Duane Miller, a former Northampton County Council member and Bangor Mayor, screamed at Angle, claiming it is time to get rid of him. He was not there to learn anything, and actually left after his rant. The same is true of Donald Del Maso. "You're lucky that I'm willing to be in the same room as you," he condescended, when Angle tried to answer a question. He walked out after delivering his speech, too.
Council member Barb Thierry was called a "bobblehead" by LV Labor Council VP John Weiss, husband to Gracedale union prez Ellen. He also began talking about Obama for some reason.
Stoffa was called a "liar" by Gracedale Goon Jack D'Alessandro.
After the meeting was over, I hopped into my truck to drive off, and D'Alessandro began taunting me. He told a Bangor police officer, who was there to lock up, that I was drunk.
I think it's pointless to continue these town halls. The Gracedale initiative will pass overwhelmingly, and there is nothing we can do to stop it at this point.
So what happens?
I'll tell you about that tomorrow.
Ha ha ha, Bobble-head. You have to love the entertainment.
There is nothing entertaining about these people, who have done a great disservice to both Gracedale residents and the taxpayers.
You know Bernie if you look back in my comments, you will see I warned you about this.
There will be 12 people for keep Gracedale
and 12 people to sell at each meeting.
You need to use media
not provide a circus tent for the performers (from both sides)
The people know how they will vote.
Why not post the true cost in the papers and on TV
have a nice day
get out and take a walk
I'm afraid it will make no difference.
Your commentary is replete with lies and inaccuracies. When you and Angle run out of phony facts you resort to personal attacks.
When Ron was out as council prez and she had to vote before him she didn't even know how to vote she shakes her yes at everything Ron says and she is an Angle puppet, What will she do come November
This group represents union racketeering at its worst. They used an inflated rat during negotiations, have consistently bad-mouthed our elected officials, and have continued to force their agenda down the throats of taxpayers. They have created a precarious situation for every resident and every employee at Gracedale.
They were successful 4 times in court, but continue to act like disgruntled children throwing temper tantrums in various public forums.
The union assholes are whistling past the graveyard. No matter how many battles they win with their booger-eating, knuckle dragging tactics, they will ultimately find themselves unemployed and lining up for one of those McDonald's jobs (which they won't be able to hold because work is required).
They think they're saving Gracedale. They are burying it and their goldbrick jobs. Think downsizing; major downsizing.
2:13, I doubt any of the people at that meeting even knows what "replete" means, so I doubt you were there. My account is very accurate. If anything, it is understated.
3:52 PM
were you there?
And unions wonder why they only exist where they're propped up by government. These morons have destroyed what generations of workers fought for. Union membership almost nonexistent in private industry and public unions are getting their asses handed to them now. It's no wonder the public hates them and knows they deserve no credit for the past accomplishments of legitimate labor fighters. These idiots will be as gone as Ingersoll and Beth Steel; sooner than they are capable of thinking.
So says the Walmart Greeter
People forget what the unions stand for its not there fault greedy CEO's took lots of money then sent the jobs over seas but lets blame the workers at the bottom instead of the ones at the top
The big question remains........
Maybe I was there, maybe I wasnt. Doesnt change the facts. This group is soley responsible for destroying Gracedale, not saving it.
Well said anon 6:20
We the People thank "Gods Gracedale Guardian's" for all they are doing. The majority of folks know the bullshit spewed by Angle and Stoffa will not work. Thanks to all of you for helping those who can't help themselves. People like Angle and Stoffa see Gracedale and dollar signs. All past and future County Executives see care for our fathers and mothers, are brothers and sisters. So many people protected by Gracedale.
Gracedale has been about care and compassion. The teabaggers love the lies told by Stoffa and Angle because it reaffirms their cockeyed world view. It is the same reason Donald Trump gets such high numbers doing his celebrity birther, Zulu Muslim socialist routine on Obama.
O'Hare is merely a puppet doing what his benefactors tell him to do. He gets meals, a computer and free reign at the courthouse for his troubles. Thanks God Gracedale will be saved from these lunatics.
