Blogger's Note: On Tuesday, I told you that NorCo Judge Jennifer Sletvold has been reported to the Judicial Conduct Board by Attorney Alyssa Lopiano-Reilly over Sletvold's handling of a custody case involving the grandparents of a special needs boy. Judge Sletvold issued a 53-page response to a recusal motion even though the matter was settled and the motion itself was withdrawn. In it, she attacked both the grandparents and their lawyer in a blatant attempt to poison any judge who might see this case down the road. Fortunately, the Superior Court concluded that Sletvold's verbose invective would contaminate further proceedings and ordered the matter sealed. The Bowies
Since that time, I've heard from the grandparents themselves, They've given me permission to share their story.
Mr. O’Hare,
I live in North Carolina but was a resident of Northampton County, PA for years and a friend sent me a copy of your blog post entitled “Judge Jennifer Sletvold Reported to Judicial Conduct Board for Unfair Treatment of Custody Litigants and Their Lawyer.” I am one of those custody litigants. My name is Kelly Bowie and I am one of the grandparents that are listed in the case that you blogged about. I write to thank you for shining light on all of this.
The way we were treated by Judge Jennifer Sletvold was appalling, disgusting and unjust. What happened to us as a result of Judge Slevold’s arrogance, above the law attitude and blatant disregard for her duty as a sitting judge is hard to imagine or explain. We spent 3 years fighting over something that should have been simple had Judge Sletvold merely done her job.
When we entered Judge Sletvold’s courtroom in October 2020 to ask for permission to relocate with the grandchild in our care to North Carolina, because I had lost my job during Covid, what we anticipated to be a simple hearing (where we would explain the need for the move and how it would benefit our grandson) became an absolute and ongoing nightmare. Judge Sletvold never held any hearing or heard any evidence. She had no details about us or our grandchild or our case. She had no details about the reason our grandchild had been with us, about the amount of time he had been with us (at that point, for 4 years and he was only 6 years old) or about what we had done to try to make sure he was safe and deal with his special needs. She had no details about why the child’s Mother had been out of his life for so very long. She had an expert report from a therapist that explained his concerns about Mother and our grandchild but she immediately discounted that without hearing testimony. Up until that point, the child only had supervised visits with his Mother.
In October, 2020, Judge Sletvold, all off the record, immediately started advocating for Mother sayingthings like “Mother needs overnights and holidays” and “this child needs reunification with the mother - there needs to be reunification immediately.” Then, after bullying the lawyers off the record about what she expected and wanted to see, Judge Sletvold went on the record and made it sound like she just met us and that she was so pleased that the lawyers had worked together to come up with an agreed-upon Order without her assistance. In fact, the opposite was true. She was very involved in the “negotiations” but it was all off the record. The clear underlying threat and theme from her to us, was this: do what I say (without evidence or a hearing) or you won’t like my decision after I hold a hearing (i.e. we wouldn’t be able to move with our grandchild to North Carolina for my new job during Covid). Of course, we had no choice. We were so scared.
The trajectory of our case, at that point, was very clear to us. Judge Slevold made her decision about us without any context, information or data, and was, very simply, totally biased. Worse, it appeared to us that she intended, long term, that our grandchild would be transferred to Mother’s custody, eventually, no matter what was in his best interests. Judge Sletvold was keeping the case even after we moved to North Carolina with the grandchild and despite the fact that no one lived in Northampton County, PA (Mother moved from Alabama to Schuylkill County, PA and never lived in Northampton County). Despite this, Judge Sletvold kept having status conferences about the case and she had a clear mission in favor of Mother and against us. Our lawyer at the time actually told us to fire her and hire another lawyer who might have a better chance of helping us and our grandchild. That was when we found Alyssa Lopiano-Reilly.
We lovingly call Attorney Lopiano-Reilly the “Italian bulldog” for her fearless pursuit of justice, and her unwillingness to allow us to be railroaded buy an unfair Judge with blatant disregard for doing the job she was elected to do. Alyssa filed a Motion for Judge Sletvold to Recuse herself only after Judge Sletvold said, on the record, in August, 2021, that she agreed with Mother’s custody position against us. Remember, she said this after NEVER having taken one shred of evidence in the case (we were present, via Zoom, and saw how angry she was, we heard her say it, and we have a transcript to prove it). Attorney Lopiano-Reilly was respectful and amazingly calm in the face of the unfairness of it all but she was not going to back down.
