"Pope Benedict XVI called on the ministry to use the latest technologies, such as Web sites and blogs, to preach the gospel and encourage a dialogue with their practitioners."
Father Alex has been doing that here and at other blogs for some time now. Like many clerics, he's been subjected to scorn, ridicule and even a forearm to the stomach. But Father, most of us appreciate, respect and admire you.
Why does Father Alex stand mute when Bernie O'Hare publishes lies that Father Alex knows are untrue. There was no jury duty in Noirthampton County Court on January 6, and there was no forearm to the gut, as reported by Mr. O'Hare. Gutless.
Oh yeah. The security officer says he did not eject anyone from the courthouse that day. Another lie. Sometimes the lies are entertaining. But they are still lies.
I think the Pope wants the Alexes of the world to use current technology to speak out to the faithful on such issues as the intrinsic evil involved in supporting a politician like Charlie Dent. Dent supports wars, abortion, fetal experimentation, executions - even of the retarded. He's exactly the type of public official the Pope is calling upon his ministers to speak out against. I'd like to hear more of that from Alex. He's never spoken plainly about Panella's of Dent's horrific positions on abortion. With clergy like this ...
Fr. Alex was at the courthouse that day bc he had rec'd a jury notice and decided to talk to the clerk bc he would be in school in D.C. at the time of that service. Going to the courthouse would give him an opportunity to caych up w/ some of his many old friends from his days as a courthouse worker.
While there, he was accosted by Villa in the halls. pretending to want to shake Alex' hand, Villa instread grabbed it and gave Villa a forearm to the gut. he then began shouting at Villa, joined by his attorney, Robert Sharpe. This became a lot worse when they noticed me.
A courthouse security officer did, in fact, eject both Villa and his mouthpiece.
Much of the behavior I describe occurred in front of witnesses, many of whom I know.
These anonymous acomments, obviously posted by Villa, are blatant lies.
All Father Alex has ever done is be nice to other people, even before he was a seminarian. He certainly does not deserve the slime coming from the pro lifer, who is angry bc Fr. Alex is not political enough. He certainly does not deserve the slime from Villa, who tortures Father Alex on his blog, impersonatesd him, falsely accuses him of pedophilia, etc.
Clerics of all faiths have been abused and tortured since before the time of Christ. Now it is happening in the blogosphere.
I'm not Villa and I think what he did was reprehensible. I am a Catholic and I read the papal directive. I stand by my comments re: abortion and politicians. I don't expect, nor want clergy telling me for whom to vote. Jack Panella's pastor has never endorsed a candidate but has been very clear on how the faithful should prayerfully consider their important choice with regard to life issues. Again, I'm not Villa and I've criticized his bizarre fascination countless times. I'd think that soon to be Fr. Alex (God willing) would welcome some reasoned dialog on an important issue. I believe I've run into Bernie's Dent-defender buzzsaw-on-a-tripwire. Fair enough. But this is a political blog, and I really thought I was addressing the topic. I like Alex and pray for his vocation. I meant no offense.
Thank you for the spotlight, but I don't deserve this. I don't do this for me. And I don't have any special gifts. I do this for service. And anything that might appear special about me, is because of the Grace and Divine Providence from and of God.
Thanks for the defense. We all know what happened that day. It is quite evident to "everyone."
Hopefully, in the near future, there are many peaceful solutions.
I mean no disrespect. But I am confused. What is it that you want?
You don't want clergy to tell you how to vote. (And hopefully, I have never tried to persuade you how to vote.)
But what about Panella and Dent do you want me to address? I would welcome reasonable dialogue. But about what?
Last week, I posted a link regarding the U.S.C.C.B.'s (United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's) pamplet regarding voting and the issues for a Catholic. If you want I can repost it.
But in that pamphlet, nowhere does it tell you, you have to vote for this or you have for vote for that. It explains the importance of weighing all the options and voting with commonsense and your conscience.
Again, I mean no disrespect - I am just trying to understand what it is that you want.
Do you have any evidence to refute the widespread rumors that you bugger little boys? You and O'Hare deny deny deny, but neither of you has actually produced any proof. Interesting.