The People!!!
We the People thank "Gods Gracedale Guardian's" for all they are doing.
They are:
1. Stalking the public for votes to keep an unsustainable government owned asset
2. Preventing the private sector from doing what it does well
3. Creating an environment of insecurity for every resident at gracedale
4. supporting a greedy law breaking union who engaged in election fraud
5. Dancing around like chershire cats who swallowed the canary
6. Not realizing that the big cats are ready and able to de-fund, close or downsize Gracedale in one even sweep
Just be careful what you are thankful for. The greatest thanks of all for every resident and every employee will be the failure of the ballot question. If it passes, the union goons will only be thanking every future employer for considering their resume.
Dear Brenda,
Once again you are wrong!
#4 the courts ruled not bernie, not ron, and surely not you!
Guess you don't know this by now, the union employees at gracedale don't make as much money as the private sector!! Just job security was one of the most important things that kept me there over 30 yrs! I could have made much more money if I would have gone into private nursing. So shut your trap about the unions and the goons, these are nice, hard working people that care about the seniors in the county! I am sick and tired of your bs! Even though everyone thinks this is you Bernie!!!!
ANd one more I forgot to include
7. Threatening the continued use of lousy larry to invent a "wasted and illegal use of tax money" scenario that doesnt exist...
Who is paying lousy larry anyway? Union dues? Hmmmm...last I looked, thats taxpayer money too.
9:25 PM
boy are you off base
The union refused to hire Mr Otter
where do you get your info?
nevermind ,we know
I researched the union negotiated contact. CNA hourly rates range from 10.25 to 16.95
LPNs range from 18.50 to 26.00
RNs range from 22.00 to 28.50
Check out what the private sector is paying and you will have immediate indigestion from your own words. Dont get me started on the benefits
You must live a sad lonely life to have so much hatred built up inside. An under achiever, picked on in school, no friends. Sound familiar?
National Pay Data National Hourly Rate Data (?
XAll compensation data shown are gross, national 25th to 75th percentile ranges. Pay can vary greatly by location. To view local data, take the PayScale survey.
) $0 $20 $40 $60
Hourly Rate $22.00 - $30.64
Overtime $30.84 - $45.67
National Annualized Data (?
XAll compensation data shown are gross, national 25th to 75th percentile ranges. Pay can vary greatly by location. To view local data, take the PayScale survey.
) $0 $35K $70K $105K
Bonus $205.79 - $1,542
Total Pay (?
XTotal Pay combines base annual salary or hourly wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job. It does not include equity (stock) compensation, cash value of retirement benefits, or the value of other non-cash benefits (e.g. healthcare).
) $46,316 - $66,005
Brenda I hope you get some 10 dollar an hour nurses to take care of you if the need arises. Be sure to tell them what you have posted in here. LOL
Poor confused Brenda
"Brenda I hope you get some 10 dollar an hour nurses to take care of you if the need arises. Be sure to tell them what you have posted in here. LOL "
So much for the great quality of care at Gracedale myth. Comments like this reveal just how ugly and vicious people are. Brenda, I give you credit for standing up to these anonymous cowards.
ANon 9:49,
Place a phone call to
1. HCR Manor care
2. Valley Manor nursing and Rehab
3. Westminster Village
4. Kirkland Village
5. Moravian Hall square
6. Moravian Village
7. Praxis
8. Easton Nursing Center
9. Slate Belt Nursing and Rehab
10. Great Meadows
Ask what their starting wages are, what the CNA to patient ratio is, as well as LPN nurse to patient ratio, and RN nurse to patient ratio. Then ask about the medical benefits. Ask how much the co-pay is, how much the deductable is, and how much it will cost you for a family plan. When you find out, come back and post it. If you dont, shut your face
Actually I prepared taxes for RN's from Gracedale and private sector. The average pay was higher in the private sector (I did not prepare LPN's from both). Benefit contributions (St Lukes) were similiar (not sure of the benefits). Retirement was better at the County.
sure will bernie!!
