Majority leader Harry Reid has already called the bill "dead on arrival" in the Senate. President Obama is hopeful, but claims abortion and clean air are issues that have no place in a budget bill.
Dent explains his vote:
“Our nation is on the brink of an avoidable and potentially destructive government shutdown. I voted for H.R. 1363 because the legislation will prevent a shutdown, supply long-term support for our troops, continue to cut excessive federal spending, and provide ample time for Congressional leaders and the President to finally reach an agreement on funding the government through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011.
“First and foremost, it is unacceptable that members of our Armed Forces and their families face potential delays in receiving the pay they’ve earned simply because Congress has been unable to come to an agreement on spending. H.R. 1363 will fund the Department of Defense (DOD) through the end of the fiscal year, ensuring service members who risk their lives defending our nation are paid and providing Secretary Gates the stability he needs to conduct our military operations overseas.
“The American people rightfully demand Members of Congress work in good faith to ensure the federal government runs effectively and efficiently. Allowing even a temporary shutdown is a failure of our most basic responsibility as elected officials. If enacted, this weeklong Continuing Resolution will not only avert a shutdown, but give Congressional leaders the necessary time to finalize a belated long-term funding agreement.
“Illustrating our genuine commitment to reigning in excessive federal spending, this bill also cuts $12 billion in discretionary spending over the course of a single week. Nearly all cuts outlined in H.R. 1363 were included in the long-term Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1) that passed the House in February. Many of these cuts were also featured in President Obama’s budget requests and the Senate’s alternative to H.R. 1.
“Finally, let us not forget the reason we are in this otherwise preventable situation centers on the inability of the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate to pass a Fiscal Year 2011 budget or complete work on any of the 12 appropriations bills in 2010.”
A government shutdown will make it impossible for homebuyers to get a mortgage. Thats just what the housing industry needs, especially at a time of year when contractors are ready to go to work.
but if he voted for the bill, didn't he also vote for the restrictive abortion language in it? or am i confised?
yes he most certainly did, but remember he voted against Lilly Ledbetter act too (fair pay). He has a great record of voting for women as second class citizens. The Rs are selling this as a "troop Pay issue" and conveniently not talking about the other issues in the bill. The Ds need to get their message out better!
Really --- who cares? The essential federal government functions will not shut down. The federal government is wrecking this country and putting it into an abyss of debt and social ilk.
Maybe you can find out. If Dent voted to avoid shutdown does that mean he voted to support Planned Parenthood?
Something we learned this week about Planned Parenthood's Allentown office, and maybe we were misinformed so we welcome a Planned Parenthood representative to come on this blog and correct this information, that at least
this center city facility does not help women who cannot pay for the service receive FREE pap smears. Someone we know who is unemployed and has been unable to obtain a pap smear for the past few years because of finances was denied access to this facility.
"The federal government will shut down for all but essential services ..."
VICTORY! Let's see what's really essential.
7:30, This latest measure contains a rider that denies funding for Planned Parenthood. Dent was put in a Sophie's Choice of voting to fund the government open but denying th funds for Planned Parenthood. He chose the former, and I don't fault that. This emotional social issue should not be tied to the budget, and shame on tea party Republicans for playing that game.
"VICTORY! Let's see what's really essential."
It's sad to see someone claim gridlock is a victory. Those trying to get mortgages should send tea party Republicans personal thank you notes.
"He has a great record of voting for women as second class citizens."
You're nuts. Dent has consistently supported women on social issues like the right to choose. Yes, he voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act. He also consistently receives high ratings from the National Organization of Women.
"This emotional social issue should not be tied to the budget ..."
It wouldn't be if taxpayers weren't being called upon to pay for them.
"It's sad to see someone claim gridlock is a victory ..."
Considering your own comments re: bulldozing hugely unpopular health care legislation, a little gridlock would have saved us from the mess that was passed. There are times when gridlock is absolutely a victory. The system allows for it as a safety valve to overwhelming Congressional stupidity. This is what happens when a party in complete power fails to pass a budget due to fears of political repercussions in the upcoming election. The government that governs least governs best. A little least will be refreshing. And maybe it'll prove me wrong and send the masses from both sides into the streets to demand their nonessential services. Sometimes show-downs settle things.
Important Note for HCTC Partcipants ... If legislation is not passed to continue funding th Federal Government for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, a closure would likely occur. It is difficulr to predict the likelihood, but each federal agency must determine how their organization will operate should a closure occur... In the event of a government closure, participant health coverage payments and the ability to contact the HCTC Program may be adversely affected. Should this occur, you will need tocheck the "Latest News' page at www.irs.gov/hctc to find out how payments to participant health plan will be affected during the closure.
Reader Note --- The HCTC Program saves an individual 65% on his or her monthly Lifetime Cobra Premium ... Leaving the participant with 35% of the monthly premium cost ..
Participant having received the bill for the May insurance cost will have no problem for May ... But the June payment can be problem ....For example if the monthly premium cost is $1,0000 ... The HCTC program will pay $650 and the participant $350 ... Should the HCTC Program not be able to to pay the $650 for June might leave the Participant with an extra $650 expense for health which the participant by Law can write off his or tax return if they made the full payment o the healt care premium themselves... But this possible upfront cost due to government closute could hit the pocket book of HCTC Participants who are not on Medicare and under the age of 65.
". There are times when gridlock is absolutely a victory"
Considering that gridlock has been the norm in DC for at least the past 12 years, I wonder why we don't feel more victorious.
A government shutdown is a disaster. Tea party Rs are absolutely giddy at the prospect, which reveals a poor understanding of government. Tell some poor schlep trying to get a mortgage that he just achieved a victory.
