That's the word one government official uses to describe Morning Call reporter Jarrett Renshaw. I agree. Wednesday night, I saw him in action, sleeves rolled up, setting up a video camera before a city council meeting so he could capture anything his shorthand notebook might miss.
Most reporters like to sit in the front of a meeting room, where it's easier to hear. Renshaw likes the back, capturing all the exchanges between council as well as the colorful audience attending council meetings.
Morning Call and Express Times frontline reporters like Renshaw, Darryl Isherwood, Scott Kraus, Paul Muschick, Sarah (Sassy) Cassi and J.D. Malone are the persons who prevent our government from devolving into tyranny.
That's why the financial health of our local papers is such a scary thing. We like to criticize what they miss, with some justification, but just think what will happen if they're not there at all.
If the Call goes the way of the dinosaur, all of us bloggers will gather and form a paper. Imagine the epic battles in the newsroom. People will be bringing swords and spears to work. Hell, we could get a reality show out of it.
On a more serious note, I thought the morning call was just a trash rag for awhile. However, I've been impressed with some of the reporting lately. My only gripe is the road warrior. He should be fired.
Even if we all got along, there is no way we could come close to duplicating what is put out by a newsroom. Blogs are at best a complement to what is read in the papers. From time to time, we do break news stories, but most bloggers merely react to what they read in the paper. Those of us who sometimes report independently lack the journalistic skills and credibility of the MSM.
We can't live with them, but we can't live w/o them, either.
But Molovinsky tells me he could probably do it.
i'm actually a big fan of newspapers, morning call included. i haven't missed reading the morning call every day in 35 years. i also give jarrett renshaw a high grade. over the years i've had my issues with various reporters, but most of what i know about the lehigh valley comes from 6th and linden.
bryan, please consider switching to this comment template, so that us with older apple computers can comment directly onto your up and coming blog. (the smaller box type used at lehigh valley political blog also works with older apples)
While I appreciate the fact that the paper is now beginning to report the facts here in Allentown it seems to me to be a “Raise the Titanic” effort. Despite the fact that Allentown struck the iceberg years ago under Afflerbach the paper has until very recently published mostly rosy reports to the city’s subscribers. In the meantime the mistakes, ineptitude, misdirection, and mismanagement have accrued and caused the city to flounder to a point where recovery seems only a remote possibility.
The truth is that most of this could have been avoided if the editors and the publishers of the paper had merely directed that reporting on city issues be objective and based on the facts. It was depressing to see the city reporters accept the notion that Republican criticism of the mayor and council was immediately suspect and unworthy of any consideration. They allowed themselves to be guided by an agenda that had nothing to do with journalistic ethics. The city suffered as a result and the hardships are real and lasting.
Journalists should never allow their “HOPE” that a politician will make positive “CHANGE” effect their reporting. Journalists should never trust or put faith in any elected official or political party. They should remember that it is up to the elected official to earn the trust of the electorate through scrutinized action and rhetoric on the campaign trail and in office. This is the real recipe for good government. This has been missing for too long here in the city.
Scott Armstrong
I think some of the recent reporting changes at TMC are a direct result of the management juggling that has taken place. One could dispute content, but there's more to a newspaper then content. It's also customer relations. A newspaper must feel like it is a LOCAL community based news source. The local content was reduced basically to a single page. The paper itself has the pictures doubled in size to fill in for the lack of print.
Be far it from me to know how to run a paper, but from a customer's point of view I might be more informed. Perhaps TMC's weakest department was 'circulation'. I see bagged papers 20 feet from the front door lying on the curb. Sometimes not even in the yard of the intended. Subscriptions offered and prices became disputed. Subscriber calls forwarded 10,000 miles overseas. Newsboys fired in favor of speeding cars with paper launchers.
TMC needs to get the small local town feel back:
* More local news on the front page
* Smaller pictures- more print substance over pretty pixs
* Not expect their customers to go on an egg hunt to find their paper. Put it at the door!
* Circulation needs to come back to 6th & Linden
* Newsboys/girls give the paper that personal local feel.
Bar any of that ever happening... we still need 6th & Linden no matter the criticisms. I can't even imagine how bloggers or TV media would ever have the resources to even fill 1/10th of the void that would be left without print journalism.