When you are done asking about pay and health care, ask about the pension benefits. Asked if it is a defined pension benefit, or a 401K style benefit. Then ask how many holidays are observed, ask what the holiday rate of pay is and ask about sick, vacation and personal days.
You are so full of shit about St. Luke's nurses. Do some homework. St. Luke's just acquired Warren hospital, and is building a mega campus near rt. 33. This is a hospital with a HUGE surplus.
Morn fink
So much for the great quality of care at Gracedale myth. Comments like this reveal just how ugly and vicious people are. Brenda, I give you credit for standing up to these anonymous cowards.
I don't work there Brenda/Bernie
I only hope you all get a nurse Ratchett at some point you both deserve it.
And you fool no one with the Brenda got her GED thingy and knows how to think . Its' you.
Bernie calm down, we know it is you.
I see you haven't corrected her with the who paid Otter statement. You know all about it but stand silent
Brenda s anonymous also until we get a last name??
Is that even your real 1st name? If not posting your full name you might as well post anonymous..
Is a consistent Brenda post worse than an anonymous post.....?? I think not. I think you will find out who I am one day
Hold your breath, it stinks
"I see you haven't corrected her with the who paid Otter statement."
Her statement is accurate. Otter was paid a small sum by the Goons, but the lion's share of his money came from the union.
Brenda, your an anonymous coward also until you sign your full name, and BO YOUR JUST A FAT PIECE OF CRAP FILLED WITH PROPAGANDA.GO BACK TO PERKINS ASAP .. IL BUY FOR YOUR TERRIBLE 12 OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED..
Like I said, these are ugly and vicious people.
ANd the ugly and vicious are walking a tight rope circus act directly to their own demise. The commonwealth court gave them some balance along this dangerous walk, but they are almost at the end....
then they raise both hands to cheer the election results, hands, arms and fists in the air, high fives all over
And the rope starts to quiver, the goons teeter totter,
there's nothing left to grab, and
Well Bernie, I mean Brenda, people are concerned. We are grateful for all the hard work by the Gracedale Guardians in trying to save Gracedale. We also believe with real facts and the truth voters will vote to save Gracedale.
Most of the residents of Northampton County are good and decent people. They are concerned about their family members and know the rich history of care and compassion at Gracedale.
With accurate information we are sure they will vote to approve saving Gracedale. The people in this county are very intuitive and can smell "real" rats and they are smelling up a storm with Angle/Stoffa. The Angle/Stoffa Administration has been caught in so many "misstatements" regarding Graceale that their word means nothing and they are no longer trusted. It has become obvious to any rational person that Angle/Stoffa wanted Gracedale gone for years and manufactured the so-called facts to justify their desires.
But what about after the vote. The people are very concerned about what Angle/Stoffa will do to the home and residents. Both men are mean and vicious politico's who will want to exact their revenge on Gracedale. The residents and family members know how vindictive Angle/Stoffa are and do in fact worry about the future, at least until 2014. Stoffa will not run and even if he does he will be soundly defeated, he knows that. Angle will probably go in the fall of this year.
In the meantime an independent board must be formed to oversee the Gracesale operation so as to not allow Angle/Stoffa to do any further harm to the elderly residents of the Home.
Just in case, we will have the Stoffa recall petitions ready to recall Stoffa if he exacts revenge on the elderly and infirm currently living at Gracedale.
We the People!
This group is by far the most hateful group of people I have seen in my life. You claim to "save" a facility that must be sold and needs to be sold to guarantee its future success.
Your actions by themselves have placed the rights of elderly people in the garbage .
Your croney group doesnt have a care in the world about future tax increases for everyone else in this county
Your continued threats to petition John Stoffa out of office show that you see yourselves and your cause as over-important, and the center of everyones attention.
One day, you will indeed get too big for your own britches. And that will be a very very good day for the rest of us.
