Will he be crooning, "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" as he's done at Larry Holmes Easton Lounge? That would be a violation of the FCC's indecency rules. Last time he sang in Easton, the Circle Fountain and several water pipes exploded, sending several Bloods to a watery death just as their day was getting started. Gregory has since been banned from the City after 8 PM, except when he's in jail.
So what will he do? Following in the footsteps of Northampton County Bulldog Ron Angle, the dumped LV Labor Council VP is gonna' be a shock jock with his very own talk show. He'll have no problems lining up sponsors for the $200 per hour show. Bail bond agencies, Tropicana Casino, Just For Men®, tanning salons, local gun shops and the NRA are all reportedly clamoring for air time.
He can also hit up unlucky local pols seeking election, telling them to pay him or he'll trash them.
Wait a tic ... since he himself is a write-in candidate for Bethlehem Mayor, won't he have to offer equal air time to Democratic nominee Bob Donchez?
Deetails, schmeetails.
So what will he talk about? He posted numerous hate-filled rants on this and another blog over the weekend, though some of his more offensive and contemptible comments were deleted. Now these comments are all posted anonymously. If taken to task, he'll claim they're from me, his nephew or Mezzacappa.
But his own cRaZy style is unmistakable.
His first show, he claims, will include NorCo Exec candidate John Callahan.
"Bernie ' The Human Garbage' Ohare said my show won't work, lol. The first show will be about politicians sex , lies, and videotapes. Starring Johhny Casino Callahan and Jim "crazy as a Fox Gregory."
There you have it.
He'll also expose Northampton County corruption, especially in the DA's office.
"The bloods in prison call [a female assistant DA] a ball eater for reasons Ill talk about on my [upcoming radio] show . However if she watched my surveillance tape, she'll realize these balls are even too big for her to , we'll, never mind."
How could anyone ever think he deserved a PFA?
Like any good woman beater, Gregory will also pick up the banner and advocate for sexually violent predators like Michael Piper, who was just sentenced to 29-58 years for repeatedly raping a girl for two years, starting when she was only 12.
Piper claimed she set him up.
"Now it's time to Stop being baby's and worry about our friend [convicted child rapist] Piper and others who are crying out. For your help and mine They need us"
I'll never be on his show because he's gonna' have the Bloods rub me out.
"To push him [he likes to talk about himself in the third person] constantly might be fun for you, but it's not smart. He read Sulla 's remarks too [my one-liner above] and his friends from the bloods will be out of prison too, soon. Unless you are suicidal You'd best leave that rattlesnake alone. He and mezz. Are obviously parting ways so if you want yo be his main focus, keep it up."
Dude, my gansta' name be Played Out Gorilla. They be callin' you Mary Poppins for some reason.
![]() |
Willllburrrrrrrrr |
Mezzacappa tells Gregory, "Speaking of sex, lies and tic tacs, when you have me on as a guest , I will be airing the ugly truth about what really happenned on the evening of 8/26/2011. It will bring in thousands."
She's tried to do that in Court six times now and has fallen on her face every time. A judgment has been entered against her for libel.
Her gangsta' name be Mr. Ed.
Gregory might have to do his show on work release. He's using Mezzacappa's blog to contact his ex again, in violation of the PFA (Protection From Abuse Act Order) entered by Judge Zito.
There's this:
"Congrats [redacted]. You've only embarrassed. Yourself. Why? Why? Was the money you or you sick and twisted mother got from Bernie or Callahan worth smearing your own reputation. Hope so."
He be one cuckoo Mensa.
Updated 10 AM: Joe Zareczky, aka Joe Z, is Jolly Joe Timmer's financial genius at WGPA Sunny 1100 AM. He tells me there is a blank contract in his office for Gregory, and that all political shows would have to be paid up front. To his knowledge, that has not occurred.
What a whack job. I heard his gansta name in prison was, "sweet ass"
YO,BO! Your newest posting has gotten quite a reaction form the dysfunctional duo. Gregacappa has posted about it and has again called you a rapist and the DA a criminal.
Once again they are really dragging Mr.G's victim through the mud.
Apparently you have paid her and her mother to destroy the victim and her mother. Didn't know you had all that cash. Have you been holding out on us there Bernardo???
Considering Gregory is on probation and a PFA is still in force, it would be nice to find out that law enforcement is working to seize Mezzacappa's devices, or track the IP's of those harassing Gregory's ex.
If it is Mezzacappa alone, I'd be screaming loud and clear at The Mess to, "Shut the f*** up!", if I were Gregory. Because he isn't, I'm inclined to believe it is actually Gregory that is posting those comments about his ex. If so, he's certainly said enough to land his dumb ass back in jail and probably have more time added for the new offenses.
Total morons. Both of 'em.
Incredible! WGPA's website boasts "When Lehigh Valley radio listeners want to hear QUALITY programming, that the BIG stations can't deliver... they tune to... WGPA - Sunny 1100 AM." "Quality" in what context- sewage?
Shame on Jolly Joe.
