“I confidently give my endorsement to Congressman Dent for his re-election to Congress,” Benol said. “Congressman Dent and I ran campaigns which focused on the issues. He has listened to my reasons for running in the Republican Primary and I have learned of the difficulties facing our elected leaders. I am confident Congressman Dent will continue to serve his constituents and America because unlike the current Administration, he is listening. I am glad that I had the opportunity to run for Congress as a Republican and I am proud to say that I endorse Charlie Dent in his re-election to Congress.”
“I’m pleased to receive Mat’s endorsement,” said Congressman Dent. “In the course of many conversations with him – including our civil candidate forums during the primary — I found him to be an honorable man whose interest is righting the course of our country. Like so many Americans, Mat is engaged in the political process because he is concerned with the massive government expansion of the past few years, which I will continue to fight against. Mat’s endorsement means a lot to me, because I know he’s not interested in party politics, but in common-sense government.”
When I attended a meeting for conservative candidates this Spring, Benol spoke fondly of his two daughters. Even I ended up liking the guy. I hope he does stay involved in local government issues. You can read more about the endorsement at Pennsylvania Avenue and at Jon Geeting's LVIndependent. Of course, Jon somehow concludes this is more evidence that Dent is in trouble. Maybe Charlie should withdraw, huh?
Whoopee! What's the big deal? Dent can get all the republicans he wants, its time to vote him out. Callahan is a proven leader regardless of what Dent's ads try to imply.
Who cares what this guy thinks and who he endoreses... How is this news?
Benol endorses a knucklehead who voted for bailouts? Kiss another 11 votes goodbye, Callahan.
Matt must be drinking a weird brand of tea.
Serious tea partiers don't endorse and vote for bailout dopes.
What's he supposed to do? We have two choices and Cover-up Callahan is not an option.
Is it our imagination or do many Tea Party candidates have facial hair?
Is that a prerequisite?
Well now I guess I will vote for Charlie, because, you know, if he gets endorsed by Mat Benol, he must be the right guy for the job. On a side note, when asked on Fox News Sunday if earmarks would be disallowed, John Boenher responded that "things are going to change." When told he did not answer the question asked, Rep. Boenher responded, "there will be change."
What Mat was really endorsing was vote for our corrupt guy and not your corrupt guy. Good for him.
Wow. Snarky bunch of anons you have on today, Bernie.
It's news because there was no guarantee that Mat Benol, a genuinely nice guy who wants his adorable kids to have as many opportunities as he's had, would endorse Charlie Dent. He didn't HAVE to endorse anyone.
Mat had questions about Charlie's commitment to limited government and lower spending, which is why he ran in the Republican primary in the first place, as was his RIGHT as a citizen, and I commend him for having the commitment and courage to put himself into the middle of the political fray.
Mat ran a clean, decent and issue-oriented campaign, and in the course of the campaign got to know, and possibly even influence, his Member of Congress.
Endorsing the person who won the primary is the smart AND gracious thing to do if you want your party, whichever one it is, to win elections.
(Unlike several whiny "but that seat is MINE" primary losers who can't seem to let go in places like Alaska, Florida and Delaware).
But even more than that, it's a statement that, perhaps, your opponent is a little closer to your position than you might have thought. Or, just maybe, a primary challenge prompted your opponent to move a little closer to your positions.
I'm not saying that's what happened here, but I DO think it's news that the candidate who took 17% of the Republilcan primary vote away from Charlie Dent has decided that Charlie Dent is far better for the country than John Callahan.
SERIOUS tea partiers want to see the country turn away from the insane growth of government power and spending which has been the signature of the 111th Congress and the Obama administration. SERIOUS tea partiers want elected officials who actually READ THE BILLS and vote the way their constituents WANT them to, rather than the way THEY want to (since they know what's best for us, and all that.)
The Lehigh Valley Tea Party group is co-sponsoring a candidate forum Monday, Oct. 4 at Penn's Peak for gubernatorial, US Senate and US House candidates. Candidates for the state legislature have been invited to participate in a Meet and Greet at the Chrin Center on Friday, October 22. Members of the public are welcome.