What happens? That's easy. Tax hike or layoffs at Gracedale.
Brenda I think your drinking too much of the Ohare Angle Stoffa Kool Aid
Our county council represents all citizens in the county, not just one group who has made a mockery out of themselves and all unions combined.
When I vote for a public official, I look to see that they have certain attributes. SOme of those are a willingness not to tax people out of their homes, those who seek mindful solutions to perpetuating problems, and those who will not adopt the 'business as usual mindset' in which people are forced to work 2 and 3 jobs to support their government.
Most on County council possess these traits with the exception of Lamont McClure.
11:43 AM
aAnd is that how you choose school board members?
The county taxes are a fraction by comparison.
I would say if you will be taxed out of your home over 100 dollars
maybe you shouldn't own a home.
No one blinks an eye when school taxes go up hundreds of dollars
Now we have to raise taxes to maintain levels of service in the county and bam
its' the overpaid union goons fault
I know a good realtor in case you need to sell
I can't reccommend a title searcher though
a good one at least
SO you are saying that signing a mortgage document means I am forced to agree that insane union demands can increase my taxes whenever necessary?
In fact, I am willing to pay 100 more in taxes for better law enforcement, better salted and plowed roads, more in-home services for elderly taxpayers, and fewer potholes on streets.
I am unwilling to fork over one nickel more than I pay for the gracedale sucker punch that is waiting on the ballot. NOT ONE NICKEL
SO, I shouldnt own a home? Fuck you
Bernie she cursed at me
where is the censor button
'Bobble-head' might be true, but the real truth is she was elected to office. Watch how 'Bobble-Head' gets re-elected in the future. Name calling is useless.
Now Brenda calm down
I actually don't want the roads to be plowed
and I like gunfights so less police is better
you see
the snowplowers are UNION
the police are UNION
we need to police ourselves
and if it snows
we get together in the American Spirit
and shovel and plow OURSELVES
not rely on a nanny state to do these things for us
overpaid union goon snowplowers
overpaid union goon cops
you see
silly ain't it
and quit your cursing it isn't ladylike
ANd to make another point moron anon 11:57
Take a look around at what it costs to rent a home
Dont you think rising taxes has something to do with this? DO you think landlords just eat the increase so tenants dont get a raise in their rent? Rent is rising at the same exact pace that property taxes are going up
It doesnt matter wether you own or rent, the outcome is the same
HAvent you seen the disturbing trend of multi-generational housing? Many many people all under the same roof? Nowhere to park? Many cars to one apartment?
Why do you think this is? Because its so much cheaper to rent?
Are you poor Brenda?
Are you jealous of people who have better jobs than you?
Do you begrudge people a decent wage because your employer doesn't pay you what you think you are worth?
Why not go back to school and learn to do something that pays better.
Instead of blaming others for your problems.
It is proven when people are losing an argument they either change the subject or begin namecalling
I am unwilling to fork over one nickel more than I pay for the gracedale sucker punch that is waiting on the ballot. NOT ONE NICKEL
I smell a sheriffs sale
notify Ron
'Bobble-head' might be true, but the real truth is she was elected to office. Watch how 'Bobble-Head' gets re-elected in the future. Name calling is useless.
Take this to the bank
Ron has created a huge problem with the Gracedale issue. If we are to believe Bernies assessment, the issue will pass in May. That said now and for the immediate future ANYONE and EVERYONE who chooses to run for council in NorCo will face the litmus test of;
are you pro sale
pro keeping Gracdale.
The Gracedale Goons will see to that.
That one question, and that one question alone will make or break anyones aspirations of attaining office in this county.
And you have Bernie and Ron and Stoffa to thank.
I read Dowds article in the paper and I can't believe he skirted around the truth the way he did. He voted to move on with the sale on every occasion, he now says he always wanted to keep the place. (insert mumbo jumbo here) He must be a closet supporter of the unions and COAF. This sham he is trying to pull will result in him losing his seat. He should tell it like it is, he wants it gone. Then the voters would admire his honesty.
