Those were Northampton County Controller Steve Barron's bold words on August 19, when he spoke in favor of Gracedale, or more importantly, those union jobs at Gracedale. The person in front of him was evil Ron Angle. Boo! The people behind him were Gracedale union workers. Yay!
Barron was a big hit that night.
Last night, a Gracedale crowd came to County Council's meeting, too, but Barron was nowhere to be found. He was not with the people in front of him or behind him. He was hiding. I had told him I would ask Council to censure him. Council had invited him to attend, too. But guess what? He called his office this morning to say he's just left for vacation and won't be back 'till Tuesday. Ann McHale claimed he was at a PTA meeting. I don't know where the hell he was, but I do know he ran away from an opportunity to defend or apologize for his threatening remarks to T-Mobile, whose big sin is that it is nonunion.
Allentown City Council Prez Mike D'Amore had accompanied Barron to T-Mobile, whose Call Center is actually located in neither Allentown nor Northampton County, but in Lehigh County's Hanover Township. D'Amore stood by as Barron threatened retaliatory action by Northampton and Lehigh Counties over a VP's refusal to see them without an appointment. At a Wednesday night Council meeting, he refused to distance himself from Barron's threats, responding to questions with stony silence. He's never been known for his transparency.
But Northampton County Council last night had a completely different reaction to Barron's misconduct. I played the video posted here, minus the editorial remarks that I had inserted. After listening, Barb Thierry responded with a resolution asking the Controller to step down. Seeing that she lacked five votes for that, she modified her resolution, asking Council to condemn Barron and inform T-Mobile he lacked the authority to speak on behalf of the County. That resolution passed 8 - 1. Even Lamont McClure went along, making me the loser of a bet. The only Council member unwilling to reprimand Barron was the imperious Ann McHale, who last night needled Angle about his own censure some years ago.
Below are excerpts of statements made by Council members:
Lamont McClure: "He forgot that he was the Controller of Northampton County. In the heat of the moment and in his zeal, he made some intemperate and what I call foolish remarks."
Peg Ferraro: "I agree that we need to condemn and repudiate, that he had no authority to speak on behalf of the County, that he probably should not, as an independent watch dog, have been there. ... He's in his first term; his heart is in the right place; and I don't think there's any of us who's been in public service - especially if you've been in public service as long as I have - that you haven't said things or done things that you aren't completely embarrassed about and will never, ever forget. And it is a teaching moment."
Peg, who is a retired teacher, then shared a poem.
"What does the young crow know?
The young crow can fly rings around the wise old crow.
But what does the young crow not know?
Where to go."
Mike Dowd: "Brett Favre does pretty well for an old crow, but that's alright. ... As I watched the videotape, I thought this was a Michael Moore reprise. A bit sophomoric and self-important. ... I think what he said was foolish ... ."
Bruce Gilbert: "We were all young at some point, but it doesn't excuse. The one thing I've learned is that you do have to take responsibility for that action. It doesn't excuse it because it is a coaching moment."
John Cusick: "I think it was a bad film, the video quality was poor, I wouldn't nominate it for an Oscar. I would reiterate some of the things Mr Dowd said. I thought it was ridiculous, it was foolish, but I don't think it rises to the level where I would ask him to resign."
Tom Dietrich: "I notice there were subtitles following along with Mr. Barron's statement. I notice that even though he said, 'think about doing business in Northampton or Lehigh County,' the subtitle didn't reflect that. It said Lehigh County. I'm wondering if there was some kind of remorse that was there ... . A lot of these labor unions are putting their money into these horrible, horrible politicians. ... The union's money that used to go to scholarships and local trades and the vo-techs and the high schools is eaten up by a politician's pocket."
Ann McHale: "A resolution is nonbinding. A resolution was done a number of years ago with Mr. Angle when some comments were made over the radio station. That resolution was never complied with. It's ridiculous. It's election time."
The meeting briefly spun out of control as McHale focused on Angle's "racist remarks" and he erupted at the "cheap shit."
Barb Thierry: "First, I'd like to apologize to you [Angle] because I don't think that's necessary. This was not about you." Getting back to Barron, she said, "He's not a little boy. When you threaten people, it looks bad for us. When you threaten people, where it comes to money and this County, how can you trust working with this man? How do I trust, when he brings this to me, that he didn't have a problem with someone and he didn't do things fairly? ... He has no business going into another County. There's gotta' be things he could be doing here. I think it was a bit bullyish, too."
Ron Angle: "Now he's rose to the point where he's catering to the unions because he wants Stoffa's job and he believes they will get him the job. It's not complicated. ... He went out there, and he clearly said to them, 'If you don't do what I want, then when you come to Northampton or Lehigh County (and I still don't follow the Lehigh County), we're going to remember that in doing business with you.' I don't believe that's what a Controller says. ...What saves him across the street is some damn fine employees, and they've been there a long time. ... If T-Mobile wants to bid on something we have, they should be treated as fairly as anyone else."
