What makes this story very interesting to me is Gawlick's many political connections. For one thing, he's a registered lobbyist for the Pa. Professional Firefighters Association. But when one of State Representative Jennifer Mann's constituents visited her Harrisburg office in March, the person sitting behind the desk was Richard Gawlick.
Is this registered lobbyist on Mann's, or more accurately, the public payroll? If not, should a registered lobbyist be meeting constituents on behalf of a state representative? I did call Gawlick to determine his exact role in her office, and if I ever hear back from him, I'll give you his explanation.
In addition to being a registered lobbyist, Gawlick was at least at one time a Democratic state committeeman. As a County Comm'r candidate in the 2007 municipal race, he drew a respectable 18,004 votes. Allentown watchdog Lou Hershman pulled Gawlick's expense reports yesterday, and reports that Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski gave Gawlick $500 in that race. State Rep. Jennifer Mann threw in another $1,000.

You notice how Jennifer Mann keeps popping up? Custody papers filed in April by Gawlick's wife, Sandra, shed some light on the nature of that consulting relationship. According to Mrs. Gawlick, State Rep. Jennifer Mann is Richard's mistress. It's important to remember that these are only allegations. But according to her petition, when Richard has visitation with their seven year-old son, the boy sleeps on air mattresses in an unheated home. She's also concerned that when Richard attends "dinner dances, gala functions and other public relation events on behalf of his paramour, Jennifer Mann," Richard has unreasonably refused to tell her where their son is staying. On March 20, when Richard and Jennifer Mann attended one of those gala function at DeSales Universty, the boy allegedly stayed with a Mann relative, without the courtesy of notifying Sandra.
Let me repeat that these are only allegations. I also am very reluctant to discuss an elected offiicial's personal life unless it has a direct connection to his or her public life. In this case, it does. Gawlick is a registered lobbyist who apparently works out of Mann's office. For all I know, he may be on the public dole, too.
Fortunately, Pawlowski did the right thing in this instance. I wish I could say the same about Jennifer Mann.
Updated 9:55 AM: Incidentally, when Gawlick ran for County Commissioner, his campaign treasurer was City Council prez Mike D'Amore. Now Gawlick is a union lobbyist while D'Amore is one of the characters involved in the shakedown of non-union T-Mobile.
Updated 10:40 AM: Mann Refuses to Answer Whether Gawlick on Her Staff. - I called State Rep. Jennifer Mann's office for comment on the Gawlick matter. Specifically, I wanted to know whether he was part of her staff, paid or unpaid. Years ago, Mann had told me she'd always answer questions concerning her office. But when I asked to speak to Mann or her Chief of Staff Pete Schweyer, I was instead put in touch with her Director of Communications, Josh Parsons. "We have no comment on that," he said. "Can you at least tell me whether Gawlick is on her staff?" I asked. "We have no comment on that," he answered and hung up.
Why bring Jenn into this. It has nothing to do with her, she is innocent here. This is just a rumor or hear say not news worthy. People call in sick all the time, it's an unwritten rule to take a sick day and trade it with a vacation day? Rich will get his job back? But why did he post it on the website or go to a city golf course, Ill never understand
I bring Jenn Mann intro this bc she should be brought into it. She has helped the career of a man who basically rips off taxpayers, whatever hisstory. I am also extremely disturbed that a state rep. would allow a registered lobbyist to meet people in her Harrisburg office as though he is one of her staffers. I am concerned that a state rep consorts with someone who apparently feels the publicowes him a living. To be honest, her involvement with him raises questions about her own judgment and fitness for public office.
What she does in private is her own concern. But when she lets it affect her public life, especially in her Harrisburg office, I think the information should be disclosed. When her personal life becomes the subject of public court papers, the public should know. You may draw whatever conclusion you think is appropriate. These are only allegations, but they are sworn statements signed by Gawlick's wife, not some random rumor.
Bernie -
For some reason, no one ever wants to tell the truth about Mann.
In addition to the concerns you raise here, she most certainly knew what was going on in the BonusGate scandal.
I guess that old saying IS true - politics DOES make strange bedfellows!
Dude, you do realize this is highly unlikely. Jenn Mann plays for the other team.
She is not a switch hitter. Strictly swings from the female side of the plate,
Therefore your story is highly suspect.
"Dude, you do realize this is highly unlikely. Jenn Mann plays for the other team.
She is not a switch hitter. Strictly swings from the female side of the plate,
Therefore your story is highly suspect"
you're a moron
As long as they are Democrats, none of this matters.
