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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Saturday, January 26, 2013

LVPoliblog: Percy Dougherty Being Primaried

I'm not sure "primaried" is actually a word. But I see it used all the time to describe an incumbent who faces a primary challenger. He's being primaried, they say. Well, veteran Lehigh Commissioner Percy Dougherty is being primaried for the third time in twelve years. He's just too damn moderate for the "reform" (extremist) team. Blogger Chris Casey has crawled out of his bunker and provided the details.


Uncle Remus said...

In the future you may refer to lehigh county as Ottville

Bernie O'Hare said...

Or Odville.

Anonymous said...

The teabaggers are a brutal bunch. Obey or be extinguished. So much for common sense Republicans.

Bernie O'Hare said...

There are plenty of common sense Republican, and just as many extremist Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't he get "primaried"? Is he entitled to rubber stamping? If he's what his party wants, at the grass roots level, he'll win. If not, he goes.

Isn't that how it is supposed to work?

The machine can say and do anything they want with respect to displacing him, but they don't pull the levers. In the end, the voters will decide what they want, just as they did with Choom the Revenger, promisor off all things free and supreme punisher of those who pay for them.


Chris Casey said...

Yep, crawled out of my bunker all right. Just added another pallet of bottled water and two pallets of SPAM.
What blows my mind is people are saying that I am against primaries, or incumbents being challenged. All I did was relay what my inquiries gave me.
I have always thought that choice was good. my point is I am FOR choices. I think the real issue here is that people know I'm speaking something they don't like to hear or want to believe. Too bad, get over it.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Clem, I am pointing out that, for the third time, extremist elements in your party are trying to dump Dougherty. They are certainly entitled to do so. This is America. For the third time, you will try to remove a moderate who prefers listening to people over lecturing them.

Knock yourselves out.

Anonymous said...

I thnk Percy is a smart and level headed voice on the county commissioners. As a Republican, I will again suppiort him. I am sad to see him being teabagged by the extreme right of the Party.

Anonymous said...

Both parties have always and will always contain elements that try to pull toward the edges. Bernie leans mostly left and, not surprisingly, doesn't acknowledge this among Ds. There are only two parties. In the case if the cities, there's just the one- where everybody seems to agree and the only debate is over seniority. Choices are good for voters. Primaries are good for voters.

Anonymous said...


Stoffa got fleabagged by morbidly obese union sloths and loud mouthed fecal cult nihilists of his own party. Shit happens. Get the pillow out of your mouth and take control for once.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Stoffa is giving the "union sloths" an overpriced new building to take naps in. So your point makes no sense.

Chris Casey said...

I posted a comment on Mike's blog, but I want to make it clear I had THREE separate Sources confirm that Aquila was running and that Woodman had influenced him to varying degrees. I waited several days because I wanted to see if the sources were feeding off one another, as sometimes happens. There is also another variable in this equation that I am not ready to reveal yet.

I find it fascinating that I have received criticism for defending Percy from a few Dems. and more criticism from R's for defending him.
Seeing as I have aggravated people in both parties, I must have done something right. I am working ten hour shifts the next three days, but I have posts scheduled. This should really set some people off.

Anonymous said...

What blows my mind is people are saying that I am against primaries, or incumbents being challenged. All I did was relay what my inquiries gave me.

If I am that person, it is because of your headline: Ott is fooling himself, then your post when on to say, based on numbers, he can't win. Yeah, thats how your post reads, at least to me.

My criticism on Percy, is not that he is moderate or extreme. He is just double-talk.

I can handle one on either side of the Party who says and does what he or she means. Put it out there. Defend it. Vote it. Thats good.

Here is a guy who would not vote with Marc Grammes to fund one county dollar to fix Leaser Lake, a County park, and prompted by Marc for fundraising, a budget bucket only, but said he wanted the lake fixed, but would not vote for a mere dollar.

Percy was the first to have his pix taken with Rendell and his paper check. I supported the repair of Leaser Lake, and I was a Township Supervisor then, but I did not get my pix taken. It was an issue, not a photo-op.

Say's he favors lower taxes but repeatedly voted with a majority for which begat a tax increase by default, and never proposed any reductions of his own; then says we have a spending problem. Ok, what will he do? On past experience, NOTHING.

No, I much rather respect someone like yourself, to the left of my thoughts, and defends it, over someone who says one thing but does the other.

I don't mind left or right. I mind doublespeak mostly!

Bernie O'Hare said...

That's actually a very fair criticism.

Chris Casey said...

It is a fair criricism. but I look at an entire body of work.
You are also deflecting criticism awat from Ott. I expect that, as you are a good little Robot for Woodman, You don't want to anger the man. and you are acting as his avatar, I appreciate that.