The language of the resolution adopted "condemns and repudiates" Barron's threatening comments, declares he had no authority to make them, and directs that copies be forwarded both to T-Mobile and Barron.
This disciplinary action marks the third time a County Council has reprimanded an elected official. In 2002, A McHale-sponsored non-binding resolution did call on Angle to resign his seat on County Council after he made racially insensitive remarks on a radio program. Angle refused to step down, but was stripped of all committee assignments. A month later, an Angle-sponsored "no confidence" motion, directed at then Executive Glenn Reibman, was adopted. Furious, he stopped attending Council meetings.
Good report Bernie. Who spoke on behalf of the in hiding Controller?
so, after the no confidence vote, was reibman forced to dissolve parliament?
Northampton County council is funny. They are very unprofessional and frankly believe that they are somehow important, astute politicians. Many of them are nothing more than eastern Northampton County unsophisticated, undereducated yokals. They waste valuable time and resources on non issues. While what Barron did is stupid, it does not rise to the top as an issue when this County's finances are in the hole and Gracedale is on the chopping block. Instead of worrying what is being said to some business in Lehigh County, that, BTW will never step foot in Northampton County, worry about OUR business and apologize to them because of the impending tax increase.
Add "coward" and "weasel" to Barron's lengthening list of unbecoming desciptions.
how long did this take? were any decisions to safe the county from budget deficits, budget cuts and tax increases? you know, things that impact the quality of life of residents.
Barron was wrong. No doubt. Grandstanding politicians don't change his actions, or for that matter, solve the problems the county faces. but they grandstanded so they feel good about it.
wow.... now we can all sleep better tonight ~
Agree. Agree.
Shame on Barron for creating a mess the executive and council had to clean up.
T-Mobile should know that NorCo is open for their business and happy to have employers like them. Barron, meanwhile, is busy creating the impression that NorCo is business-unfriendly and not above threats and intimidation to make businesses unionize amid 10% unemployment.
The half-keg belly and effeminate voice and lisp aside, he's a real problem for the county if he continues to attempt to chase away employers. We need jobs. We don't need imbecilic public employees chasing them away. Barron has never created a job in his miserable life. He wants all of us to take care of his granny and pay higher and higher taxes - so long as he doesn't have to put her up.
He's a miserable taker. Nothing seems to be his responsibility. That's not good for politics and public servants. He needs to go.
I watched the meeting online, and think your headline is a bit misleading. While there were 2 members (thierry and angle) who wanted to punish Barron somehow. The majority just wanted to distance themselves from his comments. And that is all they really did.
There was not a Resolution passed calling for Barron to resign.
There was not a Resolution passed saying that Barron was a bad controller or did a bad thing.
The Resolution simply condemned and repudiated the comments of Barron. All council did was distance themselves from the comments by saying they don't agree with the comments.
A bunch of wimps on the at council. They were all trying to protect a fellow pol.
"The half-keg belly and effeminate voice and lisp aside"
Nice. the gay bashers are trying to make sexuality an issue. shameful people come over here. nothing like attaching gay stereotypes to the mix.
"The half-keg belly and effeminate voice and lisp aside"
Nice. the gay bashers are trying to make sexuality an issue. shameful people come over here. nothing like attaching gay stereotypes to the mix.
Maybe someone can answer this. Does Barron get to set his own hours? Come and go as he wishes. Like take vacation whenever he decides.
If the answers are "yes," this guy's got it made.
Now that this video reveals Barron's pro-union stand, wonder if he got paid to appear at T-Mobile and even when he spoke on behalf of the Gracedale union.
Many of them are nothing more than eastern Northampton County unsophisticated, undereducated yokals.
While I agree, when insulting someone's intelligence, it's probably best to spell YOKEL correctly.
While I agree, when insulting someone's intelligence, it's probably best to spell YOKEL correctly.
9:17 AM
Details. Details. Details.
Who knew Bernie's blog not only entertains, provides coffeebreak chatter, now, we're learning to spell. For some of us, it's
the best.
Anon 9:07 AM:
The answer is "yes".
dietrich is an idiot, unions can do what they want with their members money, and if its members don't want education and better job skills for better careers, why not help fund better career politicalians?
I heard he was at his nephews 1st birthday party
" Who spoke on behalf of the in hiding Controller?"
He dispatched a CWA union Peresident to come in and tell Council there was no threat and T-Mobile is very evil and has unions in Germany and .... he dug a deeper hole.