Allentown Democratic Voter
I find it hard to believe that Mann would do something illegal, which this is clearly an illegal act on her part, if she really allows her office to be used by a lobbyist
I also heard what Anon 3:30 wrote...but it was always rumors.
a respectable 18k votes? the dude finished dead last. he was a horrible candidate.
your decision to bring in custody disputes is deplorable. are you going to go digging into the reasons why Pat Browne left his first wife to be with a much younger political aide (who still works for him)? or why don cunningham really left the rendell administration? you've jumped into the realm of slime and sleaze peddling.
Bernie- You've gone from being the "Woodward and Bernstein" of the blogging world to the "National Enquirer" of the blogging world. Please come back from the dark side.
If Mann acted poorly, the public deserves to know.
This is why this blog is great. We love the DIRT!
Is he related to "Infamous David Gawlick" the former "hardest" worker in Northampton County during the Reibman Fiasco.
WOW !!!
Bernie, What did Pawlowski do?
Why will this guy get his job back if he cheated the city and lied?
your decision to bring in custody disputes is deplorable. are you going to go digging into the reasons why Pat Browne left his first wife to be with a much younger political aide (who still works for him)? or why don cunningham really left the rendell administration? you've jumped into the realm of slime and sleaze peddling.
7:10 AM
Anyone who visited Browne's office over the years recognzied a certain person - not his wife at the time - that usually met voters (not very nicely either) and a while later this staff member wound up as his wife featured in follow-up campaign ads. Even stupid voters get this picture.
If Mann is cited in a legal proceeding, doesn't it become
public information?
If these were just rumors, I'd leave it alone. If these were the accusations of some third party, I'd still leave it alone. If these were the accusations of a party involved in the matter, I'd still leave it alone unless it was in some way connected to Mann's public job.
In this case, the accusations, and they are just that, come from Gawlick's wife in sworn statements, and reveal a relationship witha lobbyist who apparently is allowed the free run of her office.
I believe this is certainly something the public should know, and am waiting for Gawlick to cal me and explain his use of Mann's Harrisburg office earlier this year.
"If Mann is cited in a legal proceeding, doesn't it become
public information?" Ywes,and even then I would not ordinarily mention it. It is written about here bc it has a direct impact on Mann'spiblic life.
"The city said a recent study showed that, between January 2006 and June 2009, firefighters called out sick four consecutive days 609 times, compared to only 11 times for five-day stints when a doctor's note is needed." Channel 69 News
Anons 7:10, 9:24, the differences between wht you are writing and what I am writing are this:
(1) You are anonymous, while I am taking responsibility for what I have written;
(2) You are repeating salacious rumors without attribution, while I am pointing to public statements made under oath; and
(3) You have made no connection between the salacious rumors and the elected official's public life, while I believe I have done so.
Even with all these differences, i am reluctant to publish this, but have erred on the side of the public's right to know. I am always concerned by the damage done to families by these reports, but in this case, it comes from the family.
This guy taking time off from public service where lives are at stake and then bragging about it and the union protects him.
The public has a right to know if a state legislator has some union guy sitting in her office chair.
Obviously if the wife wrote in her
legal document about Mann it indicates she found out what was going on. Let's forget about Mann and this guy's personal relationshp for a moment. Imagine being a parent and not knowing where your seven-year-old son was spending the night. Was he in a safe situation? Was he
allowed to call home if he wanted to? If this part of the story is true, what does it say about Mann.
Damn! She is a public figure entrusted with the public welfare.B Go for it!
Jarret - How big does the bone pile have to be before it becomes a story.
Wow! Great story. I'm skeptical of this allegation, I always under the impression that Ms. Mann was a lesbian. What I find most amusing from Renshaw's article is that Gawlik used 2 months of sick time immediately prior to the election and still finished last.
I would say the real loser in this whole sad story is the son of Gawlick. Imagine being the 7 year old in the middle of this firestorm.
Having watched many friends go thru custody hearings, I realize that papers filed in these cases often exaggerate the true nature of things, despite the oath of truth. I have no idea what is true in this case, obviously (I don't know these folks) but I would not take anybody's word in a custody hearing at face value.
I have no problem with Bernie reporting this story - it's all in the public domain, I guess (although I didn't know custody dispute details were made public!). I would just urge readers and commenters to show compassion for this child. While a 7 year old is probably not reading this blog or the paper, you can bet he has friends with older siblings who are taking notes on this. And, of course, all 7 year olds grow up, and this child will (one day) read everything that was ever posted on this story. But, probably, he already knows all about this story from his "sources" on the school bus.
If you're not raising a child in this day and age, it's hard to understand the immediate impact cyber comments have on children. This kind of story is so juicy and salacious that there is NO WAY this kid hasn't heard about Bernie's story and resulting comments. I only write this to urge consideration from all for this child. I wish him and his family luck in sorting this out, and I trust they are putting his interests front and center in their priorities.