Do you have any evidence to refute the widespread rumors that you bugger little boys? You and O'Hare deny deny deny, but neither of you has actually produced any proof. Interesting.
Villa, you are a disgusting man. How dare you launch accusations about somebody like that? Do you have any evidence that he has done anything so reprehensible? The Bible clearly says something about not bearing false witness and it is clear your vile disposition has led you to violate this commandment.
You will be fined for your wrong doings in the court of law when your trial is conducted, but in the court of God, your penalty will be far greater.
We pray that you find comfort and peace in God's Grace so that you may ask forgiveness in the eyes of those whom you transgress. They will likely forgive you b/c that is who they are, but that is only the beginning of true forgiveness.
He doesn't have to try anything with you, who have attempted everything you could do to tarnish him. This all started bc you claimed he was me, remember? Remember those days when you insisted Father Alex was actually me? Kinda' like Retired ASD Teacher or the banker or Monkey mama or numerous other commenters you claim I made up.
When proven wrong, you proceed to the next step, which is to insist that they enlist in your crusade of vengeance and hatred. When a gentle soul like Father Alex refuses, you torture him even more, flasely claiming he is a pedophile, featuring him in your rogues' gallery and sending him emails that taunt and threaten him.
When you finally see him in person, you scream at him and give him a forearm to the gut, all inside the courthouse. You and your lawyer are ejected from the courthouse, and in the presence of witnesses.
All Father Alex ever tried to do to you was to help you. He reached out to you. He has turned the other cheek as you've berated him, trying to make yourself feel better by slamming a person who won't fight back.
But the truth is that you are a coward. You won't sign your name to your taunts here, like the pathetic coward you are.
Fr. Alex can't reach you bc you are already burning in hell. He may pray for you, but I hope you rot there.
"Do you have any evidence that he has done anything so reprehensible?"
He has no evidence for any of this. It is outright fabrication from a person who does not realize just how popular Alex Joseph is within Easton's Lebanese community.
What a disgusting person, who obviously is burning in his own personal hell already.
There you go spreading lies again. Nobody here has accused the Angry Priest of molesting children. He was even offered the opportunity to refute those lingering rumors. It's troubling that he can offer no evidence in his defense.
Let me get this straight. Because my license to practice law was suspended in 1986, it necessarily follows that nothing I say in 2010 is believable? That justifies your own claim of "rumors" that you yourself have created? That gives you carte blanche to ridicule and belittle a person who won't fight back?
Have you no sense of decency left at long last? Has your humanity been stripped so bare?
All you have done here is demonstrate, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you are a hateful person whose sole mission in life is to destroy other people.
And like the pathetic little coward you are, you can't take responsibility for the puss you spew from your keyboard.
Yes, you do try to destroy other people. You are driven by hatred, and your comments here make that obvious to everyone. They also make clear that you are a coward, who will taunt and make scurrilous accusations against a cleric do long as you can hide behind a veil of anonymoity. You will forearm someone you know won't fight back, like the sad little twerp you are.
I would say tyou are pathetic, but that would imply I feel sorry for you. I don't. You have used your daughter's death too long to justify all kinds of outrageous behavior. People who might otherwise be inclined to help you now run from the sight of you.
And just to show you what a good sport I am, I'll be praying that Father Alex Joseph, the Angry Priest, doesn't molest any children today. I will also be praying he someday earns God's forgiveness for any children he may have carnally violated in the past.
Thanks. Any lingering doubt that I have had to not seek further legal action have been quelled in my perspective. Any lingering doubt that I have done nothing wrong have been quenched from my viewpoint. And any lingering doubt that I have to worry about censure or being silenced by the hierarchy, have been quieted in my mind.
This little exercise has been most helpful to myself and my conscience. Bernie, thank you again.
To the anonymous blogger making false remarks of pedophilla:
You have hurt me. If that was your goal, you have succeeded. But you have strengthened my faith. I will continue to pray for you and for your conversion. May the Father of Lies be cast out of you! I pray for your soul.