As for Barbara, nice lady, she is my neighbor. She stated she ran on selling Gracedale, except all the kings horses and all the kings men and Bernie could not produce one statement from her campaign to prove she ran on that platform. Now do you think she will win with her voting record on the issue?
what insane union demands were made? Do you know??? Were ANY union demands made??? You weren't there.. I was!! If there were any insane demands they weren't made by the union! they were made by the county.... Let me know, I will check in and see what we can change!
I did not follow Barb around when she ran. But I know her to be an honest person, and if she said she ran on Gracedale, she did.
Also, the notion that anybody decide who to vote for based on one issue is something I've always found moronic.
I am amazed that the goons get so worked up over one person and try so hard to shout her down.
him down Bernie
the jig is up
welcome to the
United States of Moronic
68% of people vote on single issues
"him down Bernie
the jig is up"
Really? I wish I could be accused more often of writing as intelligently as Brenda. The simple reality is that no jig is up bc I do not comment anonymously or under made up names. I leave that to others. I have been accused of posting as many people. from Fr. Alex to Retired ASD. In all cases, the charges have been proved wrong. I don't have to invent names. I tell the truth, and that's what bothers people like you.
2:44, I doubt what you are saying. You provide no link and I am unable to find one that backs you up.
As intelligently as Brenda?
Personnal attacks or okay now?
Cursing and calling people morons?
She should be considered anon
We don't know her other than Brenda
It is a shame she is so bitter.
Under the logic of the goons who are presenting themselves relentlessly on this blog, I assume there is an Angle/Stoffa conspiracy going on in the other 38 counties that sold their nursing homes.
In response to my poor soul that is not educated and is bitter for not making enough money, I am delighted that you have said so, as it proves you dont have even an incling as to whom I am.
I am perfectly fine with honest pay for honest work. The key word here is honest. The taxpaying public till has gone dry, and instead of realizing it, the public sector union has formed the great wall of china around themselves. They think they hold all the cards, wait and see when humpty dumpty falls off the wall.
Who will clean it up? Larry?
Anon 12:17 pm
When you are thrown out of the unemployment line for being a defective moron who cant function in anyway outside of a union cloud, I suspect you will be eating all of your own words.
Munch carefully, or soon it will be your own sheriff sale. Union mentality people are never successful in the private sector. Laugh all you want now, because the real laugh will occur when you are packing your bags and leaving gracedale drive for the last and final time. And I will be there, LAUGHING OUT LOUD
4:02 PM
I don't work for Gracedale
I've never been to Gracedale
I own my own home, it was paid for 2 years ago.
I choose to be on the side of keeping Gracedale. Your name calling is uncalled for, people have differences.
I'm 56
My home is assessed at just over 450 thousand dollars
I stand to pay considerably more than I assume you will. I assume this because of some of your statements. You made statements that I think put you in a catagory of low / middle income. You demonize unions, that they are somehow the causitive factor in your current lifestyle. You are entitled to your opinion I just don't agree.
I think your postings in the last few days have shown you have issues to work through. Good Luck.
One other point, I never belonged to a union. My opinion is that professionals don't join unions.
My company has over 4500 happy non-union employees, nationwide. That said, my father work his rear end off for the Post Office as a union member for his entire career. he managed to put me through college, put food on the table and a roof over my head. For that fact,
I respect private AND government unions , they provide living wages and have created a middle class.
Now I will expect you to respond with some kind of off the cuff post office loses money every year comment. Let me respond by saying cut off you service and get FedEx to deliver your mail for you, they would be happy to charge you 14 dollars a piece for their services.
vicious Brenda, dropping the F-bomb,.take it easy
Anon 4:31
If you care to place your name to your post , your 450K home can easily be verified online. I assume there is no way you are going to do that, or you would have done that already.
Since you seem to play tarot cards online , read blogs, and tell fortunes, perhaps you may be more successful in that line of work.
