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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bethlehem Zoners Shoot Down DayCare Near Lincoln Elementary

Bethlehem's Zoning Hearing Board unanimously shot down a child day care across the street from Lincoln Elementary School at their April 27 meeting. Owner Armstrong Millien asked for a special exception that would allow him to convert the first floor of his 1909 Renwick Street home to care for up to 12 grade-school aged children between 6 AM and 8 PM on weekdays, but zoners were concerned about the small size of his Cape Cod, as well as traffic.

Millien had told zoners that his child care would exist only for students at Lincoln Elementary, across the Street from his home. He added that parents would drop children off in his driveway.

"What do you do when four parents show up at the same time?" asked neighbor Dean Kantz, who also argued that Millien's cape cod is "too compact" for 12 children.

Another neighbor, Christine D'Annibale,indicated that Renwick Street is used as a thruway between Easton Avenue and Stefko Boulevard and traffic on school mornings is "out of control."

In response to questions from Zoning Hearing Board member Bill Fitzpatrick, Millien stated he'd have garbage removed twice every week, but D'Annibale claimed that Millien burns his garbage. Millien denied that, claiming he only burns his mail, and only once every year.

In other matters, zoners unanimously approved a 9' wide driveway for property owned by Don and Heidi Caldwell at 416 Carlton Avenue. And they approved an addition to a 1936 home at 15 E. Wall Street, owned by Eric and Valerie Watts.

In all these matters, Bethlehem zoning activist and City Council candidate Al Bernotas claimed he was an "interested" party, and as such, was entitled to receive notices of every decision. While stating that Bernotas should be allowed to speak, Solicitor Mickey Thompson expressed concerns about the administrative burden of notifying every person who asks to be notified of decisions. Bernotas asked, "A 44 cent stamp coming out of Mickey Thompson's office is too much of an administrative burden?" Zoner Ken Kraft accused Bernotas of "grandstanding."

Chairman Gus Loupos told the audience, "We let people speak and speak and speak. I hope this is not interpreted as not allowing Mr. Bernotas to speak."

Bernotas explained, after the hearing, that he wishes to be notified of every decision so he can monitor them.

(Blogger's Note: The picture (from left to right) shows Gus Loupos, Bill Fitzpatrick, Ken Kraft and Ron Lutes deliberating.)


Sparticus said...

AL, keep up the good work you are doing in bethlehem. The city needs more people like you. Let me know how the RTK panned out

Will Barnes said...

Al is a one issue candidate. Will he vote for more massage parlors?