SERIOUS tea partiers are engaged in the process now, and the movement continues to grow. But the most important thing for everyone to remember is that SERIOUS tea partiers won't be going back to sleep on November 3.
For more information about the largest tea party group in the state, go to: www.lehighvalleyteaparty.org or our public blog: www.lvtp912.blogspot.com
Wow. Snarky bunch of anons you have on today, Bernie.
It's news because there was no guarantee that Mat Benol, a genuinely nice guy who wants his adorable kids to have as many opportunities as he's had, would endorse Charlie Dent. He didn't HAVE to endorse anyone.
Mat had questions about Charlie's commitment to limited government and lower spending, which is why he ran in the Republican primary in the first place, as was his RIGHT as a citizen, and I commend him for having the commitment and courage to put himself into the middle of the political fray.
Mat ran a clean, decent and issue-oriented campaign, and in the course of the campaign got to know, and possibly even influence, his Member of Congress.
Endorsing the person who won the primary is the smart AND gracious thing to do if you want your party, whichever one it is, to win elections.
(Unlike several whiny "but that seat is MINE" primary losers who can't seem to let go in places like Alaska, Florida and Delaware).
But even more than that, it's a statement that, perhaps, your opponent is a little closer to your position than you might have thought. Or, just maybe, a primary challenge prompted your opponent to move a little closer to your positions.
I'm not saying that's what happened here, but I DO think it's news that the candidate who took 17% of the Republilcan primary vote away from Charlie Dent has decided that Charlie Dent is far better for the country than John Callahan.
SERIOUS tea partiers want to see the country turn away from the insane growth of government power and spending which has been the signature of the 111th Congress and the Obama administration. SERIOUS tea partiers want elected officials who actually READ THE BILLS and vote the way their constituents WANT them to, rather than the way THEY want to (since they know what's best for us, and all that.)
The Lehigh Valley Tea Party group is co-sponsoring a candidate forum Monday, Oct. 4 at Penn's Peak for gubernatorial, US Senate and US House candidates. Candidates for the state legislature have been invited to participate in a Meet and Greet at the Chrin Center on Friday, October 22. Members of the public are welcome.
SERIOUS tea partiers are engaged in the process now, and the movement continues to grow. But the most important thing for everyone to remember is that SERIOUS tea partiers won't be going back to sleep on November 3.
For more information about the largest tea party group in the state, go to: www.lehighvalleyteaparty.org or our public blog: www.lvtp912.blogspot.com
Well, I guess I'll be going with Callahan now.
That's why the local tea party is so discredited. No principals on foundation. A con from the beginning.
Donna Baver Rovito said...
"...I DO think it's news that the candidate who took 17% of the Republilcan primary vote away from Charlie Dent has decided that Charlie Dent is far better for the country than John Callahan."
Or better than Jake Towne.
I think the Benol endorsement is very significant because of that.
Anonymous said...
"That's why the local tea party is so discredited. No principals on foundation. A con from the beginning."
I love it when an anonymous liberal democrat comments on the local (or national) Tea Party.
Sooooooo believable.
By the way the word is principLES, not principALS. Although it's not like any liberal would know anything about principles.
Anyway, it's good to see that our public education dollars were well spent.
Donna Baver Rovito,
With all due respect, the national tea party, if you take your blinders off, is a tool of long-time Republicans like former speaker of the house Dennis Hasert. The tea party IS NOT a grass roots movement that came from the people. IT IS a tool of some who lost power who would like to get it back AND, if you think they care about you ... congratulations on drinking the Coolaid.
AND it is nice to say we are for less Government, lower taxes, cutting spending, but there is a reason why we don't hear anything close to honest, firm proposals. It sounds nice, but will never happen and, if it does, I think you will be very disappointed.
Do you really want no social security? Do you really want no Medicare? Do you really want no unemployment insurance if you lose your job?
I'm 40 years old. I do not want to see our country years down the line without these structures in place to keep the bottom from falling out like it did in the 1930s. Think about where we would be right now without these programs.
But hey, maybe you believe that the Republicans would be able to come back into power and find fiscal responsibility that they are so desperate for. Seems to me, we were running $500B deficits during the "good years" of 2004-2007.