What are disgraced Men gonna due, Weiner,Gregory,Bobby Gunther Walsh.Channel their shame to notoriety on social media/theater.Ratings and entertainment I guess pays the bills.Thankfully the public is fickle and bores easy with ADD.
I think I upset poor ol' JG.
If he in fact is once again violating the PFA I hope that his parole officer and the courts are watching everything he does closely. He probably needs to go back to prison to serve the remainder of the six months. His behavior caused him two PFA's, contempt of court charges, possible illegal videotaping charges, questions as to where the PAC money went to, his removal from the labor council, his loss of support from his family and friends, etc. I feel sorry for his Mother and Sister who probably both did everything they could to get him the help he still obviously needs. It is very difficult to have any sympathy for him anymore. He has bought on all his problems by himself. I think there are very few people who respect him let alone care what his opinions are about anything.
Cue the crazy in 3, 2, 1 ....
Yea Kraft, you punk. You think OHare didn't tell Gregory that you and that union puke Brubalou
Aren't the ones posting as anon and "former friend". Why don't you come back to Kim's karate so Gregory can kick your black belt ass all over creation you union puke
Jim, as soon as You get on the air I will be happy to appear and We can discuss the waitress at the Apollo, the accident on Santee Mill RD, The accident with the brother in-law and His girlfriend, and host f other Callahan secrets that He and o hare think are beyond approach.....get in touch u Know how..
Kraft??? worst, useless vote We could have wasted!!!!! just another " I will help You just get in touch wiyh " Bullshitter until He got elected,,,,then ...........NOTHING!!
It is incredible to me that JG is very clearly making the derogatory posts about his ex on WEFP, yet insisting that it is you, Bernie!
The posts threaten to reveal certain things. How is this not a violation of his PFA?
Then, a poster (who is obviously JG) demands several times that the "blog administrator" not remove those posts because they can prove it is you. Further, that poster says that JG will go to the library later to respond since he doesn't have a computer. In other words, he's trying to set up his alibi now..."Your honor, I don't even have a computer!"
Is someone going to go bring this to the attention of JG's parole officer?
Clearly, JG did NOT learn his lesson while in prison!
Jim Gregory, I am not going to allow you to post comments here that name and attempt to intimidate your ex, her mother or a witness who testified against you. You'll have to do that on your radio show. Lol. 8.
8:56, He is obviously using a device, likely an iPod, with auto-correct. He will post filth and then claim it is me, Mezzacappa or his nephew. Now he is slamming Ken Kraft, too, his "union brotha' from another motha'", for reasons that only he knows.
I am not allowing any comments that name the victim, her mother or any of the witnesses who testified against gregory. I realize the Express Times has named the victim, but I decline to do so.
This is a comment posted anonymously, with the name of the ex deleted:
"Jim Gregory, always a bowl full of class.....Where is the PAC money Thief???? Rot in NCP corn hole boy! You are just an idiot. You were---and should be---in jail because you violated a PFA. This had nothing to do whether you hit [redacted], which you did, or not. It was because YOU violated a PFA. You could have been a smart boy and just stayed away from her and anything to do with her. Start over with someone else, but Nooooo. You had to show you were the smartest man on the cellblock. Idiot, good for you!
Here is an "anonymous" comment from Gregory, with some names redacted:
"Oh yeah 822, the only problem with your fake post OHare is that Gregory's mom was there and she knows his sister lied about being pushed. Don't believe me, call and ask her. Ask all the family members who they respect more. They all despise Gregory's sister because she is deranged as a rapid dog.
The only reason Gregory didn't bring his mom to court is because he loves her and he didn't want her stressed. She saw where that fat liar fell. There is not enough room in my grandmothers kitchen to fall without being in the living room. And even [redacted] testified that [redacted] lied under oath by showing her PFA statement to be false. She lied under oath so many times, she lucky God didn't strike her dead right there
Do you remember Kronhauer and his famous greeting "GOOOOOD MORNNNNING VIETNAM"? Well Vietnam and that battlefield had Kronhauer and we have Jim Gregory. Oh for those famous battle cries and openings of news broadcasts. Picture this first day on the Radio with Jim Gregory. "Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. America and all you ships on the Lehigh and Delaware". Since I came on the air, Jolly Joe ain't a Jollie anymo. lol. By listening to the JG show you can get your "jollies" everydday. lol The new battle cry, I want Ron Angle back.lol Donate to the Jim Gregory PAC and I guarantee you I will support the best politicians money can buy. lol. OOps time for a commercial. Okay all you dudes listening in to the JG show. We want you to support our sponsors. The first sponsor is Tricia's baked "ZITI". You can purchase this fine product at the Northampton County Prison Commissary. Or you can purchase that fine "Polish sausage in a can" served up by "Bubba" at the Northampton County Prison. (The warning label states there are some problems with this product)Now for our first caller. "Hello and welcome to WGPA". "No this is not Bobby Gunther Walsh you fricken idiot." Ah, another caller, "Hello welcome to WGPA." "I said WGPA not PFA and I don't want to slapp your momma or choke your chicken you fricken Wacko." Don't call me nuts. You are nuts. I have a court approved certificate that states there is nothing wrong with me mentally. I am a mensa of the first class. Okay, now for the next segment of our show. My special guest is from a local blog...........oh no, what are you doing with that sidearm. Why are you dressed like batman. Sorry I mean cat woman. AHHHHHRG.