May one day, we all enjoy the communion and beatific vision with God. Until then and God willingly always, I remain a servant of Christ. ~~Alex
And he remains a coward to the end. This big bully, who smears seminarians, is too pusillanimous to identify himnself or allow comments on his own blog. But he tries to hijack threads everywhere else.
I am not a cleric. I have no pity left for him, no matter how often he brings up his poor departed daughter to justify his horrendous behavior.
As an outsider to the alleged incident at the courthouse that day. I have a few questions. If Villa did in fact strike someone and it was witnessed by a "security guard" then why was Villa not arrested on the spot for assault? The Sheriff Dept is located in said courthouse therefore providing several law enforcement officers to arrest Villa. None of this happened. Why? It does not make sense that a man will strike another "in front of several witnesses" and no arrest was made. Let alone the alleged victim was a priest. Again things are not adding up. I think after reading both O'Hare and Villa's blogs they are both not the most reliable sources of information.
Also this is what happens when you mix religion with politics. The do not belong together, nor do I care who sides with who.
Had deputies witnessed the forearm to the gut, Villa would have been arrested. They did witness his shouting, as well as that of his lawyer, and for that, Villa and his mouthpiece were both ejected.
Father Alex can certainly tell you he was forearmed. He did not react when he was assaulted, and I know someone besides him who can talk about it.
That was not the impression I got from the other posts. As I said I was not there so I don't know what happened. It was not adding up to me. There are still references of Villa getting charged with this.
Villa, knowing he has gone too far, is now trying to deny he posted the venom here. He claims I'm doing it. Just like he claimed I am Retired ASD Teacher. Just like he claimed i was father Alex. We all know his propensity for links in his comments. We all know his catch phrases. We all know better.
As I've said to you several times now, you are a coward.
What amazes me is that after posting his hateful remarks, Villa likes to pretend he is a liberal. All he gives a shit about is himself and a visit to his narcissistic blog is like reading Alice in Wonderland.
I would not assume that anonymous comments are from any one individual. It seems dangerously, if not merely recklessly, irresponsible to claim someone as an author because of "catch phrases" or links. I know what I have stated things on blogs, here and elsewhere, and my comments have been attributed to other people. There are a lot of sick people out there who play games for their own amusement.
Fr. Alex continues to impress me with how he practices his faith. It helps me in my resolve to ignore Villa. He continues to attempt to post comments on my blogs that are despicable, and that he attributes to me. He impersonates me by signing my name to them. That is a blatant violation of Blogger's terms of service. But what does he care, in his private hate parade, the only rules that matter are his. I learned tonight that the Villas will be appearing at Mayfair. How does someone who promotes an agenda of hate get that gig? Maybe our West End Friend is right, that Villa is being rewarded for doing Pawlowski's bidding on the blogs. I doubt it, but it is a thought that can't be ignored. Pray for them and ignore them. That's what I do.
The fact is as long as someone is moderating a blog and has control of what and what is not posted we will never get the whole story. This is not a poke at Mr O'Hare but he as the final say on what stays up and what gets deleted. Just as everyone else running a blog does. I think we should keep this in mind while reading the posts of people that are Anon or not. We should consider what was posted that may have been deleted for various reasons. That as I see it is a fact that can not be ignored!!
Father Alex aka Angry Priest will impress people when he stops joining in the Ohare hate blog bullshit. I wonder when he will call his butthole buddy Ohare on the many nasty and untrue comments he makes and how he destroys the lives of decent people to get at those he hates or help his political cronies.
Fadder, if you are real and sincere stop harrasing Mr. Villa( the Courthouse guys moved you all alog, they diodn't throw out Villa) and save Ohares soul. Not lying woild be a good start.
Will you get to read this or will Ohare once again censor to promote his bullshit.
You, I, Fr.Alex, one or two friends and your lawyer ALL know that both you and Att'y Robert Sharpe were tossed out of the courthouse by security staff. They didn't take kindly to the way you were screaming that a cleric is a "piece of shit" while your lawyer laughed and egged you on. President Judge McFadden was nearby, and they have an obligation to protect her from lunatics like you. Had they seen your sneaky forearm to Fr. Alex' gut, there is no doubt in my mind you would have been arrested then and there.