I would think that a SERIOUS Tea Partier would get that. I would think that a SERIOUS Tea Partier would understand that both Dems. And Repubs. are the problem. I would think that a SERIOUS Tea Partier would recognize the huge influence of corporations over We the People.
I am not a Tea Bagger, but I do think for myself and can see what is going on. IF you and Mat believe what you say you do, Dent is not your guy. IF, however, it is about "we need to be back in power," then I guess Chuck is your man.
Anon 5:45:
Your post is full of lies and desperation. Please consult a therapist.
Dent supported bailouts, Donna. is your memory that short that you forgot why the Tea Party exists? Benol endorsed a candidate in a race that small government types have already lost.
Donna, rather than try to act like a bargain basement version of Sara Palin, just be frank. Your sarcasm and "wit" are both misplaced and not that good.
The idea that the Tea Party would even consider supporting a Democrat is not a reality. You really represent the angry base of the Republican Party. My father supported IKE and Nixon, your group would consider both to be socialists. So a Democrat no matter how conservative needn't apply. Not partisan; oh please.
Charlie Dent is still Charlie Dent, he is still the guy, your guy ran against. People really don't change. Isn't that part of your philosophy about distrusting government. You seek purity, you seek clarity.
You need to examine your candidate successes. In Delaware you have an airhead who has lied about her education. In NY you have a real crazy candidate for Governor that just threatened the life of a newsman over his own illegitimate 10 year old daughter.
I guess the point is, your feet are clay. That is not a sin as we all have feet of clay. But before you seize the banner of political purity in order to save the Republic of our founders, understand that many of your candidates and whinny members are no closer to the ways of the founders than Barack Obama. Don't tread on me was great in the full historical context of the 18th century but what about today. Can you expand upon your goals more than "we want better government", don't we all, next?
The truth may be painful but it can also be liberating.
Victor Lazlo
"Donna, rather than try to act like a bargain basement version of Sara Palin"
This is not necessary and pretty much defeats your argument before you start it because you are anonymous, yet attack a woman willing to ID herself.
I do not subscribe to the tea party philosophy, but do appreciate anyone who takes an interest in government.
I am Victor Lazlo, which means I am not anonymous. I used sarcasm to make a point of the pointless use of sarcasm.
I appreciate those who take interest in politics as well and was merely taking issue with some of the tea party tenet's.
That's fine. As you know who she is, it is only fair that she knows who you are.
Victor -
Your whole post chides the Tea Party for its insistence on "purity", then you're upset that a Tea Party member (Benol) has endorsed someone who is not "pure". You contradict yourself and prove that your own premise is wrong.
You can't possibly believe that Callahan is a conservative Democrat, or that any of his positions (the few he has made public) fit the ideals of the Tea Party movement. Dent is not perfect, but he is by far the best choice of the two VIABLE candidates running.
Let's be honest, your real problem here is that your candidate (Callahan) is trailing badly and heading for defeat.
Anon 7:59
As is the entire failed Obama Agenda.
Stay patient. Stay engaged.
Who said I am a Democrat? I stated my father supported Ike and Nixon. I think Nixon despite the emotional baggage and paranoia was a good president.
Who said I supported Callahan?
My point was and still is the tea party is not really anything but some pissed off Republicans. I pointed out flawed candidates that will lose in November.
So if you are willing to settle for Charlie Dent besides fielding incredibly poor national candidates, what is the point?
Less government, no taxes. My response "no shit", so what do you do for an encore.
That isn't a Democratic talking point that is an average American talking point. I see and hear a lot of anger and screaming but hear no real solutions. You do realize while Obama was just a "community organizer", Glenn Beck was a morning FM disc jockey known in the days as a "zoo keeper". So where does that put us. For all of Obama's faults and I could cite many, it is hard to take a group seriously when their spiritual advisor is a former shock jock who posed with monkey's.
Remember the old commercial, "Where's the beef?". A lot of yelling about problems but no solutions. What about government subsidies to corn growers and other agribusiness, where are we on that? How about on trade? This is the detailed hard stuff. Anybody can piss and moan about government but what about the details. This is Halloween but we need to do more than scare people.