Not to worry what my income is, what my house is worth, or how much I pay in taxes, or how much cash I have sitting in the bank. None of it influences my principles and ideas to shut down public sector union terrorists. This COAF group is a sour, uncompromising pack of weasels who name call all day and all night, but cant take it back in return. If you dish it out, and cant deal with reproach, get off the blog.
My advice to all of them:
2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid in your mouth, swish, gargle, spit and repeat three times daily.
In fact leaving gracedale out of it, unions out of it, taxes out of it, I dont think the government needs to be competing with the private sector, for any reason.
Its really that simple, and has nothing to do with the foul goons
appraised not assessed
The Colonies at Jacobsburg
Come and get me
let's dial it back a bit
and my name is
Lawrence M. Otter, Esquire
in your future postings
I can use the advertising
oh and if I am so lousy how did I prevail in all 4 matters?
Mr Otter
Tricia who?
Thank you
Bernie, you would think that you would give it a rest already! You keep asking for these comments because of the bullcrap lies that you keep writing.
It is so sad that this group of people refuse to embrace a change that will ensure the future success of gracedale.
That was very possible with the private company who wished to purchase it.
This group insists that they can make more money in the private sector, so why not let it happen? I am really interested in hearing why its such a bad choice, when it seems that it may be the best for everyone.
The government cant fund everything, can it?
I see Larry is quite upset by my post. Larry, I think I already congratulated you when we emailed back and forth for a day or so.
My condolences to all taxpayers in NC, because Larry won 4 cases. I think most people agree that a win is not only the measure of great success?
Larry, when you are all alone in your empty life reminiscing about your cases won and lost, you can think of the substandard care that the residents at gracedale will now receive due to your lawyering. Congrats , you are famous!
Also, if anyone cares to look , go to Martindale.com, and search on Lawrence Otter. You will see a horrible client review.
Its too early to get conceited Larry
Tricia Mezzacappa
what a poor excuse for a human
I'll be mowing my lawn
The Colonies at Jacobsburg
make one of the lefts off of
Jacobsburg Rd after Badys' Grove
heading towards Wind Gap
see ya
Tricia Mezzacappa is Brenda?
Is she that woman that looks like a hooker, who is running for office in Easton?
First I am Mrs. Stoffa, then Mrs. ANgle, then Bernie, then Peg, now I am Tricia....the anticipation is killing all of you, isnt it?
I promise, in the grand finale, I will wear a T-Shirt that says, "I'm Brenda
I'm growing tired of the rancid odor of spraint in here. Does he think there's money to be made here? It seems to be the only thing that makes him swim. I hope I'm not like that when I reach my 90s.
While I as a taxpaying Republican have hated the fact that Republicans have played footsie with this incompetent Democratic Executive, I support the County keeping Gracedale.
It is about the responsibility needed by our community and the distrust of this Administration. If Stoffa had brought in a private company and tried but he just jumped on Ron Angle's wagon. Now neither of them have any credibility regarding Gracedale.
So as a taxpayer, I find the entire union issue a diversion. While I am no union supporter,I don't see that as the central issue with Gracedale. I remember far too many people waiting to get into Gracedale because no private facility would have them. Once the rates changes they took them. If medicaid is again cut across the board and private facilities won't take the poorer elderly, what then?
Many of you feel the Hell with the old let them be tossed to the curb. Fortunately most Northampton County citizens have their eyes focused on the ball and do not share your views.
Frankly many of you give Republicans a bad name. Between the birthers and teabaggers I wonder what the Hell happened to the grownups in the Party. Let me say that many of the families and residents who want to keep Gracedale are Republicans and are as well educated and knowledgeable as any of the people who comment on this issue.
Thank you
Anon, your comment about Stoffa incompetence is short sighted. What concerns me most is that the new company provided for indigent care, where many other facilities are turned off by it. This was a great opportunity for the county, and an offer that is really tough to find.
The care that a private company provides far exceeds what the county can do for the nursing home in the present conditions. Many reasons for this. And it should be about the residents...thats what it really boils down to..the best care that can be given...its not their fault that there is so much opposition, people just dont get it
anonymous 7:23 wonderfully said. Thank you!