I like the aggresive style the Morning Call seems to be taking toward issues as of late, but he Mcall Blog page is another can of worms altogether...
- J. Black
I have a great news carrier. My paper ends up on my front door mat every morning, without fail.
Bernie, we at the MC appreciate your sentiment. A lot of us including some not mentioned, are working hard here to produce good hard hitting journalism.
To Scott Armstrong. You HAVE to get over this conspiracy theory stuff. The reporters in this room are not "guided by an agenda."
The funny thing about this post is, if we allowed Dems to tee off on the GOP at will, you'd label us biased. Yet if we apply a filter to both sides, which includes taking GOP criticism of the Dems with a grain of salt, we're biased then too.
Bernie applied that filter last night in not allowing McHale to attack Stoffa at will. That's not bias, that's common sense.
Retired ASD teacher here.
Well, Anonymous 1:51, if you really ARE a MC reporter please understand, it is your MANAGEMENT that lost its way. You had little choice (in trying to preserve a paycheck, provide for your family, etc.) but to go along.
What I want from my local newspaper is NO concern for any sort of bias!
"Just the facts, ma'am." (sorry)
For the past 8-10 years, it seems to me, your employer decided it best to maintain a "chummy" relationship with just one side. I don't think that's worked very well.
Anonymous (1:51PM) said.. "The reporters in this room are not guided by an agenda."
What! You mean you don't hold daily briefings with party officials before publication? < Just Kidding
I, for one, could never imagine a business model based on alienating half your customer base be it either Rep or Demo. Although TMC has been a bit reluctant to tackle the controversial, they seem to doing more in that regard lately.
Without going into names, local broadcasters are operating entirely w/o 'journalists'. Few even have actual reporters little alone 'journalist'. No Paper.. No Journalism of any kind, PERIOD. The fact is once you step beyond just reporting the news and into journalistic aspects you expose yourself to risks. And that is exactly why no local broadcasters will ever hire journalist investigators.
Both cable news and local outlets glean the wire services or local publications and do re-writes. I know this for a fact and so does TMC. 40 years ago I was warned about bylines and keywords never to use when I worked in the biz.
Words like BLAZE was the TMC's word for 'fire'. Never use 'blaze'. By the way I was very good at re-writes. :-)
Morning Call Reporter,
Your response merely confirms the well founded judgment of many conservatives that the newspaper has allowed its political bias to shape its reporting and editorializing.
Perhaps you may want to reconsider your use of the word “conspiracy” before you use it next time. The allegiances and motivations of the paper were never a secret.
Scott Armstrong
when ever i (burp) puke in my black caddy cts, the super/absorbent morning call is right there to mop it up (hiccup)
That response makes absolutely no sense. I know you're trying to sound learned and sage, but that is almost gibberish. My response was that you have an axe to grind and since the MC won't grind it for you, you call it biased. If we allowed unfettered criticism from the Dems you'd call that biased, but if we allow it from the GOP you would call it fair.
Villa- you're a nut job
"Villa- you're a nut job"
Scott Armstrong
You're a former reporter?? That's really cool. You certainly write well.
Reporter? Well not really. I will blog my background back in the 70's one day perhaps.
Morning Call Anon -
We supplied many facts and details about Allentown's real situation to people at the Morning Call.
They were ignored. Now they finally coming out.
I have worked with Krause and Mushick and found them to be dedicated reporters. I finally met Renshaw at the last Council meeting.
The problem isn't the reporters, it is the editorial board, columnists and management who have ignored reality for far too long.
Whether a "conspiracy" or not, it has hurt Allentown.
The IronPigs were the worst team in AAA last season.
The Phillies sign the AAA batting champion for the IronPigs in winter.
No mention of AAA batting champion who would really help the local IronPigs thru 34 games of Phillies spring training season until today from either the MC Phillies or IronPigs beat reporters.
Meanwhile, we get monster spreads about Cole Hamels adopting Ethiopian kids.
And stories about Joe Blanton and his wife and kids.
Enough said.
(That stuff is all well and good; it belongs in human interest story section.)