No matter how many times you come on this blog anonymously to try and torture Fr. Alex, we all know what a slime you are. Those of us who blog know better than others.
On Friday, you pepeered my blog with repetitive and identical comments until I enabled comment moderation, and then you gleefully noted on your own blog that I was moderating. You did the same thing Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, I must have deleted 100 comments from you. When that happens, you immediately make some snide remark on your own blog.
What really happened is that you know you went too far today with your pedophilic accusations, which are libel per se. So you're trying to cover your tracks.
But we all kniow it is you. We don't even need a sitemeter bc you're nutz bc there is only one person in the LV who has your level of hatred. Sure, there are other trolls. daday has a Stoffa fixation, Maiatty has a fixation against anything R, but you just hate everyone who won't do exactly what you want them to do.
About three weeks ago, you claimed your civil suit against me would be filed the following week. You brag that you will burn everything I own.
Where's your lawusit, Villa? I'm waiting. I look forward to deposing you.
Abot 5 minutes after I posted this blog noting how Villa spams my blog, he began to do it again. This proves exactly what I've been saying about the little troll. He's a sick fuck who sits by his computer, waiting for someone to say something, so he can react like the asshole he is.
I will delete the comments, and in far shorter time than it takes for him to post them. I was taught to take out the garbage, and Villa is garbage.
You got things reversed. The Villas are sick and twisted people and now you're parading his dead daughter as a justification for their abusive behavior to other people, including a seminarian.
I appreciate all the warm and well wishes, including all the prayers. I am constantly reminded of the people that came before and their struggles in this life: just as John the Baptizer, before he met his Earthly end, he forgave. And many of the Holy followers of Christ did such the same thing.
I am in no way (h)oly; the word with a lower case (h). But I do try to imagine the suffering some of those endured. If you have read of recently, JP II was documented of whipping himself to shared in the pain of Christ. What ever works for you.
But I have to go no further than to imagine what it was like during Christ's Passion. Not so much for Christ. Because there is no way, whether it be here on this Earth, in hell, or anywhere else I would have been able to endure such pain (physically or emotionally.) Instead I turn to someone who I hold in great esteem. I turn to the Virgin Mary.
Imagine the pain she endured that day watching her only Son be ridiculed, beaten, hung on a Cross, and crucified. For what? Because he healed the sick? Or what it because he bucked the trend?
Either way, before I go about causing more pain or sin in the world; if I am lucky, God gives me a chance to reflect. And I reflect on Mary. I imagine her face, watching her Child endure this suffering. Why should I add to her sufferings. Christ died already for my sins. There is no sense adding to it. In a sense, that keeps me pretty straight.
I just thought I would share that with you. Hopefully, you can make a better point out of it, than I tried to do.
Why does Father Alex stand mute when Bernie O'Hare publishes lies that Father Alex knows are untrue. There was no jury duty in Noirthampton County Court on January 6, and there was no forearm to the gut, as reported by Mr. O'Hare. Gutless.
Oh yeah. The security officer says he did not eject anyone from the courthouse that day. Another lie.
Sometimes the lies are entertaining. But they are still lies.
I think the Pope wants the Alexes of the world to use current technology to speak out to the faithful on such issues as the intrinsic evil involved in supporting a politician like Charlie Dent. Dent supports wars, abortion, fetal experimentation, executions - even of the retarded. He's exactly the type of public official the Pope is calling upon his ministers to speak out against. I'd like to hear more of that from Alex. He's never spoken plainly about Panella's of Dent's horrific positions on abortion. With clergy like this ...
Fr. Alex was at the courthouse that day bc he had rec'd a jury notice and decided to talk to the clerk bc he would be in school in D.C. at the time of that service. Going to the courthouse would give him an opportunity to caych up w/ some of his many old friends from his days as a courthouse worker.
While there, he was accosted by Villa in the halls. pretending to want to shake Alex' hand, Villa instread grabbed it and gave Villa a forearm to the gut. he then began shouting at Villa, joined by his attorney, Robert Sharpe. This became a lot worse when they noticed me.