Bernie, you poor schlep, morgages are the cheapest they have been ib 40 years. In the Jimmy Carter days they were 18 percent. Are you that foolish to cry now when they are 4 percent?
If you lament 12 years of gridlock, why not have the damned standoff and settle the damn thing. That seems to be Obama's stance. He's heading off on yet another vacation and Charlie Dent looks to be spoiling for the fight. Mortgages can wait a couple of days. They waited months while Washington was making bankers even more filthy rich with bailouts. Nobody will be able to get one if we continue to put off resolving difficult problems.
7:52: Your person who needs female services can contact the Healthy Woman Line at 1-800-215-7494 to find places in the LV that will offer free paps and mammos. This is a service by PA DOH. That Planned Parenthood may no longer be in contract to provide those services.
" morgages are the cheapest they have been ib 40 years"
doesn't matter how cheap they are if you can't get one.
If the militaty does not get paid for the government shutdown ... Then the Commander in Chief should not be paid ... If the national parks are closed then the White House is closed ... If the White House is closed except for the Oval Office and the West Wing then the President should pay rent or does he wish to rent the White House out to the ACORN Housing Development Authority to low income rental housing in the White House. Then the President can have a tevelevision conference line from his home in Hyde PArk, Chicago.
bo said " doesn't matter how cheap they are if you can't get one." Thats on you not the bank. If your credit is that bad why will a bank give a couple hundred thousand? Keep living on top the Army/navy.
better yet maybe you can get a room at Gracedale, I will pay the extra 10 bucks a year.
You might want to take a closer look at Planned Parenthood. That organization was founded by Margaret Sanger, a woman who had no morals or scruples. She was a eugenicist who favored eliminating those she considered inferior. Her primary target was black Americans. Since Roe v. Wade we have killed over 50 million Americans. Adolph, Mao, and Joseph are second rate when it comes to mass murder and that is what abortion is all about. It is a major form of birth control and has been for decades. Yet while we kill millions we allow illegal aliens into our nation who work in our businesses, have their kids in our schools and cost us billions of dollars for all sorts of services including health care.
"Dent has consistently supported women on social issues like the right to choose..."
Finish the sentence. ...the right to choose... to kill their unborn child.
Not convenient or pleasant, but that is what happens and what Charlie supports.
Women who choose to end their pregnancy have enough problems without being called murderers. I happen to know a woman who was pregnant. She was in her 40s, had petite frame, and her doctor told her to end it because it could easily kill both her and the child. But because of all the anti-abortion groups in Pa, she had to go to Jersey to have a necessary medical procedure completed.
Had she decided to continue with the pregnancy bc of pressure from people like you, and had she died as a result, would I be justified in calling you a murderer?
Of course, not.
I know two other women who felt so guilty about abortions they needed to get done that it affected them mentally. They certainly consider themselves murderers, so your little propaganda war has been a success on that front.
It is a personal decision, and it's very presumptuous to claim moral certainty in a very unsettled area.
I personally oppose abortion, but I am not female and frankly feel this is a topic that should be decided by those who bring us into the world, and that counts both you and me out.
Mr. O'Hare
There will be the occassional need for a woman, such as the one you note, who could not have a child due to her particular circumstance. However, I would add that there are a ton of birth control drugs out there that can help her avoid getting pregnant. Whatever happened to personal responsibiliy--oh I know it was buried alongside common sense. As to the other young ladies, their situation has gone on for a long, long time in this battle to save the life of children. Again, we have placed courses and condoms in our schools and then get nurseries there as well as pregnant teenagers. When will we figure this out? How many more children must be put to death on the alter of "women's rights" a movement that has now taken us to the latest poll showing that women want the government to take care of them. Bring back Annie Oakley and some of the tough cowgirls.
Over 40 Petite Frame Syndrome?
That is some diagnosis!
The left's strawman point about the life of the mother has always been conceded, as TBCOF acknowledges, in an effort to more fully protect the innocent slaughtered for reasons of convenience.
The rare (and I would challenge anyone to present data to support it is anything but) circumstance of choice between the life of the mother and unborn child is exploited by the abortion lobby for political and financial gain.
It is the left, and "moderates" like Dent, what politicizes abortion. What political advantage is there to protecting a life that cannot yet cast a vote? What political advantage is gained when your position ensures you don't receive the votes of those that see abortion as a "right"?
Sorry that some of those who choose abortion (those whose lives were not in true danger) feel anguish over their decision. That would be a natural reaction to doing something that is against one's conscience and contrary to nature, out of personal convenience.
Abortion is what it is - the active, conscious and unnatural act of destroying an innocent life - regardless of the reason it happens. Those who engage in it are what they are. No amount of politically correct phrasing will change that.
And, Charlie Dent supports it.
I presented you with a story from my life, which is not left or right. Had no idea that you were a physician and could decide that an over 40 petite woman cold carry a baby to term after being told by her doctor she can't. Or maybe you are a murderer, the very name you so casually attribute to others.
Nah, never murdered anyone. May have prevented one once, actually. But I digress...
My wife has had a couple of C-sections though. She thought it a more decent alternative. The beneficiaries of her decision certainly do as well.
Wonder if Dr. Death offered that option?
bo your 11:49 post was pure nonsence
Not your body, not your choice. Stop trying to be a woman and just focus on trying to be a man.
Grow up already. More bagger nonsense.
Bagger Bagger bagger. Who is the skirt wearing weakling?
Bagger, bagger bagger. I got a bag for ya boy.
Ha Ha, save your "bag" for your fellow baggers. In the meantime stay out of women's private decisions.
Amen 1:40. I(t is amazing how so-called 'stay off my lawn" types have no problem sticking their noses into a woman's lawn. Seems to be a real bagger tendency
Not your body, not your choice.
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