I agree 100% with what Monkey Momma has said, and ask people who post here to remember that the real innocent here is that 7 year-old boy.
I understand Gawlik was Mann's personal "driver" during her run for state tresasurer when she was traveling across the state campaigning.
So much for open government. Who does Mann think she is? She needs to go along with so many others. Voters are angry at the arrogrance.
If she really loved her son, she would have found a way to divorce without this humilitation to her child.
This person's biggest crime is calling in sick and playing golf? Man, you red-faced anti-government types are out of control.
There need to be term limits--two, perhaps three at the most. This is what happens when government officials think then believe they're better than anyone else. Mann needs to resign, effective today. She is a disgrace. What a way to represent Allentown voters.
a relationship witha lobbyist who apparently is allowed the free run of her office.
You are characterizing this as the lobbyist person using her office for official meetings. Is that the case or did it just happen to be the boyfriend sitting behind the girlfriend's desk while she was out of the office? Your characterization sounds awfully stupid however I wouldn't say it's beyond the realm of possibility. It does sound like you first draw a conclusion and then write the story to fit that conclusion.
There need to be term limits--two, perhaps three at the most. This is what happens when government officials think then believe they're better than anyone else. Mann needs to resign, effective today. She is a disgrace. What a way to represent Allentown voters.
For what? For dating a dude that called in sick to work? Stop the presses! Wow.
Anon 1:08 AM:
It doesn't surprise me that you see no wrong doing here! You are a sick SOB!
You just don't get it!!
"Is he related to "Infamous David Gawlick"
No relation.
"There need to be term limits--two, perhaps three at the most. This is what happens when government officials think then believe they're better than anyone else. Mann needs to resign, effective today. She is a disgrace. What a way to represent Allentown voters."
They already have term limits, every 2 years for your local reps, 4 for the gov / president and 6 yrs for the US senators...
I was not aware of Mann's preference side and with her being the mistress can anyone confirm a 3-way?
"You are characterizing this as the lobbyist person using her office for official meetings. Is that the case or did it just happen to be the boyfriend sitting behind the girlfriend's desk while she was out of the office? Your characterization sounds awfully stupid however I wouldn't say it's beyond the realm of possibility. It does sound like you first draw a conclusion and then write the story to fit that conclusion."
I don't know exactly what was going on and that's the main reason I called both Gawlick and Mann. I don't give a damn about theire personal life unless it has some bearing on Mann's role as a legislator. he is a lobbyist. She is a legislator. What the hell is he doing meeting constituents in her office? The instance I am talking about was not a pre-arranged meeting or I would be more condemnatory, but I am still concerned.
"I was not aware of Mann's preference side and with her being the mistress can anyone confirm a 3-way?"
I couldn't care less about preferences or anything of that sort. What I do care about is improper influence by a registered lobbyist. It also does bother me that Mann refuses to explain just what the hell Gawlick was doing in her office. If there is an innocent explanation, make it.
What ever our differences may be Bernie, this is an excellent piece of investigative work.
Readers can draw their own conclusions that you brought to light. This is the kind of hard nosed reporting that is sadly missing from former traditional news sources of yester' year.
How sad is it that a person w/o financial backing nor a staff can dig into this stuff while our own local advertiser supported media cannot.
I don't consider this a gotcha. Rather digging in a rooting out "The Story" the old fashion gum shoe way. Good work!
You are characterizing this as the lobbyist person using her office for official meetings. Is that the case or did it just happen to be the boyfriend sitting behind the girlfriend's desk while she was out of the office? Your characterization sounds awfully stupid however I wouldn't say it's beyond the realm of possibility. It does sound like you first draw a conclusion and then write the story to fit that conclusion."
Mann is an elected official. No boyfriend should ever be seated in her chair. That is inappropriate and unprofessional. What hasn't been mentioned is her staff, most especially, her chief of staff aka an elected official. Did this person hide the truth to protect his own job? What does that say about his character?
monkey momma said...
"I would say the real loser in this whole sad story is the son of Gawlick. Imagine being the 7 year old in the middle of this firestorm."
Apparently the parent cared more about vengeance than child protection.
Gawlick and Mann both went to William Allen HS together back in the day...
...fuel for the fire.
"Apparently the parent cared more about vengeance than child protection."
I don't know the folks in this drama, and I don't trust custody hearing allegations. But, what if her allegations are real? You have to report these things to the court in a custody hearing - they want names, dates, places, etc.