I saw that your readers asked why this is all coming out now. It is coming out now because it was only this past summer, 2023 that we were finally safe. We had to wait that long for a fair judge to finally say that the case did not belong in PA but belonged in North Carolina where our grandchild had lived and gone to school since November, 2020!
I want to explain that Judge Sletvold never recused herself as she should have immediately done. Rather, in November, 2021, we worked hard and in good faith to settle our underlying custody case before Judge Murray with an Order laying out a clear schedule for Mother to see the child in a way that was safe for him. As part of that settlement, we agreed to withdrawal the Motion to Recuse that we filed in the case against Jennifer Sletvold. That settlement was the opportunity that Judge Sletvold had clearly been waiting for to harm us. She didn’t write 53 pages of false claims in such a short time. She was calculating. She didn’t want to be reviewed on appeal so she waited to protect herself and entered that ridiculous and false 53 pages into the record to harm us and to teach our lawyer a lesson that she shouldn’t dare to challenge her by claiming that she is biased. We couldn’t believe that Judge Sletvold was raising cases that didn’t involve us or our grandchild in a way to harm Attorney Lopiano-Reilly and us by proxy. But her actions did one thing: satisfied us that we were right all along. She was clearly biased and angry and out to harm us without any concern for our grandson. Judge Sletvold had held a grudge that we had nothing to do with. Her grudge was personal and was against our lawyer for standing up to her in the past. It was crazy. But that wasn’t enough for Judge Sletvold. The turning point was when Judge Sletvold was given a SECOND chance to do that right thing when she was asked by Attorney Lopiano-Reilly to remove her 53 page defamatory statement from the record so we could at least have a fair and unbiased position in the underlying custody case before a Schuylkill County judge. Judge Sletvold refused to do that. It was astonishing that she refused to reconsider her illegal actions and that she then went on and on to try to claim they were not illegal in her statement filed with the higher court. She forced us to take the appeal to the Superior Court and she lost, thankfully. As you said, in your blog, we eventually found a reasonable and unbiased judge in Schuylkill County, who released jurisdiction to North Carolina (after we were out of the Commonwealth 33 months).
In the end, we were the ones harmed. I lost count of the amount of conferences/preliminary objections/objections/hearings/documentation over the 28 months that we worked with Attorney Lopiano-Reilly: first in Northampton County, then before the Superior Court and then in Schuylkill County. The expense and time (particularly of the appeal) was unbelievable. We spent over $167, 000 in fees and court costs to fight this case for 3 years, mostly due to Judge Sletvold. We could have put our grandson through medical school at that rate and frankly, it will mean that I will have to work many additional years, instead of retiring, to cover the tremendous expense.
We are just incredibly grateful for Attorney Lopiano-Reilly and that we had the resources to fight and what saddens us is to think how many other people have lost their children because they did not have the resources to fight Judge Jennifer Slevold. The emotional toll is heavy.
Thank you for doing this. Thank you for shining a light on this travesty of injustice. Jennifer Slevold should never wear a black robe again.
Kelly Bowie
These people deserve a Gofundme. I bet they could raise over $200,000 if this story breaks out.
Judge will probably argue to the judicial disciplinary board she was going through difficult times or something that caused her to write her 53 page manifesto. Are the judge discipline results public record?
So all this attention on one judge. how about the other one that is equally as toxic? Are you going to surprise us with more?
I was told that the county Republican Party has decided to push this judge out on Election Day. Should be interesting…
You are like a dog with a bone on this story.
What a tool.
I mean that midwife Sletvold
Bernie, you did a nice thing by writing the article on this. I knew what decision to make on the election form.
I hope they can and will sue her to a point that they recover the cost that they occurred in this case. Sletvold needs to be thrown out.
Sletvold seems mentally unstable and in need of help. Mental illness doesn't discriminate, based on station in life. From judges to the homeless, it's a human tragedy. She's clearly struggling. She's demonstrably unfit.
Why hasn’t president judge Dally done something about her? It seems this whole mess happened on hIs watch?
If the equally toxic judge you are referring to is Roscioli, that is next year’s retention discussion.