That is the point. Take me for what I say and don't read into it. Unlike Mrs. Rovito, I'm not trying to be clever, just telling you what I perceive.
I still maintain two very good national Republican leaders like Nixon and Eisenhower would never have passed the tea party litmus test. Likewise, I doubt there is "any" Democrat who would pass the test.
Therefore, I view the entire movement as just an episode of pissing in the wind by angry people who feel left hanging out to dry by their Country Club leaders in the Republican hierarchy.
Sure there are a lot of pissed off Republicans in the Tea Party. And a lot of Republicans are Republicans only because they perceive that party as the lesser of two evils. Just like elections.
And as for Donna being sarcastic or clever... that's supposed to be a fault when communicating on these blogs???? Sorry, no it's not. If you knew her you would know that she has been following and writing about health care issues for many years, not just practicing sarcasm.
In fact our Lehigh Valley group has many such individuals who are organizing along their own fields of interest. If you would see the amount of energy being channeled into these specific committees and the growing membership you would not be so dismissive. And there's going to be no let-up after November. Whoever's in power can expect to have their feet held to the fire.
You're welcome to your opinion, and I can understand it if you are looking at us from the outside through traditional media sources. I invite you to observe us from the inside.
PS- regards Glenn Beck, he is not my "spiritual advisor". I have listened to his radio show since before his TV fame. He would often remind you that he is a recovering alcoholic, scum bag, rodeo clown. His message was always about "redemption" when he spoke about such things. I do not believe as Mr Beck does on many spiritual issues, but I do believe in redemption.
I don't mean to dismiss any movement that wants to secure a better future for their children. I view the tea party by the their own words. When one says,"This President is a socialist", I don't need or see a media filter to tell me what that person said.
The US is not a socialist country but it is not a "pure" capitalist country either. In fact, I distrust all "ism's" Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Patriotism are and have been used by individuals and groups throughout human history to manipulate and control.
I continue to maintain that based on my own observations I have yet to hear any clear message of intelligent reform being proposed. Spending less is one I agree with wholeheartedly, we have to figure out how. Again,the details. Just saying no to whatever an elected Democrat proposes is not a solution but a political platform.
As to Beck, I have listened to him. Mainly years ago when he was on the radio and chuckled over the entire "freedom fries" nonsense. I agree he is a self-deprecating nut. But he is still a nut. Also much like Limbaugh and Oberman, as these guys find that people actually start to take their latest "sthick" seriously, they start to actually believe they are prophets rather than entertainers trying out a new routine to make a buck.
Always remember, in America we were all raised to figure out how to make a buck. If you deny that, then the "ism" most ultraconservative-Republicans idolize, "capitalism" is all a sham. I weigh each person by their individual merits and will not let any "group" filter or tell me what is right or wrong. God gave me a mind and I use it to think for myself. For example, I know I don't want pure government control of medicine but I also know that pharmaceuticals and hospitals are making a killing with double digit increases. I know that is based on greed. I know that we need to reform our healthcare system as a society. Yelling at each other gets us nowhere. I realize that different groups all push their own agenda's.
For example, why do drug companies spend billions on commercials for drugs only your doctor can prescribe? Do you trust a pharmaceutical ad man more than your doctor, to know what medicine you need?
Why do Health Insurance companies need to buy the naming rights to Baseball and Football stadiums, then claim they are making no money? I will grant you that the other side of the argument is crazy but you folks are covering that well, it is this stuff that just seems to be dismissed.
We all have to be responsible for our own actions is my basic premise. I liked IKE!!!!
Victor said, "I liked IKE!!!!"
Oh, please - everybody knows he was a commie...
Yes, I understand the cringe factor when the president is called a socialist, marxist, commie etc..
All I can say is that we are not all Birchers, but you'll see those comments more often on TV because that's more sensational. I'm aware that TV producers seek out the more "outspoken" among us to cover. That's what I meant about going by the news coverage of us.
