That's what the Gang of Four claims on their disingenuous "My Lehigh County PAC" page, which is actually registered in Harrisburg. They promise to bring you an "open, responsible approach to governing."
Here's what they don't tell you. On April 28, citizens Lesavoy Butz & Seitz LLC Law Office will host a "Meet & Greet" with four Republicans intent on removing Dean Browning for refusing to follow a party boss's marching orders.
This County may belong to you, but only if you have $500. IF I were meeting God I might fork that over, but Scott Ott only thinks he's God.
Couples get a discount - $1,000.
Funny how these "reform-team" candidates fail to mention this on their site or F/B, where they brag about raking leaves.
REELECT Brownning
Rubberstamp Reynolds is asking $250 minimum to a maximum of $1000 for attending an event at Edge Restaurant.
Talk about inflated ego and thinking one is God!
I'm with Bernie. We're much better off with incumbents than with outsiders who think they can change things. New blood is a dangerous thing. The status quo is critically important to maintain.
DEAN BROWNING is honest, well intentioned and a gentlman.He as ben one of the most positive orces in Lehigh County.He gives generously of his time and treasure To remove him would be foolish
a big ticket event with a group of big-shot lawyers. this doesn't sound like any kind of reform. it sounds like politics as usual.
Why don't you post names of all the other candidates doing the same thing? There will be plenty of free meet and greets, not to mention door to door efforts by many candidates. You act as if this is the only way to get to know these folks. Please......
The dilemma amongst many big donors in the Lehigh commish race is if they wish to donate to one of the Gang of Four they cannot - they are strong-armed by Scott Odd and Big Woody (Woodman) into giving to the PAC which supports all 4. As someone else stated here, this is politics as usual. To call the Gang of Four reformers or outsiders is hypocritical - esp. since they have Party Boss Big Woody and his cronies supporting them. Go against the political grain and support Dean Browning and Brad Osborne!
Dennis Pearson for Lehigh County Commissioner .... A LIFETIME OF PREPARATION READY TO SERVE YOU...
I already know the types of legislation that will come before the Board of Commissioners and therefore, I am truly and uniquely prepared to serve... I am an individual whom will listen to the viewpoints of others on all matters before me, and see the merits in all positions; but in the end it would be my responsibility to use my best judgment to make the right decision... I am one so-called outsider that will not seek to change the status quo unless the status quo is part of the problem ...
I'd agree, Dennis, that you are a true Maverick.
I have $500 for Brad Osborne!
The "gang" sounds like they want to put more than $ in their back pockets. With these high priced parties (hosted by a gang of lawyers no less) they are going to owe a lot of people - so much for transparency.
If you really want to be transparent,I challenge you to post your contributors and amounts on your webpage within 24 hrs of receipt - let's really see who you will be beholden to. Certainly not MY LEHIGH COUNTY.
I for one am tired of the drivel you and your "gang" are spewing - none of you will receive my vote.
I wanted to donate to Dean Browning's campaign.
Unfortunately, I'm short on cash due to a crushing county tax increase delivered by an irresponsible gang of heartless spendthrifts who spend money like it's not theirs because it's not theirs.
willie is out and he and every one else knows it. send 16 years and nothing donchez out also. in 2014 can crybaby dolan. rid bethlum of mediocrity
7:25, Identify yourself.
So you attack three of the four but one of the four is untouchable. Sure O'Hare another example of your famous "fairness doctrine".
11:47, If you want to launch a personal attacks full of lies, you'll have to identify yourself. Otherwise, I will delete you.
This post is a criticism of all four candidates. I do not say "Do you have $500 for 3 out of the Gang of Four?" This is aimed at them all. But I will not permit you to post what I know are complete lies unless you identify yourself. And you won't, because you are a coward.
On the bright side, they are being transparent about how much money they want you to pony up for them. Thay are bitching about a tax increase that cost the average Lehigh County homeowner under $ 100 a year. I'm not thrilled about it, but I understand how and why it came about.
But they are asking a $500 donation to get rid of a guy who helped keep tax increases to a minimum?
Are those numbers out of whack, or are these Woodman wind up dolls just posturing?
I see posturing.
Can someone please tell me what college Scott Ott graduated from?
Just a question I'd like to know.
Also, when he was executive director of the county party what did he do in communicating with the members of the party or was he only talking to Woody? Just curious, like curious George.
I believe I heard Scott Ott talk about his belief in the republicanism that came eminated from the words of Ronald Reagan. The 11th commandment of GOP politics: "Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican." It's a rule we should follow during the campaign but I believe that the group of 4 have violated it.
We crucify a fellow republican, regardless of how they have worked in the party, because of a principled vote that is not in conformance with what we believe. Come on, this unity vote is what we criticize democrats for. I sincerely hope this not what the gang of four believes.
Maybe the lehigh committee needs a new chairman!!!!!!!!!!!
Democrats didn't join Browning. Browning joined Democrats. Ronald Reagan would not have liked that - or the huge tax increase Dean supported.
People are still apparently sore over the mincemeat Ott made of Don Cunningham's political ambitions and afraid of what he can do to theirs. He certainly has folks upset about losing the status quo.
O'Hare is protecting his mancrush Mazziotti. The facts are clear in Northampton County but O'Hare doesn't want voters to know the real facts just the Stoffa/Angle facts.
Hey anon 6:28.....if you can't come up any money for Dean because of the "crushing" county tax increase, I'm sure Dean understands and you can keep the extra $8 bucks a month that you were going to give him, but now owe to the county.
This is going to seriously affect your tic tac and bottled water budget too, I'll wager.
If the gang of four were to be elected, they'd be about as collectively effective as a eununch at a sperm bank.
Browning knows that in order to get things done you have to compromise. Scott Ott, Mrs. Woodman, et. al. will just stew in their ineffective corner, mumble and complain to themselves and achieve nothing as elected officials.
Meanwhile, Dean has kept union contracts in check, kept a lid on spending, and brought at least some of his core republican principles to the board. He's done that by compromising.
Two bit hack blogger.
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