Swede: Shucks I wouldn't know that. It looks like a lamp.
Mr. Parker: What is a lamp, you nincompoop? It's a Major Award. I won it!
Swede: Damn, hell, you say won it?
Mr. Parker: Yeah, mind power, Swede; mind power.
Just like Mr. Parker in A Christmas Story, I've won a major award.
I've left the 10,000th comment at Kathy Frederick's Junk Drawer humor blog, and for that, I get a Junk Drawer magnet. True, it's no Red Rider Leg Lamp, but it's still pretty nifty.
Mind power, Swede; mind power!
Toss-up btw/ Christmas Story and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for best holiday movie of all time - both are classics!
The Banker
A Christmas Story is my favorite.
I refuse to own it because it was depreciate having the opportunity to watch it at my discretion. Christmas goes almost all-year-round now. Thankfully, that movie has remained one of the few holiday traditions.
I should note that National Lampoon's is also a classic!
It is a toss up for me as well.
When I was a kid I rememebr seeing a movie with Dudley Moore as a elf.
I can't recall the name. just John Lithgau was the evil corporate toy maker.
Rocky was a Christmas movie. (Think of the time it takes place and when it came out.)
Hate a wonderfull life.
Hebrew Hammer is a funny film as well.
Spike, the movie you're thinking of was "Santa Claus, The Movie" - came out in the mid 80's. It was a good one!
Another Christmas classic was from the TV show "Married With Children," the one which was a take-off on It's a Wonderful Life, Sam Kineson was Al Bundy's Guardian Angel:
The Banker
Let's not forget The Simpsons...
Their first episode was the Christmas special.
The first Bundy Christmas was better. With Santa hung in their yard.
Santa Claus the Movie. Thanks. I was in 1st grade when that was out.
I remember the 1st Bundy one but I like the Kineson one better. I do enjoy all of them!
The Banker
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