Percy is a people's representative, much like Charlie Dent. I would be willing to bet right now that ott Challenges Dent no later than 2016. and even possibly in 2014 Will you bet?
I doubt it.
Scott Ott was never really vetted as a challenger to Don Cunningham in 2009. He rates himself as a worthy challenger, but I bet when the mainstream press starts truly digging, there will be questions. Mr. Ott;s work history deserves the sams scrutiny any other candidate gets. If any reporter needs help. I will happily share my files on the guy who drove a bus while attending Bible College.
A real reporter will call the North Kansas City School board and ask a few questions.
THey should call Lewiston PA about the Lewiston Theater project, and then call Happy Valley.com. another of Mr. ott's employers.Let the media do their job and ask the public to make their own judgments.
I find it incredibly ironic that Scott Ott omce spent a great deal of time trying to convince people in a North Kansas City Missouri community that they needed a tax hike. Of course, that was what he was being paid to do. It is all a matter of public record, let people start reading links that are public knowledge. Let the bombs start falling, I'm sure the "VICTIM" card will get played. The free ride is over gang.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me while I take my chip out of my head! You were so very wrong on my being "dissuaded" against running and you've lost it here. I don't have anyone on speed-dial and I have a vacation home by the beach. I'm enjoying life and I think I shared that with BO a month or two ago. Nope, you have me confused with someone else! Just in case, I better get my head x-rayed! There my be something there I don't know about:-)

Percy is no Charlie Dent. I've got no problem with Charlie Dent, tho I sometimes dont agree with him.

And just so you don't think I'm smoking crack. The citation for my above criticism is the Commissioner minutes from Oct 12, 2005.

I did a blog post on it back then, but my blog does not go back that far. Oh, an oh yeah, my blog post was pre-Woodman.

Anonymous said...

You are also deflecting criticism awat from Ott.

Oh, now wait a minute. The post was about Dougherty! I merely responded to your comment!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"If any reporter needs help. I will happily share my files on the guy who drove a bus while attending Bible College."

While Ott might have some skeletons in his closet, and I have several closets full of them myself, I am untroubled that someone drove a bus while attending bible college. Northampton County Council right now has a man on board who makes a living by cracking rocks at a quarry, and he has impressed me more than most. I used to clean shitters in a hospital.

Anonymous said...

Aren't Ott and Woodman the same guy? Or is Ott Woodman's puppet?

Anonymous said...

I will happily share my files on the guy who drove a bus while attending Bible College

So, I drive a school bus. So what.

Believe it or not, there was one person who made a big stink about that, even circulated an email about that during my election campaign.

There are plenty of real issues to discuss and argue. Election season can get so silly.

Anonymous said...

Chris Casey: You are a cheap shot artist. You have no facts, so you throw mud. Shame on you. Crawl back under your rock!

Bernie O'Hare said...

So says someone anonymously. The point of this post is that Percy Dougherty is getting a primary opponent.

Anonymous said...

I thought about this today.

If any reporter needs help. I will happily share my files on the guy . . .

You have files on him? Now that's just downright creepy!

Bernie O'Hare said...

I call them dossiers myself.

Chris Casey said...

Uh Dave, people have paid me to do opposition research on candidates. You know that. Now that the client who originally hired me way back when is well, indisposed, I can do what I want with the original work. All I have done is let your side know that no embellishment of facts will go unchallenged. (Remember the Lewiston Theater?) I didn't make these rules but they are the ones your side plays by. They shouldn't get their knickers in a knot when I turn the tables on them
So Browning will run after all, and here I thought Osborne would be the challenger. This will be entertaining beyond belief.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Let me add I don't think it is "creepy" to keep research on candidates for public office. But I'm a bottom-feeding blogger.

Anonymous said...

My side ... Oh there you go again, I gotta check my chip! I say, you got some dirt, by all means out with it

Anonymous said...

I don't have a file on anyone, lest you count some old election flyers I saved. Does that make me 1/2 creepy?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Depends on how many flyers.

Anonymous said...

That depends on the candidate ...OH MY GOSH!

Chris Casey said...

So it is creepy that I know where a candidate has worked? are you creeped out that r's know about MT PUBLIS RE+CORD? I'm not. I am proud of being a working man who has struggled. I have never pretended to be anything else, either a religious zialkout or a millionaore. We are blue dollar working calss and proud of it, no embellishment needed,
If I were a DEacon on the Catholic chirch, would you you object to my using my residence *If I lived on a church owned parcel) to launch a political campaign? Fair or Foul, Ott used his residence in 2009 as a political base. Care to comment?
I talked to several employees at that facility. I protect sources. He moved out shortly after the election and the issue was raised. They wanted anonymity, and I gave it, which is why I don;t print about it.
But he did move, to another home temporarily, and still rented.
I guess the big question is, Why doesn't Scott Ott buy a home for his family? With three kids and his uber successful internet TV projects, one has to wonder.
Go ahead, Slam me I can take it.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, Slam me I can take it.

No, I will leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

Percy's a smart fella. Woodmam is a wealthy control freak extremist . Scarier than old Charles D Snelling, smarter and with his oun money.
Percy is the last bastion of none looney left in the LC GOP.