Good times.
I was going to surprise them all with a visit, but decided against it. You see, I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep, like my Grandfather. Not screaming in agony like the passengers in his car.
Lehigh County Republicans met last night, too, at some underground lair. They started things off cheerfully enough, burning a few Quarans with the $900 they saved by blowing off the Great Allentown Fair. But there is internal division.
Allentown GOP Chair Bob Romancheck has resigned. He had come under fire when he called for an ethics investigation of Mayor Edwin Pawlowsk. Apparently, he forgot to clear it with the chain of command and they all had a hissy fit. They now have Captains, you know.
Apparently, I have to clear my stories with them, too. Last Saturday, when I visited the Great Allentown Fair to see Tom Corbett, Scott Ott cornered me right by the lion cage. He apparently didn't care for my story reporting the amount of money ($13,545 between 1/15/10 and 5/28/10) being paid to him by the local party, which couldn't scratch two nickels together for a booth at the Fair. If I were a good reporter, I'd get his side of the story first.
Hmm. Who the hell ever said I was a good reporter? I'm a bottom-feeding blogger, damn it, and allow comments precisely do that people like Scott Ott can tell me his side of the story instead of throwing me to the ligers like I'm a Muslim. By the way, Scott, is the campaign finance report wrong? Is there really another side to that story?
I'll get Dr. Romancheck's side of the story when he returns from a vacation. I'll try to get Scott's, too.
hey, when are you going to report on the campaign contributions Angle has taken from Berkheimer since the 1990's, seeing how he is using HIS office to presure other municipalities to use his campaign contributors. Pay to play in en vogue in Norco, regardless of who is in power.
Wow - what power! An ailing party will further be destroyed by the new power structure in Lehigh County.
BTW they are very selective about who they invite to the meetings. No naysayers or perceived dissenters allowed.
They want to load up local government with any Rep they can find. Just hope the strings do not get tangled.
"hey, when are you going to report on the campaign contributions Angle has taken from Berkheimer since the 1990's"
IF that's true, then that is HUGE.
Is this the same Scott Ott that publishes; Scrapple Face - News fairly unbalanced: We report. You decipher?
The same Scott Ott that sports a ring with a symbol of Christ yet writes a book "Laughing at Obama"?
And he accused you of not coming to him for the story first?
Who does Ott think he is? His salary shouldn't be public? So is this how he plans to run the R party in Lehigh County? Is this secrecy what he has in store for us, those of us who support R candidates?
Sometimes you don't have to point out when someone is an idiot, you just have be quiet and let them speak for themselves.
Mr. Ott is no exception.
I'm looking forward to reading what Dr. Bob has to say, as well as Scott. This will be VERY INTERESTING
"hey, when are you going to report on the campaign contributions Angle has taken from Berkheimer since the 1990's"
I will look into that today. Corporate contributions are prohibited. It would make sense he'd get something. They are a major business and in his district. It makes sense he'd want them to stay. They are a major business in his district and in this County. But I'll look into it. This is why I hate campaign contributions.
Allentown GOP Chair Bob Romancheck has resigned. He had come under fire when he called for an ethics investigation of Mayor Edwin Pawlowsk. Apparently, he forgot to clear it with the chain of command and they all had a hissy fit. They now have Captains, you know.
Who are these captains?
Dr. Romancheck is such an honorable person. The only individual we know (other than you, of course, Bernie) willing to challenge the basement redo for a mere $500. Where are those budget contractors when we need them?
"Is this the same Scott Ott that publishes; Scrapple Face - News fairly unbalanced: We report. You decipher?"
The very same. On Saturday, I rushed over to the fair after my grandson's football game, hoping to get a moment with Corbett. When Ott saw me, he must have thought I came there to interview him and spent most of the time I was there telling me I need to call him first to get my facts right. I asked him what facts I had wrong. He declined to say.
I told him I don't think any local party can afford to pay the kind of money local Rs are paying to him. I could see giving someone a comm'n on contributions. "Oh, now you're an expert on politics? Scott asked. I answered that he seems to think he's an expert on news gathering, so why not?