Can someone give me a reason why a private company should not own gracedale..?.in all the blogging, I have not heard even one reason
Why should the county keep gracedale?
If the voters of the county vote to keep it that seems like a good reason properly ran Gracedale could once again bring in money once it is sold thats it
Can you define what you mean by "properly run"
The referendum succeeds. Gracedale remains open but is pared down to a very small facility. The union wins the battle and loses the war.
Okay I' back, I didn't finish mowing, I got the front and sides. The back will need to wait until Saturday.
While I was out I had my wife scan through these postings and save all of your comments in a file. Do you know what rhymes with file.....vile. I think the people who you are counting on for votes will be interested in your comments in here.
no no no ....don't thank me
I'm more than happy to distribute your tirades.
You know when someone takes pleasure in someone elses misfortune....like you would by standing on Gracedale Drive laughing out loud because someone lost their income/job
that is being a sociopath
do you think people want to elect a sociopath?
ANd I thinks that is a lose-lose. People lose their jobs, and residents are relocated.
The private company would have kept all the residents and negotiated with the union. It would be a private sector union...
better care for the residents, and most jobs retained...maybe even all jobs..who's to say, we'll never know.
A great deal gone bad
You gave up your ID when you engaged in conversation with Mr. Otter.
Thank you Mr. Otter
Make that win number 5
This is becoming a comedy show on this blog. I corresponded with Larry through private email..lots of them.
Larry , do I have your permission to post the entire conversation of emails on this blog? Think clearly now...or should I send them to the ET instead?
Just like on TV when the politcians back peddle
it is funny
I'll laugh when you lose your job
It is a shame you will lose your job
now I'm
Laughing Out Loud
and I won't be including any of the "I have seen the light Jesus" posts ...in my flyers
I see Larry is quite upset by my post. Larry, I think I already congratulated you when we emailed back and forth for a day or so.
This was your mistake
it is like TV
an episode of Columbo
Mezzacappa is the perp that just got caught
Brenda what makes you think the "private" company would keep for all time in perpetuity taking poor elderly residents of Northampton County?
You do realize that company's and individuals sign contracts and make deals every day that they walk away from, take to court, get overturned, etc.
Are you really that dense. You should have been in Vietnam when the American government promised to keep sending aid after we took out the troops. Or maybe the companies that promised that your money was safe in their investment.
Seriously, you are either a brainwashed silly person or 10. I realize former attorney O"Hare trumpets this so-called provision in the contract but it would not be the first company to claim hardship and get a ruling giving it relief. As to what would the county do, nothing, absolutely nothing. Once the "dump Gracedale" crowd gets its way, they would never pursue the Gracedale issue and would close their eyes and blindly accept the "private" reports that claim everything was just peachy.
Christ almighty, just think about it.
I'm not a politician, never have been, never will.....just a poor schmuck , jealous of unions, making no money, with no education whatsoever
I learned to read with 'hooked on phonics'
My school outsourced teachers , brought in others from overseas.
John, thank you so much. You are the only one who gave an honest answer to my question.
Your concern is plausible, I hate to admit.
That could happen if the private company bought it out.
I am just thankful, for a decent, well written opinion on the matter.
Sometimes, if you trust others, you do get a pleasant surprise...not always, but often enough.
I am waiting for Larry's permission, and then I will CONSIDER posting the entire email stream onto this blog.
A copy paste may do it, but it is lengthy...would hate to bore people.
Maybe just pieces of the email...not sure if I should post the whole thing
I just heard a ding...there is mail in my inbox
The ding.....
Maybe its time to rinse the Clairol 57 out of your hair.
I dont have hair, I'm a skinhead
yes, I am still waiting for permission, and thank you...that was considerate. I guess she knows by now
It involves his personal email address and mine as well, so , no, I wouldnt post it..not without the OK
Good choices not bad when dealing with the all powerful
"People forget what the unions stand for its not there fault greedy CEO's took lots of money then sent the jobs over seas but lets blame the workers at the bottom instead of the ones at the top"
With this kind of grammar, I can see why you are in a union.