We're a mixed lot... please don't expect us to be a think tank with policy solutions for every issue. You're right to refer to us as a "movement that wants to secure a better future for their children".
What we are is a broad coalition that agrees that this country, from local gov't on up, has been heading in the wrong direction for a long time.
I agree that working for better government is always a good thing regardless of which Party got the most votes.
I applaud anyone who cares enough to give a damn.
With politics, as with a really good bottle of wine or a great piece of art, things take time.
In fact, pretty much anything worth having or doing takes TIME. So the longterm goals of the tea party movement won't happen overnight; returning our country to the constitutional limits which made it strong and prosperous is a generational process, just as going in the other direction has been a generational process.
The tea party movement, which is not a national astroturf arm of the Republican party (note "tea party" candidates in many states who have defeated Republican party incumbents in primaries) is widespread and varied, and includes literally THOUSANDS of local groups.
One of those groups, the Tea Party Patriots (many groups share that name) has attempted to compile a database of these grassroots organizations - it can be found at http://www.teapartypatriots.org/. That should give people a sense of just how widespread AND genuine grassroots the movement really is.
Incidentally, one "anon's" use of the term "teabagger" demonstrates only his or her ignorance and total lack of class. Just don't do it.
Personally, I can't take too much offense to being compared to Sarah Palin, considering what she's accomplished so far in her life, but I AM offended at the "bargain basement" characterization! OK, I love consignment shops, dollar stores, and Five Below, but it's really RUDE of you to say it, Anon....oh, whatever one you are.
Just for the record, I wasn't even TRYING to be clever or sarcastic in my last post - I suppose it must just be a natural talent.
Wayne, Bernie, it was gallant of both of you to defend my "honor." Fortunately, I don't believe someone sniping anonymously on a blog can actually hurt me.
Do I agree with EVERY vote Charlie Dent has ever cast? Of course not. Heck, the only way I could agree with everything ANY elected official does would be for that elected official to be me - and that will never happen.
But, like Mat Benol, I am ABSOLUTELY certain that Charlie Dent's votes in Congress will be FAR MORE LIKELY to reflect my positions than votes cast by John Callahan would. And as Charlie is the nominated candidate of the Republican party, well, he gets my vote.
Even though many tea party activists are angry with the Republican party as well as the Democrats, I suspect many of us will review Charlie's overall record and positions on the issues that matter to us (like defunding, repealing and replacing the health care mess) and decide that they can support him.
Some may still have reservations about Dent's "conservative credentials." To them I say - well, there's no doubt at ALL about Callahan's "liberal credentials." That's why Pelosi and the DNC have worked SO hard to get their boy Callahan elected. And the thing I've always appreciated most about Charlie Dent is that he actually listens to his constituents - and alters his positions accordingly. He takes the whole "Representative" title seriously, unlike many who blatantly vote as THEY choose and against the will of the people who elected them.
Victor, I'm glad you support people who care enough to get involved, and even though I suspect your name (the same as the freedom fighter in Casablanca) is an alias, it's a VERY clever one, and it's nice to see someone putting ANY name on some of these posts.
You sound like a reasonable person, and I would like to add my invitation to Wayne's - COME to a tea party meeting, listen to what we do, and then decide, free from the institutional bias of the main stream media.
Our web address is www.lehighvalleyteaparty.org and Wayne's tea party blog is www.lvtp912.blogspot.com.
The rest of the sniveling "anons" may stay home.
With politics, as with a really good bottle of wine or a great piece of art, things take time.
In fact, pretty much anything worth having or doing takes TIME. So the longterm goals of the tea party movement won't happen overnight; returning our country to the constitutional limits which made it strong and prosperous is a generational process, just as going in the other direction has been a generational process.
The tea party movement, which is not a national astroturf arm of the Republican party (note "tea party" candidates in many states who have defeated Republican party incumbents in primaries) is widespread and varied, and includes literally THOUSANDS of local groups.
One of those groups, the Tea Party Patriots (many groups share that name) has attempted to compile a database of these grassroots organizations - it can be found at http://www.teapartypatriots.org/. That should give people a sense of just how widespread AND genuine grassroots the movement really is.