I just didn't have any idea this stuff was public! How could it be that seemingly private matters like custody hearings can be held up for all to scrutinize like this? That is certainly not in the best interest of the child, no matter who the "paramour" is. (Love that word, by the way.)
It's a great story, and Bernie has done another outstanding job here, but I really do feel for this kid. No parent could protect him from the damage of internet chatter. I wish all parties in this debacle well.
Jennifer needs to resign. Only a matter of time before this story is major news. Better to resign now
than face embarrassment.
Maybe tomorrow or soon, you'll write about the Bethlehem School Board and Martin Tower business deal and its implications to taxpayers. Right now, it's hard to understand.
Maybe you can tell us why in the world the school board would even be involved in something like this and won't our taxes go up?
Jennifer Mann's office for comment on the Gawlick matter. Specifically, I wanted to know whether he was part of her staff, paid or unpaid. Years ago, Mann had told me she'd always answer questions concerning her office. But when I asked to speak to Mann or her Chief of Staff Pete Schweyer, I was instead put in touch with her Director of Communications, Josh Parsons. "We have no comment on that," he said. "Can you at least tell me whether Gawlick is on her staff?" I asked. "We have no comment on that," he answered and hung up.
Taxpayers want answers. Jennifer you need to respond!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but your headline suggests that your point of writing is that Gawlick and Mann are having an affair. If they are, I could care less. None of my business, none of your business. And if that is what your intention was, most of what you wrote was unnecessary and (seemingly) only about smearing Mann and Gawlick.
The story then goes to the whole lobbyist thing. You mention one unnamed constituent who alleged he was meeting people/working in, Mann's office. You provide no proof of Gawlick being on the payroll. Nice story ... but sounds like fiction, not non-fiction.
If the whole point of this is to discuss how bad the ties between lobbyists and politicians are, then that is something we can agree on. Lobbyists have a huge influence on politicians that makes things worse and not better. Any money given to a politician for access is not good for society.
But, if this is the case, why don't you mention Charlie Dent and the $$ he has received over the years from lobbyists, and the effect this has had on his voting record? Or the effect/influence of lawyers giving money to potential judges when they are running for judge positions? Seems to me you were ok with Craig Dally taking cash from people who would then be in front of him in court. Not exactly lobbyists, but we all know that money changes hands for some level of influence.
Bernie, you said "(i)t's important to remember that these are only allegations." And then he proceeded to tell the whole ALLEGED story from this guy's soon to be ex-wife in the custody papers. Hard to believe she could be exaggerating ... or didn't remember exactly what happened ... or was flat out lying (note the sarcasm). F'it!!! Let's just print it up anyway.
Whatever your original intension, this came off as a very uninformed attack on the people involved. If you want people to take you serious - which I think you do - you really need to avoid this type of bogus nonsense.
"If they are, I could care less."
If you could care less, and wish to do so, then have at it.
I get the feeling you could NOT care less, however.
Warm regards,
Sgt. Stedenko
Grammar Police
Publius, I believe your criticism concerning my headline is well-taken. If I had to do it over, I would probably substitute something else.
As far as the un-named constituent is concerned, you attack what he has to say bc I do not identify him. He asked to have his name kept out bc he does not want to suffer the kinds of personal attacks that are launched against people who tell the truth, especially when it relates to powerful people.
Then you attack the credibility of Gawlick's wife bc she is his wife and might be bitter.
Gawlick is a registered lobbyist. He obviously has a close and familiar relationship to Mann. Just hoe close that relationship may be is none of my business so long as it has no impact on her ability to do her public job. I believe it does in this instance. We have a person who thought nothing of ripping off taxpayers and who may very well have exerted undue influence on Mann. She, because of her relationship with Gawlick, may very well be using poor judgment Some of that is already evident.
So I'll accept the blame for sensationalizing an illicit relationship in my headline, into which I failed to put enough thought. But I stand by my story.
I was one of Jen Mann's biggest fans and supporters but this story, if true, has completely disillusioned me. If nothing else her taste in men is atrocious. Gawlick is a slimeball who has ripped off the taxpayers of Allentown and brags about it. If Jen considers him a friend, than I no longer am. Gawlick is the worst example of public fraud you can find. And Jen tried to run for Auditor General? Are you serious?? A "watchdog" who hangs out with a weasel? Is she a disciple of the Long Dems who feel that she or her closest friends can thumb their noses at the taxpayers? First Barron making an a-- of himself at T-Mobile and now Jen Mann associating with a flagrant deadbeat like Gawlick? And her office refusing to provide information to the public? Evryone who lives and pays taxes in Pa. contribute to Jen Mann and her staff's salaries. We all have a right to know this information and should not be stonewalled or given the "high hat." That arrogence is beyond belief.
