Sunday morning, around 5 AM, I woke up with sharp pains in my back. I thought it was a continuation of low back pain I had been enduring the previous week, but as time would tell, it was gas. Sometimes it's the back. Other times, it's abdominal. It's sharp and unrelenting, crying out for a trip to the crapper.
But I've been unable to do that. In fact, despite incessant dry heaves, I've been unable to vomit, either. The only time that happened was when I tool a pill to help me go to the bathroom.
Because I'm beginning to feel a little better, I thought I'd write and let you know what's going on with me physically. Unfortunately, when I get sick, I have no one to come in and take my place. I really do appreciate the nice words and suggestions from some of you.
I thought bottom-feeding bloggers were immune from food poisoning.
Hope you're back to normal shortly. The silver lining is that you're at home. I once had your symptoms and was in a small town in Nicaragua with no running water. Not recommended.
Eat like a pig, suffer like a pig. I want none of my tax dollars used in your care.
In America, if you have not provided for your own contingencies, it is not the responsibility of anyone else to do a thing.
Roger Smith
At least you are living a healthy lifestyle, good diet coupled with plenty of exercise, and it shows!
Just think Bernie, they're non union..If they'd been union cooks, you'd be toast, lol. Can you get their address so the county unions can send them a thank you..
Maybe youre just full of shit.
Just heard the restaurant was sold to a consortium originally founded by Sammy Davis Jr. and Ella Fitzgerald. They're changing the name to "Sam 'N Ella."
I could have sworn that nobody knew me there.
"At least you are living a healthy lifestyle, good diet coupled with plenty of exercise, and it shows!"
Thank you.
Whenever i have this type of situation i use old fashioned coca-cola syrup on ice chips. Works pretty good for me.
I did have one coke on Monday. It was a moment of relief.
I had to same illness but it turned out to be a ruptured app.
Barney Nofair said:
"I did have one coke on Monday. It was a moment of relief."
Oh. I thought that was jelly donut sugar.
"it turned out to be a ruptured app"
Wow! You're lucky to be alive. I knew I was safe bc the pain was on the left side.
Why do you eat so much? Some self control, man!
And the back pain is probably exacerbated by your weight issues. Not to be rude or anything.
Your pal, Dr. Jimmy.
Bernie, so sorry you got sick. We go to Perkins after the Beth Council Meetings and thank God never had that experience. Btw, which Perkins was it? Again, be well so you can continue your Great Blogging!!!! :)
Thanks. I'm pretty sure I go to the same Perkins as you, the one on 191. But I am not blaming them. This kind of thing happens from time to time, and is nobody's fault.
Food poisoning actually kills people, which I'm sure you appreciate, because when you have it, you feel like you are going to die.
Believe it or not, having a regional health department would increase the health inspections of many restaurants, encourage safer food handling practices and reduce the instances of food poisioning.
Imagine that...a regional health department could actually save YOUR life.
By the way, the health inspectors' reports of restaurants can be viewed online.
Is that Perkins inside Bethlehem City limits? It might be Bethlehem Tp.
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