Angle snagged votes from Council's three newbies (Gilbert, Dietrich and Thierry) as well as Rev. Mike Dowd. Peg Ferraro lured Democrats Lamont McClure and Ann McHale, and Republican John Cusick voted for her, too. Had a second round of voting been necessary, Cusick was reportedly ready to switch to Angle.
John Cusick, Council's hardest working member, was elected VP.
Council also appointed a new solicitor, the affable and brilliant Phil Lauer.
Angle came wearing his new uniform. County Coroner Zach Lyseck has stocked up on body bags.
God Bless Ron Angle!
... and his little dog too!
Preposterous! Outrageous! What were they thinking? Talk about the Bully Pulpit! You wanted it and now it's here! Lord help NH County.
Its the third sign of the apocolypse.
Indeed. Locusts are buzzing all over Nazareth.
Was there any debate with the solicitor?
Bernie does this mean youll kiss more than just angles ring?
Love the picture - does anyone besides me see a huge resemblance to Benny Hill?
The Banker
This would make a great reality TV show. Unfortunately, it's more than just ratings. It's our future.
I hear NJ and Monroe Co real estate prices just went up.
"Was there any debate with the solicitor?"
I think so but I'll be honest. I slept right thru the reorganization, swearing in and everything else. I missed the whole damn thing, but got a phone call to tip me off.
Could it be no one else wanted the responsibility that comes with the position?
Peg Ferraro wanted it. Just about all of them want it. Peg deserves it, too, as top vote getter, but this is going to be a tough year.
God help us all. The little dictator got it. So now in Northampton County we have Stoffa and Angle in charge, oh God please deliver us.
That is like 0+0=0000.
Even worse, they want to close Gracedale and throw all the elderly out in the street. Of course Angle is used to throwing people out of their homes. Stoffa, he just lives in the clouds. Hey Earth to Stoffa, what now?
Anon 5:38, Let us hope God has mercy on the County!
God bless Charles Dertinger and Joe Long!
I never thought that HRH Angle would accept the responsibility of President of Council. Since the early days, he liked to say the Emporer didn't wear any clothes. Now, the shoes on the other foot. Who will he have to blame?
I would say there goes the neighborhood but it's been long gone. The only good thing about angle is that he makes morgonelli shake in his boots. I would have love to been able to see the pop go out of joe long's fizzle.
I wonder if all Norco Dems are as whiny as the losers posting here.
It is unfortunate but the one thing that the internet has taken away is class and decorum. The prior post is an example. The Norco Dems that I know are quality people....hardly losers.
I have disagreed with many of the things that Mr. Angle has voted for or advocated, but let's face it, people respond to him. Time will tell how suited he is for this position. The game is different when you hold the gavel.
Actually, the criticism is milder than most of the ones I get when i write about Ron. You can't blame this reaction on Dems. Ron actually gets more votes from dems than from Rs. But he's one of those persons you either love or hate. I love the guy, but have good friends who hate him. So yeah, the Long Dems dump all over him, but so do some Republicans.
For years, Ron has complained that he is ignored. That changes today.
I believe the county is poised to do some great things. I know he'll try.
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon take place; He made it known by sending His ANGEL to His servant JOHN, who testified to the Word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that He saw."
Revelation 1:1+2
Does anyone else see any parallels with this passage to what happened today at County Council?
Just joking. I hope Ron kicks some butt!
Peace, ~~Alex
Holy Shit! Fr. Alex, I gotta call Ron and read that comment. He'll think God sent him now.
It gets better, if you read further:
"Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near."
Revelation 1:3
Makes you think???
Peace, ~~Alex
Ron will be fine. He'll behave. It's easy to be outrageous when you're on the outs but once you're the big cheese and you have the majority, it's different. People who expect Angle shenanigans will have to look to old posts, not new ones. That's my prediction.
Phil Lauer can't really need the extra income can he?
No, but he is definitely a heavyweight at a time when one is needed.
Hey you know Lauer is Angles personal attorney, right? Doesn't that come off as patronage.
Come on, lets call a spade a spade!
Let's call you cuckoo. Angle's personal attorney is Dennis D'Esch.
It was like being at church. There was more praying to God at the swearing in forced down my throat than I care to have done so.
Stand up, sit down, over and over.
Religion is a private matter..isn't it?
There was a benediction at the end.
Somehow I feel on guard wherever religion starts being a part of government. Like somehow it will be used against me.
The walking, talking hate crime is president of Council. This too shall pass....
"School board solicitor Don Spry was not at the meeting. Angle attended the meeting with his attorney, Phil Lauer."
Agreed, hope that hypocrite Dowd doesn't do his stupid prayers anymore. When he was Council President the "Rev" Dowd would pray greatly then allow people to be attacked and humiliated by Angle and others. He is another gutless wonder who is afraid of Angle.
The County is now officially in the toilet. Do you new people realize you just put a racist, amti-semite bigot in charge. Way to go. Read history, the businessmen and grenerals did the same thing in Germany in 1932. They felt they could control the little paperhanger.
Nice job guys. Reward bigotry, only in Mississippi and Northampron County.
"School board solicitor Don Spry was not at the meeting. Angle attended the meeting with his attorney, Phil Lauer."
As I indicated, Ron's personal attorney is Denis D'Esch.
Yet the Express-Times reports Angle was employing Lauer as his attorney for political matters as recently as November 15th. Which is it, Boonie?
Excactly what I said. Dennis D'Esch is Ron Angle's personal attorney, and has been such for many years. Ron does employ other counsel, including Phil, for some types of litigation from time to time. He is also a friend to Phil Lauer.
If there were a conflict, Phil would step aside bc he is a man of honor. There is no conflict, but if you feel that way, I urge you to make your concerns known to County Council on Thursday night.
Why didn't you acknowledge that in your original comment instead of attempting to mislead your readers while engaging in an ad hominem attack against one of your commenters?
You're CUCKOO, O'Hare, and it's hard to believe that anyone associated with the likes of you and Angle could be a man of honor.
My comment was a reaction to the original claim that Lauer is Angle's personal attorney. I misled no one. And as I indicated, you can bray about this Thursday night if you wish, unless you're howling at the moon.
So, your argument isn't that Lauer isn't Angle's attorney, but instead that he isn't Angle's "personal" attorney, an abstract and meaningless distinction. No wonder people say you're full of shit, Boonie.
Well, between lying like this and the fact that you smell like you bathe yourself in manure.
No, in response to the claim that Lauer is Angle's personal attorney, I pointed out that is not true and identified his personal lawyer.
As bad as I feel for all of the people in Northampton county right now, can I please be the first progressive to thank the Northampton county council for what they have done?
Thank you!
Angle might as well walk around with a sign on his chest that says, "SEE? THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN."
Rylock, I know many progressives who respect and actually admire Ron Angle. If truth be told, he gets as much or more support from Democrats as from Republicans. Do yourself a favor and wath him in action some night. I'll buy you dinner. I can guarantee that your preconceptions will be shattered.
I'm open-minded, but I would be extremely surprised.
I saw him on Business Matters and in addition to everything that I've read, dude is straight-up nuts.
Careful rylock, this man is a bigoted anti-semite. Ohare can delete it all he wants but it is common knowledge.
There is not one real progressive Democrat that supporets this egotistical maniac.
Especially the widows he disposed and the elderly he cheated.
Bernie, you are a real multi-tasker you can blow Ron Angle and still comment on your blog...great work!!!!
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