Incidentally, one "anon's" use of the term "teabagger" demonstrates only his or her ignorance and total lack of class. Just don't do it.
Personally, I can't take too much offense to being compared to Sarah Palin, considering what she's accomplished so far in her life, but I AM offended at the "bargain basement" characterization! OK, I love consignment shops, dollar stores, and Five Below, but it's really RUDE of you to say it, Anon....oh, whatever one you are.
Just for the record, I wasn't even TRYING to be clever or sarcastic in my last post - I suppose it must just be a natural talent.
Wayne, Bernie, it was gallant of both of you to defend my "honor." Fortunately, I don't believe someone sniping anonymously on a blog can actually hurt me.
Do I agree with EVERY vote Charlie Dent has ever cast? Of course not. Heck, the only way I could agree with everything ANY elected official does would be for that elected official to be me - and that will never happen.
But, like Mat Benol, I am ABSOLUTELY certain that Charlie Dent's votes in Congress will be FAR MORE LIKELY to reflect my positions than votes cast by John Callahan would. And as Charlie is the nominated candidate of the Republican party, well, he gets my vote.
Even though many tea party activists are angry with the Republican party as well as the Democrats, I suspect many of us will review Charlie's overall record and positions on the issues that matter to us (like defunding, repealing and replacing the health care mess) and decide that they can support him.
Some may still have reservations about Dent's "conservative credentials." To them I say - well, there's no doubt at ALL about Callahan's "liberal credentials." That's why Pelosi and the DNC have worked SO hard to get their boy Callahan elected. And the thing I've always appreciated most about Charlie Dent is that he actually listens to his constituents - and alters his positions accordingly. He takes the whole "Representative" title seriously, unlike many who blatantly vote as THEY choose and against the will of the people who elected them.
Victor, I'm glad you support people who care enough to get involved, and even though I suspect your name (the same as the freedom fighter in Casablanca) is an alias, it's a VERY clever one, and it's nice to see someone putting ANY name on some of these posts.
You sound like a reasonable person, and I would like to add my invitation to Wayne's - COME to a tea party meeting, listen to what we do, and then decide, free from the institutional bias of the main stream media.
Our web address is www.lehighvalleyteaparty.org and Wayne's tea party blog is www.lvtp912.blogspot.com.
The rest of the sniveling "anons" may stay home.
I know of some Democratic office holders and candidates that have considered attending tea party functions but figure why bother. So why should they? One Democrat went to a function some time back to discuss issues and was catcalled before he even finished his comments.
So I guess the question of being just an apparatus of FOX INC. and the Republican Party is fair.
Reality Jones
More like Disinformation Jones.
I've attended 3 local tea party meetings and have been very critical of some things. But they at no time have been disresectful to anyone. Last month's speaker, John Morganelli, was the recipient of several rounds of applause. I think there was even a standing ovaton. Last time I checked, he is a Democrat and he spoke favorable about unions before this group, too.
You're right, Bernie - DA Morganelli DID receive a standing ovation when he spoke at last month's meeting.
But even if members of the audience HAD disagreed with him on multiple issues, he would have been treated with dignity and respect - JUST as Democratic candidates would be treated, if they had the intestinal fortitude to take on the challenge.
More and more, I see that this particular tea party group (can't speak for any others, only this one!) is filled with intelligent, reasonable people who are willing to listen and learn. And if a Democrat has something valuable to offer, they'll be just as receptive - possibly MORE receptive - than they would be to a Republican.
If anyone was "shouted down" at a tea party meeting, it wasn't the Lehigh Valley tea party group.
Thanks for sticking up for us, Bernie. FYI, we had elections on Friday, for the 12 now "duly elected" members of our new "Executive board," as spelled out in our newly passed bylaws. The members of the new board will choose the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary from among the 12, who were elected after campaign speeches by the "active" members present at the meeting. I'm sure an election release will follow.
Let me guess, Morganelli trotted out the old,"kick out the murderous illegals" speech for this group.
I have no doubt he received numerous rounds of applause. The one half-Latino in the crowd didn't seem too thrilled. But screw him if he can't take a joke, right?
Pepe LePew
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