A courthouse security officer did, in fact, eject both Villa and his mouthpiece.
Much of the behavior I describe occurred in front of witnesses, many of whom I know.
These anonymous acomments, obviously posted by Villa, are blatant lies.
All Father Alex has ever done is be nice to other people, even before he was a seminarian. He certainly does not deserve the slime coming from the pro lifer, who is angry bc Fr. Alex is not political enough. He certainly does not deserve the slime from Villa, who tortures Father Alex on his blog, impersonatesd him, falsely accuses him of pedophilia, etc.
Clerics of all faiths have been abused and tortured since before the time of Christ. Now it is happening in the blogosphere.
I'm not Villa and I think what he did was reprehensible. I am a Catholic and I read the papal directive. I stand by my comments re: abortion and politicians. I don't expect, nor want clergy telling me for whom to vote. Jack Panella's pastor has never endorsed a candidate but has been very clear on how the faithful should prayerfully consider their important choice with regard to life issues. Again, I'm not Villa and I've criticized his bizarre fascination countless times. I'd think that soon to be Fr. Alex (God willing) would welcome some reasoned dialog on an important issue. I believe I've run into Bernie's Dent-defender buzzsaw-on-a-tripwire. Fair enough. But this is a political blog, and I really thought I was addressing the topic. I like Alex and pray for his vocation. I meant no offense.
Do you have any hard evidence of this, O'Hare? Given your history of fraud and deceit, we all know that your word is shit.
Thank you for the spotlight, but I don't deserve this. I don't do this for me. And I don't have any special gifts. I do this for service. And anything that might appear special about me, is because of the Grace and Divine Providence from and of God.
Thanks for the defense. We all know what happened that day. It is quite evident to "everyone."
Hopefully, in the near future, there are many peaceful solutions.
Thanks, again, and only through God. ~~Alex
Anon 7:32 am,
I mean no disrespect. But I am confused. What is it that you want?
You don't want clergy to tell you how to vote. (And hopefully, I have never tried to persuade you how to vote.)
But what about Panella and Dent do you want me to address? I would welcome reasonable dialogue. But about what?
Last week, I posted a link regarding the U.S.C.C.B.'s (United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's) pamplet regarding voting and the issues for a Catholic. If you want I can repost it.
But in that pamphlet, nowhere does it tell you, you have to vote for this or you have for vote for that. It explains the importance of weighing all the options and voting with commonsense and your conscience.
Again, I mean no disrespect - I am just trying to understand what it is that you want.
Peace, ~~Alex
Anon 9:32 am,
"Much of the behavior I describe occurred in front of witnesses, many of whom I know."
quoted from Bernie's 9:06 am response.
Peace, ~~Alex
Unnamed witnesses who the blogger claims to know personally is pretty pathetic evidence, Angry Priest. Try again.
Father Hatred,
Do you have any evidence to refute the widespread rumors that you bugger little boys? You and O'Hare deny deny deny, but neither of you has actually produced any proof. Interesting.
Father Hatred,
Do you have any evidence to refute the widespread rumors that you bugger little boys? You and O'Hare deny deny deny, but neither of you has actually produced any proof. Interesting.
Villa, you are a disgusting man. How dare you launch accusations about somebody like that? Do you have any evidence that he has done anything so reprehensible? The Bible clearly says something about not bearing false witness and it is clear your vile disposition has led you to violate this commandment.
You will be fined for your wrong doings in the court of law when your trial is conducted, but in the court of God, your penalty will be far greater.
We pray that you find comfort and peace in God's Grace so that you may ask forgiveness in the eyes of those whom you transgress. They will likely forgive you b/c that is who they are, but that is only the beginning of true forgiveness.
He doesn't have to try anything with you, who have attempted everything you could do to tarnish him. This all started bc you claimed he was me, remember? Remember those days when you insisted Father Alex was actually me? Kinda' like Retired ASD Teacher or the banker or Monkey mama or numerous other commenters you claim I made up.