"wow.... now we can all sleep better tonight ~"
Despite your attempt to minimize, Council properly took an elected official to task for abusing his office, endangering jobs, and creating liability issues for the County.
"I watched the meeting online, and think your headline is a bit misleading."
I thought it was entirely appropriate. They adopted a strongly-worded condemnation and concluded he had abused his office.
"Nice. the gay bashers are trying to make sexuality an issue."
I did not perceive that remark as gay bashing, but I will not let allow it here. The anon pointed out that Steve does have an effeminate voice, and he does. But that does not mean Steve is gay or that his critic is bashing gays. I'll think about your criticism.
"Does Barron get to set his own hours?"
barron is too dishevel looking to be gay. he looks like a drunk frat-boy when he's at work.
Nobody called Barron gay. He does have a large carriage and comical voice, which make his antics more outrageous. He should stick to providing flawed financial analysis in an attempt to be a union hack.
"Nobody called Barron gay."
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Good. Barron is a joke and I hope serious union people see that. Instead of vocally pandering why the Hell didn't he do a useful audit of Gracedale to try and save the place.
His goofy pre-written speech didn't help one bit.
A poser and a clown. he could be County Executive in about twenty years, maybe. What a joke. From the Callahan school of government. You scratch my back I scratch yours.
Gay bashing? Lots of heteros have effeminate voices and lisps. And every one of them sounds ridiculously funny.
What a waste of time. Seriously. This is part of the problem with government.
Watching a train wreck is interesting, but it gets you nowhere. He did something patently stupid. He is not going to resign, or even come to a council meeting regarding it. He should be called out and rebukled strongly, simply and quickly.....and then move on.
While this is a fun thing to watch, focusing on it detracts attention from real issues. That's always the case in government. People focus on the fun policies to debate and let the hundred million dollar budget items go through undiscussed because they are not interesting.
Aren't we selling a nursing home (or not) and proposing a budget soon?
"I thought it was entirely appropriate. They adopted a strongly-worded condemnation and concluded he had abused his office."
The Resolutions adopted had the abuse of office language removed on McLure's motion. There was no language saying he abuse his office in the resolution.
"What a waste of time. Seriously."
County Council, like Stoffa, did the right thing. First, they made very clear that Barron does not speak for the County. Second, a copy of their erreslution has gone to T-Mobile.
Had Council did nothing and the company later sued, you'd be complaining that Council should have taken action earlier.
"The Resolutions adopted had the abuse of office language removed on McLure's motion. There was no language saying he abuse his office in the resolution."
You're correct about that. I got my facts wrong, and thank you for correcting me.
"abusing his office, endangering jobs, and creating liability issues for the County."
barron's a boob. but you DRASTICALLY overstate the case.
"Had Council did nothing and the company later sued,"
about as likely as....:
"abusing his office, endangering jobs, and creating liability issues for the County."
Barron may have done that, but Angle is guilty of the same offenses. Lets take a look.
Abusing his office: As per Bernie and his Blog, Angle has been personally fielding calls about the sale of Gracedale.
Endangering Jobs: If Angle gets his way and the sale of Gracedale goes through how many jobs will be endangered or lost?
Liability Issues for the County: If Angle gets his way and Gracedale is leased, the county will still be liable. In fact they will not have the control they have now to prevent such things.
So I am eagerly awaiting the Angle bashing blog from Bernie.
"Abusing his office: As per Bernie and his Blog, Angle has been personally fielding calls about the sale of Gracedale."
You have previously said that you would have Angle investigared by the white collar crime unit if the PSP. How's that going for ya'?
"Endangering Jobs: If Angle gets his way and the sale of Gracedale goes through how many jobs will be endangered or lost?"
None. In fact, if Gracedale goes the way of other nursing homes, it will grow.
"Liability Issues for the County: If Angle gets his way and Gracedale is leased, the county will still be liable. In fact they will not have the control they have now to prevent such things."
That's why Angle prefers a sale. Get your lies straight.
I a Gracedale employee and I definitely don't agree with what MR Baron did at T-mobile however I find it funny the condeming of his actions by council when us employees at Gracedale were threatend "give six million back or we'll sell Gracedale"..Pro-Union or ANTI-Union a threat is a threat and any threat or retaliation by any person in power is DEFINETLY WRONG. The ASCME Union members at Gracedale were the only one's to my knowledge that actually stepped up and were willing to work with MR. Angle on the Gracedale issue however even then it was "my way or the highway" attitude. Mr Angle and Mr Baron should both be ashamed of the way they are basically abusing their power. I also found it very iteresting at the Upper Nazareth TWSP meeting on Wednesday evening how Mr Angle dangled the tax surplus the Township and School District would receive if Gracedale is sold....all about the $$..(money being the root of all evil). I will say Mr Angle did conduct himself in a much better manner at this discussion. I hope Mr Baron realizes he made a total fool of himself and in today's world you would think he would have been a heck of alot smarter considering almost everyone has a cell phone which is capable of recording. I feel if you do somethig unethical it will eventually come back to bite you in the ass...this is where Moral responsiblility comes into play...with the public....I am sure we wouldn't all be out to take him to court..however this will stay in our minds at election time..and I hope Mr Angle realizes that sometimes the MORAL obligation outweighs the LEGAL obligation....any decent human being recognizes that.