What I see here is a bunch of union goons and a pretend Republican ganging up on a woman who dares speak intelligently and forcefully. They are killing themselves trying to out her, while they all remain anonymous cowards.
"My home is assessed at just over 450 thousand dollars"
What a pompous asshole.
Assessed at over 450K, means about 900K market. I guess this one likes the "spread the wealth around" Obama rule.
Maybe he can fund gracedale, and everyone is off the hook.
Pompous ahole here
I corrected myself earlier
I just changed insurance carriers and had to have it apraised
don't tell Ron it went up in value
sorry for the confusion
From what I hear
you could be my neighbor Bernie
if you would have behaved
My neighbor is a dentist his home is worth more than mine
he too would like to see Gracedale kept in county hands
does that make him bad
is he a union goon
we are sensible
pompous aholes
They are killing themselves trying to out her, while they all remain anonymous cowards.
Trisha is out, and the flyers will be printed
too bad you weren't around to council her, she was on her own and got caught up in the moment
she let her freak flag fly dude
ha ha I always wanted to say that
the posting trail is funny
she changed her tune when she was outed
Trisha you ignoramous
what the hell does Obama have to do with anything
I have met Brenda. I hate to tell you but she is a curvascious redhead with a brilliant mind. She looks nothing like a man though she is a courageous gal with common sense and a high degree of sophistication. Iguess her curse is she gets it and sees why Gracedale needs to be sold. Congratulations Brenda !
Pompous asshole, It's appraised, not apraised. Maybe one of your 4,500 employees should write for you, or you can hire Brenda.
I have met Brenda, too. She is an Asian transgender.
Thank you anon. I feel sorry them...the personal animosity is unbelievable!
I wonder ...... well I wont say...but the goons are on target to quickly sink their own ship. I knew they would eventually bomb their own platoon, and it is definately in progress..
Trisha? Um, no, but I wont go there
Hey Bernie
anon 10:55 spelled
"I guess" wrong
he speltit Iguess
Doesn't that mean he can never ever be right about anything?
Now I am tired
you know spreading the wealth around all day takes a toll
and for the last time I don't know the goons
I don't work there
I don't belong to a union
I am a pompous ass
with Altronics
so stay away
You have clearly demonstrated that you are a Gracedale Goon. For one thing, you're unbalanced. For another, you're anonymous. You don't have to ask me to stay away.
O'Hare given your past and present personal behavior the last thing you should do is give a psychological appraisal of anyone. If anyone is "unbalance", you would be the last to know as evidenced by your mancrush on Ron Angle.
Providing in home massages for senior citizens Brenda/Trisha RN has alot at stake with the potential sale of Gracedale.......hence the f u's She is also a member of the Nazareth Chamber of Commerce....nuff said
So we now know the reason for this line of bs she is perpetuating. She stands to gain if the place is sold.....I'm sure ol' Ronny will throw her some work
more than just massaging a beached whale
she is on outside looking in if the place stays in county hands.....more on this fascinating development tomorrow
Hail Private sector
and Bernie delete away I'll post over on the Gracedale site
Happy Endings
THis is getting even better by the minute.
The world according to Bernie O'Hare.....everyone that disagrees with him must be a "Gracedale Goon" Wake up BERNIE....alot of people disagree with you and definitely have had enough of Ron Angle's shenanagins both politically and personal! The Gracedale Goons are not alone
"The world according to Bernie O'Hare.....everyone that disagrees with him must be a "Gracedale Goon""
The number of comments seen on my blog on numerous issues is evidence that I encourage different points of view. I do not dismiss people who disagree with me as Goons. I dismiss the Gracedale Goons as that because that is how they act. Their latest trick is slurring the good name of a West Easton woman who spoke at a County Council meeting.
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