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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, October 19, 2023

I Get a Package

I live in an apartment building in Nazareth with many tenants. When I arrived home today, several of them would smirk or laugh and ask how often I am on the toilet. I had no idea what the hell they were talking about until I checked my mail. Someone had sent me a package containing a book, and packages are laid out for everyone to see.

The wiseass who sent me this package addressed it to "Bernie O'Hare - May Be On Toilet." 

There was also some white powdery substance inside, but I dismissed that as the sender's dandruff. 

This is the kind of aggravation I suffer every day for being so handsome. 

Needless to say, there will be retaliation. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, it did come from the "Fulfillment Services."

Anonymous said...

I have found that when one is publicly critical of certain political and governmental figures that this sort of thing tends to happen. I have been a victim of it multiple times, including mail to my friends and political allies as well as some bizarre writings that would best be described as "love letters".

If this is happening to you, you are doing something right.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones reminded us in the song, When The Whip Comes Down (1978):

When the shit hits the fan
I'll be sitting on the can

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:46, Lol, the person who sent it is a friend and did so as a joke, not to silence me. I've received those letters. too, nut not for a few years.