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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

NorCo Voters: Your Ballots Have Two Sides

I signed up to vote by mail, but waited until today to cast by ballot .I wanted to wait a bit to see if there were any last-minute surprises. I just though I should warn you that the ballots are two-sided.  Most of the races are on the front side of the ballot. The rear side includes judicial retentions and the referendum questions concerning term limits. If you're voting by mail, make sure you look at both sides of the ballot. 


Anonymous said...

Early voting is bad. Sletvold's outrageous antics were made public after thousands had already voted. Early voting is a terrible thing. It deprives voters of full campaigns and all information. That's why incumbents demanded it. They protect themselves quite effectively.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bernie for keeping everyone informed. Depending on the municipality some of the school board and council races are also on the back of page. LC also has a two sided ballot.

Mark Cotturo said...

Thanks for keeping us informed, Bernie. I don't think people pay much attention to this kind of stuff unless someone really put its right in front of their faces.

Make sure to check the back side of the ballot and vote no for retention of Judge Sletvold. There has been a lot of information put out in the last couple weeks, none of it good.

Anonymous said...

Early voting is the incumbent protection act.

In the primaries, it limits the time for opponents to fundraise or debate. In the general (and primary), it protects incumbents from last minute revelations or difficult budget votes (which usually happen right before Election Day).

It was sold as something for the voters, but as usual the politicians were the ones who benefited the most.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the option to hold their MIB until election day and use a drop box. My wife and I commute and work during poll hours so MIB actually allows us to participate when we otherwise may not be able to be home during poll hours. I wish i was legally allowed to drop off my wifes ballot for her but thats apparently a criminal act. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

When is the last day to send in my ballot?

Anonymous said...

I realized it too late. I just voted the front and closed the envelopes. Someone else mentioned it so I opened it but I can’t re use the envelopes. I plan to just go to voting place and vote a provisional ballot. Lessons learnt. Thanks