Instead of encouraging a Democrat who is leaning toward Corbett and wanted to write a story about it, Ott wasted most of my time there talking about himself. Dr. Dougherty and Dean Broiwning were there and had just been presented with a budget calling for a 16.1% tax hike. I was much more interested in chatting with hthem than Ott, but Scott made it impossible.
So from what I've seen first hand, i can understand why Romancheck has stepped down. They have driven away a person who actually treats Democrats like human beings.
We still don't understand. Why did Romancheck resign? Is Ott responsible for this?
Did you see this? Maybe you'll want to write something.
"A local water transporter that was purchasing water from Emmaus and expecting to put more than $8,000 a year in the borough's coffers has abandoned the arrangement, claiming its workers felt harassed by borough residents.
Aqua Duck Water Transport of Orefield will no longer buy borough water, which it uses primarily to fill swimming pools. The hauler had an arrangement with the borough beginning last year to purchase water at a rate of $4 per 1,000 gallons. Aqua Duck drivers would fill up their trucks at a borough fire hydrant and then submit logs to the borough tracking the water usage.
But resident Otto Slozer complained several times that he did not feel the bookkeeping system was sufficient. Slozer said the borough meters everyone else, meaning all residences and businesses, but Aqua Duck had no means of officially recording the water drawn from the borough hydrant."
Does this sound like Neely
granted this company honor system status?
"Does this sound like Neely
granted this company honor system status?"
Sure sound that way. I'll talk to some people this weekend.
We ran over to that political blog
to read about Reichley and Toomey.
Pretty serious stuff.
"Oh, now you're an expert on politics? Scott asked. I answered that he seems to think he's an expert on news gathering, so why not?
Yes, you are an expert on local politics. How many meetings do you attend a week? I'd say you're an expert. Call Ott and tell him folks say "I'm an expert."
Water access across the country is worrisome. To think Emmaus would sell its valued asset to anyone
who then goes about selling it again
sounds pretty stupid. Wonder if taxpayers really understood what
Neeley had in mind. If you and your grandson are out and about in the northern portions of the region, ask farmers about water issues.
Re: Koran humor, and calls to not burn the things: when did liberals become so afraid of religious nuts?
"Aqua Duck Water Transport of Orefield will no longer buy borough water, which it uses primarily to fill swimming pools."
Imagine how much water that takes.
Why don't residents use their own water to fill their own swimming pools. If homeowners are rich enough to afford pools, they can't pay for their own water?
Courtesy: Morning Call
Regarding the Emmaus Water Issue.
"Help yourself and then pay on the honor system is OK for a farm stand, but not for this deal. There are dozens of ways to monitor this. Shame on the town administrators for not instituting controls."
"Why not just weigh the trucks? Water weighs so many pounds to the gallon, so weigh the truck before the water pickup, & then weigh it after it has taken on the water, & you have a reasonable total of the amount of water, & bill accordingly. Certified, portable scales would work."
"...I'm a bottom-feeding blogger..."
And that's why we love you!
As I recall, it seems to me that Scott Ott and Chairman Woody are
relatively new to the Valley, maybe the pair have lived here 5 years combined. As a GOP stalwart,
I ask where did these people come from and how did they take control of the party?
Anonymous said...
"As I recall, it seems to me that Scott Ott and Chairman Woody are
relatively new to the Valley, maybe the pair have lived here 5 years combined. As a GOP stalwart,
I ask where did these people come from and how did they take control of the party?"
Two words on how Woodman took control: Charles Snelling.
Ott serves at the whim of Woodman, who has guaranteed to pay part of his salary.
Anonymous said...
"As I recall, it seems to me that Scott Ott and Chairman Woody are
relatively new to the Valley, maybe the pair have lived here 5 years combined. As a GOP stalwart,
I ask where did these people come from and how did they take control of the party?"
Two words on how Woodman took control: Charles Snelling.
Ott serves at the whim of Woodman, who has guaranteed to pay part of his salary.
He'd be fed up with Cunningham like most Lehigh County voters. And Jesus probably has a sense of humor, which is why most liberals don't like him or Scott.
Wait - did the permit say the whole basement was being done for $500, or was the permit just for drywall?
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