"If BO can have the run of the Courthouse, why can't everyone? Of course, we would like the same preferential treatment in terms of directions and leads which is 'royally' given to him."
Do I have free run Of the Courthouse? The answer is NO. I have no more rights inside that building than any other member of the general public. I am a regular, as I must use the building to do title searches, but I have no special rights.
In some ways, I have less rights. Title searchers and other members of the public often linger a half hour or so after the official 4:30 PM closing time. I make sure I am out of there precisely because I do not want anyone to claim that Executive John Stoffa is giving me preferential treatment.
What about the law library? Do I have special access there? No. I use it only in the same way that any member of the public can use it.
If I go to some office, and there is a line for service, I wait. The elections office? Same thing. I stand behind the counter.
I might be different in one way. I do attend news conferences if told about them. That's because I write this blog and freelance for Bethlehem Press and Patch.
I hear this criticism periodically. It is untrue.
Updated 11:20 AM: John Stoffa has just told me, in response to complaints about my free run of the Courthouse, he plans to ban me from using their restrooms. Considering my recent medical history, that's probably a good idea.
Sign your name.
the result of your sad affliction is the only way the browns ever get to the superbowl. feel better.
Any results from the Stoffa Challenge?
Anonymous 5:09 why dont you sign your name tough guy?
Posts like that without a name attached are pretty weak.
Well instead od of hammering out a deal with the unions and working on keeping gracedale. You spent your time demoninzing 23 thousand voters and organizers. Now we will have a vote, it will pass, we have no givebacks. Thanks Bernie.
may not be mannered or eloquent in their remarks. I do feel for their frustration. And agree the money has been wasted.
Anonymous 5:34
Noone hammered 23 thousand voters, because out of that number about 2 thousand were not registered to vote. And others lived outside of Northampton County. So please use some facts when speaking, rather than inflating numbers in an attempt to inflate your position.
5:16, if anonymous signed his name, he wouldnt be anonymous 5:09! pretty good though , tough guy!
You might as well be anon, I looked to see your profile and it led nowhere. And speaking of nowhere, your statement about the 23000 signators is a moot point. It is over, all the fake rev talk, all the they cursed in front of Boy Scouts talk, all the he pushed in front of me talk, all the points that had nothing to do with the issue, it is over. It just went round and round and round and round in here. It never made sense, because it never made sense. Now we have a situation where the union was prepared to give back AT LEAST 3 million. The last time I looked 3 million is better than no million. Do you think once the real numbers of the cost of Gracedale are released the union will give ANYTHING back. The fact is, the fact these 3 ran a misinformation campaign from the start. They are going to look like criminals when the true facts come out, and that will be before election day. Face it Bernie, Ron, and Stoffa squandered their upper hand in the fall when they could have hoodwinked the union . Now the voters will vote to keep it. What did all this serve, it served to show the voters that we have terrible representation in County Council.
It served the members of council a big dish of "I hope you don't mind but we are voting some of you out". I hope they are proud of their campaign to take away democracy from the citizens. You would think in this age of the TEA Party they would have a better grasp on things of this nature. Not that I care for the TEA Party however, they show that the people can have a voice. Too bad for them they are mostly the uninformed lunatic fringe. Just think if they had a cohessive plan.
I happily remain anon.
I don't need to inflate my numbers. I realize you are smarting right now like someone smacked you real hard in the head or you closed the car door on your fingers. You know the reason is because you chose to blindly follow the wrong people. They kept arguing they would prevail, and you believed them. You fell for their lies of a big conspirocy of multiple signers, out of county signers, and dead people signing. Prehaps there were a HANDFUL of signers that shouldn't have signed. The fact is they fooled you. You are embarressed I don't blame you. Go lick your wounds and come back to fight another day. Maybe I'll see you at the polls. What does that mean? That means our next mission is to educate the voters on election day at the polls as to the TRUTHS about Gracedale. A place and time when we won't argue if someones religious beliefs should exclude them from an opinion. A place and time where no one will be out shouted, or deleted by a blogging bully. Prehaps there can be a continued campaign of terror run by Bernie ans Angle to man the polls with people to tell the lies they have pushed. I think they will come up short though as as this thing goes on their supporters are dwindling.
Now I'm off to design some fliers,
good night.
Ask yourself this question
Why didn't Bernie or Ron bring up the deplorable conditions and cramming of 4 per room at Gracedale during the TV show?
Those arguments were not based on reality. Just the scare tactic of the day.
It is voted through , county keeps gracedale
Mass slashing of all jobs, beyond state required staffing levels
Then the state steps in and closes Gracedale
Then no one has a job
Done deal..well done fake reverend
Here is another idea:
Gracedale must be evacuated to provide for capital improvements.
Each resident receives a 30 day notice to evacuate. If they do not, they will be dropped off at the ER, The hospital will relocate the resident
No patients, no employees, no tax increase, and I get to buy heiniken instead of budweiser
A horrible decision by the court
The vote is to keep Gracedale
The place turns a profit
You all crawl back under your rocks
No Heineken for you
Isn't it usually ladies choice anyway?
Unless of course......
You know one thing has been consistant in here, you and your host have been 100% wrong all along.
1st no way you'll get the signatures
2nd the signatures you got aren't valid
3rd the petition doesn't conform to the HRC
4th You have a demogogue for a leader with a cracker jack license and he asks for money on the internet
5th the place is deplorable
6th the place is deplorable
7th the place is deplorable
8th a resident had a torn blanket
9th a resident soiled themselves
and speaking of soiling themselves
Now you all want to drop the elderly off at the hospital or put them out on the sidewalk....LOL
I think Bernie responded months ago to something like that and said
oh I see you really care
oh you're a union goon
with an overpaid position
well NorCo can take solice in the fact that you all are the very small minority.
66% - 70% in favor of keeping it
Folks, I have the decision loaded on the blog. Feel free to weigh in, but I am really tired of the unending personal attacks and will be deleting them.
The employees have gotten the clear implication of how we are to be deferential to you Bernie. By deleting posts about that, you pretty much confirm its truth. Who is kidding whom?
No County employee is deferential to me. Quite the contrary. I have no special privileges and get no special treatment from anyone. I stand in the same lines as everyone else. I am basically treated fairly and professionally in every office I visit. The same courtesies extended to me are extended to any member of the public. The only exception to that is the Criminal Division, but they are rude to everyone.
I delete anonymous personal attacks.
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