s home ? Two a day ? Three if he worked some overtime ? This thinking is why certain parts of the DHS could no longer compete with State requirements and had to be shut down. From the beginning he was opposed to this building because somehow it might affect him having a job. His own union members finally did the right thing and came forward with supprt.Only then did he give a hard-to-believe voice of support. He is self serving at best.
Be careful. Gregory might be lurking (anonymously) to refute your claims and perceived insults.
WOW!!! Parts of DHS were shut down becasue they couldn't meet sttae requirements? Now that is some of the best bullshit I have heard in years.
I have no idea who you are but if you are staff, you have swallowed the biggest load of crap ever. If you are one of the "leaders" youa re either a liar or shouldn't be a leader.
It is called privitization and more staff have been lost to privatization in the past sevven years then at any other time.
Oh, and when did a building ever come into play for "state requirements", by the way could you please list the programs lost due to building issues and "state requirements.
Will the next county executive have the same level of stupid that is being displayed now.
Truth always hurts when all you care about is yourself and not people you are supposed to serve.
The only "truth" that we have is Stoffa and his bs incompetent gang will be gone by the end of the year. Thank God.
A Stoffa hater. Quelle surprise.
nice post....sharing information related to lease.
Novated car lease
That's too bad... hopefully there aren't many more cuts to follow...
-Jackie 2 human services software
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