When proven wrong, you proceed to the next step, which is to insist that they enlist in your crusade of vengeance and hatred. When a gentle soul like Father Alex refuses, you torture him even more, flasely claiming he is a pedophile, featuring him in your rogues' gallery and sending him emails that taunt and threaten him.
When you finally see him in person, you scream at him and give him a forearm to the gut, all inside the courthouse. You and your lawyer are ejected from the courthouse, and in the presence of witnesses.
All Father Alex ever tried to do to you was to help you. He reached out to you. He has turned the other cheek as you've berated him, trying to make yourself feel better by slamming a person who won't fight back.
But the truth is that you are a coward. You won't sign your name to your taunts here, like the pathetic coward you are.
Fr. Alex can't reach you bc you are already burning in hell. He may pray for you, but I hope you rot there.
"Do you have any evidence that he has done anything so reprehensible?"
He has no evidence for any of this. It is outright fabrication from a person who does not realize just how popular Alex Joseph is within Easton's Lebanese community.
What a disgusting person, who obviously is burning in his own personal hell already.
There you go spreading lies again. Nobody here has accused the Angry Priest of molesting children. He was even offered the opportunity to refute those lingering rumors. It's troubling that he can offer no evidence in his defense.
Spreading lies has been something that's dogged you your entire life, unfortunately, isn't it?
Still waiting on those witnesses or any other proof of your claims...
Popular people can't molest children?
More twisted logic from Captain Cuckoo!
Let me get this straight. Because my license to practice law was suspended in 1986, it necessarily follows that nothing I say in 2010 is believable? That justifies your own claim of "rumors" that you yourself have created? That gives you carte blanche to ridicule and belittle a person who won't fight back?
Have you no sense of decency left at long last? Has your humanity been stripped so bare?
All you have done here is demonstrate, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you are a hateful person whose sole mission in life is to destroy other people.
And like the pathetic little coward you are, you can't take responsibility for the puss you spew from your keyboard.
Destroy other people?
That's rich coming from a man who cheated a grieving widow out of $19 million.
Where are the witnesses, O'Hitler?
Yes, you do try to destroy other people. You are driven by hatred, and your comments here make that obvious to everyone. They also make clear that you are a coward, who will taunt and make scurrilous accusations against a cleric do long as you can hide behind a veil of anonymoity. You will forearm someone you know won't fight back, like the sad little twerp you are.
I would say tyou are pathetic, but that would imply I feel sorry for you. I don't. You have used your daughter's death too long to justify all kinds of outrageous behavior. People who might otherwise be inclined to help you now run from the sight of you.
Have a nice day. Or not.
Where are the witnesses?
And just to show you what a good sport I am, I'll be praying that Father Alex Joseph, the Angry Priest, doesn't molest any children today. I will also be praying he someday earns God's forgiveness for any children he may have carnally violated in the past.
Are you happy, O'Hitler?
Thanks. Any lingering doubt that I have had to not seek further legal action have been quelled in my perspective. Any lingering doubt that I have done nothing wrong have been quenched from my viewpoint. And any lingering doubt that I have to worry about censure or being silenced by the hierarchy, have been quieted in my mind.
This little exercise has been most helpful to myself and my conscience. Bernie, thank you again.
To the anonymous blogger making false remarks of pedophilla:
You have hurt me. If that was your goal, you have succeeded. But you have strengthened my faith. I will continue to pray for you and for your conversion. May the Father of Lies be cast out of you! I pray for your soul.
May one day, we all enjoy the communion and beatific vision with God. Until then and God willingly always, I remain a servant of Christ. ~~Alex
Hey Angry Priest,
Go fuck yourself. It might help keep you away from those irresistible little boys.
Anon 12:30 PM,
Thank you. And may God bless you and all of your loved ones.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
Villa will be irresistable to the bigger men when he gets thrown in jail for hitting a priest.
Hey Villa, do you kiss your wife and little boy with that mouth. You pathetic troll of a man.
That's right, sing little jail bird. Sing real pretty.
Doesn't he bring out the worst in all of us?