The judge's longtime known history of intemperance, sometimes seeming like paranoia, toward lawyers plus the 53 page opinion - perhaps a career pinnacle point of her acting out - suggest a superiority complex, not mental illness. She makes an effort to befriend some lawyers, which is genuine and needed to compensate internally and for a public image. She is being called out presently and this should be a humbling experience, but maybe not. We'll never know unless she issues an apology and that should not be expected. The JCB will do nothing more than privately caution her and tell her to tone it down. Long term, she is unlikely to change. The robe draws out personality traits good and bad. She will be on the bench for a long time. There are all kinds of lawyers and judges. She is neither the first nor last of her type.
I am at a for words, except one, outrageous!
Judge Koury was President Judge at the time. If judges knew about this and didn’t report SLETVOLD themselves, don’t they have an ethical problem? Hope they aren’t bending over to protect one of their own before the Judicial Discipline Committee. That would be a shame. Even if this judge gets retained (because they all do) this Attorney has guts! Just love strong Italian women (I’m married to one!).
Sletvold has been a problem for much longer. I can personally verify she exhibited similar behavior in 2019 when Judge Koury was running the show.
I have written to every member of the Northampton County Council to urge the Council President to schedule a meeting of the Courts and Corrections Committee to enlist the help of Judge Dally in dealing with Sletvold and her malfeasance.
I completely agree! I would contribute to their fund. The unnecessary anguish these Grandparents went through to protect and provide for there Grandson is difficult to comprehend. Sletvold always tried to prove she was the most intelligent in the room. I had no clue it ran this deep. I’m not sure who is worse, Roscioli or Sletvold. I have witnessed Roscioli on many, many occasions publicly humiliate and degrade people in the courtroom. I couldn’t have imagined anyone more power thirsty than she. As a woman, I’m sad to say these two women have overstayed their welcome in OUR county.
I am a Foster Care/Adoption worker located in Berks County, but I work throughout the State in many jurisdictions. Honestly, something has shifted within the Court system starting a little over 10 years ago.
For some reason, Judges seem to be siding more and more with the parents despite overwhelming evidence that parental rights should be terminated and the Judges insist on reunification.
I have cases where the parents have been sentenced to prison for 10 years and the judge won't terminate and insists on reunification and orders prison visitation. I have other cases where parents don't show up for hearing after hearing and the Judge still won't terminate and insists on reunification, yet ordered that the Children and Youth agency stop making the parent be drugged tested because it is Unconstitional, even though the parent has a history of drug addiction and arrests. I have another case where the children were physically and sexually abused by the parents (Mom by omission) and the Judge won't terminate parental rights but insists on reunification with the mother. There has been a systemic shift in the Judicial system, in which a parent's rights seems to supercede the well being and best interest of the child. My coworkers have similar stories, too.
It's sad to say, but Judge Sletvold no longer seems the exception, but rather the rule when it comes to child welfare cases. We used to dread having a case in Philadelphia because of the complicated process in their jurisdiction and the bureaucracy involved. Nowadays, we'd much rather have a case there instead of Montgomery County, Bucks County or another similar district.
To Kelly Bowie- I have no doubt what you're saying is true. Many pre-adoptive foster parents have given up "dealing with the system" without getting permanency, while a few had the resources to appeal the Judge's decisions. I'm glad that it worked out for you.
These cases are very delicate and often filled with details that have not been shared here. Obviously there is more to this story. But people judge on so little facts these days. For all you who have passed judgement without all the facts. Just remember that you too may be in a situation one day where people may judge you without all the facts
Northampton County Child Custody is all corrupt. My heart goes out to these grandparents. Just an FYI and someone many parents would like removed, Custody Master Lisa Tresslar. The Custody master's own attorney represents other family cases heard in Northampton County that she's involved with decision-making. Conflict of Interest much! She should not be allowed in any courtroom with her own attorney representing parents. Look at the decisions she's allowed to make.
Everyone should read 1146 comment.
This is why we have appellate review. The higher court DOES have all the facts, and their finding against Sletvold in both the cases I have referenced support that she is ignorant of the law and fails to demonstrate a judicial temperament.