Give us boxscores, injury reports, player transactions etc. from spring training.
NORMAL sports-type stuff.
I don't necessarily want to see long-time paper die. I, too, read it everyday. Or try to. I LIKE their photography. A few other things as well.
ASD teacher said it best. They (MC)have been making their own choices as to what drums they want to constantly bang on. The agenda has been obvious.
BTW - WHAT credibility for Main Stream Media? That's long, long gone I am afraid.
I have to go now, I see Obama on TV and I have a tingly feeling running up my leg...
Me and Chris Matthews
PS - 201 million in bonuses to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives.
Where is outrage from Apologize for Everything Because USA is Evil Obama and all-knowing, able to fix everything will spend, spend, spend policies, we will confiscate AIG bonuses Democrats?
In the last mayoral election Ed Pawlowski at a debate said "community groups are divisive. When asked about this statement he clarified it to "some community groups are divisive". The "Call" reporter never reported these statements.
At a later debate, in front of the same reporter he denied he ever made either statement, again it was never reported.
This is but one example. By the way,Scott Kraus was a huge improvement but how long was it before he was rotated out to Bucks County.
Scott Armstrong
The Morning Call's editorials reflect the paper's typically left-leaning opinion. Numerous surveys indicate a media composed predominantly of registered Democrats, contributors to Democrat candidates, and admitted left leaners. I remember reading that even FOX News employees contributed to Obama over McCain by a margin of 10 to 1.
It doesn't strain belief that the 47% who were repelled by Obama, are similarly repelled by The Morning Call; leaving the paper to attempt solvency after willfully alienating almost half of its prospective readers. Right-leaning papers have suffered a similar fate.
The Morning Call reporter assures this is not the case. I guess I shouldn't trust my lying eyes when I read about The Call's plummeting circulation and steady march to a quiet end. Many have obviously concluded The Call is not a trustworthy watchdog and have already learned to live without it.
Bethlehem's turnaround begin shortly after the close of the Globe-Times.
Perhaps Allentown and Easton will enjoy the same fate.
Good riddance Morning Call.
I feel you all when it comes to non-biased reporting and its' importance. My boy, Alfonso, attempted to give all 3 candidates a shot in explaining their political stances with his interviews which can be found on YOUTUBE under http://www.youtube.com/user/grownsexysober or
"The Morning Call reporter assures this is not the case. I guess I shouldn't trust my lying eyes when I read about The Call's plummeting circulation and steady march to a quiet end. Many have obviously concluded The Call is not a trustworthy watchdog and have already learned to live without it."
I never assured you that print news was not in a death spiral. What I assured you is that the reporters at the Morning Call don't get marching orders from editors about who and what to report on.
And please if you are going to pretend to be informed about newspapers in general and The Morning Call specifically, LEARN THE DIFFERENCE between editorials, columns and news reporting. Most reporters don't read the editorial page. Most of us would rather the paper not weigh in on thorny political issues because it leads to this sort of uninformed bashing. (Again, i LOVE all this nonsense from people who "know for a fact" and "who were there" - Armstrong, stick to Rush and Hannity, those two will beat any conservative drum available and give you all the "balanced" news coverage you want)
Matthews is not a reporter, Olbermann is not a reporter, Hannity is not a reporter, O'Reilly is not a reporter. Those people are the television equivalent of Bill White and other columnists. The one difference may be that TV news doesn't draw the line as well as print news.
The stats someone threw out about left leaning reporters may be true, but I for one have never donated to ANY political campaign, nor will I as long as I am a reporter. Most I know feel the same. its easy to say, but find me an instance of a Morning call reporter donating to a campaign. (While working at the Call.)
P.S. If you are implying that our circulation has dropped because of some political bias, Get a clue. Newspaper readership is up and there are numerous studies and surveys that show it. If you got your news from somewhere besides the American Thinker, you might know that. Print circulation is down, but that has nothing to do with bias. Its down at EVERY paper in the nation because people are turning to the internet and news aggregating sites for their news. Please, be informed before you spew. It would help the debate.
We are shrinking because ad revenue has plummeted. Plain and simple.
PPS - That should say News readership is up - that takes into account the shift of people from the the print edition to the internet
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