Hello ladies and gentlemen this is Jollie Joe. Due to circumstances beyond our control the JG show will be no more. Tune in tomorrow when we will bring you final chapter of the PFA on WGPA.
Since when did Bill White start writing on your Blog?
You are hilarious. sick......demented......but hilarious.
JG is a very disturbed old man. Saw him prancing around over the weekend. At least he got some new black hair dye and a tantastic session in.
Just read WEF. It is easy to tell JG's writing. First he is smarter than Trish and writes better. He has once again ignored the PFA.
Time for a longer vacation and some chill time.
it's not often we get to hear pearls of wisdom from a Mensa member on the public radio airwaves. This is welcome news. We are all in for quite an education.
Jim, why do you attack people behind pretend names? It is your writing and people know it. You brag to guys how tough you are and what cowards other people are, what about you?
You are a cowardly fruitcake. You can use Harvey, Vincent and even pretend it is Mexzzacappa, since you are now using her too. She is just to slow on the uptake to realize it. Leave that young woman and her mother alone. What the hell is wrong with you. You had a great wife and screwed that up. You screwed it up, no one else.
You have always been a punk since you were a kid and you still are. You can't hold a job or a relationship because you are less a mensa than a smuck.
Be a man and own up to your own words and life. Once a slimy punk always a slimy punk. The picture of you and Morganelli on WEF is telling. John worked hard and made something of his life you kept bullshiting and have become a bigger joke than you were in High School.
Not afraid then or now to sign off.
Phil(you know who I am)
Bernie, OMG!!
Union pukes Silfies and Broubalow were the snitches that leaked my information from the County to you. You think I don't know that? Those pukes should be kicked off the union and canned. They and you will be exposed, tune in to the show.
Mr. Gregory, Your Mensa intelligence is just overwhelming. Thanks for giving me two more sources to contact about you.
Right now, I'm focused on some other things.Perhaps you can help me.
1) Before your Unity PAC could accept any contributions pr make any expenditures, it must have a treasurer and a chairman. Who are they? You accepted and spent money, so we have a right to know who they are. You must register within 20 days of receiving $250. You obviously received that much because you spent at least $500 for the band at your event in May. Why is your registration statement not filed?
2) Why were you using Sands cards of your clients? Is that appropriate?
3) How did it happen that your home at 1502 High Street was devised to you? Why did the woman who owned it give it to you? Was she a client? Why did you only spend $2500 for her funeral?
aw man ease up.
He didn't mean Mensa.
That was a typo... should have read that he is a member of Menses.
I heard SEIU stopped payment a while on that $500 check he keeps bragging about having for his PAC. Maybe he should not try depositing it or he will be adding bank fraud to his other list of "accomplishments".
Political Action Committee Formation and Reporting
McKee Law Office – May 2007 Page 1
"Political Action Committee" shall mean any political committee as defined in subsection (h) which receives contributions and makes expenditures to, or on behalf of, any candidate other than a candidate's own authorized political committees or the political committees of any State, county, city, borough, township, ward or other regularly constituted party committee of any political party or political body. 25 P.S. § 3241 (2007) Formation § 40:101. Organization and formation
A PAC is defined as any political committee that receives contributions and makes expenditures to, or on behalf of, any candidate other than a candidate's own authorized political committee or other regularly constituted political body. 25 Pa. Stat. § 3241(l). Like other political committees, a PAC must have a treasurer and a chairperson. 25 Pa. Stat. § 3242(a). Unless both these positions are filled, a PAC is prohibited from receiving contributions or making expenditures. 25 Pa. Stat. § 3242(a). Registration § 40:102. Registration—In-state PACs
Any PAC that receives contributions in an aggregate amount of $250 or more is required to file a registration statement. 25 Pa. Stat. § 3244(a). The content of this registration statement shall include the name, address and phone numbers of the political committee, treasurer, chairperson, other connected organizations, banks, safety deposit boxes or other repositories, the period of proposed operation and, if any, candidates and/or ballot questions being supported or opposed. 25 Pa. Stat. § 3244(b).
§ 3243. Authorization of political committee
No treasurer of any political committee shall receive any money on behalf of a candidate until such political committee shall have been so authorized in writing by the candidate on a form designed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. A copy of such written authorization shall be filed with the appropriate supervisor; however the treasurer of any State, county, city, borough, township, ward or other regularly constituted party committee of any political party or political body is hereby authorized to receive money on behalf of the candidates of such political party or political body in a general, municipal or special election, without special written authorization from such candidate.
By the way, did this tool like picking up the soap?
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