During my career I dealt with 9 different county judicial systems in Northeast PA on a regular basis. I learned that most judges are assholes lol. Not all but a good portion of them belonged no where near a judges robe. I dealt with corrupt Luzerne county and Lackawanna county as well. The things that routinely happen on a daily basis in these court houses is appalling. Many judges relish in their power, berating and bullying people on a daily basis. It’s disgusting.
We are going through a similar situation in Northampton County. It is a complete nightmare and the intimidation that Judge Murray is inflicting upon our family is reprehensible. Funny how the opposing party is allowed to use information that is hearsay but when it is my lawyers turn to defend ourselves, we never have a chance. This is the judicial system in Northampton County and they use threats to take children away from the parents even when CYS testified that there is no issues on my end and my child is safe. I’m wondering how many children are being used as pawns to make more money for the city?
Didn’t I read that SLETVOLD has been assigned judge of a special court for veterans? the picture of the Bowie grandfather she harmed has a veteran pin on. Wonderful irony.
The real culprit here is Craig Dally, who did, and is doing, nothing. Craig Dally is bad people for letting this happen, and continue to happen. I don't want to read any more puff pieces for this POS. HE'S the problem. Prove me wrong.
Given what I am hearing from both R and D committee members, it looks like they are going to have to find someone else to fill that role.
Judge Sletvold probably won’t be around to see the operation of this new court.
That's wishful thinking on your part. Judge Sletvold will easily win retention. She has no reason to worry. There are some people who always vote NO in retention races, but most people always vote YES. I know of no effort being mounted by Dems, who are more concerned about contested races. There is a push among Rs, but the county GOP is splintered.
Also these stories about Sletvold are coming out after 12,000 people have already voted.
This is the truth here. If this effort had been mounted and started 2 months ago, then maaaaaybe but even then it would be a long shot.
Sletvold is going to win retention. After that, I am sure there will be a day of reconning for the very vocal nay-sayers.
Say what you will about them, the Dems are smart for staying out of this one.
I agree with the comments about President Judge Dally. He allowed this to happen. Past President Judges have been far stronger and more decisive. President Judge Stephen Baratta refused to tolerate the appalling misconduct of Judges Sletvold and Roscioli and Court Administrator Jermaine Greene in any way, shape, or form. President Judge Michael J. Koury, Jr., despite egregious pressure from Judges Sletvold and Roscioli, fully supported Lisa Tresslar and never adopted the procedural changes that Judges Sletvold and Roscioli and Court Administrator Greene demanded. However, as soon as Craig Dally took over as President Judge in May 2023, he immediately knuckled under to Sletvold and Roscioli and placed Jermaine Greene in charge of the Custody Court, rendering the Custody Court completely dysfunctional and potentially harming the children and families of Northampton County. As we have recently learned, Judge John M. Morganelli implored President Judge Dally to get Greene out of the Custody Court immediately and place Tresslar back in charge, for the good of all concerned. President Judge Dally agreed with Judge Morganelli but was paralyzed with fear (of what we can only speculate) and did nothing. At that point, Judge Morganelli resigned in disgust as Administrative Judge of the Custody Division, which effectively compelled Tresslar to resign as well.
Jermaine Greene is incompetent, dishonest, and corrupt. Let’s be blunt. The Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts (“AOPC”) should fire him.
Furthermore, what no one seems to be commenting on is, where is the Judicial Conduct Board? It is nowhere to be found. Apparently, the Board has interviewed several people, at least six months ago, about the misconduct of Sletvold, and yet there has been not one peep out of them. Perhaps if they had been more efficient in doing their job, if they intend to do it at all, voters would have been better informed and better prepared to make a choice on Sletvold’s retention. Additionally, the investigation of Sletvold should have triggered an investigation into, at a minimum, both Roscioli and Dally.
It appears that the whole purpose of the Judicial Conduct Board is to circle the wagons around corrupt judges.
Dally, Roscioli, and Sletvold should not be allowed to continue serving as judges. For certain, they should not be allowed to hear any cases involving the safety and welfare of children.
Shameful that Northampton Count court system can cost a elderly couple $167,000 dollars of essentially retirement savings to be proven right after lengthy litigation. How does one recoup that money? Money spent to protect a child. I know the issue in this article is about the dysfunction of the court system primarily the judges, but I feel terrible for the grandparents who have to shoulder a heavy financial burden in their older age.