It is the union who walked out of negotiations, not Angle. It is the union who was blowing up the inflatable rat at the very tme it was supposed to be negotiating in good faith. It is the public sector union that has enslaved the rest of us. It is the union who actually got paid to cart wheelchair-bound residents to the last Council meeting. So let's drop the bullshit. Yo don't give a tart's ass about anything but yourselves.
Angle made no threat. He is one of 9 voices on Council, some of whom want to sell Gracedale no matter what you promise. He tried to work with you. You played games, but this is no game. So get ready for a new employer, one who won't allow you to rack up the OT or have those ridiculous benefits.
But I'm sure Steve Barron will stand with you. Mke D'Amore, too, so long as the unions keep giving them money.
I knew it wouldn't take you long to respond..I have to disagree with you "THE UNION EMPLOYEES" were not playing games...we came with sincere, knowledgeable minds, we agreed to open our contract, and we agreed to concessions and it was only one meeting..am I atleast correct on this MR O'Hare?? Aren't negotiations a give and take on both sides?? And you need to stop saying we Dragged RESIDENTS in wheelchairs becasue if anyone is degrading them and using them as public display it is you with your comments...I Respect our Residents and you don't have all the facts as far as those few coming to the Council meeting..as I said before..they have their minds and a will to speak about what is important to them wether it be about Gracedale or what meals they are served. WE treat them as human beings and we respect them as they also respect us...their caregivers and we are fighting for them as they are fighting for us which is called loyalty. And tell the truth..Gracedale is not the only annex of the county that has these benefits..all county employees have these benefits and not all county employees rack up the overtime..I beleive you would be referring to the STEELWORKERS union who did not come to the table and the CAREER SERVICE DEPT who also to my knowledge did not come to the table...the people you are downing are the low end employees. None of us are playing games..we love what we do and we appreciate our employer (which is the taxpayer) and that is why we were willing to make sacrifices to save OUR HOME and our jobs...because we know times are tough out there..we see it..we have many employees who have spouses who are now unemployed..and you joke about our jobs..seriously do you have any empathy for anyone or is it just that we pay union dues that bother you? The problem with salaries and Graceale has been brought to the attention of many however the ASCME worker is being used as the scapegoat in this mess. I am an employee who has not ever been allowed overtime in my job. I too live on a fixed income with a family and I make less than 30,000 per year so get your facts straight before you lump us all in the same category. And overtime at Gracedale these days is running rampid since the County has not filled any vacant positions and again that must be the UNIONs fault. If you want to place blame then place it where it belongs and if MR Angle really cared about fixing the problems he would take the time to speak to the lower end workers instead of blaming them for the mess. As far as the Rat goes..I din't blow it up,,,,wouldn't have blown it up...and also found it tasteless...so hold those accountable who chose to do so...don't group us all into one category. Some of us actually have a clue but the problem is no one is willing to listen to us. Those ridiculous benifits are COUNTY WIDE and beleive it or not their are those it the county that actually get much more than us disgusting Gracedale workers. If you really want to state the facts then do your homework and stop posting blown out of proportion statements. And if Gracedale is really what the public wants then why not put it on the referendum and let the public voice be heard??? If the vote would be to sell it then the PEOPLE WILL HAVE SPOKEN..and then I would shut my mouth.
"..(money being the root of all evil)."
FYI, it's the LOVE of money being the root of all evil.
Teletubby Barron was punk'd by his own people! The geniuses from the union made the video that will bring their golden boy down. Seeing him fidget in the background texting on his beloved Blackberry just reinforced his image as a nudge. He owes the taxpayers who barely elected him a huge apology. Maybe he can text it in!
Teletubby Barron...
Wins the thread!
That council has no room to ask anyone step down for bad behavior.
Except for Angle everyone on council is working for the people.
Rangle is pulling strings of other council members, they are ron-zombies.
"When Easton and Bethlehem want something from the county, I gotta start thinking, 'Why should we give it?' "
Sounds almost exactly like the "threat" Barron made....Spin away Bernie...Spin away!!!!
You're the one spinning. In one case, we have an extortionate and possibly illegal threat that will ultimately drive business away. in the other, we have a public offical blasting other public officials who are trying to drive a major employer out of the area.
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