And he remains a coward to the end. This big bully, who smears seminarians, is too pusillanimous to identify himnself or allow comments on his own blog. But he tries to hijack threads everywhere else.
I am not a cleric. I have no pity left for him, no matter how often he brings up his poor departed daughter to justify his horrendous behavior.
Father Alex, you show here that you are a better man than I am, and for that I am thankful.
When Bernie buys me breakfast after he loses the Specter / Toomey bet (if Specter makes it that far), please join us.
The Banker
As an outsider to the alleged incident at the courthouse that day. I have a few questions. If Villa did in fact strike someone and it was witnessed by a "security guard" then why was Villa not arrested on the spot for assault? The Sheriff Dept is located in said courthouse therefore providing several law enforcement officers to arrest Villa. None of this happened. Why? It does not make sense that a man will strike another "in front of several witnesses" and no arrest was made. Let alone the alleged victim was a priest. Again things are not adding up. I think after reading both O'Hare and Villa's blogs they are both not the most reliable sources of information.
Also this is what happens when you mix religion with politics. The do not belong together, nor do I care who sides with who.
Now Villa goes from attacking Father Alex to attacking you, for offering him a few words of support. He is a hateful, evil person.
Let me join you and say I am thankful for Father Alex, too, and appreciate his willingness to spread the Good News among us heathens.
probably because the priest turned the other cheeck
Anon 2:12,
Had deputies witnessed the forearm to the gut, Villa would have been arrested. They did witness his shouting, as well as that of his lawyer, and for that, Villa and his mouthpiece were both ejected.
Father Alex can certainly tell you he was forearmed. He did not react when he was assaulted, and I know someone besides him who can talk about it.
That was not the impression I got from the other posts. As I said I was not there so I don't know what happened. It was not adding up to me. There are still references of Villa getting charged with this.
Anon 2:24, Whether that happens is up to Father Alex and prosecutors, not me.
Villa, knowing he has gone too far, is now trying to deny he posted the venom here. He claims I'm doing it. Just like he claimed I am Retired ASD Teacher. Just like he claimed i was father Alex. We all know his propensity for links in his comments. We all know his catch phrases. We all know better.
As I've said to you several times now, you are a coward.
Ah yes. Devoting a life chasing a fairytale. How extremely productive.
What amazes me is that after posting his hateful remarks, Villa likes to pretend he is a liberal. All he gives a shit about is himself and a visit to his narcissistic blog is like reading Alice in Wonderland.
Villa = Liberal Asshole
I would not assume that anonymous comments are from any one individual. It seems dangerously, if not merely recklessly, irresponsible to claim someone as an author because of "catch phrases" or links. I know what I have stated things on blogs, here and elsewhere, and my comments have been attributed to other people. There are a lot of sick people out there who play games for their own amusement.
Fr. Alex continues to impress me with how he practices his faith.
It helps me in my resolve to ignore Villa. He continues to attempt to post comments on my blogs that are despicable, and that he attributes to me. He impersonates me by signing my name to them. That is a blatant violation of Blogger's terms of service. But what does he care, in his private hate parade, the only rules that matter are his.
I learned tonight that the Villas will be appearing at Mayfair. How does someone who promotes an agenda of hate get that gig?
Maybe our West End Friend is right, that Villa is being rewarded for doing Pawlowski's bidding on the blogs. I doubt it, but it is a thought that can't be ignored.
Pray for them and ignore them.
That's what I do.
Confucious said:
"Before you embark on a Journey of Revenge, dig two graves."
Don't you ever get tired of digging?
Hey Casey, good job of ignoring.
The fact is as long as someone is moderating a blog and has control of what and what is not posted we will never get the whole story. This is not a poke at Mr O'Hare but he as the final say on what stays up and what gets deleted. Just as everyone else running a blog does. I think we should keep this in mind while reading the posts of people that are Anon or not. We should consider what was posted that may have been deleted for various reasons. That as I see it is a fact that can not be ignored!!
Father Alex aka Angry Priest will impress people when he stops joining in the Ohare hate blog bullshit. I wonder when he will call his butthole buddy Ohare on the many nasty and untrue comments he makes and how he destroys the lives of decent people to get at those he hates or help his political cronies.