Yes, he has been a 100% disabled veteran since 2015. Sadly, her concern for Veterans only started recently
The JCB focuses its limited resources on judges who fix cases and commit crimes. Judges who demonstrate a lack of decorum and are occasionally flat out mean are of concern but those complaints can't get the same attention and generally will not result in consequences beyond a recommendation of caution or a warning and an instruction to refrain from such behavior. These results are not made public. Do not expect the JCB to fix the perceived problem of unfit judges in NC with significant action.
Totally true. The people on here reading this blog are political junkies. Most people have no clue about what goes on in our country. Sadly, many people can’t name who the Vice President is or who the major cabinet members are, never mind local government issues. Sletvold will be retained to get another 10 years feeding at the government trough. 220k a year to work 35 hours a week. With automatic raises. Nice work if you can get it.
Why would a PAC from Florida (Build Our Futures) spend dark money in a municipal race for Mayor? Is it to protect the benefactor from the mudslinging? Is it to brew division in a community to advance another objective, or is the influence of a career campaigner who is know for mudslinging. Do such PACs need to be register and file campaign finance reports?
Nice article I voted YES to retain Sletvold
Tresslar has a bad case of sour grapes. She has a very impressive set of qualifications and could write her own tick. et in the private sector. Yet she broods and bashes 3 judges and a court administrator, complaining of harassment for many years at this job. Then why stay? I see, she was allowed to scofflaw as she wished, with full knowledge and support from her superiors , have a 3 day per week fifedom, 2 days at home, and a cushy "do as I please" arrangement for many years as a connected untouchable. Well miss lisa, all good things come to an end. So instead of going down the rabbit hole as you have clearly done, accusing others of workplace crimes, put on your big girl pants and move on professionally. Or you can keep swamping this blog with potshots at others and destroy yourself in the process.
I hope you wind up in her courtroom someday
1:40- You had me one crime that you say Tresslar alleges.
I have been in her courtroom, both as a litigant and as an observer.
The arrogance and heavy handed way that she deals with those who come under her authority is quite clear.
In my case, Sletvold performed some legal gymnastics to try to justify the verdict she had already decided to render (absent evidence), and then was smacked down by the Superior Court for not understanding that she doesn’t possess executive powers to charge new crimes in the middle of a hearing.
I guess this judge missed out on 6th grade civics. Thats ok. With any luck, she will have plenty of time to brush up on this and any other topics in which she is woefully ignorant.
Right, but if you know this woman personally or have had any dealings with her professionally, then you know everything written about Judge Sletvold is totally believable.
Absolutely agree! The whole division needs to be investigated!
Well, that sounds oxymoron, because the people who were commenting with political junkies then they certainly should be able to answer or know the questions you claim they would have no clue about?! I don’t believe they are political junkies at all. I believe they are people who know the corruption that exists because they have either experienced it all, too personally, or know someone close to them who has. I for one… have!! Some extremely corrupt acts have gone on in this county government center for many years!
My family has also been effected by judge Sletvold and still is to this today. She has done the almost EXACT same thing to us. If anyone has any info on what we could do please respond.
I was a victim of this judges abuse. I was fighting for custody of my daughter and she threatened me in the support hearing about custody. (I have the transcript). Then when she followed through with her threat she told my lawyer that if I didn't do what the judge said and give up my rights she would do the same thing if it went to trial and I would never be able to bring it up again. She forced me to give up my rights and my relationship with my daughter has never been the same. How do I fight this judge? They bled me dry I had no money left and still paying the debts I incurred.
Sadly, I am
just finding all this stuff out now. I am so happy to see darkness coming to light. Both happy and sad to see many others went through it too. Least I know I am
not mentally ill or vindictive one. Projection at its finest looks like. I have suffered years the damage Sletvold wrongly did and I do not even like to think about what my child could have experienced the past years. I hope she goes to, along with the abusers, she assisted. Now I understand why she went so hard at helping and protecting an abuser. She isnt going to go after someone like herself.
I am a year later and just seeing all this stuff now. Years ago, Sletvold did same to me and my child, custody to an abusive parent.
I will be following this thread as my family too fell victim to this crook excuse of a judge
Happened to me in Lehigh county. Custody was given to the abusive parent and no one wants to go up against my exes corrupt lawyer Iacobelli
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