This whole situation has a very unusual twist.
When a politician and a lobbyist get together, it's usually just the taxpayer that gets screwed.
This takes things to the next level.
why are all you people affraid to give your names?? and i don't think that jenn was involved in any of this. just let the poor man be hasnt he been through enough already??
OMG,bernie,not again.First you out Bernie K and his disgusting remarks about Sam which by the way put your blog on the map and now this.All in the name of the publics right to know.Your not stupid to know your ass is covered legally from lawsuits and expose all the salacious ingredients(sex,jilted wives,possible conflicts of interest]needed to arouse the public.Shame,Shame,Shame.
Someone said tonight Mann will stay in her job and this firefighter in his. Why should taxpayers be forced to pay either of these individuals salaries?
"And her office refusing to provide information to the public? Evryone who lives and pays taxes in Pa. contribute to Jen Mann and her staff's salaries. We all have a right to know this information."
We need Tom Corbett. Please someone call him.
Why the political correct bullshit. Jenn is a lesbian. Hell, when she ran for office the first time she was always accompanied by her "friend". At the time is was supposed to be on the down low but by now I can't believe it is some big secret. As a defender of the rights of women and gays, I doubt Jenn minds. She's a lesbian, so who cares?
Point is, that is what makes this story a bit unbelievable. I do not believe she is a switch-hitter.
Anon 8:29- and you're no different? Give me a break. Gawlick should try out for the senior tour after he is fired. He's a bum and so is Mann for supporting him.
it all comes down to one simple question Mann must answer: is Gawlick 1) staffer; 2) lobbyist; or 3) lover???
under the cirumstances, she must at least clarify
bernie, you got lazy on this. if you really wanted to know if gawlick was on mann's payroll (actually, that would be general assembly payroll), you could have called the house clerk's office and filed a right to know. they would give it to you. they would probably also answer the question "does gawlick work for the general assembly" with a yes or no question without having to file a right to know. So, you got lazy and launched an accusation without actually doing the type of homework that you should have done to launch such an accusation. If you had done this, you wouldn't have to report a no comment from Mann's office and you would actually have news.
If Gawlick isn't paid by the state, then there is the possibility that he works for Mann's campaign. you can check the campaign finance reports. Again, you got lazy. Perhaps he works for hdcc. again, check the campaign finance reports. you got lazy here too. Again, if you had done the work here, you would have answered this question and we would have news.
To the lobbyist sitting in her office, it is common practice. Go take a visit any session day and there is a lobbyist sitting in a reps office making a phone call or checking email while the rep/sen is on the floor or in a meeting. It's wrong, but for those who have dealt with the crap, it's not news. It only goes to show how little Tom Corbett has done to clean up Harrisburg.
The crap about their affair and his child custody has nothing to do with Mann's work. that was a total hit job. Pathetic behavior on your part.
if jenn wants a boyfriend, that's fine. she should go out and find some college basketball coach, a doctor, an accountant ....anyone not involved with politics or the demo party.
but when she preys on constituents, aides, staffers and demo lobbyists, then she muddies the waters. she brings this stuff onto herself.
Can someone please explain why a lesbian would want to have an affair with a man?
if jenn is gay, then she must be the most self-loathing lesbian on the planet as she has never, ever been seen with another woman.
it's all rumors and innuendo.
I can tell you that I don't give a rat's ass about her personal life UNLESS it has some bearing to her public life. I've allowed some of these unsubstantiated accusations to stand, not bc I believe them or even care, but bc deleting them will just result in an intensification of the accusations. Besides, she is an elected official.
I will say that I am VERY concerned about her relationship to Gawlick.
let's see...you got 67 responses on this thread which is more than all the responses on all the other threads you have showing ..combined.
perhaps your readers are trying to let you know what they are interested in?
No question it's an interesting topic and there will be more to come. But I do not care about someone's personal relatonships unless it is related to someone's public life. In this case, it is, but the anonymous, gratuitous and unsubstantiated remarks about Mann's lifestyle are unnecessary.
Since when is being gay an attack on someones morality? What is with all the gay baiting O'Hare. Jenn Mann is gay and has been gay. Is she supposed to be ashamed? Is she supposed to hide in the closet?
I am glad she is gay since it casts doubts on your attack.
303 AM doesn't know Mann. She dates men. She isn't gay. Bernie is trying to say that even if she was, that it doesn't matter.
303 AM doesn't know Mann. She dates men. She isn't gay. Bernie is trying to say that even if she was, that it doesn't matter.
nonymous commentary about sexual lifestyle is irrelevant.
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