Fadder, if you are real and sincere stop harrasing Mr. Villa( the Courthouse guys moved you all alog, they diodn't throw out Villa) and save Ohares soul. Not lying woild be a good start.
Will you get to read this or will Ohare once again censor to promote his bullshit.
You, I, Fr.Alex, one or two friends and your lawyer ALL know that both you and Att'y Robert Sharpe were tossed out of the courthouse by security staff. They didn't take kindly to the way you were screaming that a cleric is a "piece of shit" while your lawyer laughed and egged you on. President Judge McFadden was nearby, and they have an obligation to protect her from lunatics like you. Had they seen your sneaky forearm to Fr. Alex' gut, there is no doubt in my mind you would have been arrested then and there.
No matter how many times you come on this blog anonymously to try and torture Fr. Alex, we all know what a slime you are. Those of us who blog know better than others.
On Friday, you pepeered my blog with repetitive and identical comments until I enabled comment moderation, and then you gleefully noted on your own blog that I was moderating. You did the same thing Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, I must have deleted 100 comments from you. When that happens, you immediately make some snide remark on your own blog.
What really happened is that you know you went too far today with your pedophilic accusations, which are libel per se. So you're trying to cover your tracks.
But we all kniow it is you. We don't even need a sitemeter bc you're nutz bc there is only one person in the LV who has your level of hatred. Sure, there are other trolls. daday has a Stoffa fixation, Maiatty has a fixation against anything R, but you just hate everyone who won't do exactly what you want them to do.
About three weeks ago, you claimed your civil suit against me would be filed the following week. You brag that you will burn everything I own.
Where's your lawusit, Villa? I'm waiting. I look forward to deposing you.
Incidentally, I won't be praying for you.
Oopsie .....................Daisy
Abot 5 minutes after I posted this blog noting how Villa spams my blog, he began to do it again. This proves exactly what I've been saying about the little troll. He's a sick fuck who sits by his computer, waiting for someone to say something, so he can react like the asshole he is.
I will delete the comments, and in far shorter time than it takes for him to post them. I was taught to take out the garbage, and Villa is garbage.
Oopsie .....................Daisy
This is exactly what this insaniac does and he'll do it all day and all night. He's really twisted.
Oopsie .....................Daisy
Why does he do this? All this to answer an excellent question?
Mr. Ohare you really have it in for this poor man and his family. They have lost a loved one and you continue to cause them pain.
What is your reason for that?
You got things reversed. The Villas are sick and twisted people and now you're parading his dead daughter as a justification for their abusive behavior to other people, including a seminarian.
To all:
I appreciate all the warm and well wishes, including all the prayers. I am constantly reminded of the people that came before and their struggles in this life: just as John the Baptizer, before he met his Earthly end, he forgave. And many of the Holy followers of Christ did such the same thing.
I am in no way (h)oly; the word with a lower case (h). But I do try to imagine the suffering some of those endured. If you have read of recently, JP II was documented of whipping himself to shared in the pain of Christ. What ever works for you.
But I have to go no further than to imagine what it was like during Christ's Passion. Not so much for Christ. Because there is no way, whether it be here on this Earth, in hell, or anywhere else I would have been able to endure such pain (physically or emotionally.) Instead I turn to someone who I hold in great esteem. I turn to the Virgin Mary.
Imagine the pain she endured that day watching her only Son be ridiculed, beaten, hung on a Cross, and crucified. For what? Because he healed the sick? Or what it because he bucked the trend?
Either way, before I go about causing more pain or sin in the world; if I am lucky, God gives me a chance to reflect. And I reflect on Mary. I imagine her face, watching her Child endure this suffering. Why should I add to her sufferings. Christ died already for my sins. There is no sense adding to it. In a sense, that keeps me pretty straight.
I just thought I would share that with you. Hopefully, you can make a better point out of it, than I tried to do.
May God be with all of you, ~~Alex
With Fr. Alex getting the last word, this comment thread is now closed. Villa can rant on his own blog.
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